Chapter 11

Were in love with a guy?

Short recap:

“Where am I?” I tried to keep my voice strong but it came out as a scared whisper.


*Your pov*

They turned around. They all stopped what they were doing and gave all their attention to me. I wanted to gasp, most of them I knew from my classes so far and others are complete strangers... One thing for sure is that they are all undenyingly (LOL) beautiful.

“Ahem” a voice said. I snapped out of my daze and turned to look at the guy that was there before I passed out.

“I see your awake. How are you feeling?” He tried his best to give me a smile but honestly it looked like he was panicking.

“I want to know were I am, what am I doing here?” I whispered. My body hurt all over especially my neck. I knew I was running a fever by the massive headache and my flushed cheeks.

“Well, we couldn't exactly leave you laying on the floor?” a boy came in the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips from the counter.

“Don't eat those before you have had a proper meal” the guy with the cat like eyes said while trying to snatch it from the other boy.

“Stop playing around, we have guests” Oh I remember him, he was my PE partner.. What was his name?

“Jonghyun” he smiled at me. What the?

“I know what your thinking” he smirked. I don’t feel safe here I thought.

“We wont do anything to you” he took the bag of chips away from the boy that was getting chased by cat eyes.

“Will you stop doing that” I frowned. Who would want to invade your privacy. How rude. I wish he heard that.

“I did” He smiled again


“Now that I’m done chasing him” He pointed to the guy with the goofy smile on “We should probably introduce ourselves.

I nodded still confused. Jonghyun grabbed my hand and dragged me to what seems to be a living room. I scanned them room only to be frozen.

He was here. Why did he of all people have to be here.They little comfort I felt since I have woken up was long gone by now.There he was that dongwoon guy, the one that bit me.

“No,no,no,no” I struggled trying to get out of Jonghyun’s grip but he was way to strong. It was too late. My pleas had caused Dongwoon to look up and look at my direction. I noticed his eyes widen a bit when he saw me but they quickly turned into a look of pain and then they looked relieved. What the? Shouldn’t he be attacking me? Pinning me down and finish off the job? I’m pretty sure I have never offended him to make him want to kill me, but then again there are people who enjoy killing others? All the thoughts started making my head hurt even more then it already did so I quickly pushed them away and just avoided his gaze. No way was it possible to finish me off with all these people around.

“Ok guy’s get in line” The cat like guy said while clapping his hands.

There was a couple mumbles complaining about making them lose the game but never the less they got up and went into small groups in front of me.

“Ok since we are guest’s we will go first” Hoya the guy in my gym class said while jumping up and down.

“Hello we are Infinite!” they bowed at me. I didn’t know what to do so I just bowed back.

“I’m their handsome leader Sunggyu” he smiled

“I’m L” he mumbled. Oh yea the one that helped me in the nurse

“I’m Sungjong the cute maknae” he did a cute pose. WTF isn’t he the one in my art class that didn’t like me?
I was bewildered at his introduction but quickly shook it off when the other guy introduced himself.

“I’m Sungyeol, You know me already” He gave you a cute wave, you responded with a nod and a giggle

“I’m Dongwoo, and this is Woohyun” he pointed to himself and then pointed to the guy next to him

“Hey I wanted to introduce myself” woohyun pouted

“Yo I’m Hoya” he did a short little dance and you clapped

“I’m _____” you bowed again.

“Ok enough with them, we are next” The cat like guy said.

“I’ts nice to meet you _____ we are SHINee” they bowed

“You already know me” Jonghyun winked at you which made you turn a bit redder than you already where

“I’m Onew the leader, I was supposed to introduce myself first” He smacked the back of Jonghyun’s head

“Hi I’m Taemin” a cute boy stood in front of you and engulfed you in a big hug. You were taken back at his action you let out a little ‘Yelp’

“Taemin you don’t want her to faint” a tall guy with piercing eyes said “ It's nice to meet you I’m Minho” he gave you a heart melting smile. You were dazed by his smile that you didn’t even notice he said “her” until their was some commotion from the “Infinite” boys.

“Wait your a girl?” Sunggyu came up to you. Oh crap

“Guys lets not interrupt our introductions” Jonghyun came and pulled Sunggyu back to his group

“We’ll explain later, Hi I’m the almighty Key” He gave you a little pose at the end to give more effect to his diva like voice
You smiled at his action and nodded. You felt a bit relieved they knew you were a girl.

