Chapter 23

Were in love with a guy?



“I’m hungry hyung” Dongwoon came up to Doojoon and grabbed onto his arm “FEED ME OH MIGHTY LEADER!”

“Yah! Get off me” Doojoon tried to shake dongwoon off his hand but it didn’t work so in the end he gave up and let the maknae be extra weight for him.

“Let’s go to this nearby chicken restaurant, I know some people that work their” Sungyeol said

“Fine with me” Dongwoo said as the placed the last of the bags onto the table

“Let’s go!” Dongwoon gleefully pulled his leader with him




*Your Pov*


Well, here we are sitting in a chicken restaurant, waiting for our food to arrive by those two crazy twin waiters. 


I looked down at myself again for like the 100th time. I can’t believe I’m actually dressed as a girl! NEVER did I expect this to happen. Meeting gorgeous vampires on my first day of school? Actually having friends? Was luck finally coming to me?

“Here’s the drinks” Minwoo came and gave us all drinks

“Whoops” he said as he took back the cup he gave me “That’s for Minho, my bad” he gave me a clear cup that had coke inside of it. 

I looked at the other cups that the guys had and theres were black.. Why was mine clear? 

“He-” I was cut off from loud voices entering the restaurant

“WOW! What a surprise!” Kwangmin came running out of the kitchen and greeted the new guests.

“This is so unfair” Taemin grumbled and hid his face in his hands

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously

“Table for 13!” A voice that sounded exactly like Sungyeol shouted

“Is that-” I was cut off once again

“Yea” Key glared at the unseen guests

“Actually SHINee hyung’s are here and they brought their wife, don’t you wan’t to sit with them?” Youngmin came out of the kitchen holding platters of delicious smelling chicken dishes.

“They are?” I heard Sungjong’s excited voice

“Yea there right over th-” I heard kwangmin’s voice being cut off as he was “pushed” to the ground by an eager Sungjong.

“____________!” I heard sungjong yell as he approached our table.


‘Should I turn around?’ I debated inside my head ‘don’t do it he will laugh’ a part of me said ‘no he won’t everyone else gawked at you when you stepped out’.


“Might as well” you muttered under your breath “Hey.” You weakly smiled at a now stunned Sungjong

“W...Wow” was all that came out of his mouth. I buried my face in my hands from embarrassment

“I knew I didn’t look good” I stood up to walk to the bathroom but someone had already grabbed onto my wrist

“You look beautiful. Don’t misunderstand this idiot” Sunggyu turned me around to face him as he gave me one of his famous eye smiles “Even though they are silent their ‘hormones’ are going wild” he gave me a quick wink.

I looked over to the rest of the guy’s and noticed some were dazed looking at me and other trying to avoid my stare.

“Let’s eat!” Dongwoo broke the silence and sat down.

Throughout our meal I was bombarded with complements on my “new” look. I kept telling them I wasn’t going to dress like this everyday but they ignored it and just said that they couldn’t wait to see me in my school uniform.

“YO Kwangmin” Hoya shouted at the twin

“Yea?” Kwangmin walked toward Hoya 

“Can I get another refill on the B-L-O-O-D” Hoya rapped the last part.

Wait a minute... They were drinking blood? I grabbed the nearest cup which was Taemin’s and looked inside of it. Inside the cup their was a gooey red substance....blood. I was curious and sniffed the cup, to my surprise I couldn’t smell anything.

“Sorry we didn’t tell you” Key looked at me “We didn’t wan’t you to freak out” he tried giving me a warm smile but failed as his lips turned into a frown.

“No it’s ok I understand you guys need that to survive.....” I put the cup back down and turned away.

“HEY GUYS DID YOU GET THE TXT YET?” A cheerful Minwoo came running out of the kitchen

“A text?” doojoon said but right after was caught of by his own ringtone going off.

“Oh no..” Onew said as he looked at his cell too.

“Whats wrong?” L said as he tried to take a peek at Sunggyu’s cell 

“The ball is going to be held in three days! I can finally introduce you to my wife!” Minwoo cheered

“Our wife” The twin’s muttered.

