The Sleep Over

One In A Million

As soon as Taemin steps foot inside of his house he goes straight towards the kitchen and grabs a ice pack from the freezer, placing it on his hands he goes and sits down at the table.His mother comes into the kitchen and sees him.

"Hunny what happened are you okay?" she askes.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just had a really weird day at school. He replies.

"What happened?" she asks.

"You remember the boy that used to pick on me in school?" he asked

"Yeah,his name was Key, wasn't it?" she asks

He nods," Well he showed up at school today, saying that I belonged to him and noone else. Minho and I were eating and he pulled me out of my seat and then threw me to the floor. After i got up he kissed me and I punched him in the face."

She shakes her head,"He still thought that he had a chance didn't he?"

He nods again," He only did that after I told him that Minho was my boyfriend, he didn't believe that he was. I told him that I never want to see him ever again."

"I hope that he got the hint this time. I'm going to get dinner ready, when it is done can you go over and let them know?" she asks.

He nods, I'm going to go and take a shower. Just let me knwo when it is done."

He heads upstairs and goes to the bathroom and starts the shower. He gets underdressed and steps in letting the warm water run over him trying to forget about what happened today. He is finally done and wraps a towl around his waist and heads towards his room. He goes over to his closet and pick out the cloths. He takes the towl from around his waist and dries his hair. He finally gets dressed as he hears his mother calling him. "You can go and get them now."

He nods and heads out the door. He goes over and rings the door bell. He has his back towards the door.

"Hey Taemin, what's wrong?" says Minhos mother.

He jumped a little,"Oh hello, nothing is wrong. My mom sent me over to come and get you and Minho for dinner."

"Yes I remember, Minho is taking a shower. Would you like to come in and wait?" she asks.

He nods and heads inside. Sitting down on the couch as he looks around. There are pictures of Minho when he was little and it brings a smile to his face.

"Minho told me what happened in school today, about what you did. He also said that you called him your boyfriend." she says with a smile.

He nods shyly," I did. I wasnted to ask you if it would be okay if your son and I dated."

She laughs," I thought you two already were."

He just looks at her,"Well we wanted to get premission first. He has already asked my mom, and I wanted to ask you myself."

"Well what did your mother say?" she asks

"She gave us her blessing. She's happy for me that I don;t have to keep looking for the one for me." he says with a smile.

She smiles back at him,"Well then you have my blessing as well. I have never seen my son happier."

They hear footsteps and look and see Minho is standing drying his hair with a towl.

"Wow he's so handsome." Taemin thought.

"What I saw eariler wasn't bad either." Minho says in his thought..

Taemin just looks at him with wide eyes, "You....You saw me?"

He nods and has a smile on his face. Taemim face turns red and he smiles back.

"He came over to get us for dinner You ready to go?" She asks

He nods and takes the towl and puts it in the bathroom, he comes back out and helps his mom carry the dishes over. Taemin goes ahead and opens the door.

"Mom i'm back" he says

"I'm in the kitchen" she repiles.

They all heard towards the kitchen, his mother turns around,"Hi"

Minhos mother sets down the food she brought over,"I made some food as well. Didn't want to come over empty handed."

She smiles,"You didn't have to do that lets go and eat"

They all go and sit down, the boys on one side and the mother on the other.. 

"So what do you two have planned for this weekedn?" Minhos mother asks

Taemin looks over at Minho, I don;t know maybe go downtown. What do you want to do?"

He smiles," it doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you I'm sure we will have fun.

Taemin blushes and smiles back and then goes back to eating.

"You two make a great pair. I'm happy that you both have eachother." says Teamins mom.

They both blush and say at the same time,"Thank you"

They all get done eating and the boys clear the table while their mothers go to the living room.

"They are great together aren't they? Taemins mother says.

"Yes they are. I couldn't be happier. Your son is a wonderful young man and he makes my son happy. I'm glad that they fuinally got to meet." she replies.

"I agree" Taemins mother says.

"Oh, I have a question for you." Minhos mother says.

She nods,"Sure what is it?"

"I have to go out of town for work. I'll be gone about two weeks. I was wondering if you could keep an eye on my son." she says

Taemins mother smiles," Yeah that won;t be a problem. He's like another son. he is more then welcome to stay here if he likes."

They hear laughing coming from the kitchen and smile.

Minho comes into the living room and looks at his mother and asks, "Mom is it is okay with Teamins mom, could I spend the night here?"

The mother look at eachother and smile.

"It's okay with me if it is okay with her." his mother says.

"It's okay with me. I'm happy to have you here. I'm sure my son does a s well" she replies.

He smiles,"Thank you ."

"Hunny i talked to Taemins mom and she said that you are more then welcome to stay here while I'm out of town for work." his mother says

He nods," Thak you very much. I reallt appricate it" He heads back into the kitchen to tell Taemin the good news. He hugs him, he is really happy.

THe night draws to an end and Minhos mother heads home reminding him to behave. The boys head upstairs,"There are more blankets in the hallway closet if you need them." Taemins mother says with a smile.

"Thank you" Minho says with  a smile.

They get to his room and Taemin goes over and sits down on his bed, looking out the window. His thoughts are racing, "I can't believe that he is here, in my room. That he is spending the night."

Minho comes and sits behind him and wraps his arms around him.. He tences a little, he was so deep in thought that he didn't even see him move.. Closing his eyes he relazes against him. Resting his head against Minhos shoulder. He can feel his breath on his skin, he feels his heartbeat quicken. His paulse is reacing, to be this close to him only makes him want him more.he slowly turns around to face him. At first he looks at his hands in his lap. He is ringing them together. He feels a hand under his chin brings up his face. He slowly looks up meeting his eyes, they are focused on him. Taemin slowly brings up his hand and places it on His cheek. Minho rests his cheek against his hand and closes his eyes. Slowly they move closer to eachother, their foreheads touchen. They move again and their lips touch. They both feel a electric shock go thru them, they wrap their arms around eachother and fall back onto the bed. Still kissing they get lost in eachother. Nothing else matters. They pull apart and look at eachother. Taemin lays on his side proped up on his hand and his other hand running thru Minhos hair,"I still can't believe that you are here."

He looks at him with a smile, " I can't believe that you are here either."

Taemin rests his head against Minhos chest, and he wrpas his arms around him and holds him close. They slowly fall asleep wrapped up in eachother.

His mother goes to check on then cause they are being to quiet. She goes over to her sons room and looks in, she sees that they are asleep, smiling to herself she goes and gets a blanket from the closet and covers them up, making sure not to wake them. She stands and looks at them for a few seconds and then heads out closing the door quietly behind her.

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