Complete Happiness

One In A Million

It is finally summer break for Taemin and Minho. They decide that they wanted to go tothe beach.They invite Owen and Key as well. They all decide to met in town and take one car. Owen and Key in the front, and Minho and Taemin in the back. They listen to music and sing along, laughing from time to time. They talk as well about all kinds of things. They finally get to the beach and Key gets out and runs towards the water. The rest of thrm get out watching him go. They all have smiles on their faces. They go and set up their things and sit down and talk.

"I've never seen him happier." Minho says.

"Yeah I know. I'm glad that he is." Owen replies with a smile on his face looking over and watching him.

"You like him don;t you?" Taemin asked.

"How can you tell?" Owen asked.

"I see the way you look at him. It's the same way that I look at Minho. Do you have a connection like we do?" He asks.

"Yeah, but not as strong as yours. I hope that one day it can be." He replies

He looks over at his brother," Are you okay with this?"

"We both fogave him, and I see the way that he looks at you. I know that he likes you as well. He's just scared and has alot of inner demons." he replies.

"So what can I do to help him?" Owen asks.

"Stand beside of him, help him with his inner demons. Knowing that you are beside of him will help him. And by doing that I'm sure the connection between the two of you will grow. Just give it time. Take it slow." Taemin says.

He nods," I'm going to go and join him. I'll see you guys ina little bit."

They both smile and nod. He heads out and runs to Key. When he gets to him, he picks him up and throws him in the water. Key gets up and splashes him with water. They are laughing and having a good time. Every once in a while they embreace eachother. 

Taemin and Minho stand up and walk down the beach hand in hand. They stop and look at Owen and Key.

"They look good together don;t they?" Minho says.

"Yes they do. I really wish them both happiness, as much happiness as we have." Taemin says.

They embrace eachother their foreheads touching. They lean closer and kiss. THe sun is starting to set behind them and it paints a really beautiful picture.

Owen and Key see this.

"One day I hope that we can be as happy as they are." Key says

Owen pull pulls him close to him," I'm sure that we will. We eill just take it one day at a time."

Key nods and pull shim close and kisses him gently. 




Four boys that never thought that they would end up together, have finally found true happiness.

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