Beast's eyes

Forest mist

Ryeowook didn't have time to talk with Kyuhyun later. His guest stayed in his room till late evening. When Kyuhyun finally showed up, he wasn't wearing the hood anymore. The aura of mystery vanished, yet the tension between them was still there. Kyuhyun's hair was brown and wavy, showing his handsome face. His eyes were piercing and dark, making Ryeowook feel even more open, then when these eyes were hidden in the shadow of the hood. Kyuhyun was tall and skinny, but Ryeowook sensed, that if Kyuhyun wanted, he would show how strong he truly was.

Ryeowook made dinner for him, and Kyuhyun ate that in a hurry. He had time to praise Ryeowook's cooking, but not to talk with the owner of the inn. Ryeowook didn't know why he wanted to talk to Kyuhyun so much. He felt weird fascination towards Kyuhyun.

Ryeowook couldn't even ask at what time Kyuhyun will be back, when the other informed him he is going out. Kyuhyun almost ran from the inn, barely saying see you soon to Ryeowook, and ran down the path toward the city. He left Ryeowook hanging and with a feeling of emptiness. Only now Ryeowook noticed how his thought revolves around the other man so suddenly. How Kyuhyun slowly starts to occupy his every thought. It was weird and bit scary, consider that they just met.

Ryeowook could only sigh, disappointed. It was a while when he had a guest in his inn. And Kyuhyun was attractive for Ryeowook, so he wanted him to be near the other as much as possible. Ryeowook bashed himself for feeling like that toward someone, he had just met. But on the other hand, he felt like he saw Kyuhyun somewhere, like they met years ago. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he knew Kyuhyun all his life, even if he know about Kyuhyun almost nothing.

Ryeowook sat on the sofa in the living room and buried his face into the pillow, groaning from frustration. Never in his life he felt so strange like that.

To distract himself, he switched on the tv and watched some news. He sat on the sofa more comfortably. His eyelids started to get heavy and Ryeowook started to get sleepy, yet didn't fall asleep. His body began to get heavier and he sank deeper into the softness of the sofa.

 After a while, he started to smell the scent of forest before the rain. Heavy musky fragrance of wood mixed with stiff aroma of dry ground. The scent got stronger and Ryeowook's body become lighter. Soon, Ryeowook felt like he was walking in the forest, as if he was there. He opened his eyes, only to see the forest around him. He gently touched passed trees. His bare feet felt the heat of dry ground. And Ryeowook smelt dryness of the air and fragrant scent of wood. He stopped walking and took a sip from the waterfall. The water there, was cold and refreshing, just as Ryeowook really drank it. When he looked around after that, the wood changed colors, as night almost came. Trees' color changed to dark green and gray. Ryeowook could feel the air get heavier and he heard thunder around him. Soon, the ground under his feet started to get cold, as the wood got surrounded by heavy fog. Ryeowook could fell small drops of rain on his skin. Suddenly, he heard steps. He looked around, but couldn't see anything, even his own feet. Without warning Ryeowook heard a snap of a branch behind him and smell of wet fur reached his nose. He immediately turned around and stopped breathing for a second. His eyes locked with the huge black eyes and Ryeowook froze. Ryeowook felt a puff of rotten air on his face yet didn't move, nor screamed. He took deep breathe and felt like his legs started to wobble- from fear or excitement, Ryeowook didn't know. He blinked and looked deep into these dark eyes. They were huge and were lacking light. They looked dead, yet Ryeowook felt that deep inside, they hide their light. These eyes were looking pure yet wildness in them made Ryeowook feel not completely at ease. These black eyes were looking at him calmly. Ryeowook could read that the one who have them, want him not to fear. Ryeowook tried to reach his hand toward them, to see if they are real, or only his illusion. He couldn't move his head in any other direction but these black eyes. He wanted to see the face, but his eyes refuse to move, as if his gaze was trapped and locked with the other's.

He whimpered and shudder when he felt a soft touch on his cheek. He opened his eyes, his vision blurred and vanished in thin air. His eyes locked with Kyuhyun's and Ryeowook had that weird feelings that the eyes in his vision and the ones Kyuhyun had were similar. Kyuhyun looked at him; soft and peaceful. It was the first time Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook like that. The aura around him, dark and tensed, was nowhere to be seen.

"You will catch a cold sleeping here." Kyuhyun softly said with a small smile. That smile made Ryeowook's heart skip a beat. Ryeowook noticed how the other was leaning over him and was brushing his cheek, slowly and softly. He surpassed his desire to lean towards the touch. He quickly sat up, making Kyuhyun back away a little, smile quickly faded.

"I wasn't sleeping." Ryeowook informed the other, as he shyly played with the pillow on his lap. Kyuhyun didn't say anything over it. He only smiled lightly. His eyes shone when Ryeowook looked at him after a while. He looked happy, why? Ryeowook didn't know. "It's getting late. I should go to sleep." Ryeowook informed and yawned, making Kyuhyun chuckle. Ryeowook shivered at the sound.

