Family crest

Forest mist


He was five years old or less when his grandparents took him on the trip. They drive to the far city, deep in the mountains. Ryeowook knew it was far as he sleep in the car for a few hours and they stopped once, only to eat something. His grandfather was driving, while his grandmother was telling him where to turn. His grandpa would agree with her every order. Ryeowook, noticed it long time ago, that even if she looked weaker than her husband, it was her who was the leader in their relationship. Ryeowook never asked why his grandfather was so neutral or submissive towards his wife. (He would ever agree to eat broccoli, that he hates, if his wife said so). And Ryeowook never thought it was something wrong, because his grandpa loved his wife and vice versa. He could see the burning love in their eyes and every gesture. He could see, how both of them were talking to each other with dignity and devotion. Even if it was somehow visible that she was the one in charge.

When they finally reached the town they were supposed to visit, Ryeowook immediately noticed how some of the local people greeted his grandparents. They bowed to them as if they knew them. As if they were from some kind of higher class than them.

His grandparents went with him to the city hall. It was a huge building made from wood, like most of the buildings in that small city. They entered the room that had like hundred of people in it.

“Sit here and don’t do anything.” His grandmother ordered Ryeowook and he, even if he didn’t know why, agree to it. He too, like his grandfather couldn’t not obey his grandma.

“Yes ma.” Small Ryeowook said and smiled when his grandmother patted his cheek lovingly and kissed his head.

“Be good.” She said and turned around, leaving Ryeowook alone. The small kid could see how every eyes were looking at his grandmother. And how when she ordered them to sit down, everyone done it. It was a bit funny for Ryeowook, because his grandma wasn’t a  tall woman nor build. And she was far in age, as her gray hair was pushed behind her into a tight bun. Most people that were present were much more younger than her, or near her age. But all of them were listening to her every word. Their eyes were glued to her. Ryeowook was little taken aback by it. He was sitting next to tall, muscular man, who looked like  a human version of a bear. That man too, was looking at his grandma. After few second of looking intensely at the other, Ryeowook noticed an admiration, fear and respect in his eyes. Who was his grandmother to make people look at her like that?

“We met here to talk about a recent incident that happened in the area I was in charge…” She began, but Ryeowook wasn’t listening. Something, or rather someone was suddenly more appearing to him, that the speech his grandmother was making. Ryeowook saw a boy, not much older than him, who was sitting two rows before him. He had black short hair and white complexion. Ryeowook could swear the other’s skin was radiant. He was looking at the boy to intensely. It made the boy with black hair turn around. Feeling that someone was watching him and he looked at Ryeowook. He had the most black eyes Ryeowook ever saw. They didn’t reflect the light, so for Ryeowook they looked hollow or even empty if not by the fact that when Ryeowook looked more into them, he saw a small glint in them. Ryeowook’s heart skips a beat when the boy tilted his head, showing interest in Ryeowook. His cheeks redden when Ryeowook smiled at him friendly.

“Look before you Kyuhyun.” Ryeowook heard the voice of the man who was sitting next to the black haired boy. The boy, who was called Kyuhyun nodded his head. He smiled shyly at Ryeowook, then bit his lip and turned to the front. He didn’t know, or tried to not notice the disappointment in Ryeowook’s eyes.

Ryeowook couldn’t forget for a long time, these red cheeks, or these black eyes. He couldn’t forget the boy who was more beautiful than the flower for Ryeowook. 




Ryeowook breathed deeply, as if he was drowning in the water and just get out of it. His throat hurt and lungs burnt from the cold. He opened his heavy eyelids and saw that the sun was about to get down. The colors of yellow, red and orange reached his laying body, warming it lightly. He tried to move his arm, but managed only to move his three fingers.

“He.. ugh…” Ryeowook tried to say something, but the blood suddenly rushed to his mouth and he choked on it. His body shook and he hissed from the pain. He coughed more and managed to turn himself on the side a little. The sun blinded him for a second and Ryeowook wished suddenly for the moon. He wished to see the moon, in its fullest form.  Soon after, he lost consciousness for the second time.




“Do you know what that mean?” Ryeowook’s grandmother said to his grandfather. Both didn’t know that the 7 years old Ryeowook was eavesdropping them.

