
Goodbye only hurts if you never get the chance say hello again

This was unusual for Donghae, it was gone noon and he was bored. Normally by now he was playing happily with Hyukjae, but the boy didn't meet him at their usual place today. Fearing the worst Donghae decided to do some investigating. He swiped the master key from his father's bed side table and went to Hyukjae's room after knocking several times he decided it was safe to enter. The door swung open and nothing suspicious was seen, Donghae closed the door then spotted the breakfast food hadn't been collected by room service staff then he saw the sleeping bag that Hyukjae sleeps in, in the corner of the room. But no Hyukjae.

-muffled screams and protests-

Donghae's head whipped towards the bathroom he barged in and found Hyukjae tied up in the bath with tape over his mouth. He carefully removed the tape and untied the fragile boy.

"Hyukkie your's all swollen" Donghae choked back tears

"I-I can't stand up my l-legs are n-numb" Hyukijae confessed

Donghae lifted the skinny boy out of the bath and laid him gently on the bed, he found the first aid kit supplied to each room and tended to his beaten face. He made Hyukjae swallow medicine and water before letting him sleep for a little time, after showing and pretty much forcing food down his swollen throat he had to leave an Hyukjae's uncle was due back any time now.

"D-Donghae i'm sorry we couldn't play today"

"Your safety is much more important to me Hyukkie, are you sure your going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine" He squeezed Donghae's hand to resassure the younger

"Take care"

Donghae left the room and waited for the elevator. The doors opened to reveal Lee Soo Man, the tall frightening figure leered at Donghae before shoving him up against the wall of the elevator

"Let's take a little trip shall we"

"G-Get off me..." Donghae roughly spoke

Soo Man gripped the back of his shirt as the elevator opened to the roof garden, He threw Donghae on the floor and kicked dust in his eyes to blur his vision of the impending attack. Soo Man yanked his hair as he punched and kicked his torso; only his torso as he hid his body...he wouldn't hit him anywhere people could see.

"Stay away from Eunhyuk, Araso? Next time you won't live through another encounter with me"

He threw the young boy on the ground once more and left. Eunhyuk had a lot of work to do tonight....

Donghae on the other hand quickly returned to his room and cried his eyes out. His older brother Siwon heard the sobs and came running in to see what the matter was

"Donghae-ah what's the problem?"

"Siwon Hyung! My-My friend is in trouble" Donghae was hysterical

"Donghae, Donghae! Calm down... tell me what happened?" Siwon put an arm around his brothers shaking frame

As you could expect Siwon was not happy when he found out his little brother's best friend was getting attacked by his own Uncle and Siwon was most certainly unimpressed when the Uncle Donghae himself...

"Now...I think he's going to do something really bad to Hyukjae"

"Hyukjae? I thought his name was Eunhyuk?" Siwon asked puzzled

"It-it's both! Hyukjae is his birth name, Eunhyuk is what his uncle calls him"

"I'll ask security to check over the room...other than that there isn't much we can do" Siwon glumly admitted

"B-But Hyung..."

"Sorry Hae" Siwon got up and left

"But Hyung I love him....."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT TO WORK TONIGHT?!" Soo Man's temper was raging

"My body ache's and I c-can't move my legs properly" Hyukjae responded

"Get to work now and you better bring something good back tonight" Soo Man threw the back pack at Hyujae

"I.Said.NO!!" Hyukjae forcefully threw the back pack in Soo Man's face

Soo Man saw white and violently attacked the boy within 5 minutes he was crying, within 10 minutes he was bleeding, withing 20 minutes he was unconcious then within 30 minutes Soo Man thought he had killed his nephew...he lay there lifelessly on the floor. Blood matted in his hair, cuts and bruises forming every other minute. Soo Man fled the room in shock.

Anhour later Hyukjae groggily crawled towards the phone, he dialled Donghae's room number and mumbled jibberish. Donghae knew it was Hyukjae calling for help despite the jumbled words and sprinted to his room with his father's master key he opened the door and found Hyukjae unconcious on the floor

"Hyukkie!!" Donghae cried at the battered sight of his love

This had to end now.

Donghae snuck down to the reception area and logged into the booking area, the only available room at the moment was the pent house suite. He set the room to occupied and snuck Hyukjae into the suite. He laid him in the bed and tended to the bloodied wonds before calling out a doctor to examine his bones to see if he was okay, just to be on the safe side. Thankfully no broken bones just torn muscles and a severe case of malnutrition. The doctor gave Donghae all the medical advise he needed to look after Hyukjae properly and left.

He started by ordering food  a three course meal to feed Hyukjae when he woke up and medicine to make him feel better. He stared at the sleeping boy on the bed, his face battered beyond bruises still looked handsome, his body no matter how stick thin or gaunt he was still made Donghae love him. He loved him so much his heart began to hurt at the sight in front of him. 

"No,,,," Hyukjae whimpered in his sleep

"Hyukkie, Hyukkie i'm here" Donghae lay beside him

"Hae...w-wwhere am I?"

"You are safe...he isn't going to hurt you anymore" Donghae cradled Hyukjae



"I love you too... I love you like you love me" He gave me his gummy smile, even though he was in excruiating pain he still smiled and it reached it is eyes

"I know Hyukkie....I love you too"

With that Hyukjae closed his eyes again.

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Chapter 11: Alls well that ends well
Baegoppahansam #2
Chapter 11: Its cute!!! And so fluffy!!! Thankyou :)
AAAAWWW that was so sweet *-*-*-*
Romelle #5
Omg! Nice story! I cried at the sad part.. T_T <br />
EunhyukDonghae #6
i wanna kill hyukkie uncle !!! *taking a knife and get ready*<br />
<br />
Happy Ending !!!<br />
<br />
Fighting !!!
salad92 #7
sequels please~ (*give u puppy eyes*)
Awww, happy ending! Yay! ^^<br />
Yes, please write a sequel!!!
Such a happy ending~<br />
Yes make a sequel!!<3