
One In A Million

A few monthd have passed and Key had finished his community service, but secides to staythere anyway. He really likes being there. He spent all of his free time there. He has become a big brother to all of the childern. They would always come to him when they were having a problem. Ren used to come all the time, but as time  went on, he came less and less. He was glad to see that he was doing alot better. It filled him with joy and happiness that he was able to help so many childern, when he didn't have that kind of help when he was younger. Even tho he didn't have it back then, he's glad that there are places like that now for the futurw childern.

One day he is outside playing with the childern. Pushing them on the swing and chasing them. He has a smile on his face. Around the corner stands Minho and Taemin. They see him picking up a small girl and spinning her around in his arms.

"He looks so happy doesn't he?" Taemin asks.

"Yes he does. I've never seen him like that." Minho replies

They slowly walk over to him. he doesn;t see them. They decide to sit on the bench and watch him interact with the childern. A little boy falls down and starts to cry. Key goes over to him and picks him up in his arms, brushing off the dirt. THe littel boy stops crying and hugs him and places a kiss on his cheek. he ruffles his hair as he puts him back down on the ground. The little boy runs off with a laugh and a smile on his face. Key turns around and sees Taemin and Minho setting on the bench with a smile on their faces. Slowly he walks over to them. he doesn't know what to expect. He knows what he did is wrong and that they are probably still mad at him. he rings his hands in front of himself as he walks. He finally gets up to them and they both stand up.

He looks at them," Hi, what brings you two here?"

 Taemin smiles," We came to see how you are doing."

He looks down at the ground, not knowing what to say.

Minho speaks," Key wahts wrong? Are you okay?"

He bows down in front of them," I'm so sorry for what I have done. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

Taemin grabs his hand causing him to stand back up,"No, I'm sorry. if i would of known what was going on, and let you explaine to me what was happening, then maybe there would of been a chance, but I didn't let you, so for that I am truly sorry."

"There is no reason for you to be sorry. What I did was wrong. So please don;t be sorry. I know what i did was unforgiveable, so I won't ask for forgiveness." Key says.

Minho placeshis hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at him. They just look at eachother for a few moments. Key drops his head looking at the ground again. He starts to cry, he tried to hold it in, but it doesn't work. He starts to shake. They see this and embrace him. He hesitates at first, but them wraps his arms around them crying even harder. They both look at each other with the same thought running thru their minds.They both lean up and whisper in his ear,"We Forgive you."

This causes him to jump back and just looka t them. He didn't expect them to forgive him.

"You forgive me? But why?" Key asked.

"We understand why you did what you did. Owen told us both. I remembered when you used to come to school covered in bruises, and I never knew why, but now i do. You have payed for what you have done. I want all of us to be friends. I always wanted to be your friend, but you were always so closed off." Taemin says.

He looks over at Minho and he nods with a smile on his face.

"Thank you. Thank you both very much. It means alot to me. I want to be friedns as well." Key replies.

They sit down and talks for a very long time. From time to time the little ones would come over and sit next to them. They would all laugh while watching them play. Remembering when they were little. Taemin and Minho say their good byes and head back home. 

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