Heat melts

Push and Pull

Yeri was soon added to the group taking the title 'maknae' away from Joy (although the former reckons they can share it).

They were already preparing to launch their mini-album titled 'Ice Cream Cake' named after the album's carrier single.

The girls are to dye their hair blonde and all five members were really keen to see the results.

"I think blonde suits you", Irene said while pouring milk on her cereals. Seulgi is sat across her munching away her own bowl of cereals while the other three members are out to meet friends.

"How would you know?", Seulgi said as she swallowed a spoonful.

Irene contemplated before saying,"Because you're pretty even without your hair".

Seulgi was gonna say something along the lines of 'I don't really want to imagine myself without a hair but I'll take that as a compliment' but then... Irene winked at her.

Irene mother-effing winked and Seulgi almost lost it and started choking on her cereals.

"Oh my god Seul!", Irene said, voice filled with concern for the bear who is now smacking her chest with her fist. "Here! Drink some water!"

Seulgi took the glass and drank. "Holy hell. I thought I was gonna die."

"This is why you should chew your food properly", lectured the leader who is now stood beside the other girl gently rubbing her back.

"This is why you should stop being so hot", Seulgi mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Oh! I said it's so hot. Let's go out and get some ice cream!"


"Green tea ice cream is like the best thing ever!", said the bear who was happily eating away like a little kid.

"I disagree. Chocolate will always be the best thing! I would, however, place green tea as the second placer", Irene said.

"Green tea."

"Chocolate!", Irene insisted, then giggled when she saw the side of Seulgi's mouth full of ice cream.

Seulgi saw movement in the corner of her eyes and before she knew it, Irene is cupping her chin and she got frozen in her spot.

Irene had her tongue sticking out just a little bit and her eyes squinted in concentration as she tries to get rid of the ice cream from Seulgi's mouth with her thumb. After doing so, she smiled triumphantly and brought her thumb to her own mouth while keeping eye contact with the girl sitting across her.

Said girl, however, is trying her best  to keep her ovaries from exploding.

"Still hot. I don't think the ice cream is doing its job properly."


The two girls were casually walking on the streets with their arms linked enjoying the breeze.

Seulgi took in a deep breath, "Aaaaaaaaahh! This is amazing!"

"I know! It's like the best thing ever!"

"I thought it's chocolate ice cream?", she questioned the other girl.

"I changed my mind", Irene answered with a chuckle.

Seulgi just shook her head and said, "You're such a girl."

"And you're my boy", Irene said as she held onto Seulgi tighter.

Whoever thought bears could blush? the latter thought as she tried to hide her pink cheeks.


Irene is sitting, sipping on her cold drink, as Seulgi excused herself to get something from the store next door.

She was starting to get impatient when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw a little kid holding a pink rose. She smiled sweetly and took the flower. "Thank you." The kid smiled back then ran.

Not even a minute passed when there was another tap on her shoulder. Another kid holding a pink rose. She searched for any other person around. No one. She took it and thanked the kid while giving him a smile.

And then there was another. And another. And another. And then she saw Seulgi approaching. 

"Hey! Where did they come from?", she asked pointing at the flowers on Irene's lap. She saw the latter's shoulder subtly fall.


There was a guy standing holding a whole bouquet of flowers. "From your biggest fan." After Irene took the flowers, the guy took off even before the girl could say thank you.

"Who the hell is that?", Seulgi asked.

Irene just shrugged. Suddenly she's not interested in the flowers anymore.


"I think they're already fast asleep", the leader softly spoke, talking about the three girls they haven't seen all day.

Seulgi and Irene were standing in the living room.

"Where did you go when you left me in the restaurant?"

"I went to buy something next door but they didn't have it so.."

"What took you so long?"

"Well, I met a few people and talked to them", Seulgi answered while she scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry."

Irene thought for a while then something clicked in her mind.

She smiled and said, "They're from you aren't they?"


"Stop lying. You met people and talked to them... and asked them to give these to me", Irene said holding the flowers up.

There was a sigh. "I'm a bad liar aren't I?", Seulgi said as she, herself, broke into a grin.

She found herself getting tackled by the smaller girl in a tight hug.

"You know wanna know a secret?", Irene whispered. Seulgi felt herself shiver as the former's breath tickled her ear.


"I've always thought you're the best thing ever, and nothing would ever change my mind about that."

Seulgi's heart melted at what she heard. She hugged Irene tighter, wishing for the moment to last forever.

But we don't always get what we want, do we?



Love you guys! As always, I value your comments just as much as Seulbear values her rabbit! <3


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Chapter 14: Please update author-nim :'((((
Chapter 14: Hello ~

I've been reading your story recently and now I'm in love with it. Just take your time writing this but please don't drop it forever. I love your story and I think it's really cute. I'm looking forward to your reply, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 14: take your time~~
margaux_mc #4
So is this story already done ?? hope not yet...
yeolow #5
Chapter 13: Updateuuu sooon xD
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww i keep falling in love
izzie318 #8
Chapter 14: Filo here!!! Thank you author for watching The Rich Man's Daughter :) It's the best!!! Hope everyone would watch it too because it is the first and only lesbian series here in the Philippines...
Chapter 14: Hi author!!! I was so excited that I thought you updated but it's okay :') lol I'm a filipino and yeah the show its the first time I ship filipino artist lol xD glaiza and rian lol =))) Update soon!!!!
pataymalixa #10
Chapter 13: O<-<
I thought I was browsing at the complete tag.
Please update soon I really like your fic. ;)