
Forest mist


Ryeowook couldn't stop thinking of what happen recently and what Kyuhyun told him. He thought, what all of this could mean. It clouded Ryeowook's mind so much that he fell asleep only after a few hours after he parted ways with Kyuhyun. He wondered why he felt empty and sad when he lose a sight of Kyuhyun. And why, he could always see the flash of these red eyes when he just thought of kissing or touching Kyuhyun. It didn’t made sense. As well as his weird feeling that he somehow believed that what Kyuhyun said about his book was actually making sense. Ryeowook couldn’t shake the thoughts that all of these was actually real.

Ryeowook's sleep was restless once again. He tossed and turned in his bed as dream clouded his sleeping mind.

He started to smell the scent of forest before the rain. Heavy musky fragrance of wood mixed with stiff aroma of dry ground. The scent got stronger and Ryeowook's body become lighter. Soon, Ryeowook felt like he was walking in the forest, as if he was there. He opened his eyes, only to see the forest around him. He gently touched passed the trees. His bare feet felt the heat of dry ground. And Ryeowook smelt dryness of the air and fragrant scent of wood. He stopped walking and took a sip from the waterfall. The water there, was cold and refreshing, just as Ryeowook really drank it. When he looked around after that, the wood changed colors, as night almost came. Trees' color changed to dark green and gray. Ryeowook could feel the air get heavier and he heard thunder around him. Soon, the ground under his feet started to get cold, as the wood got surrounded by heavy fog. Ryeowook could feel small drops of rain on his skin. Suddenly, he heard steps. He looked around, but couldn't see anything, even his own feet. Without warning Ryeowook heard a snap of a branch behind him and smell of wet fur reached his nose. He immediately turned around and stopped breathing for a second. His eyes locked with the huge black eyes' and Ryeowook froze. Ryeowook felt a puff of rotten air on his face yet didn't move, nor scream. He took deep breathe and felt like his legs started to wobble- from fear or excitement, Ryeowook didn't know. He blinked and looked deep into these dark eyes. They were huge and were lacking light. They looked dead, yet Ryeowook felt that deep inside, they hide their light. These eyes were looking pure yet wildness in them made Ryeowook feel not completely at ease. These black eyes' were looking at him calmly. Ryeowook could read that the one who have them, want him not to fear. He tried to look at the other parts of the wolf's body and managed to do so. His gaze dropped to the ground and he saw two paws. The wolf was standing on his two paws that looked like human's legs. His posture was similar to human one. His fur was black, shining in the moonlight. His front paws were long, looking like arms, as the claws were sharp and dirty from the ground. The beast head looked similar to wolf's one,  but was bigger and had small traces of humanity in them. The beast's fangs were long. His nose would wrinkle as he moved his head closer to Ryeowook and sniffed him. Ryeowook couldn't stop a desire he suddenly felt when the wolf moved closer to him. He felt weak in his knees and submissive as the wolf's paw moved and touched his cheek gently. He shuddered from desire he felt toward the beast and moved his own hand to touch the other's fur. The smooth texture of the fur and warm on the other made Ryeowook feel secure. His gaze moved from the beast’s face towards his chest. And she saw, shocked that instead of his hand, he had the fur covered paw like hand. The only difference from the other beast’s ones was that Ryeowook’s fur was white. And as soon as he discovered that he woke up. 

Ryeowook parted his mouth to say something. He was about to ask who this is, when a loud growl made Ryeowook open his eyes immediately and to his dream to vanish completely. It was different today. He still could feel the other's fur and body heat under his palm and desire he felt for the other. Deep inside, he felt that fuzzy feeling, the same he felt when he met Kyuhyun, yet he feared of thinking that these eyes belonged to Kyuhyun. Ryeowook felt that familiarities from these eyes from his vision, as if he saw them somewhere in the past. Yet, he couldn't image Kyuhyun being that wolf, or a beast. No wolf was able to stand like that, like a human, on his two paws. Besides, he himself wasn’t normal there. He too was covered in a fur. And Ryeowook had the feeling that he was in the same form as the black beast.