“I know, but think. He will feel different.” Ryeowook’s grandfather said as he was standing next to his wife. Both were talking loudly and tensed.

“He will be different if we turn him into what we are. He will never have a  normal childhood like the normal people.”

“Then we have to pretend that we are normal too? He will find his playmates, the same as him.”

“You know better, that there is no werewolf pup around us. And you know well, he will be all alone. He is one in a thousand, a normal human born from werewolves parents.”

“I know that! Yet Ryeowook, he is our child…”

“Our kids’ child.”

“Honey, I know. I will never forget about our precious son and his wife…” Grandfather said and he rubbed his wife’s arms, trying to calm her.

“You know how horrible it is to be a werewolf, yet when he turns into a human, you want him to get the pain we suffered?” His wife said. One tear escaped from her eyes as she remembers her dead son and daughter-in-law and how they died. Or how she had to fight everyone who tried to dethrone her from her position as the alpha of their clan. She quickly wiped the tear away. She wasn’t a person who showed weakness.

“I don’t. I just feel like it’s better if he will be a werewolf. “

“It will not be better. What if some wolves will hunt him down when we will not be around? He looks so fragile. If we turn him into our kind, he will be the weakest of all. Who will protect him? His mate? What if he will not reach Wook till then?”


“No. Ryeowook will stay as human. He has to be a human. He can’t even acknowledge that there is another kind and that he was from werewolves family. I want him to have a normal family, even if his parents died. I want him to havea  normal life, without blood, full moons, without pain of transformation, or fights between wolves.

And as Ryeowook’s grandmother said, Ryeowook stayed as human. His grandfather couldn’t say no. He too, had mixed feeling about Ryeowook being a wolf or human.




Ryeowook, half conscious, crawled out of the wood storage. He wasn’t bleeding anyone, only that small part in his throat that was torn out by the red wolf was bleeding slowly.  He was glad that the wolf didn’t cut his vital veins. He didn’t have the strength to stand up, so he crawled all the way out. He couldn’t believe, that his memories were coming back from him. Memories, he thought, he lost after that horrible incident.




Ryeowook was eight, when he saw how his grandmother died. Both of them were in the woods, picking herbs. They were looking at the white flower. His grandmother was telling him what type of flower it was when suddenly a huge gray wolf showed up behind them. They didn’t even hear him coming to them. His grandmother could only yelp, when the wolf attacked her.

Ryeowook didn’t know what to do. He looked paralyzed and horrified as his grandmother, much more smaller than the wolf, trying to fight the other back as well as protect Ryeowook.

“Ryeowook, call for your grandfather!” She yelled towards small Ryeowook. And he did, he yelled as loud as he could. His throat hurts from shouting.  “Ryeowook run!.” His grandma huffed when the wolf bites her arm. She screamed from the pain. Suddenly, the wolf was kicked away by the old lady. How she managed to do it, Ryeowook didn’t know back then. She stood up. Bleeding wound looked painful, but she didn’t show it.

“Run to your grandfather Wookie.” She said with a pained smile. “No matter what happen here, you have to run home.” She said and turned around. Ryeowook widen his eyes shocked, when his grandmother growled and turned herself into a white wolf. Her fur was long and beautiful. Her dark red eyes, looked at Ryeowook for a second. Ryeowook felt like she tried to say to him that everything will be fine. Her transformation took not even a minute. And when she had done it, she stood up in four paws and looked furious at the gray wolf. She growled when the other wolf tried to move closer to Ryeowook. After that, like in slow motion, Ryeowook saw, how both wolves jumped on each other. How both sank their sharp teeth into the other’s flesh.

“Ryeowook!” Ryeowook heard his grandfather’s voice behind him. And when he turned he saw the man running to him. At the exact moment the gray wolf hit the white one with his paw. It made the white wolf even more fierce. She, with a maddening speed, ran into the gray wolf and started to use her claws to hurt the other. What both of them didn’t know was that they were dangerously close to the cliff.

“Sohee no!” Ryeowook’s grandfather yelled and ran to his wife. But before he could reach her, both fighting wolves fell from the cliff, into the depths of the river that was at the end of it. “SOHEE!” The old man screamed from the loss. Ryeowook and he ran to the cliff. They tried to spot the white wolf, but not even the gray wolf was visible. The river’s current wash their bodies away.

