Undisclosed Desire

Forest mist



The fog in a forest's field was thin as new morning was rising. The short man sat on the armchair next to the huge window. His eyes unreadable as he looked outside. The large forest was before his very eyes; unspoken, calm, mysterious. The trees covered in morning dew, making them shine in first dims of sunlight. The fog danced on the ground lines where the grass, forest litter was. It was almost two years after his only family, his grandpa died. The short man sighed and sipped his morning coffee. This forest was his home. He never lived in the city and never wanted to. He was the owner of quite large inn, that was almost next to the main road, between two mountains. People would come, with their cars and sleep one night, maybe two, then leave. He sometimes had guest, who would stay for a week, for relaxing and rest because he had a small hot spring in his inn.

The morning sun started to beam higher, giving him the signal to go outside. Today he doesn’t have quest to take care of.

He moved from a place that was next to the window and stood up, tossing aside the thin blanket that was covering his skinny but still slightly muscular body. He put the half full coffee mug on the reception table, then wear his shoes and coach. The fall in the mountain is as freezing as winter in a city.

He took the door keys and tucked his bangs behind his ears as he opened the door. The freezing wind brushed his unprotected face and hands. He took a huge amount of cold air into his lungs. The freezing air smelled fresh and enchanting. He smiled as he looked at his left, at the sign with Kim’s inn engraved on it.

“Today is once again a peaceful day for me grandpa, right?” The man asked no one in particular. He would always greet the new day and his late grandpa like that.

“Indeed a peaceful day for you, Ryeowook” The man answered to his own question. He quickly locked the door as the cold wind started to get inside and then went to the inn’s storage room. He took the food for animals then headed to the forest.

The grass was still wet, soaking his trouser legs at the bottom. The wind stopped being strong as he stepped inside the forest. The sunlight, beamed from time to time, as he went further, and further inside. The inn owner’s name was Kim Ryeowook, a self proclaimed master of this forest. He grows up in this mountain, lives with his grandpa in this inn all his life. He knows every tree, almost every animal that lives in this forest. He knows everyone in the country town that are under the mountain.

He stepped on a mellow then stood next to the big feeder in the center. Ryeowook put the food inside the feeder and then went outside the forest once more.  Ryeowook feed the animals from time to time, but check the feeder every day, to see if they are eating or if they don’t starve. He fills the feeder just in the winter, knowing that the forest animals have difficulty, finding food at that time. And fall is almost at the end so he decide to feed them earlier. He looked around himself, but didn’t see any animal. Ryeowook then take the empty bucket and started to go towards his home.

Suddenly, the strong wind passed though, making Ryeowook sway his body a little, hairs scattered by the wind. He irritably tried to stop his hairs from moving, when he heard a snap of a branch.

His head moved to the place where he heard it, but he saw nothing. Like the thing that made the branch snap, disappeared in thin air, or never was there in the first place. He shrugged his arms, thinking that he has just heard things, or the sound was from afar, not that close to him. Although thinking like that, Ryeowook couldn’t surpass the feeling that someone is watching him. He looked in every direction, but didn’t see anyone, or anything. He felt uneasy so he quicker his pace.

He knows the forest too well to be scared, or fear that something will attack him, yet, at this mere moment he wanted to be inside the inn, away from the forest, that now, looked unfamiliar.

The exact moment, his legs stomped outside the forest, the crows suddenly escaped from the trees, with a horrible shriek. Ryeowook looked behind himself, fearing that something, someone, was walking behind him, fortunately, he saw nothing but the depths of the dark forest and it made him sigh in relief. He faced the path to the inn and slightly jumped, when he saw someone standing next to the inn’s board. Ryeowook was too far to see who this person was, but the posture and body build, was telling him that it was a man.  Ryeowook narrowed his eyes and walk closer to the inn. His eyes roam on the intruder, maybe future customer, silhouette. The man was tall and had a hood on his head, so Ryeowook couldn’t see his face.

The moment, Ryeowook walk closer and was able to see a glimpse of the man’s face, the intruder turned his body to him, trying to cover his face in deep hood of his long coat.

Ryeowook tried to see something in the depths of the hood.

“How can I help you?” Ryeowook asked, coming closer. The intruder’s head moved slightly, making Ryeowook see a glimpse of his face.  The man had dark eyes that were glued to Ryeowook's. His gaze captivated, alluring, mysterious. His lips were slightly reddish, as if fall's cold dried the color from them. His face was sharp and smooth. The color of his skin sickly white and Ryeowook thought the man's skin was glowing despite the shadow his hood provided.  And then the intruder’s lips twitched as a mischievous smirk formed on his face. Ryeowook’s breath hinted, as he felt suddenly alarmed that something in not right.

“First, Good Morning” The man said, making Ryeowook startled, uneven feeling immediately disappeared. The man’s voice makes Ryeowook feel a sudden rush of warm in his cheeks. His voice was husky, strong. Ryeowook would like to hear this man’s voice more.

“Good Morning. How can I help you?” Ryeowook once again said, trying to sound professional. The man looked at him for a good few seconds, making Ryeowook blush because of this piercing gaze. His eyes looked at Ryeowook’s face and body, then a small smile, more like a smirk showed on the man’s face. This makes Ryeowook felt a small electric shock, that ran at his spine. This man’s expression was mysterious, but it had somehow woken something inside Ryeowook. Something he never felt before.

“I would like to spend a few days here.” The man said and Ryeowook smiled without thinking. He will have more time to know about this man and not to mention, a money that he need. There are a lot of people who just pass by, asking for a direction.

“Excellent! Then let’s come inside.”Ryeowook said cheerfully. He quickly kicked himself mentally, that he looked and felt excited that this stranger will stay here.