Ryeowook heard a second growl. And his thoughts were put aside. He quickly threw the blanket away, put boots on and ran out of the inn. At first he didn't see anything different. The path to the town was still the same, without any trace of a person in them. The forest wasn't looking abnormal. For a moment Ryeowook thought he was hearing things, that maybe he still had that vision. But after a while he heard a small whimper that came out from the wood. Ryeowook feared that maybe poachers shot some animal and left it to die, so he ran into the forest. It wouldn't be the first time they would do it and him, to help the animal to survive. His grandfather was helping animals and teach Ryeowook how to do it too. They never feared of Ryeowook and even some come to him when he was near them.

Ryeowook was about to pass first trees in the wood, when he saw something huge hiding in the bushed. He abruptly stopped. He could only yelp when the huge thing jumped and landed just before Ryeowook. It was a huge wolf,  much taller than Ryeowook or any more taller that any man. His paws were longer than normal wolf and twisted is weird way, making Ryeowook think he was similar to the beast from his dream. His fur was rusty colored and his eyes were black. Ryeowook and the wolf looked at each other. Darkness of the wolf's eyes was so deep and strong that Ryeowook felt he was swallowed by them.

The wolf growled and showed his fangs, making Ryeowook held a breathe for a second. Ryeowook started to shake when the wolf moved closer. The wolf stopped growling, but his fangs were still visible. He circled Ryeowook who was about to pass out from fear. Never in his life Ryeowook was so scared of an animal. He wasn't even scared of bears so much. But that huge wolf gave him a scare. The wolf sniffed Ryeowook and whined again. The sound was loud and piercing in Ryeowook's ear. Suddenly, he felt how the wolf sniffed his neck. His wet nose left small trace on his nape. At this point Ryeowook began to tremble even more and his face paled. He knew that the wolf will kill him soon. Even if he tries to run to the inn, he will not make it. The wolf will reach him sooner and tear him apart.

He heard how the wolf opens his mouth behind him and held the lapping of a tongue near him.

"Please." Ryeowook begged the wolf. He felt the rotten smell and the heat of the wolf coming closer to him, when suddenly behind them something howled. Ryeowook could only kneel onto the ground, when as same huge yet black wolf jumped on the other. Both of them flew bit away from Ryeowook and landed with a yelp to the ground. The black one on top of rusty colored wolf. The black wolf had the other's neck in his mouth. The rusty wolf was writhing from pain and tried to escape the other, without success.

Black wolf pinned the other into the ground with his paw and unlock his strong mouth from his neck, when the other stopped thrashing around. He barked a few times at the other and growled at the end, then let him go. The rusty wolf immediately stood up from the ground and scoffed at the other. Instantly, black wolf hit his muzzle with his paw, making the rusty colored wolf yelp and ran away into the forest. After that, the black wolf turned around towards Ryeowook. The man was sitting on the ground, still shaky, yet not scared anymore. Something with the way the black wolf jumped on the other, made Ryeowook think he was protected. Ryeowook looked up at the wolf and for a second their eyes met. The wolf had black as night eyes, identical to the ones from his vision. His posture, even if he was walking on four paws, made Ryeowook immediately recognize the beast from his dream. Just when Ryeowook was about to call the other, the wolf turned around and ran when the other wolf ran previously.

Ryeowook for a few minutes was looking at the direction the wolf disappeared. He smiled little from relief and held his shaky hands. His mind clouded with what happen minutes ago and with the vision of that wolf. He couldn't be more sure. It was the same wolf that he saw in his dream.

"What was that?" Ryeowook thought as his body stopped shaking from fear. Instead, his heart started to beat from excitement as he remembered the black wolf. "Why I want to see that wolf again?" He was deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear Kyuhyun who was running towards him from the inn. Ryeowook only after thrid calling, turned around and saw Kyuhyun. He was running opposite of the path the wolves ran away.

"Are you ok?" Kyuhyun asked as soon as he reached Ryeowook. He was sweating and breathing heavily. He kneeled next to Ryeowook and put his hands over Ryeowook's cheek, checking if the other was ok. He missed how Ryeowook breathed heavy as his heart started to beat faster after Kyuhyun's touch. Ryeowook felt the same feelings he felt as he dreamt of that wolf/beast.