“Well, that’s all five of us, B2st is next” Key said. You were a bit afraid since Dongwoon was in there but you didn’t want to be rude.

“It’s nice to meet you we are sooo B2ST” they bowed.

“Hi, nice to see you again ______ hope you remember me” he pointed to himself

“Of course, It's nice to see you Doojoon” you nodded and smiled

“Dammit we should of asked her if she remember us “I heard sungyeol whisper to woohyun

“I know you remember me for sure” Yoseob said jumping up and down

“Uh.. Was it Yunho?” you faked it, which caused him to stop jumping and sadly pout

“I’m.. Kidding, I remember you yoseob” You quickly said.

“Ahah I knew you remembered me” he gave you a quick hug and pecked you cheek.

OMG I feel like fainting you yelled in your head.

“Snap out of it” a voice said “Yoseob likes skin ship so you should get used to it, I’m hyunseung” he gave you a small smile

“I’m Kikwang” another one said while trying to sneak back to the wii

“Don’t play, Its rude. Nice to meet you I’m Junhyung” he pointed to himself then went to drag kikwang back to the group. You couldn’t help but laugh.

“I... I’m really sorry ______” Dongwoon stepped closer to you.

“I didn’t mean to bite you” he looked down avoiding your gaze

“please forgive me” It seemed like he was going to break out crying any minute.

“I’m not sure I can forgive you that easily” you said back while trying to get him to look at you.

“I’ll do anything please” He finally looked up and met your gaze

“Tell me what you are” You said trying to sound tough

“You already know” He whispered

“I want to hear you say it” he knew you wouldn't stop so he agreed.


“I’m sorry” Onew said embarrassed while he rubbed the back of his neck “I haven’t eaten anything yet. ahaha” He looked away

“Let’s stop for now, We can all have dinner and we can continue the conversation after it” Key said while pushing minho and L out into the hallway toward the kitchen.

“Come on ______”Taemin said grabbing your hand

“Wait” you said trying to pull away “I’m not sure he meant me as well” you said a but embarrassed you didn’t want to intrude. They have done more then enough.

“I’m not going to take a no for an answer you come to” Key poked his head through the door and motioned his hand for you to follow after him.

“I guess” You blushed and followed along

“Good girl” Dongwoo came up from behind and patted your head

“Wait how do you now?” You said still confused on how they found out

“Well, it simple really. Look at your clothes” Jonghyun muttered and quickly walked away.

Wait a minute....

You looked at your shirt remembering that it wasn’t the one you had on.. That can only explain one thing...

“WHO CHANGED ME” You shouted from the top of your lungs

“Key hyung you should hide for a while” I heard taemin whisper to key


Thanks so much for all the comments.
; u ;) as you can tell i get really happy when
someone leaves a comment so heres a little present for you guys another chapter -throws confetti-
ahaha its 11:48 pm here so it counts as a TRIPLE update again  WOOOO \( ≥ u ≤)/
Sorry if there are many mistakes in this one. I didnt really double check it since it's late and im tired. ahahah


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Chapter 21: *chants* ALL! ALL! ALL!ALL!ALL!!!!
Chapter 35: Wahhh. I hope she ends up with the three groups! Hehehe eager much?
Aw:( will if u change ur mind i will be waiting to read next chapters o// -subscribed-
Chapter 19: This was cute.... Sungjungiee cute >.<
Chapter 16: Songjung and taemin are cute xD always fighting
Chapter 2: This chap is confusing >.< its from you to I.. In which pov is it? :( tho i liked the story so far *-*
eboney333 #7
Chapter 36: Please don't give up :(
midst_lhady22 #8
Chapter 36: No pleaseee..dont give this fic has nice story plot..and very interesting characters that makes irresistable...pleaseeee.... (;~; ) I'm begging you..pleaseeeee..
panda10 #9
Pleeeaase don't stop this fic T_T it has a quite unique storyline and it's something new after I reed a lot of similar fics :( I can't force you to continue but don't you see how many subscribers you have for this fic? You can't really believe that it doesn't matter for us subbies that you won't continue right? :'(
Chapter 36: Aww your not going to finish it yourself?
Hmm... I was possibly thinking of taking it but then I have my own stories to worry about too... So I can't :/
Good luck on your next fanfics :)
And to the person who will take this story! Good luck xD