A Enemy Returns

One In A Million

Minho wakes up a little early with a smile on his face. He had a good night sleep knowing that the boy that he liked lived right next door. Just a few steps away. He gets dressed and heads next door. He knocks on the door and Taemins mother answeres.
"Good morning." she says with a smile. "Taemins not up yet"
He smiles back at her," I know, I wanted to come over and talk to you. I hope that it's okay."
"Yeah sure it's okay. Lets go and sit down." she says and they go into the living. "What's on your mind?"
"I was just wondering if it would be okay....if..... Um..." his face turns red.
"You want to know if it is okay if you date my son?" she asks with a smile on her face.
He looks up at her with wide eyes." Well....um... yeah. I mean I know that I have just met him, but I feel like I have know him forever. I mean I have been dreaming about him for the past month, and I can't picture my life without him."
They sit there in silence for a while and he thinks to himself," I hope that this isn't asking to much. I just want to be with him and noone else."
His heart starts to race when he hears something," It's not to much to ask. I want to be with you as well. Don't worry. I promise everything is going to be okay."
A smile comes across his face and he looks at Taemins mother,
She looks back at him and smiles, " Are you okay?"
He nods," Yeah I'm okay."
"You two can hear each others thoughts can't you?" she asks.
"Yeah, but how did you know?" he replies
"It's not that hard to figure out. I know all about it. I had the same connection with his father. We didn't have to speak in words. We knew what each other were thinking. I can see that with the two of you. You came over here nervouse and now you aren't. He talked to you and told you it was all going to be okay. Didn't he?"
He nods his head."Yeah he did. I just didn't want to be to pushy. I wanted to come over and ask your permission first before I officaly ask him."
They hear foot steps on the stairs and look over and he is walking down the steps in his school uniform. Still half asleep he smiles at Minho and then goes into the kitchen and grabs a glass of juice. He finishes his juice and places the glass in the sink and heads towards the living room and sits down beside of him and rests his head on the back of the couch.
"Morning" he says with a smile.
"Morning to you as well. Did we wake you?" he asks
He shakes his head and smiles, "Nope I was already awake when I heard mom open the door, just didn't want to get up." 
They both laugh and look at him and he has fallen back asleep. Minho can't help but smile at him he wants to reach out and brush the hair aways from his face, but stops himself, instead he rest his hand on top of his. He feels his heartbeat quicken and them looks over at Taemins mom.
"I can see how much he means to you, and how much you mean to him. Honestly I can't picture him with anyone else. And I know that he doesn't want anyone else either, so I give my blessing to you both. Tonight when you and your mother come over for dinner we can all sit and talk about it. I'm sure your mother will be okay with it as well." she says
He nods,"Okay. I think that we better get him up and head to school."
She smiles and nods back.
He leans over and whispers inhis ear," Hey sleepy head you better get up or we are going to be late for school."
His eyes flutter open and he smiles," Okay let me go and grab my backpack." He heads upstairs and grabs it and then goes back downstairs. He thinks to himself," That was a great way to be woken up."
He heads for the door and Minho follows.
"See you later mom." he says
"Have a good day at school you two, see you this evening." She replies.
They head out and head for school hand in hand. They talk, and laugh at the smallest things. Before they get to school they let go of eachothers hand and Minho puts his arms around his shoulder like most boys at the school do. They go and change their shoes and start to head to class, but before they get there something trips Taemin and he falls to the floor.
"Oh sorry princess didn't see you there." said a tall boy as he laughes.
He looks up and is in shock. "Key" he thought.
Minho hears this and just looks at him. Taemin shakes his head.
"Key what are you doing here?" Taemin asks.
He smiles," Oh so you do remember me. I just came here to check up on the princess. Still think you are to good for anyone?"
"How can I not remember you?" he says as his face starts to lose color.
Minho sees what is happening and starts to feel uneasy.

                                                                               Taemims flashback
He was in 6th grade. Always sat alone, kept to himself. He got along with everyone, except this one  boy. He alway picked on him and called him princess. He never understood why. One day he was heading home from school and the boy followed him. He walks faster but the boy keeps up with him. Finally he turns around,"What do you want? Why are you following me?"
"Cause I can that's why." he replies
He just looks at him and asks, "Do you like me or something? Cause if you do you can save it. I don't like you nor will I ever."
The boy just laughs," One day you will be mine and nothing will change that. I will have you and no one else will. You belong to me."
"I belong to no one. I belong to myself. You can't force someone to be with you. I don't like you and never will. You have always picked on me, if that was a way to show me that you liked me well then you really messed up. I don't want anything to do with you. So please don't ever show yourself to me again cause if you do, you will be sorry and it will be to late."

"I see you do rememeber. You told me to never show myself in front of you again. You said that I would be sorry and that it would be to late. I don't see anything that would make me feel sorry for showing myself to you." Key says with a laugh.

