A Night Out

One In A Million

Minho wakes up early to find Taemin still asleep on his chest. He runs his finger along his cheek and he slowly opens his eyes,"Good Morning"

Rubbing his eyes" Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Minho nods," Yes I did. How about you?

Taemin smiles and places a kiss on his cheek,"Yes I did, but how did we get covered up?

"Your mom covered us up." He replies with a smile.

He buries his face in Minhos chest," Oh My."

Minho laughs, Come on lets get up, I'm hungry." They both get up and head downstairs laughing as they go,

"Good morning you two. Sleep well?" she says with a smile.

Their cheeks both turn red and they nod. They head into the kitchen and sit at the table.  Taemins mother brings over breakfast and sits it down on the table. The boys start to eat.

"Oh Minho your mom stopped by this morning and dropped of the house key." she says while handing him the key.

He takes it,"Thanks you and thank you for letitng me stay here."

'There is no reason to thank me, it'sd my pleasure. Now you boys eat up. I'm sure you have a fun filled day and night planend." she says

Taemin looks up," We still don't know what  we are going to do yet. Just go with the flow."

"Sound like fun. I hope that you two have a wonderful time. Sorry that I have to run, I'm going to be late for work," she places a kiss on both of their foreheads then head out the door.  They finish eating and clear the table. 

"I'm going to go and change. I'll be back in a flash." He says while placing a kiss on his cheek.

Minho hugs him," Okay" and places a soft kiss on his lips.  He smiles and goes upstairs to change. he comes back downstairs and sees Minho sitting on the couch. he sneeks up bedind him and wraps his arms around him.

"Ready to go?" He asks

"I need ot go to my house to change. Wanna come?" Minho asks

He nods and they head out the door. They get inside and he heads upstairs to change. Taemin waits downstairs, looking around the room again. looking at the pictures when Minho was little.

"He was so cute when he was little," He thought.

He feels arms around him, "Thank you. REady to go?

He nods and they head out. It's a beautiful day outside. They weather is really nice. The breeze is blowing gently. They head for downtown, there are alot of people out today. Alot of couples and families to. All of them are smiling and laughing. This brings a smile to both of their faces. Their hand entertwined they start to walk. They pass a few shops on the way and they look in. Taemin stops in front of one store becas=use something catches his eye.

"What's wrong?" Minho asks.

He shakes his head," Nothing"

He looks over to see what he was looking at and smiles. Taemin looks away and starts to walk and he follows grabbing his hand again. 

They find a arcade and head in. They act liek two little kids. They are having alot of fun, laughing at eachother when they make a mistake in a game or lose to eachother.

"I;m having alot of fun." Taemin says.

Minho smiles and places a kiss on his cheek," I am to. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun, and I'm glad that I got to have fun with you.

He blushes and hugs him," I'm glad. You asked me eariler what was wron. There was nothing wrong there was jsut something that I saw and I wanted to get it for you, but i don;t want to rush things."

"I know and you aren't rushing things." he replies and grabs his hand and starts to run.

"Where are we going?" Taemin asks

He just smiels at him and Taemin sees that they have stopped in front of the store that he was lookin in the window of eariler. Minho pulls him and they head inside.

"Welcome, is there anything I can help you with?" the store clerk says. 

Minho goes over towards the window and picks up the necklace that he saw Taemin looking at eariler . he hold it up and looks at it. Its silver with a key on it, "Do you have another one of these?"

The clerk comes ocver and looks," I don;t have another one like that, but I do have one that matches it" He goes over to the front case and gets another necklace and brings it over and hands it to him. This necklace has a lock in the shape of a heart.

He holds the necklaces up and smiles," What do you think?

Taemin looks at him,"I like them both. They go really well together."

"We will take these please." Minho says,

The clerk smile and them both and goes and rings them up. Theyboth put their money together and pay.

"Thank you very much." they both say.

"Your welcome. Please come again." the store clerk says.

They boys head outside hand in hand. The sun is starting to set it looks so beautiful. They start to walk looking all around them and see how pretty everything is. They continue to walk and before they know it they are by the Han river. They stare out over it.

"Isn't it beautiful?' Taemin asks.

"Yes it is. It is really beautiful." Miho says while wrapping his arms around  his waist.

They just stand there for a while in silence looking out over the river at teh city. The lights of the city are refelecting on the water and it looks like a moving picture. They go over and sit on the bench.

"I'm really glad that we are together. I couldn't be happier. There are still times where I think I'm dreaming, and it's all going to dissappear, but then I look at you and I know that I'm not."Taemin says.

