A Small Misunderstanding

One In A Million

Taemin is pacing back and forth in the hallway wondering what all is wrong with MInho. No one has come out to tell him anything. He sees people going in and out, but never to tell him anything. His toughts are racing again. 

"Minho you have to be strong. You can;t leave me. I won;t know how to live without you." he says

The doors open and out comes a doctor and looks st him, "Are you family?"

He looks at the doctor,"I'm his boyfriend. How is he? Is he okay? Can I see him?"

"He is okay. His leg is broken but we fixed it. He suffered a bump on the head, but besides that he is okay. I can take you to see him. Please follow me." says the doctor.

He follows the doctor and they head towards the elevator. They go inside and the doors close. He closes his eyes and braths a sigh of relif. The elevator stops and they head out. They go down the hallway towards Minhos room.

"He's still alseep from the sedation, but you can go and see him." the doctor says.

He nods," Thank you .

He heads in slowly not knowing what to expect. He takes a deep breath and walks foward. He sees him laying on the bed, his right leg in a cast and a bandage on his head around his head. He covers his mouth to silence his cries. Finally he is at his bed side. He pulls up the chair and sits down. He puts his head on the bed," I don;t know if you can hear me, but why did you you do it? Why did you push me out of the way and take the impact that was ment ofor me? It should be me laying there not you. Seeing you laying there is killing me. I don't know what i would do if you had died. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be alone."

He starts to cry. Tears are streaming down his face. He has cried so mush that he didn;t even realise how tired he was. He falls asleep in the chair, with his head on his hands on the bed.

The nurses come to check on Minho and they see him alseep in the chair. The nurse that helped him eariler goes and gets a blanket and covers him up. 

The morning comes and Minho wakes up. He looks around the room. He stops looking when he sees Taemin asleep beside of him. he smiles and reaches out and touches the top of his head and he stirs and sits up.

"Hey sleepy head." He says with a smile.

Taemin rubs his eyes and sees that He is sitting up in the bed,"Hey how are you feeling? I was really worried about you. I was afraid that I was going to lose you." He goes and sits on the edge of the bed and just looks at him.

Minho pull him into his arms and holds him close and whispers in his ear," I love you to."

He quickly pulls away, " You heard me? I didn't know if you could. I ment everything I said."

Minho smiles," I know. Can I ask you something?"

He nods,"Yeah.'" he asks.

I"it was Key driving wasn't it?" he asked

Taemin nods, Yes it was. I told him that if you would of died, I was goign to kill him."

There was no need to go that far. While I was asleep you asked me why I did it. Well, I didn't want you to get hurt. I couldn;t let you get hurt. I am goign to protect you no matter what happens. So that is why i pushed you out of the way," he replies pulling him back against him holding him close.

The day passes and they sit and talk about alot of things. They laugh from time to time. 

The next morning the doctor comes in," Hey Minho how are you feeling?"

"I'm actuallu doing pretty well. My leg hurts a little bit, but what can i expect its broken." he says with a laugh.

'Well that will take a while, but it will get better." he says while checking the chart and then he leaves. After the doctor leaves a tall dark haired boy runs into the room and goes over and hugs Minho.

"Hyung are you okay?" he asked.

Taemin sees this and gets up out of the chair knocking it to the floor, he turns and runs out of the room.

"Who was that ?" Owen asked.

"That was Taemin. He's my boyfriend and I think he got the wrong idea," Minho replies.

"Oh I didn;t even see him when I came in. Mom called and asked me to come and check up on you." Owen says.

"I see, I need to go and explaine to Taemin who you are. One boy has already tired to take him away from me, and I think that he thinks that you are here to take me away from him." Minho says.

Owen shakes his head," No let me. You need your rest."

He nods, "Okay"

Owen heads out of the room and goes looking for Taemin. He heads outside and sees him setting on the bench and he is crying. He walks up to him slowly.

"Taemin" he says

He look sup at him,"Are you here to take him away from me?"

Owen shakes his head," No I'm not. In Minhos older brother. Our mom called me and I took the first flight out to come and check on him. I'm Owen."

"Nice to meet you Owen. I'm sorry for storming out like that." he replies.

"No need to be sorry. I can understand. I honestly didn't even see you when I came in. So I am sorry." Owen says

"It's okay" he replies.

"So can you tell me what happened?" Owen asks.

Taemin takes a deep breath and tells him the story.

"I see. Well I will help in anyway that I can. I'm a laywer in the states. So leave everything to me okay?" Owen says.

"Okay" Taemin replies.

They head back inside and go back up to Minhos room. They sit and talk for a little bit.

"I;m going to go and find Key and talk to him and see whats going on.It was nice to met you Taemin, take care of my brother." Owen says.

He nods," It was nice to meet you to, and I will, you don;t need to worry."

Owen heads out and leave the two of them alone. 

"I'm sorry about eariler." Taemin says.

"It's okay, ther eis no need ot be sorry. I haven;t seen my brother in over 5 years since he moved to the states. I didn't know that he would come, I wonder how he knew I was here." Minho replies.

"When we got the hospital I called my mom and asked if she could call your mom and tell her what happened, maybe she called your brother." Teamin says

"Probably, but I'm glad that he is here, he can help us deal with Key." Minho replies.

"I hope that your brother can figure out waht going on with him, and why he is the way that he is." Taemin says.

Minho nods," Me to."

They embrace eachother and fall asleep.




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