Deadly wound

Forest mist



Ryeowook was reading the book about werewolves in his favorite spot. He couldn't wait before he goes to sleep. It was night already and he already read the part about body features. The wolf form was exactly as the one he saw this morning. And as for werewolf form, Ryeowook couldn't be more surprised, how true the description in the book was with the dream of werewolf he had. His vision and dream about the werewolf, at first eyes, then at his full body, made Ryeowook curious. How he could see the werewolf, before he even know something like that exist? Then he thought of Kyuhyun. Why he feels attracted so suddenly towards his inn guest? Why he feel like he is in love with Kyuhyun, even if they just barely met?

He was so deep into this thought, that he didn't notice Kyuhyun, standing in the shadows, looking at him intensely.

Kyuhyun was looking at Ryeowook. His eyes were shining darkly, as the only lamp, that was next to Ryeowook, illuminate the part of the room. He made sure he stayed in the shadow, before revealing he was there. He wanted to look at Ryeowook more. He couldn't get enough of looking at the inn's owner. Kyuhyun wanted to touch the other, but feared Ryeowook will push him away again. The rejection still pricks his heart. He didn’t know why Ryeowook rejected him.

 “Beautiful night.” Kyuhyun stated suddenly, when Ryeowook looked outside. He was in the dark part of the room. The moon was shining bright, but Kyuhyun’s figure wasn’t fully visible in Ryeowook’s eyes. The inn owner narrowed his eyes, tried to see Kyuhyun better but failed. But what hadn’t escaped him was more raspy, hoarse voice Kyuhyun used. It made the hair on his nape rise.

“Indeed.” Ryeowook agreed, as he looked outside the window once more. The light of the moon illuminates his face, giving slightly magical effect. Suddenly,  he heard steps coming closer to him and he turned from the window. He jumps startled as Kyuhyun stood next to him, too close for his liking. He feared of seeing these red eyes, yet at the same time desired to be closer to Kyuhyun.

"It's a perfect night. The moon shine, almost in full moon." Kyuhyun whispered, making Ryeowook look at the moon and think of werewolves. He suddenly wished to see that huge black wolf that protected him or to see that werewolf from his dream.

"I would like to see full moon more." Ryeowook locked his eyes and was confused to see that Kyuhyun tensed and shown surprise.

"Full moon?" Kyuhyun asked slowly. He sounds reluctant as to know Ryeowook's answer.

"Doesn't everyone love full moon?" Ryeowook smiled, looking outside once more. He missed how Kyuhyun's body relaxed, or how his eyes shone amused.

"Yeah, everyone loves full moon."  He said, but in his voice didn't sound playfully. “I, myself don’t like it so much.”


“Don’t you think on a full moon, people become more… weird?”

“Weird? You mean, you believe that people change when the moon is full?” Ryeowook asked, lightly amused. He heard about theories, that crimes are committed more when the moon is full.

“Some do…” Kyuhyun’s voice was distant. He looked outside at the moon. Ryeowook looked at him and for a second he could swear, Kyuhyun’s eyes shone more dark.

“It’s ridiculous.” Ryeowook shook his head.

“What if they do? What if some turn into a beast?” Kyuhyun locked his eyes with Ryeowook’s. “What if some people had to turn into a beast when the moon is full? Why if they don’t have a choice?”

“Wha…you’re talking about your book or…” Ryeowook couldn’t finish, too scared of the answer. Kyuhyun looked serious. Just liked that day when he was talking about his book to Ryeowook.

“Maybe…” Kyuhyun once again used that distant voice. Ryeowook was alarmed. Why suddenly everything was moving around werewolves? He knew Kyuhyun was talking about them. Only them turn into a beast on the full moon. “Maybe no…what you would do if one show up next to you?” Ryeowook’s eyes widen at that question. He wanted to ask Kyuhyun what he means by it, but the sudden outside light interrupted him.


"I forgot to tell you I need to meet with my manager in the town. The taxi just arrived." Kyuhyun quickly added when he saw Ryeowook confused face. The previous question forgotten, as vision of parting appeared.

"At this time?" Ryeowook asked suddenly disappointed. He wanted to spend more time with Kyuhyun, maybe watch a movie if the other wanted to. Or asked about the other question and weird behavior. Kyuhyun didn’t look like the authors who was so into their works to forget the real world.

"Yes, he didn't have time earlier so I could only meet him now. I will be back tomorrow afternoon." Kyuhyun said and smiled, when he saw how disappointed Ryeowook looked. He wanted to stay with the inn's owner more, but his work couldn't wait. He wanted to continue the talk about werewolves, but his work couldn’t wait. Even if it was a few days before full moon.

"But...I see..” Ryeowook bite his lips and looked down. He didn't like to be separated from Kyuhyun. He felt anxious by being alone. Suddenly, Kyuhyun lifted Ryeowook's chin, with his hand and pressed short kiss on Ryeowook's lips. That movement surprised Ryeowook, who blushed. The action was so short that Ryeowook didn’t see the vision of red eyes and it made him hope that maybe they will not show up again.

