
Goodbye only hurts if you never get the chance say hello again

Eunhyuk blinked awake his eyes met the blinding white ceiling and immediately closed. He heard the clatter of dishes and his Uncle . Stretching as he stood he walked over to the table full of breakfast food and sat down eyeing it all. His stomach fierecly moaned when his nostrils inhaled the smells of dumplings and Kimchi. His uncle slapped his head and threw a banana at him

"You know better than that" he scoffed

"One little dumpling can't do no harm" Eunhyuk almost pleaded

"Don't question me boy!" Eunhyuk cowered as his Uncle raised his hand to his face

He slapped him and then Eunhyuk fell to the floor. Clutching his now reddened face, he waited for his uncle to leave the room and ate his banana. As much as he wanted the delicious foods on the table he wouldn't dare eat them, his uncle would know; he doesn't know how he'd find out but he would. Then his mind thought back to Donghae, he gets to see him again today! Eunhyuk hurriedly took a shower and got dressed, he checked out his hair and made sure he looked tidy in appearence. Nobody likes a slacker now, well nobody would like me would they? Eunhyuk thought. He saw the time on the clock and smiled 15 hours before he goes to work tonight. He had 15 hours to be a normal boy again.

He reached the games section and frowned no Donghae in sight but a taller, older muscular boy/man in his place.

"Are you looking for Donghae?"

"Y-Yes...I thought he worked in here?"

"He's in the laundrette in the basement. Take the elevator to the bottom floor" the man smiled

"Thanks" Eunhyuk spotted his name badge "Thanks Siwon Hyung" he smiled


Eunhyuk rode the elevator with other guests, all stepped out before him ad by the time the lift opened to the basement he was itching to see the boy. He stepped out of the lift and scanned the basement, no Donghae just tons of washing machines, driers, ironing boards and detergant.

"EUNHHYUUUUUUK!" Donghae shouted

"Donghae!" Eunhyuk smiled

Donghae came running towards him and jumped right in front of him, the younger boy wanted to hug as a form of greeting but it was still a little awkward between them. So they just said hello and smiled. Eunhyuk helped Donghae finish up his chores then they were deciding on what to do for the day.

"I can take you to my secret hide out...well it's not a hide out it's somewhere I go when I want to be alone"

"Then why would you take me?" Eunhyuk asked

"Because I want to be alone with you!" Donghae chirped dragging Eunhyuk around

They took the stairs after a few flights they peeled off and went through a maze of corridors, they passed the electrical and gas quarters controlling all the hotels gas and electric then they came to pass a nosiy room which was the heating control. Then lastly they winded up on a stair case in what looks to be a store room. They walked right to the corner of the room and came to a row of steps, on the steps there was blankets, comics, candies and a colouring book with crayons.

"You hang out here by yourself?" Eunhyuk asked

Donghae nodded "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" He smiled plopping himself on the blanket

"Candy?" Donghae offered

"I-I ummm I can't have candy, thank you for offering" 

"Wae?! Candy is great!" Donghae's face turned to utter concern

"My uncle says it's bad for me...."

That was all that was said on the matter, the two began colouring in and reading comics to each other putting on silly accents to voice the characters. Soon it was nearing lunch time so naturally Donghae led himself and Eunhyuk to the kitchen to be greeted by his Umma

"Umma can we have food please?" Donghae layed his puppy eyes on his Umma 

"Whose your friend sweetie?" She ruffled her son's hair and looked at Eunhyuk

"I'm Eunhyuk...Lee Hy- Eunhyuk"

"I'm Mrs Lee, nice to meet you Eunhyuk. I'll bring you boys some food in a minute wait for me upstairs araso" she kissed Donghae's head

"If it's okay with you can I just have a banana or some plain rice please?" Eunhyuk asked

"Don't you like our food?"

"No no it's just that... I-I ..." Eunhyuk stammered

"I make the best Kimbap" she smiled as Eunhyuk relented

Donghae seemed a little confused as to why Eunhyuk had a strict diet but seeing as he didn't know him all to well just yet he decided not to ask him...not yet anyway. Donghae bought Eunhyuk to his home in the hotel one of the rooms. He walked in and bought Eunhyuk to his room they played for a while then afterwards layed up on his bed resting before lunch

"Eunhyuk...Can I ask you a question?"


"Why do you only eat banana's and rice? Can't you eat any other food?" 

"My Uncle says banana's and rice will make me strong" Eunhyuk admitted he wanted to tell all to Donghae but fear consumed him too much

"Oh..." Donghae picked up on Eunhyuk's vibes but asked him another question

"Also when you introduced yourself to me and then my Umma you say Hy..Eunhyuk. Why's that?"

"My name is Hyukjae...but my Uncle and everyone knows me a Eunhyuk"

"Your Uncle is wierd" Donghae retorted

"My Uncle is a lot of things" Eunhyuk grimaced "Donghae-ah I wish to tell you a lot of things but I'm not a person who can easily reveal my feelings. Hopfully we'll become great friends and I can tell you everything" 

"I want to be your friend Hyukkie. I can wait" He smiled

"Hyukkie?" Eunhyuk giggled at the name

"It's what your nickname is now" The younger boy smiled even more

"Okay then you can be... Hae!" Eunhyuk grinned 

Mrs Lee called the two boys for lunch, when they entered the room she could see that they had already formed a close bond. She set down the plates of Kimbap and left them to eat and talk amongst themselves. She came back to the table with her haands behind her back, the two boys eyeing her cautiously

"Umma?" Donghar worriedly asked

"As you boys ate all your food how would you like some dessert?" She smiled presenting a strawberry cheesecake

Eunhyuk's mouth watered at the sight of his favourite fruit and cake. He was unconciously nodding his head, he nearly cried of happiness when Mrs Lee gave him a bottle of strawberry milk to wash the cake down with. They played for the whole evening talking and getting accquainted with each other. By the end of the night there was no awkwardness, no unease just a friendly, loving atmosphere that Eunhyuk never wanted to end. But sadly the clock kept on ticking and Eunhyuk had to take his leave. The younger pouted but none the less let his friend leave.

"Bye Hyukkie see you tomorrow"

"See you later Hae" The two boys hugged easily and parted. 


Niether didn't mind saying bye, they knew they'd be seeing each other soon enough




[A/N: Double update!! Wooooooooooooo. Okay i'm going to bed now because it's super late here in the UK ~~~ -bows-]

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Chapter 11: Alls well that ends well
Baegoppahansam #2
Chapter 11: Its cute!!! And so fluffy!!! Thankyou :)
AAAAWWW that was so sweet *-*-*-*
Romelle #5
Omg! Nice story! I cried at the sad part.. T_T <br />
EunhyukDonghae #6
i wanna kill hyukkie uncle !!! *taking a knife and get ready*<br />
<br />
Happy Ending !!!<br />
<br />
Fighting !!!
salad92 #7
sequels please~ (*give u puppy eyes*)
Awww, happy ending! Yay! ^^<br />
Yes, please write a sequel!!!
Such a happy ending~<br />
Yes make a sequel!!<3