[edited] Do I Know You?

Through The Facade
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You had expected Kyungsoo to at least smile or nod in acknowledgement, but he had just pretended as if he didn't know you, but most of all, you were surprised by how much you felt towards Kyungsoo's reaction, or lack thereof.

  Were you getting emotionally attached to someone you met for only one day and knew barely anything about? You shook your head furiously. No way, no way!

You're just lonely, you tried to assure yourself, you need company, that's why you're pining for attention. That's all Raerin, you don't have a crush.

"Any objections?" You heard your teacher ask politely and you blinked, realizing that the question was targeted at you. "Sorry, sir?" Again the class burst into laughter and you blushed. You noticed Kyungsoo turning back momentarily to catch a glimpse of you.   "Our class is in charge of the concert events for the upcoming school carnival." The boy beside you- called Kai?- murmured under his breath, his smouldering eyes flickering towards you.   "School carnival?" You repeated in confusion but turned back to the teacher, shaking your head. "Nope, none at all, sir." You made a mental note to pay more attention in class, you didn't want to become spaced-out 24/7. It was already the second time.   Soon, it was time for lunch break. You decided to strike up conversation with your new seat partner, who had remained quiet except for those two sentences he had to talk to you when you were spacing out. He was a tall olive-skinned boy who was sneaking headphones under the cover of his hoodie, generally in his own world, but he was observant enough to catch up with lessons, more than you anyway.   "Hey, uh, Kai right?"   Kai slowly averted his gaze towards you. "Yeah?"    "We'll be seat partners this whole term, huh?" You said lamely and he just nodded disinterestedly.   "Is Kai your real name?" You persisted, when it got back to being awkward silence.   "What's with the questions?" Kai raised an eyebrow, not even taking out his earphones.    "Nothing, just thought we should get to know each other since we're gonna be table partners for the whole term." You stammered, not sure if he was annoyed with you, his intense gaze freezing you up.   Kai shrugged and gave you one last look before he immersed himself in his earphones.   He was really antisocial, wasn't he? You felt your skin bristle up at his coldness. This was even more cold than Kyungsoo's treatment, if that was even possible.   You sighed, deciding to give up and stood to get up to get lunch, alone, since your deskmate was clearly a lost cause who wanted nothing to do with you. Was there something repulsive about you?    "Sehun, meet the new girl over here!" Chanyeol was dragging a familiar-looking sulking guy over to your table with overflowing enthusiasm.   You glanced at Sehun's features and gasped. This was... This was....   From the widened eyes of Sehun and the recognition glimmering in them, he sure recognized you too.   "ert." Sehun rasped indignantly, his face turning a delicate shade of pink.   "I'm not!" You protested hotly before anyone else could eavesdrop on the conversation. "I can explain!"   Chanyeol looked from Sehun to you. "Oh, OH!" He seemed to understand as well. "You're the one who called her a ert?"   Sehun gripped Chanyeol's arm and nodded and you realised, to your shock, that his lower lip was trembling. "H-hyung..." Was he seriously doing aegyo to his hyung?   "Aish, you baby. I wouldn't mind her checking me out." Chanyeol winked at you, before ruffling Sehun's hair affectionately. "Anyway, let's forget it, she's our friend now. Come, let's go for lunch together!" He beamed at you, his eyes twinkling in anticipation, his voice breezy and carefree and at that, Sehun seemed to relax and just gave you a cautious look, but at least he wasn't accusing you anymore. Chanyeol had quite the impact on his friend.   Kyungsoo had just walked past at that instance with two other taller, foreign-looking boys and he paused to glance at you. But then he saw Chanyeol and Sehun and he walked on before you could call out to him.   "Since you're not going with Kyungsoo, then you can go with us!" Chanyeol chirped and he grabbed your wrist as you continued staring at Kyungsoo's back.   - "So how's Kai?" Chanyeol asked meaningfully, his eyes dancing. This boy never seemed to be lacking of energy and it did cheer you up. Sehun was just eating his food up noisily beside the two of you.   "He's quiet." You replied honestly. "Much like him." You gestured over to Sehun, who immediately stopped eating and started spluttering and choking.    "Aw, our Sehunnie isn't quiet, he's just shy in front of pretty girls!" Chanyeol cooed and Sehun spluttered even more. "Has Kai been mean to you?"   You shook your head. "Nope, he actually helps me out when I space out. Which is a lot." You cracked a weak smile. "How's he
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Chapter 11: I like your writing style and the story. All The character interaction❤️ Cant Waiting for More cute kyung~rae moments. I wonder how raerin persuade kyungsoo to sing in the festival
squishysoo #2
Chapter 11: You definitely have to continue this fanfic! I'm too invested into it already :) I also can't wait for more moments between Raerin and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 11: Kyungsoo did not speak against Raerin for recommending him,, wow! He is definitely attrated! Chanyeol is too cute <33 Glad that you updated this one...
mrsdobyun #4
Chapter 3: I really like your writing style hahahahaha it's so funny. Thumbs up for you
xchansoox #5
hanley #6
Chapter 10: Authornim!! I'm here again. Hahah..sorry for not subscribing earlier. It just i had to finish the current story i've been reading. So......once again...*applause and confetti thrown around!!
This time is Kyungsoo as the main it's extremely cute and admirable. I love the OC's character very much. I always agree with every thing she did. Mostly when she act kindly towards Chanyeol. I don't know if it's true but i found out that Chanyeol suit better as a friend more than a boyfriend because he is so hilarious, loud and cheerful of course. She and Chanyeol will make the best friendship bond ever. And then i love it because you always stress on friendship and funny dialogues between them. You remind me of my friends. Sorry for writing too much but i really can't bottle up my feelings (bursting hormones) after reading this. Hehe please update soon. And by the way i made it to a science college and im really happy.
HanaKyungSoo #7
Chapter 10: Authir-nim! Your stories are superb! The way Raerin calls kyungsoo... Kyungie is really cute. Please update I'm dying to know what happens next. xD Fighting Author-him <3
Chapter 10: awwww...Kyungsoo and Raerin are so cute together...Raerin should accept her feelings fast :D
yeolosh #9
Chapter 9: the way she called kyungie. omg- i'm dying in jongin's arm. /no