"I will be back in no time." Kyuhyun informed Ryeowook. "I can't wait to come back here, to you." He added and blushed when Ryeowook smiled at him after these words. Kyuhyun could swear Ryeowook's smile illuminated the whole room they were in. That smile was so warm that Kyuhyun's heart felt the heat. He couldn't surpass his own smile, that Ryeowook cut with short but chaste kiss. The horror vision didn’t show up.

"Come back safe." Ryeowook said and let Kyuhyun go. Both waved at each other as Kyuhyun get into the cab and drive off.

When Ryeowook closed the front door behind himself. He could only sigh and hope Kyuhyun will be back soon. He couldn’t believe that Kyuhyun become a part of his life in such a short period of time. Ryeowook couldn’t image the day they will part for good.




The dream of the forest and the beast appeared again. Ryeowook anticipated it. Wishing to see the beast again as well as seeing if he could see his own reflection. And it happens:

He was in the dark ominous forest. The moon shone brightly, making Ryeowook realize that it was the  full moon. Suddenly, he heard steps. He looked around, but couldn't see anything, even his own feet. Without warning Ryeowook heard a snap of a branch behind him and smell of wet fur reached his nose. He immediately turned around and stopped breathing for a second. His eyes locked with the huge black eyes' and Ryeowook froze. Ryeowook felt a puff of rotten air on his face yet didn't move, nor scream. He took deep breath and felt like his legs started to wobble- from fear or excitement, Ryeowook didn't know. He blinked and looked deep into these dark eyes. They were huge and were lacking light. They looked dead, yet Ryeowook felt that deep inside, they hide their light. These eyes were looking pure yet wildness in them made Ryeowook feel not completely at ease. These black eyes' were looking at him calmly. Ryeowook could read that the one who have them, want him not to fear. He tried to look at the other parts of the wolf's body and managed to do so. His gaze dropped to the ground and he saw two paws. The wolf was standing on his two paws that looked like human's legs. His posture was similar to human one. His fur was black, shining in the moonlight. His front paws were long, looking like arms, as the claws were sharp and dirty from the ground. The beast head looked similar to wolf's one,  but was bigger and had small traces of humanity in them. The beast's fangs were long. His nose would wrinkle as he moved his head closer to Ryeowook and sniffed him. Ryeowook couldn't stop a desire he suddenly felt when the wolf moved closer to him. He himself made a step closer. Reaching his hand, that was covered in the fur, he touched the other chest and run his hand up and down. The small growl escaped the black beast’s mouth. It made Ryeowook fist the fur on the other’s chest and growl too. He stepped closer and ran his other paw over the beast’s arm and neck. Black werewolf shudders. Ryeowook couldn’t hide his satisfaction that he was the one who made the other shudders. The other moved his head, exposing his neck to Ryeowook, and Ryeowook couldn’t surpass his desire to bite and tore that neck apart. He wanted to see the other bleed, on his knees and in pure bliss, as desire clouding his mind. He ran his fingers over that neck. It made the other’s beast moan and suddenly fell to his knees. He looked up at Ryeowook, who saw desire and lust in his eyes. His breathing was shallow as the mere presence of Ryeowook made him weak. The beast took Ryeowook’s hand and it. That action made Ryeowook roar and he pushed the other, making him fall onto his back. Ryeowook kneeled between his legs. The other beast tried to push Ryeowook away. But Ryeowook fisted his neck, making the other choke a little and stay still. Their eyes met and Ryeowook finally saw his reflection on them. His human face turned into werewolf one. His eyes were red as his white fur looked like snow.

Ryeowook woke up all sweaty and lack of breath. He couldn’t shake the image of his reflection from the dream as well as the desire he had for the beast.

“Why I’m a werewolf?” Ryeowook asked himself as he wiped a sweat from his forehead. He didn’t know why he was a beast in his dream. Yes, he started to believe in what Kyuhyun said. He felt like he was crazy, but he couldn’t not to. Everything Kyuhyun said, was happening to him. But something was off. If he was a werewolf’s mate, why he was werewolf himself in his dreams? Ryeowook didn’t remember being a werewolf. Maybe Kyuhyun didn’t know full details?

“Who is my mate?” Ryeowook thought and he thought of Kyuhyun. It could make sense. In his crazy mind, Kyuhyun looked like he was Ryeowook’s werewolf. Ryeowook felt desire toward the writer. He felt attracted, liked him, almost loved him, if he could love someone so soon. But if they were connected as soon as both of them were born it would be normal that Ryeowook loved Kyuhyun immediately as soon as he saw him. Same with Kyuhyun. Ryeowook knew the other felt attracted. And if Kyuhyun was a werewolf, he could hide his identity to not scare Ryeowook. But Ryeowook wasn’t scared, not anymore. He wanted to meet Kyuhyun’s beast form. He wanted to see the werewolf form that appears in his dreams. He felt an attraction towards both of them. Just as Kyuhyun said, as he described his book, the werewolf’s mate had to love both.

