Chapter Four : Like A Fool

Into the light



Seungho POV

For the past couple of days he been asking himself why he did it. Why he had to act so unlike himself in the one time he couldn’t afford to. The accident was over and done with and just as promised not a word had gone out, not even to the other two members.  Joon was back to his usual cheerfulness and Cheondoong no longer spoke of conspiracies and schemes … no one pondered or dwelled on what happened.

 no one except for Seungho , who was waiting for the other shoe to drop , For the consequences of his reckless act to hunt him down … waiting for exactly this  , but still as he listened to Joon’s breathless  , babbling explanation he wondered  , wasn’t it too soon ??

“Changsun calm down and tell me where you saw her? “He sternly asked.

“I … what are we going to do? “ Joon panicky asked back, his head suspiciously scanning their practice room.

“We’re going to deal with it, now tell me “

“I saw her upstairs, I think she’s heading to the offices!! “ Joon answered, his voice rising with concern.

“Dammit ….  Go distract Hyounsub Hyung and everyone else that might be here while I talk to her “Seungho ordered as he headed to the stairs.

“But … how am I supposed to do that! “ Joon shouted behind him.

“I don’t know!  Ask Mir to do the usual “he sent back, his mind already jammed. Should he drag her out of there? Threaten? Maybe beg! And a billion other thought …. But it all came back to that one big question   …. Why did he do it !





As soon as Seungho cleared up the stairs leading up from the basement he started running, JTune camp building wasn’t big at all and if Joon was right about where she’s heading then they are screwed.

He first scanned the lobby and the main entrance for the troublesome girl then started searching the rooms one by one, it didn’t make any sense to him that she would find out about them so soon but again….  being the fool that he is he might have missed something .

“Yeah!!”Came the scream from behind him and him span around in utter shock while grasping at his chest.

“Do you people have no sense of self preservation?  “Was yelled at him and he speechless gaped at the person moving toward him.

“You’re just like a punch of kids who never think! “ The rant went on but the voice went down to almost a whisper “if it was anyone else you would be looking for a job at a ramen shop by now “

Seungho mind as opposed to a minute ago went completely blink and he just kept on staring. It wasn’t his huge manager yelling, or his frightening CEO Rain …. No, it was this small average looking girl shooting daggers at him and for some reason he was taken aback.

“ ummm … “ was his first  attempt at speaking and he had to shake his head twice before a sane thought could even come to him then he tried again “ why are you yelling ? “

“Because someone had to go off and do something so stupid! “

Seungho agreed with that but still … wasn’t he the one that supposed to be throwing a fit! After all it was his career on the line and his employers so near, it was all too ridicules and even more with the fact that she managed to ….

“How the hell do you get in here?” he exclaimed as it finally dawned on him.

“See … “she retorted as she shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment “   this is what I mean, how long did it take you to realize that I shouldn’t be in here? And I don’t think the other guy got it either “

“What?  “ he asked felling completely lost then added as he thought of something  “ are you one of these obsessive fans who put their  idols in crazy situations in hope they will fall for them ? “

“What? No!! “She answered seemingly offend and Seungho was struck with how much she looked like her brother when she did that …. But unlike what he felt for her little brother, Seungho didn’t like this girl, not in the least bit.

“You see I got in ...” Hyesun started explained but cut off when someone appeared before them.

“Hyung “Mir enthusiastically called and to Seungho utter horror he smiled sweetly at the girl that brought them so much agony

“Cheolyong “he acknowledged faintly while glaring a warning at him.

“Can I talk to you Hyung?” the younger man cheerfully asked, his eyes never leaving Hyesun.

“Later  ...” Seungho snapped and when he notices Mir recall back a little with his smile turning unease he felt reassurance that he still got his deathly glare, now all he has to do is use it on the girl!  

“Hyung! “ Mir called again much more softly and Seungho complied with a sight.

“Don’t move an inch “ he called sternly as Mir pulled him toward the stairs but Hyesun just looked at him seemingly unimpressed.

When they  got to the railing Seungho stopped,  refusing to go any farther where she would be out of his sight and told Mir irritably “ this better be important ! “

“You never told me you knew her? ” Mir expressed with awe and faked anger   “but I will forgive you Hyung … if you introduce us “

“Come again?  “ Seungho asked, blaming his mishearing on her sudden movement.

“Hye...sun, that’s her name right? “

“How did you know that? “ Seungho shouted, already suspecting Joon as the source of the spill.

“WAHH, there goes my hearing! “ Mir playfully complained.

“Cheolyong, I swear … “

“Ok  ...ok “ Mir fearfully gave in “ I asked Noona Guseul about her once after I saw them together … but I’ve been keeping an eye on her ever since she started working for the cranky Ashuassi cleaner across the street “

“ What  ? “ Seungho blankly question , then turned to Hyesun without hearing Mir confirmation … shock , confusion and whole lot of anger swirled in him , but when he looked at her now smiling apologetically  it all disappeared and he was left with one thought ….. She made him feel like a fool.







Author notes:  I had to split this chapter to two parts because it turned out so long, part two will be up soon, promise and it will be back to Hyesun Pov ,I  hope everone is enjoying it so far and if you’re curios about Seungho foolish act just refer to the last words from chapter three …. You might be able to guess it!

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ohshytsitzmarina #1
It's been awhile. Hope you update soon.