Smell of resin

Forest mist

Ryeowook's sleep wasn't deep. It was full of nightmares and visions of the wolf's eyes. They were red and furious, completely different from the ones he had vision previously. They were piercing and he could feel rough on them. Only at early morning, when the sun was about to rise, Ryeowook get a dream that eased him a little. He dreamt that he was swimming in the waterfall with Kyuhyun. Both of them enjoyed the pleasant warmth of sun above them and coldness of water. After a while, Kyuhyun swam behind him and make him turn around. Their lips locked in a wet kiss. Their tongues tangled with feverish desire. Hands dig cold and wet skin of the other, leaving heated traces on them. Soon, they pull away, catching air and instead of Kyuhyun's face, Ryeowook saw red wolf's eyes, that looked at him furious. It made him immediately to wake up.

He sat on his bed. Sweat made his pajama clung into his body. Fuzzy feeling of dreaming about Kyuhyun's and him kissing, turned into a feeling of dread when he remembered the end of his dream. These red eyes were looking at him furious, as if what he done with Kyuhyun was bad, forbidden.

To clean his head from any bad thoughts, Ryeowook moved to his bedroom to wash up. It was almost time to wake up, so waking up earlier that even, wouldn't change much. He took a shower and brushed his teeth. He touched his lips and recall the kiss he had with Kyuhyun in his dream. He wondered how it would feel to kiss him for real.

Ryeowook quickly shook his head. He shouldn't think of Kyuhyun like that. They were just strangers. Ryeowook change his clothes and went to the kitchen to prepare food for him and Kyuhyun. He knew only for few days both of them will see each other and then Kyuhyun will be gone.


Kyuhyun get to the kitchen just in time when Ryeowook ended cooking food for them. When both of then ate breakfast, they had time to talk. Ryeowook got to know Kyuhyun better. He learned that Kyuhyun was a writer who was searching for inspiration for his new book. That Kyuhyun was living in the big city. And that he loves to walk in the forest, but don't have occasion for it. Kyuhyun said it was calming his mind and gave him ideas, that's why he came here.

Knowing Kyuhyun more, made Ryeowook happy. Kyuhyun was mysterious at first, but after knowing him a little bit more, Ryeowook had the feeling he knew Kyuhyun like they were friends for a long time. Ryeowook liked the tone of Kyuhyun's voice. Ryeowook was fascinated by Kyuhyun's face expression; Kyuhyun's brow made a cute frown when he was thinking, or his cheeks would puff a little from exasperation. Kyuhyun's eyes give a weird feeling of familiarities, as if he saw these eyes somewhere in the past. Ryeowook for a long time wondered where he saw them. They were as dark as night, yet shone as stars in the sky. They made his curious about Kyuhyun. They were calling him, making Ryeowook want to drown in them.

At breakfast Kyuhyun asked if he could go with Ryeowook to the forest to feed animals. The idea of the company made Ryeowook happy. He liked being with Kyuhyun and mere walking to the forest was a great opportunity to know the other better. Even if their interaction was only temporary, Ryeowook would do everything to stay with Kyuhyun longer. He felt pulled and captivated by the other.

Ryeowook asked if after the feeding, Kyuhyun would like to join him to the waterfall and the other agreed. Ryeowook was supposed to chop wood around the waterfall. He thought that showing Kyuhyun that beautiful scenery, could give Kyuhyun some ideas for his book.  And so after the breakfast they headed with food and other equipment to the forest.

After their left food for animals in the feeder, they headed to the waterfall. When they reached the place from where Ryeowook gets his wood, Kyuhyun informed him that he will go look around. Without wasting more time, Ryeowook put his tools next to the nearest tree, took an ax and went further to look for a suitable tree.


Ryeowook was chopping the wood for a while already, when he heard steps behind him. It brought omnious feeling, he felt day ago, just before meeting Kyuhyun.  From reflex he turned around and almost cut Kyuhyun's nose with the ax in his hand.

"Watch out!" Kyuhyun jumped away in time. The ax made a swift sound, millimeters away from his face.

