Doctor Donghae

Goodbye only hurts if you never get the chance say hello again

The sound of water droplets falling into the metal bowl awoke Hyukjae, he groaned inwardly as the water droplets falling to him sounded like heavy boulders crashing down a rocky mountain path. His concussion still plauging him after the beating he recieved from his uncle. Weakly he opened his eyes and came face to face with Donghae - the younger was dipping bandages in saline solution - Eunhyuk watched as Donghae took one of the strips and moved with it towards his body, he felt the cold strip stick to his stomach making him shudder slightly.

"Hyukkie! you woke up!" Donghae smiled

"O-Of course h-how long was I out for?" Hyukjae tried sitting up but his head didn't like the change in altitude so he fell straight back down on to his pillow

"It's been a week Hyukkie... do you remember why you're here?" Donghae quizzed

"My Uncle right?"

Donghae nodded glumly and returned to re-dressing Hyukjae's wounds. Once that was done he bought the boy some soup and medicine which Hyukjae greatfully ate and took the medicine. They both sat in silence as Hyukjae ate and Donghae fidgeted in his spot on the bed

"Hae...what's the matter?" Hyukjae looked towards his friend with sad eyes

"Y-Your Uncle hasn't filed a missing person's report or nothing b-but he t-thinks I know where you are"

"You didn't tell him nothing though"

"Ani I don't want him to take you away from me" Donghae slowly but tightly gripped Hyukjae in a hug

Hyukjae smiled, it was the first time since losing his parents that he felt safe. Donghae made him feel safe, happy and normal. Smiling away at himself when his mind caught up with his feelings. He remembered how he told Donghae he loved him before he slept for a week, oh gosh he hoped that Donghae believed him and not just thought he was saying it just because he thought he wasn't gonna make it...

"Hae...Y-You remember what I said to you before I passed out?"

"Ne" Donghae blushed

"I meant it...I meant those words" Hyukjae pulled out of Donghae's hold and sat opposite him looking into his eyes

"I meant them too...but can you tell me again without falling into a coma" Donghae laughed a little

"I love you Hae" Hyukjae smiled that beautiful gummy smile that Donghae loved so much

"I love you too Hyukkie" Donghae chuckled cutely


A week passed with Hyukjae still in the pent house suite with Donghae visiting him every other day. It had been two weeks since they'd been in there altogether and it was safe to say they were bored out of their minds. But they couldn't leave the room, well Eunhyuk coudln't as his uncle might find him and then drag him back to their room.

"HAE....HAE....HAE....HAE....HAE-HAE!!" Hyukjae sat upside down on the bed swaying his legs

"Yes Hyukkie?" Donghae's patience was wearing ever so thin

"Hey" He chuckled

Donghae shook his head, he couldn't be mad at Hyukjae for winding him up seeing as it was his only source of entertainment but the younger was getting sick of it now. Donghae wracked his mind in thinking of ideas of what the two of them could do, the snow outside looked beautiful, he then looked at Eunhyuk who was perched on the window ledge looking down at the snowy streets

"You know you kind of look like a Monkey perched on the window ledge like that" Donghae spoke

"It looks so nice outside" Hyukjae sighed

"Get your coat" Donghae chirped

They both pulled on their winter wear and Placed a hat and face mask on Hyukjae to further mask his appearence, they ran from the room to the elevator and hit the 'roof top' button. Hyukjae didn't know what was going on but the look on Donghae's face comforted him; seeing the younger boy smile sweetly made him feel everything was gonna be okay. They stepped out of the elevator and waked out on to the roof top, Hyukjae gasped at the pretty sight before his eyes

"It's beautiful isn't it" Donghae spoke

"Wow" Hyukjae could only muster that one word

They began playing snowball fights then made snow angels after chasing each other and pulling each other to the ground. They engaged in a game of football until the ball bounced off the roof and onto a near by ledge on to a balcony of the pent house suite.

"I'll get it!" Eunhyuk skipped over

"Hyukkie NO! you'll fall!"

"Phhffft ... watch and learn Hae" Hyukjae kissed the tip of Donghae's nose

Hyukjae perched onto the edge of the roof and jumped down onto the balcony balancing along the narrow metal railing and retrieving the ball, he threw the ball up to Donghae who was watching on in horror - He then climbed up to the ledge and back flipped onto the roof top

"Ta-da!" He sang happily

"T-That was so...stupid!" Donghae scolded making Hyukjae's smile fall "What if you had gotten hurt of fell! We are on the roof and that's a lot to fall!" Donghae quivered shaking

"Donghae I can jump from one roof to another and I can scale the length of this building plus not to mention the fact I can climb window to window without getting caught" Hyukjae told him


"See those rooms that all have the red tape hanging out of the windows?" Donghae nodded " I robbed those rooms. I took jewellery, money, sentimental goods, family treasures....all for my Uncle"

Donghae knew Hyukjae told him he was a jewel thief but he never believed it - he know's it wasn't something he had a choice over either but the fact that he stole so many valauble precious items from people made him sad. What would of happened if he robbed Donghae's family? He'd probably hate the boy

"What happens to the stuff you steal again?"

"My Uncle sells it for more money"

"I don't like being bad...I wasn't until he looked after me" Hyukjae explained

Donghae began laughing at the sensitve boy "I know you pabo! I still love you ... it just makes me sad thinking of all those people"

Eunhyuk nodded but Donghae's wild energetic behaviour soon pulled him out of his dull trance as they began playing until there bodies got to near freezing. They took the elevator back to the suite, Eunhyuk saw the big bath tub that looked like a swimming pool when an idea popped into his head

"Hae...want to go swimming?"

The tub was filled up with hot water and mixed with the water was strawberry bubble bath, the two boys stood in their swimming trunks and held hands

"We'll jump on the count of three"


They both plunged into the water, the bubbles attatching to their skin as they pushed up for air. Their hands still entwined as they came up, both had their hair stuck to their faces and they were giggling.

Eunhyuk took some of the water into his mouth puffing his cheeks up then Donghae pushed his cheeks in and the water gushed all over his face

"Ewwww Hyukkie" he playfully moaned then did the same thing straight back

The two had water fights and used the bubbles to make bubble beards on their faces "You look like Santa" Donghae giggled kicking his legs wildly. The bath was too hot so once they were in bath robes they flopped on to the bed too hot to move. They had the television on showing some movie, slowly they both fell asleep they didn't even hear the doro creaking open to reveal Donghae's father standing in front of them with the most shocked look on his face... 

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Chapter 11: Alls well that ends well
Baegoppahansam #2
Chapter 11: Its cute!!! And so fluffy!!! Thankyou :)
AAAAWWW that was so sweet *-*-*-*
Romelle #5
Omg! Nice story! I cried at the sad part.. T_T <br />
EunhyukDonghae #6
i wanna kill hyukkie uncle !!! *taking a knife and get ready*<br />
<br />
Happy Ending !!!<br />
<br />
Fighting !!!
salad92 #7
sequels please~ (*give u puppy eyes*)
Awww, happy ending! Yay! ^^<br />
Yes, please write a sequel!!!
Such a happy ending~<br />
Yes make a sequel!!<3