Chapter 14

Were in love with a guy?


They left. It was awkward with them just staring at you smiling.

“uhh...” was all that could come out of your mouth. You started getting creeped out since they started laughing.

“______, why don't we play a little game” The smiled

Uh Oh.


*Taemins pov*

“______,why don’t we play a little game” we smiled at her. By the look on her face she seemed a bit scared.

“Wh...what game?” she choked on her words

“Well, the kitchen is still a mess” Sungjong pointed to the kitchen, I noticed she let out a relieved sigh, big mistake.

“So loser has to clean the kitchen” Dongwoon said cheerfully

“Winner gets a date with the their group” I smiled at her


“What do you mean?” she said obviously confused

“Us four will play 3 games, the two losers have to stay back and clean the kitchen with their groups, while the winner gets a date with you” I said as I put my arms around her shoulder

“Wait” she rejected my move “What if I win?” she said pouting “There has to be a prize for me, it wont be fair”

Our jaws fell. Did she really not consider it lucky to go on a date with a handsome group of men?

“Fine, even though you just basically crushed our pride” Sungjong muttered “we will allow you to order us around for a week?” He winked at her. Psh hitting on her already sungjong?I was a bit glad Dongwoon didn’t hit on her.Never the less  I felt a bit irritated that he was making moves on my______.... I mean on _______. Key hyung was the one that saved her so I only think its fair if key hyung flirts with her.

I should do something...

“So, as i was saying” I quickly grabbed ______ waist. Wow its very thin. I guess I cant notice since she puts on a lot of male clothes on. Wait.. If I win and hyung’s and I get a date with her she will be dressed as a girl! Ah Happy Day!


I felt my face heat up when Taemin suddenly  grabbed my waist. It’s the first contact i’ve made with a male in .... well its the first time. I felt him loosen the group so I turned around and noticed he was smiling to himself like a fool

“Uh..Taemin” I poked his cheek. No reaction “Taemin! let go, or I wont play” I huffed. I felt his arms leave my waist

“I’m sorry” he gave me a heart warming eye smile

“So are you in our out?” Dongwoon poked my side. I flinched and held back a giggle

“Depends what are the games going to be” I raised my eyes brows at him

“Lets right a bunch of games down on paper slips and put them into a jar; we can pick three of them randomly” Sungjong interrupted.

“Ok, Sounds like a good idea” I gave them a smile and headed towards the ruined kitchen to get a jar. Luckily there was one left and had no cracks!

*10 minutes later*

“Is everyone done writing the games down?” Dongwoon held the jar up, we started putting in the papers

“Here you shake it _______”Dongwoon smiled and I could notice a blush. I wasn’t really comfortable with Dongwoon that much but I can slowly feel the tension I have with him fade away.

“Thanks Dongwoon” I shook the jar violently.

‘shake shake shake shake’ I thought. ( ~≥  ^  ≤)~Ω

“Done~” I smiled and placed the jar in the middle of the coffee table “So who chooses first” I decided to just let them three draw the slips, since I got to shake the jar (hehehe). They used rock, paper, scissors to determine who would choose first. Sungjong won so he chose first.

“Here I go” he said as he placed his hand inside the jar

“Oh! This looks like fun” He smiled.

“What! No fair” Pouted Taemin

“I guess thats ok” dongwoon meekly said

“I’ve never played it” I pouted

“_______ Get ready to go on a date with me and my hyungs~, this will surely be an easy victory” He smiled

“Yah! You haven’t even won yet and your already talking big”Dongwoon accused

“Agreed, plus you have to win two out of three” taemin nodded and stood by Dongwoon

“What ever guy’s lets just go play the game” I muttered


What is the game?:D
Who knows~ ohoho
Second update. Sorry its short.
Mom has me helping her with her FB
LOL yea she made one and she makes me
give her my laptop so she can check it ;n;
not that i mind but i have things to do too!!
please vote on who YOU want to end up with



Sungjong Won the first draw :D. [trying to work on the next chapter, sorry if i dont post it today ;u;]


SungJong Pictures, Images and Photos

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im back ;u;


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Chapter 21: *chants* ALL! ALL! ALL!ALL!ALL!!!!
Chapter 35: Wahhh. I hope she ends up with the three groups! Hehehe eager much?
Aw:( will if u change ur mind i will be waiting to read next chapters o// -subscribed-
Chapter 19: This was cute.... Sungjungiee cute >.<
Chapter 16: Songjung and taemin are cute xD always fighting
Chapter 2: This chap is confusing >.< its from you to I.. In which pov is it? :( tho i liked the story so far *-*
eboney333 #7
Chapter 36: Please don't give up :(
midst_lhady22 #8
Chapter 36: No pleaseee..dont give this fic has nice story plot..and very interesting characters that makes irresistable...pleaseeee.... (;~; ) I'm begging you..pleaseeeee..
panda10 #9
Pleeeaase don't stop this fic T_T it has a quite unique storyline and it's something new after I reed a lot of similar fics :( I can't force you to continue but don't you see how many subscribers you have for this fic? You can't really believe that it doesn't matter for us subbies that you won't continue right? :'(
Chapter 36: Aww your not going to finish it yourself?
Hmm... I was possibly thinking of taking it but then I have my own stories to worry about too... So I can't :/
Good luck on your next fanfics :)
And to the person who will take this story! Good luck xD