Taemin stand up and brushes himself off and then turn to Minho. He just looks at him and then does something that suprise even him. He pulls him close and places a kiss on his lips,wrapping his arms around his neck. Minho wraps his arms around his waist and holds him close. They kiss for a few monents and then pull apart, turning and facing Key hand in hand.
"Do you see now?" he asks
"Who... Who is this?" Key asks.
With a smile on his face he interlocks his fingers with Minhos," This is my boyfriend. You always asked me if I was to good for anyone? To answer your question no I wasn't to good for anyone. I was just waiting for the right one, and as you can see it wasn't you. So if you don't mind we have to head to class.
They head down the hallway hand in hand and leave Key with a stuid look on his face. They get to class and sit down and laugh.
"Who was that?" he asks.
He sighs," That was Key. He was a boy that I used to go to school with. He always picked on me, he liked me but I didn't like him. I guess he didn't take what I told him back then to heart. He thought that he still had a chance, and I just proved to him that he dosen't."
"I see. You called me your boyfriend." he said shyly.
"Yes I did. I heard what you and my mother was talking about when you came over this morning. I was going to ask your mother tonight at dinner the same question that you asked my mom, but you beat me to it, by coming over this morning." he replies.
"You heard? How I thought that you were still in bed." he says.
Teamin laughs, "No I was at the top of the steps listening. That's why I told you it would be okay that you didn't need to worry."
He grabs his hand and squeezes it. Class starts and they get into their work. Every once in a while they would look at each other and smile. The next few classes drag on, but it doesn't bother them at all. Finaly it is time for lunch and they head towards the lunch room. They go and sit at the table by the window. They are eating when all of a sudden someone grabs Taemin from behind and throws him to the floor. It was Key.
Taemin looks up," What is your problem? Didn't you get the hint eariler? I told you that I didn't want anything to do with you. Why are you still here?"
"I don't believe that he is your boyfriend, I told you that you belonged to me and no one else. I will have you. I'm going to take you away from him."
He goes to reach for him, but Taemin pushes him away and stands up." What don't you get? Why can't you just leave me alone."
Key gets a little closer to him closing the gap between them and pulls him close placing a kiss on his lips. Taemin pushes him away and punched him in the face knocking him down to the floor. Minho gets up and goes and stands beside of him looking in wonder at what had just happened. He wipes his mouth and then says, "If you ever show your face in front of me again or do something like you just did I'm going to kill you. Do you understand me? I don't ever want to see you again. So I suggest that you make yourself dissappear from my sight."
Key gets up off the floor and hold his face, "But...But...."
"There are no buts. There will never be a "US" there was never going to be. I have who I was ment to be with, so just give up already." he replies.
Key just looks at them both, and then heads out of the lunch room. Taemin goes back over and sits down looking out the window. He is so mad that Key had to show his face at his school. Minho goes and sits next to him.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yeah.... I'm okay. I have wanted to do that to him for so long. I should of done it while we were in school together, but I never liked violence, I always kept to myself, but this time I couldn't help it." he replies rubbing his hand.
Minho gently takes his hand and places it in his," Come on lets get some ice for that hand. Don't want it to swell."
He nods and they head towards the nurses office.
The nursearrow-10x10.png looks up,"Hey Taemin what brings you here? Are you okay?"
 He nods."Yeah I'm alright I just need some ice for my hand."
She looks at him,"What happened to your hand?"
"I showed someone that I'm not a pushover." he says.
"Ahh I see. There was a boy that stopped here holding his face. Was that him?" she asks.
He laughs,"Yeah it was. That's just to funny. He doesn't even go to this school and he decided to stop by the nurses office."
She laughs," Yeah it is funny, but I sent him on his way, with a bag of ice and nothing else. Now give me a minute and I'll go and get some for you." She heads out and leave just the two of them alone. Minho goes and sits next to him holding his hand,"I'm proud of you. I don't think that I would of been able to stand up to someone like that."
He looks over at him and smiles, "It wasn't that hard. It has been building for a long time. I really hope that I never see him again."
He slides closer to him and their faces are inches apart and he leans in and kisses him. "Thank you for staying beside of me."
"There is no need to thank me. Isn't that what boyfriends are susposed to so? Stand beside their other half no matter what happens?" he asks.
He nods, "Yes and if that ever happend to you I would do the same."
The nurse come back in with the ice and hands it to him," You need to ice your hand every two hours to keep it from swelling. She looks at both of them and smiles,"Is this your boyfrined?"
Taemin cheeks turn a little red and then answers,"Yeah, this is Minho."
She extends her hand and he takes it," Nice to meet you. Take good care of him. He's One in a Million"
He nods," I will. I won't let anything happen to him. I won't ever let him go."

"I'm glad to hear that.Now her eis a note to give to your teacher saying why you were late." She says while handing them the note.

"Thanks" Taemin says.

They both head back to class, handing the teacher the note and then they go and sit down. From time to time they look at eachother and smile. The rest of the day seems to fly by. They go and change their shoes and head home. When they get infront of Taemins house they kiss and part ways.

"I'll see you in a little bit." Taemins says with a smile.

Minho nods," Yup see you in a little bit." They both head inside of their houses.

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