The Dream

One In A Million

The night before he had the same dream that he has been having for a month. A dream of a tall boy with shoulder lenth black hair, broad shoulders, and a smile that would light up a room. The sight of this boy made his heart race. His smile would make all of his worries go away. He is waken up by his alarm and gets out of bed and gets ready for school. He has a feeling that something is going to happen today, but what that something was he didn't know.

He heads out the door and starts to walk to school. He keeps getting a feeling that whatever is going to happen is going to happen at school. He finally makes it to school and changes his shoes and starts to head for class. He stops at the open window and looks out and thingks to himself," I really didn't want to come to school today I would of much rather went down to the river today. The teacher and classes are so boring, so borning to the point that it makes you want ot fall asleep.  Ahh why did I even come today?" he runs his hands thru his hair, then heads off to class draggins his feet cause he know it's just going to borning. He finds his seet and puts his head down on his arms. 
He's dreaming that same dream again. When he is awakened by the teacher slapping his desk with a ruler. He sits straight up in his chair running his hands thru his hair, and looks out the window.
"Man I really wish I wasn't here, why can't I be somewhere else? Anywhere but here." he thought.

The next few classes seem to drag on. Each one seemed to be longer then the last. It seemed like hours instead of minutes. Each class he just keeps looking out the window. Pictureing himself somewhere else. It helped make the classes fly by. 
Finally there is a break in between classes.He heads down the hallway looking out the window as he goes. He stops and leans agiant one of the windows and closes his eyes. When he opens them something catches his eye. He sees someone standing in the middle of the hallway looking up and down scratching his head from time to time. He pushes himself off the window and starts to walk towards the person. All he can see is the back of him. He tall, has shoulder length black hair and broad shoulders, he can't see his face, but he feels his heart start to pound in his chest. He picks up his pace a little  and walks past him, as he was doing so he slowly turns his head to look at him. The boy has a smile on his face. His heart stops. "Am I dreaming? Am I still alseep? I'm goign to wake up and I'm still going to be at home in bed." he thougth.With that thought he tripped over his feet. The new student sees this and runs over to him.

"Hey are you okay?" he asks with a smile.
Looking at him his breath is taken away. He can't help but look at him." I have to be dreaming. This has to be a dream. How can this be real? How can he be here?" he thougth to himself.
"Um..... Yeah I'm okay." he replies shyly and starts to get up.
The new boy helps him to his feet and with a smile he says," I'm Minho."
"I'm Taemin. Nice to meet you." he replies. "Are you new? I've never seen you before."
"Yeah, I just transfered here. I'm a little lost." He says with a laugh.
"His laugh is so adorable." Taemin thought to himself.
He feels himself blush and turns away.
Minho just looks at him and thinks to himself, "He's really cute."
Taemin looks back at him and asks,"Did you say something?"
"No, why do you ask?" he asks. "Oh crap did he hear my thoughts?" 
Taemin shakes his head, " You said that you were lost. I can help you. Do you have your scheduale?"
He hands him his schedule while smiling.
"Okay just follow me. You have all the same classes as me." he says.
He hands him back his schedule just as they bell rings. He grabs his hand and pulls him down the hallway. "Come on we can't be late." Taemin says.
They run down the hallway and get to their class.
He still has a hold of Minhos hand and pulls him to the empty seat beside of him. They sit down and he realizes that he still has a hold of Minhos hand, he tries to pull it away, but Minho squeezes it harder. He takes it and moves it under the desk and places it on his leg. He feels his heart beat quicken. He thinks to himself," Oh my is this really happening?" He looks up at him and he is looking up at the front of the class. There is a small smile on his face. Taemin finally gets a good look at him. He is more handsome then he imagined. His hand starts to twitch, and Minho loosens his grip but doesn't let go nor does he move it off of his leg.
Class comes to an end and they get up to leave. Minho lets go of his hand, but puts his arms around his shoulder.

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