Chapter 26

Were in love with a guy?



How about black and red?” Kikwang popped up behind _______.

“That doesn’t sound too bad” ______ smiled.

“Then shall we go?” Key bowed and opened the door “My lady~”

“Your so cheesy hyung” Dongwoon wrinkled his nose and was the first one to exit the house

“YAH!” yelled key “I opened it for _______ not you!” he shouted

“Hahah” ______ laughed “It’s the thought that counts~” She said as she lightly pecked Key’s cheek

As _______ exited the house she heard the complaints of the other boys*.


*No one’s pov* -its easier like this aha-


After going to many stores and trying on MANY outfits the group was beyond tired. The vampires ofcrouse were just mentally tired

“Ah..sleepy” complained Sungyeol

“How can you guy’s tolerate this?” L asked Taemin

“Key hyung does this to us ALL the time so we can still move around for a couple more hours” Answered Minho

“Alright, since most of you are tired let’s just go into that last store and see if we can finally pick something” Key rolled his eyes at the group and strutted his way to the store

“Ug” grunted _______

“Yah!” complained Junhyung

“What?” answered ______

“Your supposed to be more like him” -points at key-

“This is why I dress like a boy” ______ rolled her eyes and attempted to strut but gave up in the end because she was too tired.

Soon the rest of the boys followed.

“Alright guys look around” Key said while moving the dresses on the rack scanning each one carfully

“Why can’t she just wear that one” Sungjong pointed to a random black/red dress

“That’s... not bad” Key said as he moved closer to the dress and examined it

“I like it as well” ______ said picking up the dress and heading to the fitting room

“Wait ______” Dongwoon yelled

“Yea?” She spun around to face him

“here try these heel’s on as well, they kind of match the dress” he smiled

“I’ll be right back” She gave the group a smile and disappeared inside

“Well we already have our tuxedo’s so let’s just hope she really does like it so we can go home” Doojoon said

“Yea, we have a BIG day tomorrow” Onew said as he sighed

“Im coming out!” ______’s voice was heard

*clack clack clack* the heels made noise as she came nearer

the boy’s gulped down anticipating her arrival

“WAIIITTTTT” Yelled key

“MY GOD WHAT NOW” Snapped dongwoo as he glared at key

“You guy’s can’t see her now, not until tomorrow” Key snapped back and walked towards the dressing room’s

“Then why do you get to see her?” L said 

“Because she already gave me a kiss” Key teaser and stopped ______ from coming out

“why” ______’s voice complained

“We have to save it for tomorrow, Trust me you look gorgeous” Key whispered the last word

“Really?” _____ choked out

“NOT FAIR” Kikwang said loud enough so _____ and key can here

“TOO BAD” responded Key

A couple of minutes later Key and ______ came out with the dress and heals

“We are buying this” ______ blushed and headed to the cashier

“It’s on me” Doojoon took the dress from ______’s hands and gently put it on the table

“Awww how nice for your boyfriend to buy it for you” the cashier said

“Ah you got it wr-” _____ was cut off

“Actually I’m the lucky one” Doojoon winked at ______ and grabbed the bag from the lady while saying a small ‘thank you’ and walked away

“Hehehe” giggled the cashier “Good luck at the ball” she winked

“How did you know” _____’s eyes widened

“I have my sources” and with that the cashier lady disappeared from sight

“What the” ______ scratched her head

“YAH! Hurry let’s go home so we can rest tomorrow is the ball” Sungjong shouted at _____

“C..Coming!” Yelled _______ as she hurried to the others.