"I'm ok." Ryeowook answered with a smile. With Kyuhyun's help, he stood up. He wanted Kyuhyun to stop touching him, as well as not to stop. His conflicted will was making him confused. Why he felt wrong while Kyuhyun touch him, but thought of that black wolf touching him don't make him feel unpleasant. Yet, when Kyuhyun just slightly touch him, makes Ryeowook's heart beat faster?

"I think I saw two huge wolves near you?" Kyuhyun helped Ryeowook to reach the inn, because Ryeowook's legs were still wobbly.

"I think you saw wrong. They were small, harmless. I know them." Ryeowook smiled wider at Kyuhyun, when he finally sat on the sofa. He didn't want Kyuhyun to know about these two. He didn't want Kyuhyun to know about what happen just minutes ago. Kyuhyun wouldn't believe him.  

"Are you sure?" Kyuhyun asked and locked his gaze with Ryeowook's. And again, Ryeowook felt that weird sparkle all over his body. He suddenly wanted to say everything to Kyuhyun, as if something inside him was telling him to spill everything what he saw and knew, but Ryeowook keep quiet.

"Yes." He answered Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun nodded and looked away, but Ryeowook felt he didn't believe him. He didn't like to lie, especially to Kyuhyun, whose Ryeowook really liked and was attracted to. Lies never make people get closer and he wanted to get close with Kyuhyun. No matter how his body reacted, Ryeowook's mind was yearning for Kyuhyun.

For a while they stay quiet, yet soon, they started talking like nothing happen. The atmosphere around them cleaned, yet both of them could feel that tension in the air. They tried not to do much skinship, or try not to brush hands while they were showing something to the other. Ryeowook almost make Kyuhyun's cup of tea fell, when their fingers accidentally brushed. None of them talked about that tension or that they felt mysterious sparkles, when their skin touched. Both of them thought that they have time to reveal everything, that nothing is rushed.




Ryeowook parted ways with Kyuhyun after their late breakfast. He went to the attic. He felt he should go there and search for old books his grandparents liked to collect. Both of them likes fantasy books.  He hoped there, he would find some answers for what species, were these two wolves/beast. Or maybe find some old herb books, that could calm him before sleep, so he will not dream of that wolf anymore.

He was trying to reach one of the books on the top shelves, when he accidentally hit with his knee a box full of books, making them scatter around him. One of them opened and Ryeowook after glancing at it, gasped, shocked at the painting displayed inside the book. He turned his attention to the said book and picked it up. 'History of werewolves', Ryeowook read the title of the book and then looked at the painting inside it. It was watercolored painting of werewolf that looked almost identical to the one Ryeowook was dreaming of.

"It can't be." Ryeowook mumbled as he turned the page and read a part of it:

There is rank among werewolves. The strongest of them is called Alpha. Alpha rule all of other wolves around the area where it lives. After Alpha, there is Beta....

Ryeowook stopped reading and looked for other paintings or drawings. His mouth shaped into O, when he saw drawings of wolves he saw today. They looked almost identical, hence, for Ryeowook all these pictures looked like wolves he saw today or the one he dreamt about. He read below the picture of three wolves, that looked a bit different than normal ones:

Werewolves have three forms that they can use at different times of the month. They usually are in their human form, but some werewolves prefer to be in their wolf one. The difference in wolves is that, that werewolves are bigger, than a normal wolf. Their third form is their real form- werewolf, that they change into only as the moon is full. Their real form, have human posture, but wolf features. For more go to section 'Body'

"I saw werewolves today? Then in my dream it was its true form?" Ryeowook said to himself. He shocked to discover someone like werewolves exist. He wouldn't believe it, but he saw them with both of his eyes. He was sure he wasn't seeing a huge wolf, they were too different. He was about to close the book, when something gets his attention. On the first page, he noticed the crest. It was wolf's head and a bird, as between them two swords, separating them. It looked familiar, too familiar.

With thoughts still full of werewolves and crest, Ryeowook, with the book still in his hand, went to his bedroom. He will try to figure out about all of this later, before his bedtime.



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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!