"I know I do the same thing." he replies pulling him close to him and placing a kiss on his lips. Taemin kisses him back.

They pull apart and smile at eachother. Taemin remembers that he is still holding the necklaces. He takes then out and looks at them, they are beautiful. He is trying to figure out which one to give to him. He think about it for a while and then he smiles,"Close your eyes"

"Huh?" He asks.

Taemin smiles,"Close your eyes."

He does, then Taemin takes the necklace with the key on it and places it around his neck, letting it fall gently around hischest. He goes back and sits in front of him. He is a picture of perfect beauty. He leans up and places a soft kiss on his lips and then pulls back. Minho opens his eyes and sees the necklace around his neck. He takes the other one and places it around Taemins neck placing a kiss on his lips.

"Why did you give me the key?" he asks.

Taemin just looks at him," Because you have always had the key to my heart."

Minho laught," I was going to give you the key, because you have my heart, but I will accept the key to yours. He wraps his arms around him close. Resting his head against his shoulder. He closes his eyes taking it all in. Taemin turns in his embrace and faces him. Taking His face in his hands, he places a kiss on his lips. He wraps his arms around his neck pulling him close. Minho places his hands on his back and holds him tight. They embrace and kiss for what seems like forever, then they pull apart. Their heart are racing, they catch their breath..

"Ready to go home?" Taemin asks.

"Yeah lets go home." he replies.

They get up off the bench hand in hand and start to walk home. They talk about different things while walking. Minho starts to feel uneasy, but he doesn;t know why. He brushes it off. The more they walk the more the feeling is nagging at him. He hears a car in the distance, it's traveling really fast and it's hrading their way. Its getting closer and closer. he is feeling really uneasy now. All of a sudden Taemin feels himself being pushed out of the way and falls to the ground just as he sees Minho get hit by the car. He feels his heart sink. he gets up and runs over to him. Looking at the car he sees the driver. It was Key. He gets out of the car and just looks at him.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Taemin scream.

"i......I......" Key can't finish waht he is going to say.

"if he dies, I'm going to kill you. I can promise you that. So i suggest that you get ou of my sight, before I do kill you right here and now." he says angerly.

Key starts to run, leaving his car where it is.Taemin goes back over to minho, who is laying on the ground not moving. He picks up his head and lays it in his lap

"You can't leave me. You can;t leave me alone. I don;t want to be without you." he says while holding him close. 

He reaches into his pocket and gets his phone and calls for a ambulance. A few monents later he hears the sirens. They get him loaded up and he gets on with him holding his hand. The ride seems to take forever. They get to the hospital and they take him back to check him out. Taemin drops to the floor banging his fists on the floor.

A nurse comes over to him,"Are you okay?" 

He looks up at her with tears in his eyes," No, i don't know what I'm going to do if he dies." Looking at the ER doors.

"I'm sure he's going to be okay. Here let me help you up. she says. She helps him up and he sits on the chair. There are alot of thoughts running thru his head. He pushes hose thought aside, he has to be strong, not for himself but for the love of his life. He takes a deep breath and makes a phone call.

"Hello" his mother says.

"Mom" he says with a shakey voice.

'Honey whats wrong?" she asks

'I'm in the hospital." he says

"Omo are you okay? What happened?" she asks.

"I'm fine. It's Minho. He was hit by a car. He pushed me out of the way and got hit. I don't know what I'm going ot do if he doesn;t make it. Can you please call him mom and let her know what has happened?" he asks while crying.

"Sure, I'll let her know. Do you need anything?" she asks.

"No mom I'll be okay." he replies.

He hangs up with his mother and start to cry harder.

His mother makes a call.

"Hello" Minhos mother says.

"Hi this is Taemins mom." she says

"Oh hello is everything okay?" she aksed.

"No i called to tell you that your son was in a accident. He is in the hospital. Taemin is there with him." she replies.

"Omo is he okay? Is your sone okay? What happened." she asked.

"Taemin told me that he got hit by a car. He pushed him out of the way and took the impact." she replies

"Okay thank you for calling me. I can't make there, but I have someone that can. Thank you for calling me and telling me" she says.

They hang up and she makes a call. 

"Hello" says the voice on the phone.

"Owen, it's your mom. I need you to do something for me. It's really important." she says.

"Mom whats wrong?" Owen says.

"Your brother was in a accident. He is in the hospital. Can you go and check on him? I'm away on business." she asks.

He catches his breath,"Is he okay? I'll be on the next flight out.

"Thank you." she says.

He hangs up the phone and goes and packs his suitcase. He goes to the airport and heads for home. 

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