
Goodbye only hurts if you never get the chance say hello again

They didn't even hear the door creaking open to reveal Donghae's father standing in front of them with the most shocked look on his face...

"What's going on here?" Mr Lee yelled startled the boys awake

"Appa!" Donghae shot off the bed

"Lee Donghae tell me what is going on this instant!"

Mr Lee caught sight of Eunhyuk and his eyes widened "Y-Your the missing boy! Your uncle is worried sick about you! All this time you have been  hiding here with my son!"

"Aniya Appa it's not like that! Hyukkie I-I mean Hyukjae is hiding from His uncle because his Uncle beats him! H-Hyukkie show him your scars" Donghae tired to open Eunhyuk's bathrobe but the latter resisted

"Sorry Son but Hyukjae needs to go back to his Uncle"


"No buts Donghae!" Mr Lee walked out leaving Donghae and Eunhyuk to say good-bye

The two of them dressed quickly and hugged tightly. Hyukjae tried to pull away but Donghae remained attatched to his too skinny frame

"Hyukkie just stay a little longer. I don't want to say goodbye"

"W-We have to" Hyukjae was starting to sob

They both knew it was the end of the road for their friendship but niether of them wanted to part for they had never had a friend as good as each other.

Eunhyuk looked into Donghae's eyes before speaking " Hae promise me we'll never forget each other, promise me we'll try to keep in touch no matter what"

"I promise Hyukkie"

"G-G-Goodb-b-bye" Hyukjae finally stammered out

Donghae's tears blurred his vision as Hyukjae's hand slipped out of his. He heard the door click shut and that was it. Hyukjae was gone from his life forever.


"Thank you Mr Lee! Thank you for finding him" Soo Man hugged Eunhyuk tightly hurting his already bruised ribs

Mr Lee looked down at Hyukjae and saw hwo sad he was, the man felt a bit of guilt rising in his stomach but none the less pushed it away.

"Thank you for staying at the Seoul Central Hotel Mr Lee" Donghae's father walked off

Eunhyuk gulped as he walked into the cold room feeling the temperature drop 15 degrees and saw the bowl of plain rice and bananas waitign for him.

"Eat it" Soo Man hissed

Eunhyuk shook his head "Ani..."

"Has that boy been spoling you with proper food?" ... "I bet he has"

Soo Man grabbed Eunhyuk's hair and pushed his face into the bowl of rice "EAT IT!"

Eunhyuk clambered for breath, spitting rice everywhere as he regained his breath "I SAID ANIO!!"

Hyukjae stood up to his Uncle, immediately regretting his decision as his uncle growled and launched another vicious attack on him ...


"Please Appa...please he can't stay with his uncle!" Donghae argued "Umma tell Appa he-he can't let Hyukjae stay with his uncle"

Donghae's Umma refused to get involved and  kept on eating her dinner along with Siwon Donghae's older brother. The two other men continuing to argue until Donghae had enough, he angrily threw his plate and it's contents at the wall, stormed off leaving his chair on the floor and exited the apartment. He went by Eunhyuk's room to hear the savage noises

"Ani ...s-stop! I-I It h-hurts" Donghae heard eunhyuk cry

Donghae balled his fists his nails making little crescents in his hands. He had to do something and he had to do it now.

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Chapter 11: Alls well that ends well
Baegoppahansam #2
Chapter 11: Its cute!!! And so fluffy!!! Thankyou :)
AAAAWWW that was so sweet *-*-*-*
Romelle #5
Omg! Nice story! I cried at the sad part.. T_T <br />
EunhyukDonghae #6
i wanna kill hyukkie uncle !!! *taking a knife and get ready*<br />
<br />
Happy Ending !!!<br />
<br />
Fighting !!!
salad92 #7
sequels please~ (*give u puppy eyes*)
Awww, happy ending! Yay! ^^<br />
Yes, please write a sequel!!!
Such a happy ending~<br />
Yes make a sequel!!<3