*Day of ball*

*_______ pov*

“AHHHHHHH” I yelled

“Stop struggling” Key said frustrated 

“IT HURTS” I told him while rubbing away the tears that were forming around my eyes

“The extensions must be on right so they won’t fall off” Key hissed again “Goof thing I curled them before hand”

“This is torture” I said sadly

“Get used to it sweetie”  he said smugly

*5 minutes later*

“See that wasn’t that bad right?” Key said proudly

“My head is throbbing though” I pouted at him

“Well, it’s worth it look” He put up a mirror so I can see my hair”


hair2“I thought it was going to be curly” I pouted


“It was at first but then it made you look like a poodle” He laughed

“So I wen’t through all the pain for nothing?” I asked in disbelief

“Not really” He walked to my closet and got my dress out “Time to put it on” he smiled happily

*Meanwhile down stairs*


“What?” asked onew trying to fix his tie

“My tie is too tight! I wan’t to take it off” Taemin was trying to remove the tie until a pair of hands grabbed him

“Remove it and your dead” Key glared at his “son”

“k...Key when did you get here?” Taemin stuttered

“Are you disrespecting me now too?” Key hissed

The whole room fell silent and all eyes were on them two 

“N..No.. Of course not hyung” Taemin looked like he was one the verge of tears

“AHAHA” Key broke out in laughter

Everyone looked confused but soon followed and laughed

“Im kidding, Oh my god you should have seen your face” Key tried to imitate Taemin’s face

“That wasn’t funny!” Taemin pouted even more

“I’m sorry but I just had to do it” Key hugged Taemin and made his tie a bit loose so it won’t “choke” him

“Everyone ready?” Key asked as he looked around at the guys “The suits upgrade you two” Key said while pointed at INFINITE and BEAST



[all are wearing black skinny jeans]
“wow” Yoseob said as you reached the bottom

“S..Stop staring” _______ crossed her arms and looked the other way avoiding the boy’s stare’s

“ You look amazing” They chorused 

“Thanks” ______ rubbed the back of her neck





and shoes




“A limo is outside to pick us up, Time to go” Hyunseung said as he opened the door


“Are you sure I can do this?” _______ shakily said

“Of course, Just remember to not get scared and don’t insult anyone” Woohyun said as he slid _____’s arm into his and walked out with her

“Don’t worry everyone is actually nice, it’s not like the typical vampire movies where they are all blood thirsty and ready to kill anyone” L said as he took the other side of ______

“ahaha...Right” ______ tried to calm herself as she entered the limo.

“Everyone ready to make it a good night!” Dongwoo shouted happily and closed the door

[he was the last one to enter]

“We can do this!” hoya and woohyun joined in and high fived each other

“Don’t be nervous just enjoy the party” Sunggyu took ______’s hand and held it to comfort her

“ok” Was all _______ could say.


LOL late night upload?

Well yea ;u;

I want to say thank you to everyone

for understanding 

yes i am still sick [don’t know when it will go away >:(]

but i will try my best to upload more!

please be patient hehehe

:U who was the cashier lady?

hint//one of the applicant’s



vote on who YOU want to end up with

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im back ;u;


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Chapter 21: *chants* ALL! ALL! ALL!ALL!ALL!!!!
Chapter 35: Wahhh. I hope she ends up with the three groups! Hehehe eager much?
Aw:( will if u change ur mind i will be waiting to read next chapters o// -subscribed-
Chapter 19: This was cute.... Sungjungiee cute >.<
Chapter 16: Songjung and taemin are cute xD always fighting
Chapter 2: This chap is confusing >.< its from you to I.. In which pov is it? :( tho i liked the story so far *-*
eboney333 #7
Chapter 36: Please don't give up :(
midst_lhady22 #8
Chapter 36: No pleaseee..dont give this fic has nice story plot..and very interesting characters that makes irresistable...pleaseeee.... (;~; ) I'm begging you..pleaseeeee..
panda10 #9
Pleeeaase don't stop this fic T_T it has a quite unique storyline and it's something new after I reed a lot of similar fics :( I can't force you to continue but don't you see how many subscribers you have for this fic? You can't really believe that it doesn't matter for us subbies that you won't continue right? :'(
Chapter 36: Aww your not going to finish it yourself?
Hmm... I was possibly thinking of taking it but then I have my own stories to worry about too... So I can't :/
Good luck on your next fanfics :)
And to the person who will take this story! Good luck xD