The First Morning

Through The Facade
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You had set your alarm way earlier than necessary, because you were determined not to be late and make a fool out of yourself in front of Kyungsoo.

But you didn't expect to wake up to the smell of freshly-scrambled eggs and blueberry pancakes sizzling on the pan. And the sound of your growling stomach.

You sat up on your bed, rubbing your eyes and as if by instinct, you made your way to the kitchen, drawn by the scrumptious smells wafting out of the kitchen. Just as you were rounding the corner, you heard a soft melodious voice singing.

You froze in your step and eagerly strained your ears.

"Lying beside you, here in the dark," Unmistakenly, that velvety, rich voice was Kyungsoo's, but you were shocked at how well he sang in the tune of this popular Boys II Men song. "Feeling your heart beat with mine..." It was really soft, but still you could make out the perfect pitch and resonance of his voice. He could sing!? You clasped your hand to your mouth and continued to listen quietly.

"So now I come to you, with open arms-" He had reached the chorus and you were completely enraptured, from his soothing vocals to the charming way he enunicated his English, to how he hit the high notes effortlessly. You were transported into another dimension, where you weren't all alone without your family, but in a world with only a soothing angelic voice from Heaven assuring you that everything was going to be okay... You haven't received any news from your parents and you haven't contacted them either, you had tried to push your thoughts and your guilt out of your mind, but now it was all coming back to you... You had sank to the ground on your knees, completely forgetting that you were hungry and had bed-hair.

Or so you thought. Because the next moment, your stomach let out an earth-shattering growl. Kyungsoo fell completely silent and you smacked your face in humiliation and frustration.... Oh my goodness... Shim Raerin you pig...

You started to tiptoe away, but then he called out gruffily, "How long have you been standing there for?"

You sighed, deciding it was no point pretending. So you meekly stepped into view into the kitchen and enthusiastically gave applause which you meant from the bottom of your heart. "Oh my God, Kyungsoo, I didn't know you could sing that well!" You blurted out, beaming and giving him a thumbs up. He looked back blankly at you and then turned away, as if embarrassed.

"I mean it!" You walked towards him and eyed the scrambled eggs. "You should totally sing for the school festival, dude! Can I have some?"

"Don't eat from the pan!" Kyungsoo scolded, shooing my hand away. "I'll get a plate for you."

"Don't change the subject, yah! You sing well, mister."

"I'm not. And well... I..." He was suddenly very interested in washing the plate. "You shouldn't have hidden." He added grumpily.

"Why not? If I didn't, I wouldn't have discovered that amazing voice of yours!"

Kyungsoo returned back to the dining table and scooped out eggs and a pancake for me. "I don't sing." He said simply.

You baulked. "Yah, why not? You're in an arts school! Your talent will be appreciated!"

He looked away. "It's... embarrassing."

You couldn't understand this guy. With a voice like that, you would show it off anytime and everytime. He really could sing well, you weren't exaggerating. It wasn't falsetto or anything, but he did the notes in all that correct place and his voice had this soothing feel to it that was really unique. It was like his voice, but in song. 

"Why?" You decided to try your luck, forking a bite of the pancake. 

Kyungsoo fiddled with his utensils. "I don't know. I'm not the performing type."

You raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you the school president? You shouldn't have stage fright."

He groaned, rubbing his neck. "It's different... Wait, you didn't see me sing right? You just heard?" This was the most agitated you've seen him been about something. He was twitching on his seat and his eyes were looking everywhere but you and he toyed with his food (the sin to do so when it was utterly delicious).

"Yeah, just heard." You nodded, still confused at how distressed he look. "I'm impressed! You have a good voice."

"Just eat." He said with a tone of finality in his voice and you

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Chapter 11: I like your writing style and the story. All The character interaction❤️ Cant Waiting for More cute kyung~rae moments. I wonder how raerin persuade kyungsoo to sing in the festival
squishysoo #2
Chapter 11: You definitely have to continue this fanfic! I'm too invested into it already :) I also can't wait for more moments between Raerin and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 11: Kyungsoo did not speak against Raerin for recommending him,, wow! He is definitely attrated! Chanyeol is too cute <33 Glad that you updated this one...
mrsdobyun #4
Chapter 3: I really like your writing style hahahahaha it's so funny. Thumbs up for you
xchansoox #5
hanley #6
Chapter 10: Authornim!! I'm here again. Hahah..sorry for not subscribing earlier. It just i had to finish the current story i've been reading. So......once again...*applause and confetti thrown around!!
This time is Kyungsoo as the main it's extremely cute and admirable. I love the OC's character very much. I always agree with every thing she did. Mostly when she act kindly towards Chanyeol. I don't know if it's true but i found out that Chanyeol suit better as a friend more than a boyfriend because he is so hilarious, loud and cheerful of course. She and Chanyeol will make the best friendship bond ever. And then i love it because you always stress on friendship and funny dialogues between them. You remind me of my friends. Sorry for writing too much but i really can't bottle up my feelings (bursting hormones) after reading this. Hehe please update soon. And by the way i made it to a science college and im really happy.
HanaKyungSoo #7
Chapter 10: Authir-nim! Your stories are superb! The way Raerin calls kyungsoo... Kyungie is really cute. Please update I'm dying to know what happens next. xD Fighting Author-him <3
Chapter 10: awwww...Kyungsoo and Raerin are so cute together...Raerin should accept her feelings fast :D
yeolosh #9
Chapter 9: the way she called kyungie. omg- i'm dying in jongin's arm. /no