Rightful place

Forest mist


Ryeowook don’t know for how long he was staying under that tree. His body was stiff from pain and the blood stopped coming out. His eyes, glued to the moon, was getting more and more red. Yet, Ryeowook couldn’t move or stop looking. He didn’t want to. The moon, even if it wasn’t full yet (a few days before it) was shining so brightly. Ryeowook practically could feel its coldness, yet warmth seeping into him. He heard a thunder not so far from him, but didn’t even fear it. He started to feel as if he was a part of nature. As if he belongs there; free, between trees and next to animals. He opened his mouth, feeling like he will cough, but what come out was beyond his imagination. He growled  like a dog and after taking a breath, he howled. Ryeowook looked surprised and made more sounds, pushing aside the burning feeling he had from the wounded throat. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he made more and more sounds. Yet, his happiness wasn’t long as his throat refused to make more sound and Ryeowook cough blood. He curled on the ground and tried to breathe despite the coughing spasms.

‘Why it happens?’ Ryeowook wonders as he covered his mouth with his palm. He could see blood on his hand and wonder why he was still conscious. ‘What if?’ He suddenly thought. What if he wasn’t a normal human? It would make sense why he was still alive after the werewolf attack. He snapped his head up and looked at the moon. The shining now pink moon was even more radiant than five minutes ago. He looked at it as if he was hypnotized. His eyes burning red. His skin turned sickly gray. His mouth and chin was red from the  blood that still spilling out, slower, yet still.

Ryeowook blinked his eyes once, twice and he felt it. In the pit of his stomach, he felt it. That rapid feeling as if someone was pushing him, pulling. He curled on the ground again, but instead of coughing blood, the growling sound escaped his mouth. He squeezed the rest of the shirt on his chest. The shirt that the rusty wolf managed to almost tear apart.

‘What is going on?’ Ryeowook thought and looked at the ground. He could feel the air around him started to smell stuffy, like just before the rain. The ground was still dry and loose. Ryeowook, on his knees, slowly started to move. He didn’t know why or where he was going. His mind was clouded by the vision of the moon. The moon that Ryeowook, now, had behind him.

Ryeowook shudder as the cold wind swept his body. Just now, he noticed that he was sweating profusely. ‘Where I am?’ He asked himself as his vision started to get blurry. He could only see bushes and trees around him as he was walking on his knees and hands. He tried to stand up a few times, but his legs were like jelly, refusing to stand still. Only walking on his knees worked. And Ryeowook had to walk. He didn’t know why, but something was telling him to do it. To walk as far into the wood as he could. He turned right, hearing the water. He knew he was near the river. The small drop fell onto Ryeowook’s face. The rain was coming. Ryeowook looked up and saw that the clouds started to surround the moon. And he froze upon seeing the color of the moon- bloody red.

His eyes became huge as the sudden shiver ran down his spine. He kneeled firmly and straighten his back. His heart was pounding quicker and quicker in his chest. Ryeowook’s head moved to the side, as his eyes glued to the red moon. He shivered again and his arms started to get itchy. He scratched his palm and feel something on it. He raised his hand up and saw a fur started to appear on it. First gray, but it soon changed color to white. He looked fascinated at his palm, then at the moon. The light of the moon made his fur looks reddish.  Suddenly, he felt acute pain at the end of his back and bit his lip to prevent himself from from pain. The pain started to be bigger and Ryeowook took shallow breaths. His wounds didn’t help him. He was already exhausted and in pain. Yet, instead of fearing the change he started to have on his body, Ryeowook smiled relieved. For the first time in his life, he felt like he belong somewhere. He always felt like an outcast, but now that he knew he could be a werewolf, he felt like at home.

Ryeowook  cracked a smile. Relieved and happy that he can finally be in the world he always meant to be. If he was right, the rusty wolf wounded him and left him to die slowly. He wanted Ryeowook’s death. Yet, if Ryeowook was really a part of the werewolf clan (as he remember correctly and nothing he remember was actually illusion) he could change into a werewolf and not die, like normal human would. He looked at his palms and arms that were now covered in white fur.

‘I will be the werewolf that I was meant to be from the very beginning.’ Ryeowook thought for the last time, before his instinct took over. He looked up at the moon. His red eyes were identical to the color of the moon on the night sky. He smirked and howled. His howl was loud and clear, echoed in the wood and far beyond that. Then Ryeowook started to transform further.