"I'm so sorry!' Ryeowook gasped and threw the ax away. He then checked if Kyuhyun's face get wounded or not. He reached his hands and touched Kyuhyun's cheeks with them. Again, he felt that weird tingling sensation in his hand's fingertips. They felt weird, but in a pleasant way. He was so focused on checking Kyuhyun's face, that he missed how Kyuhyun's eyes shone delighted.

"It's ok, just be more careful next time." Kyuhyun chuckled, seeing how much of a fuss, Ryeowook made of that earlier incident.  Ryeowook didn't know why he was so concerned over Kyuhyun. He was his customer, but Ryeowook felt he cared about him as someone more. He just feared, that his feelings will change to love. It would be too bothersome in his situation.

"There will be no next time." Ryeowook frowned, confused.  He was about to move his hands away from Kyuhyun's face, when suddenly Kyuhyun's eyes locked with his. World for them stopped. Ryeowook's reflection shone inside Kyuhyun's dark orbs. He was drowned, entranced by the beauty of the darkness that these eyes provided. His heartbeat started to beat faster, but soon calmed down when Kyuhyun smiled at him. His smile, soft and reassuring, completely different from the first smile Kyuhyun gave Ryeowook days ago, when they first met.

"We will see." Kyuhyun quietly said, never breaking their eye contact. Gently, he put his own hands on Ryeowook's hands. Now, not only the fingertips were tingling weirdly, but the skin on Ryeowook's hands, where Kyuhyun touched too. Ryeowook liked it, secretly even loved that feeling. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself. He didn't want it to stop. This sensation reminds him of warmth and love that only loving family and lover could provide. "You want to swim with me?" Kyuhyun suddenly asked, making Ryeowook wide his eyes.

"I need to chop more wood." Ryeowook quickly made an excuse. The vision of his dream flashed before his eyes and he blushed hard. He moved away from Kyuhyun, immediately missing the other's hand on his cheek when Kyuhyun let him go.

"As you like. Meet me up near the waterfall, when you end it." Kyuhyun turned around and Ryeowook could swear he saw a flash of disappointment in his face's expression. He wondered for a second if not only he was attracted towards Kyuhyun, but maybe Kyuhyun felt the same towards Ryeowook.


It took Ryeowook a while to chop the wood as he wanted and gather all of it. When he did, he went to the waterfall and dropped the equipment and wood to the ground and started looking around for Kyuhyun. Ryeowook quickly spotted Kyuhyun, who, when he saw Ryeowook waved to him and started to swim towards him. Ryeowook just waited for him, didn't dare to join him. That dream of a kiss in the water gives his hills of pleasure. He didn't want it to happen. He knew he would lose himself and do it, embarrassing himself later.

Ryeowook was too deep in his thoughts, that he didn't notice how Kyuhyun was suddenly pulled by a strong current and disappeared under the water. Only when Kyuhyun gasped and yelped Ryeowook's name the other looked up. He quickly removed his shoes and clothes and jumped into the water. He managed to catch Kyuhyun who was drowning and pull him away from the water.

Kyuhyun cough hard, spilling water from his mouth and breathe hard. He was lying on the ground and Ryeowook was kneeling next to him. The inn's owner looked concerned over the other. He brushed Kyuhyun's wet bangs aside and looked up, when Kyuhyun put his hand on Ryeowook's. Ryeowook felt like his life was almost taken away from him. Seeing Kyuhyun almost drowned, made his heart feel sharp pain and his eyes to prick from tears. Never in his life Ryeowook felt so worried, but seeing that Kyuhyun is fine, made Ryeowook's heart felt at ease.

"Thank you for saving me." Kyuhyun said and coached. He Ryeowook's palm with his thumb, making Ryeowook bite his lower lip. That action made the taller man look at Ryeowook's lips.

"Lucky you are ok." Ryeowook sighed relieved and smiled. His gaze locked with Kyuhyun's, who was looking thankful at him.

"You are my life saver." Kyuhyun chuckled when Ryeowook grinned at him.

