LYON 06:26

As darkness grew, it was time to head home. Sightseeing does make time go faster when you're bored at out your mind. And considering I've only lived here for a few of months, I still have a hard time finding where my apartment is.

Emm... This looks familiar. I climb up cement steps up to the large, Victorian church. I kept the church in the back of my mind as a landmark that I must pass by to return home. It was the only landmark as the homes were identical to one another.

I felt comfortable in knowing where I was, or so I thought, and plugged in my earphones and began to continue to walk through the church alleys to find my way back home. The full moon shone brightly down on the dim cobble stones helping to guide me.

 I hate the darkness. It just swallows you up whole and leaves you trying to find even yourself in it.

My footsteps echoed off the walls with each step I took. The lamp above me flickered. I was getting this weird feeling that made me feel funny inside. I stopped and quickly snap my head back and scanned the narrow passageway behind me in case if something was following, but nothing was there.

It's just you, Baekhyun, and nothing else, okay? This was strange. Did they find them? Is everyone together already? They can’t be, right?


"Ahh!" I pull my earbud from my ear and took out my phone to see a message blinking from the black cover:

Someone is looking for you.

They found me.

 My first instinct was to run, and I did. As I passed under each lamp, it shattered leaving all that was behind me in complete darkness not even the moon was on my side anymore, but that didn't stop me from running.

It was if the whole city was going through a massive black out.

I continued pushing through with my boots clacking against the stones and echo off the walls.

And there it was! The church gates to escape from this darkness.

I slammed myself in the metal door, hoping it would swing on open.


Letting no one leave or enter. I shook the gate with all my might, but it was no use. Damn it!

I turned around and leaned against the metal gate. My breaths were heavy from running. I close my eyes in fear but to open them back up upon hearing an eerie tinkling noise following in my ears.

Strange orbs gathered behind me as it was the light to take me safely away.

Or will it?

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AisyahUmaira #1
Chapter 5: who are 'they'? :0
shmur_itskurry #2
Chapter 10: omg!! i just got goosbumps while reading this!!
MiM-Tao #3
Chapter 10: This is just so cool omg The EL DORA DO part give me goosebump ahhhh this is just soooooo cooooolll!!!!
Chapter 10: OMG THESE WERE SO COOL. I loved them :D