Kyuhyun knew that he shouldn’t leave Ryeowook few days before the full moon. He knew if he didn’t claim Ryeowook before it, his werewolf form will do it by instinct and it would harm his mate. Kyuhyun didn’t want it. He wanted to have a time and explain to Ryeowook what he was. Ryewoook was human, and they are easily traumatized. Yet, his manager couldn’t wait, so now Kyuhyun was in the other city. Kyuhyun really was writing a book about werewolves. He was just going back from the meeting with his manager, that asked to meet him in the other city a bit far.

Kyuhyun was about to enter the bus that would take him back to the inn. The bus ride would take a few hours, but it was the quickest transportation he could get. A near full moons, werewolves vision would randomly get blurry so it was risky to drive.

Then, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart. The pain he felt made him instantly think of Ryeowook. He knew that something happens to the inn’s owner, yet he couldn’t reach him quickly. He gets into the bus and prayed that the other was safe. He couldn’t even image to be without his mate. He regretted he didn’t claim him sooner. He feared something happen to him. Kyuhyun knew, sadly, that he will not reach Ryeowook’s inn before the sunrise. He wasn’t strong enough to run at the abnormal speed like most of his werewolves’s friends could. He was without a mate and a few days before the full moon made him weaker.

‘I hope he will be safe till I reach him.’ Kyuhyun thought, as he worried his lip between his teeth. He looked at the moon and gasped. The moon was red and huge despite his full form. ‘It can’t be!’ Kyuhyun thought as his heart started to beat faster. He wasn’t only worried, but now, he anticipated something. The closer he was to his destination, the more his blood in veins started to run faster. The sight of red moon could only mean one thing:

The new Alpha was born.



Ryeowook’s white fur looked as if it was glowing under the heavy light from red moon. His red eyes were bright. If Ryeowook could see them, he would know they looked exactly like the ones he get every time he made contact with Kyuhyun. His wounds were nowhere to be seen. It was the effect of the first transformation, which is the most powerful one, as the werewolf within the human body wake up finally. The transformation heal all the wounds the werewolf gets before and after it.

Ryeowook’s tail moved from side to side. His claws sink deeply into the flesh. He moaned with appreciation as he took a bite of the prey he hunted in the werewolf form. His mind was clouded and uneven, so he didn’t know exactly what he was doing. His rational, human brain was as if asleep.

The moon started to slowly vanish, as sunrise was reaching. Ryeowook started to take control over his werewolf instinct. His mind once fuzzy, now started to get  back. But the transformation into a human was slow and exhausting, so before Ryeowook could reach the end of the wood, he collapsed on the ground and fell asleep. Beads of sweat formed on his skin and face, that started to look more human. The fur on his body began to disappear. His werewolf form started to shrink, as he was previously 220cm tall. (7.5ft?).



Kyuhyun reached the inn as he predicted. He wondered if he should take a taxi, but worried that if someone dangerous was in the wood, the driver wouldn’t be safe. He ran to the inn at the full speed once the bus stopped in the village below, where Ryeowook was living.

Kyuhyun immediately knew that something was not right. He sensed something heavy in the air; danger and arousal. He smelled blood. He jogged to the storage and gasped, horrified when he saw the scattered chopped wood and lots of blood.

“Ryeowook!” Kyuhyun turned his head around and yelled. He went to the inn, but Ryeowook was not there. Scared about what might happen, Kyuhyun hurriedly went down the stair and out from the inn. He looked around, frantically looking for any trace of his mate. He noticed a blood drops on the ground and went after them into the wood. He was uneasy about Ryeowook. He could smell that it was the other’s blood on the ground and ran further. He looked around, called for Ryeowook, but hear nothing.

After long minutes, that felt like hours for Kyuhyun, he heard a painful moan and rustling in the bushes. He ran to the place he heard the sounds and gasped, horrified after seeing his mate of the ground- , unconscious, bruised and covered in blood. He kneeled next to Ryeowook and checked if the other is alright to move. He took Ryeowook in his arms, as gently as he could, and went to the inn with him in his arms.

He lied Ryeowook on the bed and nursed him. He saw huge purple and green bruise on a Ryeowook’s body. His throat was pink-red with visible mark where it was torn out. His wounds looked painful and burning red, yet healed almost completely.

“Who done it to you and how come they healed so quickly?” Kyuhyun Ryeowook’s cheek. His hand cold in contradiction to Ryeowook’s burning from fever skin. He was worried about Ryeowook. Sick from worrying over his mate. Mate that still wasn’t his completely. How much Kyuhyun would regret not being with Ryeowook quicker, if the other die before even making him his.



Ryeowook didn’t wake up all day and night. It made Kyuhyun worried about him. The full moon was just around the corner and he feared that his werewolf will take advantage of Ryeowook’s unconscious body. Even if he knows his werewolf was unable to harm his mate, he still fears about it. Kyuhyun can’t control his animal form so anything his werewolf want to do, Kyuhyun have to accept it. 

