Seoul Central Hotel

Goodbye only hurts if you never get the chance say hello again

The Seoul Central Hotel lies in the heart of the city providing temporary bedrooms and homes for many tourists and business travellers. 75 floors of luxury, spotless bedrooms, bathrooms and en suite facilities fit for a king. The  hotel is run by a family, The Lee's.  Mr Lee was the manager running around 24/7 looking out for all 395 staff members, customers and his family who lived at the hotel with him; his wife Mrs Lee works part time in the kitchen helping cook delicious meals for the guests, then his eldest Son Youngwoon works in the gym as a personal trainer and lastly the youngest son Donghae - he was still at school but helped out during the school holidays.

Right now the long winter holiday was just beginning and Donghae was bored. He made sure he completed all his book reports and assignments so he could have a fun filled holiday.  He was sat in the lobby watching guests come and go. That's when a young boy caught his eye, he was sat on top of a large suitcase with the most glum look upon his face. An older man slapped the upside of his head and ushered him to his feet. This was an unusual thing for Donghae to see, everyone who came to stay at the hotel was normally happy; but not this boy. Intrigued Donghae followed the boy to his room, the older man saying a few paces ahead of the boy carrying most of the heavy luggage.

"Here let me help you!" Donghae ran up to the boy and took one of the heavy cases  The older man looked like he was going to slap the other bit but thought better of it an walked further ahead.

"I'm Donghae by the way" He smiled "Whats your name?" 

"Hy...Eunhyuk" the boy smiled but it didn't reach his eyes

The man stopped infront of their room and glared at Donghae who was still talking to Eunhyuk 

"I suppose I better go now..." He waved

Eunhyuk's uncle pulled him into the room and slammed the door in Donghae's face. He blinked a few times then began to slowly walk away from the room.

"I told you to keep a low profile! But there you go drawing attention to yourself!" Sooman hissed

"Sorry Uncle" Eunhyuk quietly mumbled

"Shut up and unpack our things" He hissed turning his attention to a map

Eunhyuk unpacked their things but all the time he kept thinkign about the young boy he'd just met, how child-like, frendly and cute he seemed. His Uncle approached him looking at him through the floor length mirror

"We don't make no time for distractions"

"Yes Uncle"

It's not like he'd want to be my friend anyway...

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Chapter 11: Alls well that ends well
Baegoppahansam #2
Chapter 11: Its cute!!! And so fluffy!!! Thankyou :)
AAAAWWW that was so sweet *-*-*-*
Romelle #5
Omg! Nice story! I cried at the sad part.. T_T <br />
EunhyukDonghae #6
i wanna kill hyukkie uncle !!! *taking a knife and get ready*<br />
<br />
Happy Ending !!!<br />
<br />
Fighting !!!
salad92 #7
sequels please~ (*give u puppy eyes*)
Awww, happy ending! Yay! ^^<br />
Yes, please write a sequel!!!
Such a happy ending~<br />
Yes make a sequel!!<3