“Our hyung’s can also see your lovely wife” Youngmin took my hand a quickly pecked it

“That’s our problem.. She’s not our wife” Minho gulped

 “None of us have found one yet” continued a sad Yoseob

“Then why doesn’t ______ here be your wife for the ball? I mean there are some groups that share a woman” Minwoo innocently stated

“Wait what?” I was so confused. What ball were they talking about?

“That’s not a bad idea!” Jumped Kikwang out of his seat “I finally have a beautiful wife!” he came over to me and hugged me.

“Wah” He was hugging me a bit too tight “C..Can’t Breathe!” I started to swing my hands wieldy so he could get the hint.

“You mean OUR wife” Jonghyun quickly pulled me away from Kikwang’s ridiculous bear hug.

“Don’t worry ______ we will take good care of you at the ball plus it’s going to be a ton of fun!” Smiled Taemin

“Wait a minute of ______ is going to fake being one of our wife’s its going to be with us!” Sungyeol and Woohyun

pulled me away from Jonghyun.

“Your going to look good in a ballroom dress _______! We can introduce you to the rest of our buddies!” Hoya came up behind me and back hugged me.

“Wait ...Stop” I tired to squirm away from them but they were holding on too tight and busy talking about what dress I would wear to the ball. 


*No One’s pov*


In no time the three groups were arguing non stop on who would take ________ to the ball and show her off as their “wife”. 

“She’s ours!” Key yelled

“You guy’s already had your turn” Retorted Junhyung

“We....She is going with us” Sungjong shouted

“C..Can’t I have a ... ow .... In this?” Stammered a scared ________

“Ahem” Minwoo cleared his throat.

No one listened

“I SAID SHUT UP!” With a violent shout the whole store trembled as if it was getting stampeded.

Everyone stopped arguing and looked at a now satisfied Minwoo

“When I said she could go as your “wife” I meant that she could be ALL of your wife’s” he pouted

“YEA!” Youngmin popped out 

“Just like DBSK,SS501, and U-kiss Hyung’s! They all share one wife” Kwangmin popped up right beside his brother.

“Well,...” Sunggyu scratched the back of his head

“I don’t mind” Onew said as he quickly stole one of Doojoon’s chicken nuggets

“Hyung!” Whined Taemin

“No whining I think it’s a good idea for now” Onew said eyeing L’s chicken

“I guess it could work out” Doojoon swatted Onew’s hand preventing him from taking another piece.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Everyone turned and faced _______.



OMG sorry I haven’t updated LOL


Hope you forgive me!

Well, yea I told u guys to apply because I’m going to need 

“Wifes” for the ball ^^ 

you can still apply! but do it soon!!!



Name: [make it up]

Couple: [pick a group that isn't Shinee,b2st, or Infinite]

Talent: [you don't have to have one / kind of like powers]

also explain why you should be picked!:D

-message me it please-


vote on who YOU want to end up with!

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
im back ;u;


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Chapter 21: *chants* ALL! ALL! ALL!ALL!ALL!!!!
Chapter 35: Wahhh. I hope she ends up with the three groups! Hehehe eager much?
Aw:( will if u change ur mind i will be waiting to read next chapters o// -subscribed-
Chapter 19: This was cute.... Sungjungiee cute >.<
Chapter 16: Songjung and taemin are cute xD always fighting
Chapter 2: This chap is confusing >.< its from you to I.. In which pov is it? :( tho i liked the story so far *-*
eboney333 #7
Chapter 36: Please don't give up :(
midst_lhady22 #8
Chapter 36: No pleaseee..dont give this fic has nice story plot..and very interesting characters that makes irresistable...pleaseeee.... (;~; ) I'm begging you..pleaseeeee..
panda10 #9
Pleeeaase don't stop this fic T_T it has a quite unique storyline and it's something new after I reed a lot of similar fics :( I can't force you to continue but don't you see how many subscribers you have for this fic? You can't really believe that it doesn't matter for us subbies that you won't continue right? :'(
Chapter 36: Aww your not going to finish it yourself?
Hmm... I was possibly thinking of taking it but then I have my own stories to worry about too... So I can't :/
Good luck on your next fanfics :)
And to the person who will take this story! Good luck xD