Gradually their gaze dropped to their lips and they slowly started to lean closer to each other. Ryeowook know it was crazy, what he was about to do with Kyuhyun, but couldn't stop himself. Kyuhyun's hand moved and rested on Ryeowook's nape as Ryeowook put his hand on Kyuhyun's chest. The smell of resin surrounded them, making them feel intoxicated. The strong scent of wood, water on their wet bodies and scent of ground under them seemed to get stronger, the longer they stay looking at each other. They held their breath when their lips were only millimeters away from each other. Only small move and their lips would touch. They could practically feel each other lips, as heat radiated from them and they breathe mixed together. Ryeowook's heart hammered hard in his chest, but he knew, he wasn't the only one. He could feel Kyuhyun's heart beating as fast as his own. Their lips touched briefly and gently. Just a small brush of their lips made Ryeowook shudder and Kyuhyun to tighten his hold on Ryeowook's nape. They felt like something clicked in their hearts. As if what they are doing is right, as it should be. As if they were waiting whole life for this moment. Just a small touch of their lips and Kyuhyun with Ryeowook knew that their meeting wasn't normal one.

As they parted, stopping their small short peck on the lips, they both felt empty, like something in them longed for one another; to be closer, longer, to last. They looked at each other, eyes clouded with new discovery and desire they had for each other.

Ryeowook wanted to ask, what was going on, why he feel like that, but instead the taller man pulled him for second kiss. Ryeowook was about to comply, when suddenly a flash of red wolf's eyes showed up before his eyes; angry and furious. These eyes looked ready to kill. It made Ryeowook yelp, petrified. His body froze for a second.  He pushed Kyuhyun away as if he was burned. Like the mere touch with the taller man would cause him pain. Kyuhyun shocked, fell to the ground by the sudden impact. His arm that supported him hit the ground painfully.

"I can't! I'm sorry! We can't." Ryeowook apologized with teary eyes. He wanted to kiss Kyuhyun again. He wanted to run his hands over the other's hair and make him moan for more, but just mere thought he could kiss Kyuhyun again made him immediately see these red eyes. Why he was seeing those eyes, Ryeowook didn't know. Not knowing why, made his heart ache painfully, and scared that he will always see these eyes, when he will try to kiss Kyuhyun.

Without waiting for the other's reply, Ryeowook quickly stood up. He gathered his clothes, the wood he chopped and walk away quickly from Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun could only sigh disappointed. He bit his lower lip and held his own tears. He didn't know why Ryeowook pushed him. He knew both of them felt the same way. He wanted to make Ryeowook his there, without thinking of consequence.

"Maybe he isn't the one? Maybe we are mistaking things?" Kyuhyun thought confused why Ryeowook rejected him. He wanted to hug Ryeowook, to kiss him deeper, to have his body and mind. To become one with the other. But maybe, Kyuhyun thought, Ryeowook wasn't the one, Kyuhyun suppose to have, to love? Maybe, Kyuhyun was mistaken things and he found wrong person?




Ryeowook was gathering the wood in the special backpack for it, when Kyuhyun reached him with the ax. Ryeowook tried not to look at Kyuhyun, because he felt guilty about what happen earlier.

"Here's your ax." Kyuhyun handed the ax to Ryeowook who took it quietly. His mind was occupied with the thoughts, why he is seeing red wolf's eyes. "Look, you don't have to feel sorry or awkward around me. I'm sorry for it."

"It's not like that!"  Ryeowook protested and turned around to face Kyuhyun. He didn't know why he pushed Kyuhyun away. He wanted to kiss Kyuhyun again, but these wolf's eyes made him stop. The tall, black haired tenant had something in him that drew Ryeowook to him. He knew it was impossible to love someone so suddenly, but Ryeowook felt like he really fell in love with Kyuhyun. Yet his whole body refused to be touched that way by Kyuhyun, even if his mind ached to be next to the other. He didn't know what was stopping him. These scary red eyes of the wolf, was like a wall that separate him from Kyuhyun. "I just...It was too soon. We just met. I was confused..." Ryeowook stopped talking when Kyuhyun put a hand on his shoulder.

"I get it. Then let's take it easy ok? We have plenty of time to know each other and see if what we feel will bloom." Kyuhyun smiled at Ryeowook.

"What we feel?" Ryeowook asked after a few seconds.

"You thought it was only you who felt like that? I'm attracted to you as well." Kyuhyun smirked and picked up the rest of the wood that couldn't be packed in the backpack. "Let's head to the inn." Kyuhyun said and Ryeowook immediately took his backpack and ax and catch up to Kyuhyun. He felt so much at ease suddenly. As if a huge weight was lifted from his heart. He was glad that Kyuhyun understand, even if he himself didn't completely. He debated if he should tell Kyuhyun about his wolf's visions, but didn't do it. He thought that his visions should be kept as secret.