“What if?” Ryeowook suddenly thought as he remembered that rusty colored wolf. Maybe his idea of Kyuhyun being a werewolf wasn’t real and his mate was that rusty wolf? That’s why he appeared next to Ryeowook. Maybe he tried to get closer to him, but didn’t know how to? But his dream’s werewolf had black fur not red. Yet, that idea made more sense. Kyuhyun looked like a normal human, while that huge wolf not. Ryeowook thought that maybe he was that red wolf’s mate and he was protecting his mate from the black one. Yet, if he was, why Ryeowook felt more attracted towards the black wolf and feared the rusty one? He thought that maybe all that bond from the start with the mate and werewolf was a lie and there wasn’t any. Maybe he fell in love with the wrong one?

With so many crazy yet slowly making sense ideas and thought, Ryeowook stood up. His legs were wobbly as his mind worked at full speed. All these unanswered questions as well as always changing dreams and the visions of red eyes made Ryeowook dizzy. He went to take a quick shower that only calmed him down, but his mind was still crazy.

To clear his head Ryeowook exit the inn and went to the storage, to chop the wood into smaller pieces. He loved hard work. When his grandfather was still alive, both of them often were hired to do labor jobs. They could fix fences, roofs, chop trees, moves stones and much more. Now, that Ryeowook was left alone, he only takes jobs that didn't need two people and last only a few hours. The inn, he inherited from his grandpa was his treasure and he mostly focused on it. Even if he didn't get a lot of guests, but there was always something to do.

The smell of resin that was all over the storage helped him calm his mind. He knew his questions will not be answered. For sure he will not ask Kyuhyun. No matter how his theories sounded right, Ryeowook would never ask the other. He was too prideful to ask. He didn’t want to end up wrong and called crazy if what he was thinking was wrong.

Suddenly he heard steps near the storage’s door. Curious of whom it may be, He left the ax and moved toward the door. When he touched the doorknob, immediately his hair on his neck rise. Ryeowook felt alarmed that something wasn’t right, yet still open the door. As soon as he opened the door, his face met with the wolf one’s. It was that rusty wolf. His eyes were furious. He pushed Ryeowook further into the storage and jumped on him. Ryeowook couldn’t even move to grab an ax, when his body was thrown at the wall. With sharp yelp, his back hit the wall full of chopped wood and he fell onto the ground.

“Ugh!” Ryeowook moaned from pain as he tried to sit up despite the pain. He looked at his arm what was cut from the sharp angle of the wood. He moved his face to look at the rusty wolf, but his vision was suddenly covered, as the wolf, with his massive body, covered Ryeowook’s body. The smell of sweaty fur made Ryeowook dizzy as the wolf moved his paws and started to growl and dig his sharp nails into Ryeowook’s back. The acute pain ran down Ryeowook’s back. He shrieked from pain and tried to push the beast away. He managed to do so, feeling the sudden strength in his body. But his victory wasn’t long. The rusty wolf rushed towards him again and lashed his paws all over Ryeowook’s arms and chest, making him unable to do anything, only to take painful attacks.

“Stop! Help!” Ryeowook yelled, but knew no one will hear him. He was all alone as wood surrounded him and his attacker. He tried to fight back, but the wolf’s paws were so quick that even if Ryeowook protected himself from one hit, the other come millisecond later. Yet, he managed to kick and punch the wolf. It was small, yet Ryeowook felt small satisfaction that he wasn’t so vulnerable.

After like forever, the wolf stopped slashing Ryeowook’s body with his paws. The long cuts from the claws were bleeding lightly. Ryeowook’s t-shirt was into pieces, as he, himself was barely conscious. He looked at the wolf, who was huffing his rotten breathe on him. His eyes were looking furious at Ryeowook. As soon as Ryeowook looked up at the beast, the wolf moved towards him with more fury. Ryeowook waited for more lashes and more attacks. But what surprised him was that instead of it, the wolf pinned him down. Two huge paws that almost killed Ryeowook were now pinning him down, making him unable to move even an inch.

“Let me..” Ryeowook couldn’t even finish his sentence when the wolf leaned quickly and sank his fangs into Ryeowook’s flesh.

At first Ryeowook didn’t feel nothing. But suddenly he felt horrible pain, that even the pain of previous attack couldn’t be compared to. His body felt like it was splitting in half. His head was light, then after a second felt heavy and he rolled his eyes and closed them, as acute, horrified pain run down his spine. Ryeowook hissed and screamed after, when the wolf sank his fangs further and started moving his mouth as if trying to wrench a piece of Ryeowook’s neck. Ryeowook couldn’t even scream coherent words. His world was spinning and was slowly turning dark. He sank further into the pile of wood he was pinned into. His body was harshly pulled up, when the wolf that attacked him detached his fangs from him, ripping small part of Ryeowook’s neck and stood up above the barely alive Ryeowook. Ryeowook’s body fell again, as if he was a ragged doll. The wolf growled and showed his fangs, as if trying to show he won, then turned around and ran away. He left Ryeowook there, in the pile of wood. The wounds were bloody. Ryeowook’s neck was torn and blood rushed slowly from it. The scent of blood mixed with the scent of resin. Shallow breathing echoed in the storage as Ryeowook lay there not moving, his eyes close. 



A/N: ANNNNDDDD RYEOWOOK DIED!!! :> Just Kidding, Or Do I? :>

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!