A Blessing

One In A Million

Minho stands outside of Taemins house for a few more moments and then heads to his. He goes inside and closes the door.
"I'm home." He says
"Hey hunny how was your first day at ashool?" his mother asks.
"It was intresting." he replies
"What do you mean intresting?" she asks.
There is a smile on his face but he doesn't have to answer she already knows the answer to her question. "You met him didn't you? The boy that you have been dreaming about?"
He nods, "Yes and then he told me something that really blew my mind."
"What did he say?" she asked.
He laughs a little bit," He told me that he has been having a  dream about me for the past month. Then I told him about my dream. We both thought that we were going crazy."
She smiles, "Where does he live?"
"He actualy lives right next door." he says with a laugh.

Taemin and his mother head next door. The closer they get to the house the more his heartbeat quickens. His hands start to twitch and he put them in his pockets. They get up to the front door and she rings the door bell. The door opens and he is standing there.
"Hello, we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. We live next door." she says.
"Hello, nice to meet you. Please come in." he says. "Mom the neighbors are here."
They head inside and as Taemin passes him a smile comes across his face. He is really nervous and his heartbeat isn't slowing down.
"Hello. It's nice to meet you." Minhos mother says.
"It's nice to meet you as well. I made this for you as a welcome to our neighborhood." she replies and hands her the dish.
"Thank you so much." she relpies and takes it and sets it on the table. "Would you like some tea?"
"Yes thanks you. I brought my son over as well. Taemin come here please." she says.
Taemin comes into the kitchen. "Hello." he says shyly.
She sees him and looks over at his mother and smile and nods and then says, "Hello."
Minho comes in to the kitches and nudges Taemins arm. It causes him to jump and he almost falls over. Minho places his hand on his back to keep him from falling. Their mothers both smile.
"Why don't you two go and do something fun." Minhos mother says.
They both nod and head out of the kitchen as their mothers sit down for tea.
 Taemins mother asks, "Why did you look at my son with a smile on your face?" Do you know him?"
Minhos mother looks at her and says,"Can I ask you something?" 
"Sure, you can." she replies.
"Has he been having a reoccuring dream for the past month?" she asks.
She nods, "Yes he has. Has your son been having the same one?" 
"Yes he has. He came home today and told me about his day at school, and that he met your son. He couldn't believe that it was really happening." she relpies.
"My son said the same thing. He thought he was goign crazy." she says with a smile.
They continue to talk and hear the front door close.
"They must be going to do something outside." she says.

The boys head outside and start to walk. They both look at the ground as they walk not saying anything to each other. Every once in a while they would  glance at each other but then quickly look away. They both had a smile on their faces.
"Um... what do you want to do?" Minho asks.
"I'd like to go down and sit by the river I know a good place to go." He replies and without hesitation he grabs his hand and starts to run. Minho just follows him without any questions. They make it to the spot that he was talking about, and he lets go of his hand and goes and sits under the tree. Resting his head against the base of the tree. Minho goes over slowly and sees him laying there. He slowly sits down beside of him, just looking at him. He is more beautiful then he  had ever thougth.He slowly reaches out to touch him but his hand is caught and brought down onto his chest.
"Do you feel that?" Taemin asks.
"Yes...Yes I do."he replies.
He sits up but doesn't move Minhos hand, " It does this everytime I dream about you, or I am close to you, or even think about you." 
Minho smiles and brings Taemins hand up and places it on his chest," Mine does the same thing."  
Taemin hestitates at first but them lets his hand rest against his chest. He closes his eyes as he feels the beat of his own heart starts to match his. Slowly he opens his eyes and sees that he is only inches away from him. He pulls back a little.
"Are you okay?" Minho asks.
He nods, "Yes I'm okay. I just didn't know that you were that close to me."
He smiles, "I was just looking at you closely. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable."
"No it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I just can't believe that this all is real still. I mean how can you dream a dream and then all of a sudden it comes true?" he relpies.
"I have asked myself the same question and the only answer that I can come up with is Fate. I don't know how else to explaine it." he says.
They sit there facing each other not saying anything, then Minho wraps his arms around him and pulls him close. He is taken by suprise but doesn't pull away instead he wraps his arms around his waist and rest his head against Minhos shoulder.
They sit like that for a while and the sun is starting to set and it is so beautiful. They didn't know that they had been out there that long.
"We'd better be getting back. Our moms are gonna wonder what the two of us are doing." Taemin says.
"Yeah I agree." he replies. He stands up and reaches out his hand and he grabs it. He is pulled to his feet. They start to head back hand in hand, their fingers are interlocked with eachothers. They take their time going back. They don't want to rush, even thou they live right beside of eachother. They arrive at the house, and Taemin goes to take his hand away, but Minho pulls him close and places  a kiss on his lips. He doesn't pull away but kisses him back. They both feel their heart beats quicken. He places his hands on Taemins hips to steady himself. They pull apart and smile at each other. He puts his arm around his shoulder and they head inside. 

"Welcome back you two. Did you have fun?" Minhos mother asks.
"Yes we did, we went down by the river and sat and talked." he replies with a smile on his face.
She looks over at Taemins mom and smiles, and she smiles back.
'Well we better get home. You both have school in the morning.. It was really nice to meet you both. You are welcome to come over anytime. How about coming over tomorrow evening for dinner?" Taemins mother says.
"Sure that would be nice. It was nice to meet you both as well. I'm sure we will be seeing each other alot." she says with a smile. 
They both head towards the door and head outside. The door closes behind them and Taemin thought, "I am glad that I finally got to meet him, and that I am not going crazy. I really like him alot."
Then he heard a reply," I am glad I got to meet you as well. I like you alot too."
He smiles and his mother sees this," What are you smiling about?" 
He shakes his head, "Nothing mom, now lets go I'm kinda tired."
They get home and he heads right up to his room. He looks out the window and the house next door. He sees him standing in his room wearing only his pants. He feels his heart race agian. "Oh my, I hope that he didn't see me." he thought.
"Like what you see?" he hears and looks and sees that the curtian has been moved and he is smiling.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm just used to looking out the window and not seeing anyone." he replies.
He laughs and then says," You never answered my question. Like what you see?"
"Yes. Well we better go to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Good night." he said while his face turned red.
"Good night. See you in the morning." he replies.

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