"Let's make roasted potatoes today." Ryeowook said with a smile that brought a smile to Kyuhyun's face too. They knew that what they feel for each other will bloom or turn into something completely different, but they didn't mind the wait and turn of events.

They have time, they thought, but destiny has different plans.

They didn't hear a snap of branch not so far from them, or the furious eyes looking at them.


They spend the rest of the evening together by eating plenty of roasted potatoes and talking to each other more. Ryeowook was talking normally with Kyuhyun, but his body was tensed. He was watching like a hawk, Kyuhyun's every move and obligate to the other's every request and question. He knew he started to only not like Kyuhyun, but have feelings much greater than that. That thought gave him a sense of happiness, but dread at the same time. He feared to have these red eyes before his eyes every time Kyuhyun and he would kiss. He wanted to know what that means, but didn't know who to ask. Talking about it with Kyuhyun sounded silly to him.

He was so deep in his thoughts that Kyuhyun had to shake his arm to bring Ryeowook to reality. Their skin contact made both of them feel electric spark, that rise their hair on the necks. Kyuhyun quickly moved his hand away.

"Sorry for spacing out." Ryeowook apologized while blushing. He buried deeper, into the fire, the potato he had on the stick.

"Something bothers you?" Kyuhyun asked as he looked at Ryeowook. The inn's owner could see concern in the other's eyes.

"N-nothing. I was just thinking." Ryeowook shook his head and smiled reassuring Kyuhyun he is fine. He liked the fact that Kyuhyun cared for him. He wasn't the only one feeling the concernt for the other.

"Thinking of?"

"Do you believe in surreal things?" Ryeowook asked after a moment of thinking if he should talk about it with Kyuhyun. He thought he could just talk casually about it with Kyuhyun. He doesn't have to say about his visions to the other.

"Like aliens or ghosts?" Kyuhyun chuckled amused.

"No, like... in fantasy books. Do you believe in elf or witches?" Ryeowook noticed how Kyuhyun's expression suddenly gets serious.

"Yes I do... somehow. Say, do you believe in werewolves?" Kyuhyun studied Ryeowook stunned expression. The shorter male didn't think Kyuhyun would be so serious with him. He thought he would laugh at Ryeowook.

"Why you ask?" The question about werewolves made Ryeowook speechless for a second. Why Kyuhyun suddenly asked about werewolves? There are many fantasy beings.

"I told you I'm a writer. I'm writing about werewolves now." Kyuhyun's answer was too soon, too quickly from Ryeowook point of view. As if Kyuhyun had his answer already ready.

"You write about werewolves? Tell me more." Ryeowook looked interested. He wanted to know more about Kyuhyun's book.

"It's a fantasy novel. In my book a werewolf left his hometown to search for his other half. In werewolves realm, they have a mate who is chosen by the stars as soon as the werewolf is born and his other half. As soon as both of them met, they have the sense of the familiarity between them and they click right away. The werewolf's mate have visions or dreams that are always similar but the ending is slightly different. In them, he sees the time where he will meet the real form of his werewolf- beast form. Those dreams prepare him for his future with the werewolf. To be connected, both the human and the beast forms need to be loved by the mate." As Kyuhyun was talking, Ryeowook couldn't stop his thoughts that what Kyuhyun was saying was real. He felt like every word was an open door to the world he forgot. That something clicked. Ryeowook knew it was surreal, but what Kyuhyun said what was in the book, actually happen to Ryeowook. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking that maybe he was a werewolf's mate.

"It's can't be..." Ryeowook mumbled to himself then looked at Kyuhyun. The taller male was looking at Ryeowook, as if trying to read him.

"Something wrong?" Kyuhyun asked.

"My head hurt. I think I should go to sleep now." Ryeowook lied. Somehow, siting next to Kyuhyun, was making him uneasy.

"Wa...but..." Kyuhyun tried to stop Ryeowook, who stood up and went away. He left confused Kyuhyun behind.




A/N: I'm sorry for delay. I'm really busy. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!