Kyuhyun could call the doctor, but the bruises and healed wounds on Ryeowook’s body were abnormal. Every normal human would be already dead by them. He could be put into the hospital and Kyuhyun would be interrogated by police. He didn’t want it. Adding to it, the blood in the storage that was a big blood loss. Humans couldn’t survive it, yet Ryeowook did. It made Kyuhyun think who the inn’s owner actually is. Ryeowook wasn’t a normal human.

Waiting for Ryeowook to wake up, gives Kyuhyun time to think and discover new thing. He discovered that he got aroused by Ryeowook’s scent when the night come. His body’s temperature rises up and he starts to sweat just by sniffing Ryeowook’s smell. He told himself it’s a part of being near full moon and next to his mate. Yet, Kyuhyu never heard someone would react to the other like he do, not so extreme . Trying to calm himself down, Kyuhyun tried not to be near Ryeowook when the night came. He exited the other’s bedroom and sleep on the sofa, downstairs. He didn’t know that Ryeowook was moving and sweating in his bed, as if he had a nightmare. Somehow, Kyuhyun’s sleep was so deep that he didn’t hear a sound.


It was the day before the full moon when Ryeowook woke up from his deep feverish sleep. His pajama, that he assumed Kyuhyun put on him, was soaked from his sweat. His eyes were teary, red and itchy horribly. His breathing was shallow and unsteady. As he stood up, his legs immediately gave up and he fell on the bed. Ryeowook wait a minute or two and tried to stand up again. This time his legs were stronger and slowly he exited the bedroom. He felt like he has to go to the forest. His mind was clouded with desire to hunt that rusty wolf and tear him apart.

As he stepped into the living room, his dulled from the fever sense of smell finally traced Kyuhyun’s scent. He whinnied as he smelled the sweet of his mate’s scent and moved to sleeping on the sofa Kyuhyun. He wanted to touch him, wanted to run his hands all over Kyuhyun’s hair and body, kiss every inch of his body. But surpassed his desire. He felt like it’s not the time to become the one with his mate yet.

“Soon.” Ryeowook’s hand was an inch from touching Kyuhyun’s head. But it was left there, then second later Ryeowook exit the inn. He went to the forest, seeking for revenge.



Kyuhyun woke up around evening. He abruptly stood up and ran to Ryeowook’s bedroom to see how the other was feeling. He couldn’t hide his shock and fear when he saw that the bedroom was empty. Ryeowook was gone.

He searched the whole inn and around it but didn’t find the other. His fear was getting bigger and reached his limit when he heard a roar that came from the forest. His deepest fear that Ryeowook went to the forest was starting to cloud Kyuhyun’s mind and he ran into the forest as well.

He regretted not telling Ryeowook earlier who he was. He should do it the same day they met. That way all this wouldn’t happen. He remembered meeting Ryeowook for the first time when they were kids. He immediately feels a pang of attraction or fascination, but more like a curiosity, as they were still too small to know that they were bonded to be mates. His memories about Ryeowook, unfortunately, were wiping off as he grew older. Only when he reached his werewolf adulthood and turned into a werewolf for the first time, he could see the glimpse of his mate and get the feeling of instinct where to search him. He still don’t know why Ryeowook was there in that werewolf meeting, but seeing that Ryeowook healed so quickly, he had some kind of werewolf blood or other kind in his blood. He wonders if Ryeowook could change into a werewolf, but Kyuhyun couldn’t sense anything special in Ryeowook. Only after seeing Ryeowook when he came back, he noticed that difference in the other.

He noticed the difference in himself too. He was more alarmed, more worried towards Ryeowook. Yet, strangely calm. As if Ryeowook can handle everything himself. As if Kyuhyun is not the one who will protect, but it will be Kyuhyun who will be protected.

And that red moon, Kyuhyun saw that night. Is it connected to Ryeowook, who, as Kyuhyun could sense, become different?  And who and why  wanted to kill Ryeowook and left him so cruelly to die slowly?

His thoughts were interrupted by the howl  and Kyuhyun started to run towards that sound.




A/N: I’m sorry for such a delay in my update. My life gets hectic and so my writing muse died as well.. I promised a long last chapter, but looks like it will take really long to write last parts and so here is 1/3 of the last chapter I promised. Hope it clean some things as well as add a small spice to the last update I will make (I can’t promise you when it will happen). I hope you still remember and enojoy reading it ^^

But let me tell you something nice...Next chapter have full moon in it ^^

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!