[edited] For The First Time

Through The Facade
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You must admit, for a smart girl, your latest move hasn't been very intelligent.


You're barely over 19 years old with no notable skills except bathroom-singing and scrapbook-making, who can hardly cook without wrecking food poisoning on your victims and has been born and bred into a life of comfort. You weren't a billionaire or whatever, but you never had to lift a finger to do any household chores.


Yet you're all alone in Seoul, with nothing to your name except your huge stuffed Mamegoma plushie and a place in one of the best art and media schools for miles around. Your passion was in journalism and media, so studying in this renowed school of fine arts would definitely boost your resume, but your parents would never listen. They had screeched at you for abandoning your previous academically-elite education and threatened to disown you, but here you were anyway.


You were never one to follow the rules of the book and stay within boundaries.


When you reached the school compound, your initial doubt and worries started to ebb away. It looked really inviting and big, not like the cold corridors and white walls of your previous institution.


Your apprehension was gradually replaced by excitement and anticipation for the coming school year...

but then you realised you had nowhere to stay for the night... and for the future nights ahead.


Shim Raerin, you always let your impulsive nature get the better of you, don't you?!

You mentally kicked yourself for just buying the next available plane ticket the previous week and hightailing it here.... without even considering your accomodation. It didn't occur to you, that you had to apply to stay in the dormitories as a new student.

No matter. You plastered your brightest smile on your face and pumped a small fist in the air. "Hwaiting!" You chanted reassuringly to yourself, letting your foolhardy optimism motivate you. To you, life's challenges were a series of missions to overcome and you were Raerin the Soldier, fighting all battles valiantly like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. A girl could fantasise, huh!? Life was way more enjoyable this way to you. Your brain started to play the MI soundtrack and you mimicked crouching and ducking moves as you crafted the blockbuster-esque scene in your head.

Spy girl, 19, all alone in foreign country with nothing to her name; Mission One: Rebuild Headquarters

Prying your eyes reluctanly away from the- your!- majestic school reluctanly, you rubbed your hands in glee to embark on your first mission and made your way to the school domitories, following the signs around the school like an observant spy would.


The sky was beginning to darken as you reached what appeared to be the school dormitories, well-lit and buzzing with chatter.

A grin spread across your face. Target registered.

As always, since you weren't the meticulous type to plan, improvisation was one of your strongest suits.

You decided, on the spot, there and then, you would sneak past the dorm master and then:

Plan A (foolhardy option): Find an empty room, unlocked or picklocked (you had watched enough spy movies to break padlocks!) and sleep there for the night.

Plan B (safer option): Befriend a benevolent schoolmate who would offer you the couch for the night.

Raerin, hwaiting!

The first step was however, to get past the dorm master. He was a middle-aged pudgy and portly man who was taking a nap not-very-discreetly behind his newspapers, which suited you to a T, making the only other obstacle the tapping stations which you figured, required a student ID of sorts.

Cracking your fingers dramatically, you silently made a running jump and did a parkour-style leap up and over the stations. Your years of practising and scars to prove it weren't gone to waste.

A self-satisfied smile spread over your face as you quietly slinked in, surveying the first floor surroundings. What a cinch. Good job, Raerin, if I must say so myself.


Plan A didn't seem plausible. Wherever you looked, all the doors were shut and you realised your plan had a flaw- you couldn't tell which room was occupied or not since they were all shut. And while you were okay with breaking rules, you were sure picking the locks of occupied rooms was considered breaking the law, which was not in your call of duty.

You decided instantly that you would just push lightly on the doors to see which was occupied or not. That way, you wouldn't elicit unwanted attention and you could carry out Plan B even if there was someone inside.


You paused outside a particular room. This door looked promising. No shoes, no name placards, no door mat, no signs of life.


Taking a deep breath, you exerted force upon the door ever so lightly and to your pleasant surprise, it pushed open without any resistance. Bingo!

You eagerly ducked your head in, your eyes flickering around inquisitively-


But what you saw next made you scream and slam the door right away. 




A tall blond-haired boy with a perpetually sulky face (it seemed) snarled loudly at you from inside the room, with only a towel wrapped around his waist precariously.


Your combined screams seemed to have been very loud, because doors around you started opening, to your horror.


"Who is this girl! Omo, ert!"

"Sehun's girlfriend?"

"No way, he called her crazy woman!"


You panicked and mindlessly bolted away from the scene before they could confront you head-on and found yourself on the second level. A huge, intimidating sign stating the dorm rules and regulations was plastered near the staircase:

1. All students will report to the respective dorms for a roll check between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm daily.

2. Lights and outlets in the dormitories will be turned off Sunday through Thursday at 10:30pm. 

3.. Except for special activities, no student will be permitted out of the dormitory after 9:30pm. Bed checks will

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Chapter 11: I like your writing style and the story. All The character interaction❤️ Cant Waiting for More cute kyung~rae moments. I wonder how raerin persuade kyungsoo to sing in the festival
squishysoo #2
Chapter 11: You definitely have to continue this fanfic! I'm too invested into it already :) I also can't wait for more moments between Raerin and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 11: Kyungsoo did not speak against Raerin for recommending him,, wow! He is definitely attrated! Chanyeol is too cute <33 Glad that you updated this one...
mrsdobyun #4
Chapter 3: I really like your writing style hahahahaha it's so funny. Thumbs up for you
xchansoox #5
hanley #6
Chapter 10: Authornim!! I'm here again. Hahah..sorry for not subscribing earlier. It just i had to finish the current story i've been reading. So......once again...*applause and confetti thrown around!!
This time is Kyungsoo as the main it's extremely cute and admirable. I love the OC's character very much. I always agree with every thing she did. Mostly when she act kindly towards Chanyeol. I don't know if it's true but i found out that Chanyeol suit better as a friend more than a boyfriend because he is so hilarious, loud and cheerful of course. She and Chanyeol will make the best friendship bond ever. And then i love it because you always stress on friendship and funny dialogues between them. You remind me of my friends. Sorry for writing too much but i really can't bottle up my feelings (bursting hormones) after reading this. Hehe please update soon. And by the way i made it to a science college and im really happy.
HanaKyungSoo #7
Chapter 10: Authir-nim! Your stories are superb! The way Raerin calls kyungsoo... Kyungie is really cute. Please update I'm dying to know what happens next. xD Fighting Author-him <3
Chapter 10: awwww...Kyungsoo and Raerin are so cute together...Raerin should accept her feelings fast :D
yeolosh #9
Chapter 9: the way she called kyungie. omg- i'm dying in jongin's arm. /no