"Sleep well. I will stay here for a while." Kyuhyun said and sat next to the window, in Ryeowook's favorite place. Ryeowook wanted to say that Kyuhyun shouldn't stay for too long, but bite his tongue before doing so. He shouldn't nag his guest. Kyuhyun was only here temporary. He paid to stay here. They weren't friends and that thought made Ryeowook felt a small stab in his heart.

"Goodnight." Ryeowook spoke his goodbye and went to his bedroom, leaving Kyuhyun alone. He didn't know that in the living room, Kyuhyun was wrapping himself in Ryeowook's blanket and was sniffing his scent like a dog. He didn't know how Kyuhyun whimpered lightly as Ryeowook's scent overwhelmed his all senses. 

"I hope I will reach your heart before anyone stole you from me." Kyuhyun mumbled to himself as he nuzzled his cheek on Ryeowook's blanket. His eyes went foggy and turned darker.




It was after midnight, when Ryeowook woke up and get down, heading to the kitchen. He was passing the living room when he noticed Kyuhyun, sleeping in Ryeowook's favorite place next to the window.

"Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook said to himself and went to the sleeping guest. He reached his hand to touch Kyuhyun's soft hair, but stopped himself. "Kyuhyun, wake up, you can't sleep here." Ryeowook called the other and bite his own lip. He put his hand on Kyuhyun't shoulder and shook him lightly. No reaction. He has done it again and was about to withdraw his hand, when Kyuhyun suddenly held his hand. That action made Ryeowook felt weird sensation and warm on their touched skin. It spread all over his body.

Their eyes met and Ryeowook felt a shudder running down his spine. Kyuhyun's eyes were deep dark, identical to the wolf's eyes Ryeowook saw in his vision. Kyuhyun's eyes were looking intensively at him, making him feel bare and open. Ryeowook felt like he was drawn by the other's eyes. He wanted to always look at them and felt Kyuhyun's skin on his. His own hand squeezed Kyuhyun's hand tighter at the thought.

"K-Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook stuttered, when Kyuhyun's hold tightened. It made Kyuhyun blink and woke up from his trance. He let go of Ryeowook and looked down embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry..." Kyuhyun said as he gazed away from the other am. Ryeowook smiled at the other warmly. He himself was feeling shy. He didn't know why, but he loved being near Kyuhyun, looking at him, talking to him and mostly feeling his skin on his own. As crazy as it sound.

"It's ok, you should go to sleep in your bed now."

"How can I, when you are just a wall apart?" Kyuhyun turned around and looked at shocked Ryeowook. He saw how the other man's cheeks dimmed in red.

"W-what does that mean?" Ryeowook managed to ask. His heart beat like crazy. He felt strange happiness, that danced around in his stomach.

"Sorry. I woke up with an idea of the continuation of the chapter I'm currently working on." Kyuhyun apologized, but Ryeowook felt like the other wasn't telling him the truth.

"I..I see." Ryeowook trailed, feeling somehow disappointed over Kyuhyun's reply. The happiness he felt a moment ago dropped, leaving his unsatisfied. He didn't even know Kyuhyun was a writer. Realizing that he knows nothing about Kyuhyun made Ryeowook feel sad.

"I will go write now."

Kyuhyun stood up, said Goodnight to the other and passed him. Ryeowook could only turn around and look at Kyuhyun's retreating back. He wanted to run after Kyuhyun and hugged him from behind. His desire was stronger than his logic. He made a step towards Kyuhyun. Suddenly, however, Ryeowook smelled the scent of forest and wolf's eyes show up before his eyes. He almost yelped, frightened. He shudders, scared. And as soon as Kyuhyun went to his bedroom, Ryeowook wen to his own.

Ryeowook buried his head in the pillow and closed his eyes, but the vision of the wolf's eyes appeared again. He snapped his eyes open and sat on the bed he was lying in. Immediately after that, he heard the sound of the front door shut. Curious, he got out of his bed and looked outside. In the darkness of the night, he saw a silhouette running towards the forest. He wondered who or what it was. He went to check if it was Kyuhyun, but he heard a sound of writing machine in the other's bedroom.

 Still in wonder, Ryeowook go back to his bed. He couldn't sleep for few hours, wondering who was running towards the forest. Why Kyuhyun's eyes looked identical to wolf's eyes from his vision. And mostly, why he acts towards Kyuhyun like that.



A/N: New Chapter and new things, more things...

Wook have visions!! Kyu is more friendly, but why?

I would like to say, because I forget to mention it previously, that fic's idea was created after I read my favorite author's fanfiction. Her name is Jaceni and the ff is called 'Intewinded Destinies', if someone ship Jaemin or Hosu, I strictly recommend you to read that fic right away!!! She made me love fantasy ff so much. (Not even mention I love fantasy books, but otp in fantasy fic is just and werewolfs @.@)

After giving honors to her (bow and kneel before her *.*) I want to thank you all who commented on first chapter. I was so surprised to receive so much comments. I expected max 5? I hope I will not disappoint you all, as story will show up more. my style in chapter 2 could change, because, as I wrote it in some comments, that first chapter was wrote year+ ago.

Anyway thank you all for taking time with this fic, enjoy and see you next time :D


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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!