“Ok. It’s freezing here.” The man said. Then Ryeowook fished his keys from his pocket. He went to the front door of his inn, as the man followed after and Ryeowook put the empty bucket aside, then tried to open the door. Ryeowook suddenly get distracted, as he felt the man to close for his liking. He felt a sudden panic, then he shivers lightly, when he felt a hot breath near his face.

“You are not opening?” The man asked, making Ryeowook look at him, when a hot breath and this luscious voice were so close to him.

Ryeowook’s eyes meet the man’s ones and he once again felt pulled, captivated, by this gaze. The man looked like he was trying to read his expression, mind, his deepest secrets and desires. Ryeowook quickly looked away, feeling that if he looks for too long, the man will read something, that he don’t want him to read. Namely, this strong desire and this strange pulls to know the man more to...

“A… yes, yes!” Ryeowook said, a little too loud, showing his nervousness immediately. He quickly unlocks the door and came inside, as the man follow behind, closing the door as they stepped inside.

Ryeowook went to the reception, that has been just a small table next to the kitchen complex.

“How long would you like to stay mister?” Ryeowook asked, as he opens the quest book and starting to write something there.

“Kyuhyun.”  The man said, making Ryeowook snap his head up and look at him with a slightly opened mouth.

“E?” Ryeowook voiced. He was slightly confused, then he cursed himself mentally, because of his stupid behavior.

“Kyuhyun, my name is Cho Kyuhyun, not mister.”

“Ryeowook.” Ryeowook mumbled. He left a pang of happiness, knowing the man’s name. “Ki…”

“Kim Ryeowook. I know or more like deducted this. And I would like to stay a few days, a week or longer.” Ryeowook just nodded and wrote everything in his quest book. He felt stupid of saying his name like that and to act like that towards another man.

When Kyuhyun paid for a week stay in the inn, Ryeowook handed him the key to his room. The owner of the inn, tried not to brush his hands with his guest. He breathed relieved when he succeeded. He didn't know why he was so conscious towards Kyuhyun and everything the other do and say.

Then Ryeowook guided Kyuhyun to his room. He showed where the bathroom is,  said when dinner will be served and other things. Kyuhyun thanked the other man with a small smile, that made Ryeowook's chest clench lightly.

"If you have some questions later, feel free to ask me." Ryeowook smiled at Kyuhyun friendly and noticed how the other's eyes widened slightly. "Oh! And we have really beautiful garden in the back of the inn and small hot spring. Just tell me and I will take you there." Ryeowook said and closed the door behind him, leaving his new customer alone. He took a huge amount of air afterwards, didn't even noticing when he stopped breathing normally around the other man.





A/N: HELLO! I come back to KyuWook writing world with this new fic. I hope you will like it. I will try to portrait my idea as good as I can. You can see grammar mistakes here and they will still be there. I can't rid of them and I'm not looking for beta anymore. I want to add that if you think my fic will be as epic as 'Follow Me' (a lot of people told me it was my greatest fic) then I can disappoint you with this one. Still, I will try to write as best as I can (Hey! It's fantasy fic too!!!). With this note I hope you guys will have fun and enjoy what I wrote. Please comment, so I will be able to know how you see ever and each chapter and what is happening in kyuwook world :)

Your dear and awkward Yun ^^

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 8: It was great we had an alpha Wook n his beta lover kyu... It was such breather.. I loved n enjoyed this as much as all your other fics ..n i like the top Wook most too XD ...
Chapter 8: So I found this story today and absolutely loved it. The scene was really hot and I loved how you portrayed their meeting through it. On top of that, you had Ryeowook topping Kyuhyun! I absolutely loved that! It was definitely not what I expected to happen, but what I had hoped would happen before I even started reading. When I realized Ryeowook was the alpha, I probably did a happy dance in my chair. I would love to read more stories like this. It was interesting how they had a strong beta leading for a while. I admittedly was surprised the beta attacked Ryeowook even though I would think that he would have attacked Kyuhyun as a way of potentially harming the alpha beforehand. Still, it was a fantastic fic and I loved every second of it. :)
Chapter 8: Omfg I just finished this

This is amazing omfg that so hot
SiiMon #4
Hello! I can translate it into Vietnamese stories?
Chapter 8: Such a sweet ending :* I really like fantasy story which can wake my mind to feel the circumstance (as if I'm a part of that story) and you succeed!! :* I can only thank you for finishing this :) you're such a warmhearted author ^^
Im so glad that AlphaWook and BetaKyu got together and live happily ever after with the love they have..
I'm looking forward to your next fantasy (whatever it is, i'll read them anyway) story.. lol
Eager to read them. Thanks for updating!!! #kiss kiss :*
Wugui06 #6
Chapter 8: y ending! Haha. I love this story to bits. Written in details which i can picture all the scenes. Hee.
kyunaleixu #7
Chapter 8: I love how you label this chapter as "Alpha and his Beta".This made me speechless. I've known how some mythical creatures way of uniting as I'm a fan of fantasy fics and the way you portray their mating process is amazing and one of a kind. The emotions where conveyed perfectly as they mate. I'll surely put this on my bias list.kkkk
Thank you for completing this story when I thought you'll never going to finish this.
Best of luck to your other stories... (coughs Kyuwook ^0^ )
cmngcm #8
Chapter 7: Wow this is amazing and someone like me are not ware wolf story supporter, I have to say this is good!! Well Wook topped is kind of rare, though I am happy to see him top but not when it's with Kyu.....anyway happy to see him top once in a while.... Thanks for this story and good luck to you and hope to see your return very soon!!
Chapter 8: this is a great story, i liked it and wook being top it's so rare( but i personally really like) please write more stories and i hope all them will be well received
ateena1618 #10
Chapter 8: Wook in top was fantastic!! Loved it!! Yay!!