“Grandmother.” Ryeowook started sobbing, after the first shock was gone.

“Sohee, Ryeowook.” His grandfather sobbed and hugged the small boy. Both kneeled next to the cliff, when their family member fell. Both felt the suffocating lose after her death. She protected them the best she could, yet the prize was too huge.“My beloved.” The old man sobbed, feeling empty and hollow without his other half. He looked up at Ryeowook.

“You have to forget.” He mumbled and his eyes turned gold. “Please Ryeowook, forget it. You can’t be in so much pain like me.” He added and hugged his grandson tightly. After a moment, he felt like Ryeowook’s body become heavier. Looking up, he saw that Ryeowook lost consciousness, from the shock and loss.  

“You have to forget. I will be the one who will remember.” Ryeowook’s grandfather said and picked up his grandson and went to their inn. “You have to have a normal life.”




Ryeowook gasped and sighed when the last warmth of sun hit his body. He smiled lightly, when the coldness of the night, make the wounds more bearable.

‘I remember.’ He thought as the memory of his grandmother’s death come back. He remembers the day before it. He woke up in his bed. His grandfather told him that they had a car accident in which grandmother died. Ryeowook remember crying after hearing it. How he refused to eat and looked blank. He always had that feeling that what his grandfather said wasn’t true. Yet, he couldn’t investigate it and after a while, he let go of it.

Ryeowook tried to sit up and managed to do so. After two hours in this position he tried to lift himself. The night time was already there. The moon slowly moved and Ryeowook started to feel stronger.

‘I could be a werewolf.’ Ryeowook thought as he lifted himself. One leg was only slightly damaged, but the other was in a horrible state. But it wasn’t important now for Ryeowook. He looked up at the moon and feel like invisible strength was sinking into him. As if moon’s light was giving him its power. His mind started to slowly get clouded. Instead of thinking of going to the inn and call the doctor or ambulance, he started to think that he should go to the wood.

‘I have to…” Ryeowook thought and took a step. His legs, even if they were wounded, bent under his command. He had to walk, he had to move to the forest. His left leg started to bleed, but Ryeowook didn’t feel the pain. His eyes were focused on the depths of the wood. ‘I need to.” Ryeowook thought and started to walk slowly towards the forest. His more wounded leg was scraping the ground. Like a log.

Ryeowook looked before himself. The moon, not full yet, yet radiant, gave Ryeowook’s path. He reached the first trees and touched one. He shudders at the feeling of familiarities. His eyes roamed the old oak. It was the tree under where, Ryeowook loved to play as a kid. He grazed the bark of the tree and slide his hand down.

‘It’s somewhere here.” He thought and found it with his fingertips. He looked at thing he did as the smallest kid. There, where his fingers touched was made by knife an emblem. It looked like a head of a dog or wolf and bird with two swords or sticks. ‘My family was head family of werewolves.’ Ryeowook thought as he recalls all the books he watched and pretend to read as a small child. He even remembers the huge emblem that was above the fireplace, that his grandparents took off. That time, he still didn’t understand why his grandparents had so many old books about werewolves or why they hide them. But little by little he started to understand. But the death of his grandmother made him forget everything and live as normal humans.

‘If I could choose.” As soon as Ryeowook thought of it, the wound on his neck started to sting painfully. His legs lose strength and he fell to the ground. He supported himself, by holding the oak tree. The wound on his throat started to bleed more, soaking his palm that tried to stop the bleeding. He frantically looked around, fearing for the worst. He looked up at the moon. His eyes turned color to the burning red.





A/N: Update! Yes, Wook is alive, but still struggling to be alive :D Kyu is too far to help him ahahahahhaha :evil laugh: so what will happen? I think all of you already know.  Wook get back his memories he forgets because of trauma. YEY!! And yes, his grandmother was the ‘queen’ of all wolves.

Anyway, aside from that I want to tell you that next chapter will be long and the last one I think :D Yes…that fic was bad and boring. Sorry to make you all read it, but I still love it. Last chapter will be intense with lots of things :D 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!