Chapter 10

Living A Nightmare

Naeun's POV

I was laying in my bed trying to sleep but due to obvious reasons, I wasn't able to. I sat up slightly and turned the small lamp on beside me lidding half of the bedroom. "What should I do..?" I asked myself being filled with uneasiness. My head was hurting slightly from everything that had happened earlier. Luckily, no sound could be heard from downstairs. I sighed before gently touching my left cheek to feel the aftermath. It still stings..

I ended up taking out my diary from my bag.. "Thank goodness no one opened it" I thought to myself in relief as I held it against my chest. I always carried it with me knowing it couldn't be kept at home safely. If he happened to find out about this, I would definitely be in big trouble. I knew it was painful writing in it but, the fact that I could express my frustration and pain without anyone finding out about it, put me in more relief.

I opened it up to a new page and started writing. The painful things I experienced these couple of days were too much for me to fit into a single page.. To me, even a book wouldn't be near enough. As I wrote my eyes started to tear up. I gulped at my nervousness and the amount of guilt inside myself. I'm so pathetic.. So pathetic that I had come to the point where the thoughts of not wanting to exist had developed in my already messed up brain. As I ended my sentence I scribbled harshly and threw the pen on my bed in frustration, disappointed over the fact that no sounds elicited due to the soft duvet beneath. I silently cried by myself having no one by my side to comfort me.. "I'm weak. I need someone.." Were the lousy yet eager thoughts I had gained from all of this.


"You're a big girl now.." He muttered as he tried to my shirt. He had pinned me down to the ground with his strong body making it impossible for me to move. "Please don't!" I screamed while tears streamed down my face continuously. "STAY STILL!" He yelled and slapped me across the face the very same place causing me to divert my head to the side. So painful.. I had an ill feeling developing inside of me and it made me feel like a worthless person. Tears trailed down the sides continuously but I couldn't do anything..

"Please! Please leave her be!" My mother who watched at the back cried and with relief he suddenly stopped. He grabbed me by my neck and looked at me with his crazy blood boiling expression.. "Stay in your limits.. Next time i won't ing let you off. I promise that" he muttered and let go of me making my head fall to the floor. I winced in pain as I grabbed the area of my neck he had tried to strangle. He stood up and stopped in front of my mother. "Do that again and you know the consequences" he muttered before turning his eyes at me and then back at my mother. "Don't just sit there! Go make me something!" He growled and walked towards the living room slamming the door in frustration behind him.

I closed my eyes and sighed heavily while trying to get up. I tried to catch my breath as I held onto my throat coughing along. Deep down I was thankful he was gone. However, my mother's guilty expression on her face after looking at me didn't ease the situation.

I wiped my tears and stood up with help of the stair holder due to my legs feeling wobbly. My mother straightaway got up and grabbed my arms.. "Naeun-ah are you okay..?" She mumbled and I gave her a light nod while my eyes that slowly shed tears were still glued to the floor. She brought me into a hug and my hair while these words left "Thank goodness my girls safe.." She let go of my arms and buttoned up my shirt while I was just stood there silently zoning out. "Go.. get some rest Naeun-ah.." She said with the guilty expression of hers as she caressed my shoulders.. I knew it wasn't her fault. So why did she have to feel guilty..? She did not know it would come to this. I didn't want it to make sense to me. Right now I just needed to lie in bed and rest before my brain exploded.

End of flashback

After having no ability to write further, I placed the diary back into my bag and shoved it down my bed like I always did. I used to place my personal belongings out of sight just in case he would barge in. I sat on my bed and grabbed my pillow to hold against my body. Part of me wished I had a sibling that could keep me company while I kept her company. But never would I want her to go through this pain. Maybe that's why she didn't make it.. She wasn't meant to live this cruelty..

"Beep beep*" the sound of my phone vibrating made me slowly bring up my head and brush away the tears. I grabbed the phone and checked while my heart was beating away from my thoughts.

[From: Unknown 11:54]
>> Whenever you need something tell me, I'll be there in an instant.. Jongin }{

My eyes widened upon reading the message.. "Jongin.." I muttered silently. "How did he get my number..?" Was the first question that filled my mind. For a moment I sensed that maybe Hayoung had something to do with this.. But afterwards, the answer didn't matter to me anymore.

I continued reading over the message again and again.. The '..I'll be there in an instant..' Part made me suddenly feel a tiny sensation of protection. Surprisingly after reading it, my tears fell down again. "I need you Jongin.." I whispered as I brought my phone to my chest. Even though I caused you many worries, I still need you.. If I don't have you..

To surprise me even further my phone vibrated giving me a shock. I wiped my tears with my palm and looked at my phone. This was the same number.. He was calling me.. I wondered if I should answer him. But I didn't want to sound upset. Gathering up a little courage I decided to accept..

Naeun: "H-hello.."

Jongin: "Na..Naeun-ah.."

Naeun: "yes.."

My heart was beating fast from hearing his voice and I suddenly felt weepy again..

Jongin: "How do you feel..?

Naeun: "O-okay.." I replied and suddenly sniffed. I widened my eyes and quickly put my hand against my nose.

Jongin: "Naeun-ah, what's wrong?"

Gosh Naeun, get your grip together. I wiped my cheeks and tried thinking of happy thoughts.

Naeun: "oh? (Laughs) nothing, I think I caught a little cold" I replied while making sure to smile.

Jongin: "(sigh).. Are you sure?"

Naeun: "yes.. Thank you.."

Jongin: "do you mind opening your window curtains..?"

Naeun: "eh?"

What does he mean.. I stood up slowly and headed to the window. I slowly moved the curtain a little to the side and..!

Naeun: "What..?!"

Jongin: "Haha, Surprise!"

I looked outside to see him standing there with his phone against the ear and face raised..

Naeun: "What are you doing here..?"

Jongin: "I knew you lived here.. You at lying" he chuckled.

Naeun: "Please Jongin. You shouldn't be here" I said while keeping my voice low. This could really worsen everything. How did he even know this was my room..

Jongin: "I wanted to see you" he said and began opening the gate slowly and carefully.

I widened my eyes at what he was about to do. No!

Naeun: "Jongin you can't!" I said as I thought he was heading towards the door.

I opened the glass door by sliding it to the side revealing my small balcony. I think I had lost sight of him so I stepped out..

"Jongin.." I whispered while my body started to shiver from the cold, but I couldn't see him. I leaned over the balcony and looked to the side. There, my eyes widened again at what I saw. "What are you doing!" I said in a low tone. He was climbing the house.. What can't he do..? He used the bricks together with the steel pipe to climb up. He was really putting effort into it. As he nearly reached me he climbed up the balcony and jumped making me flinch from it. There he was.. standing on my balcony. Something I had never thought of in a million years would happen.. This isn't a dream, is it?

He looked at me and chuckled lightly.. My eyes were still shocked as ever at what he was doing. "Yah, why do you look so shocked?" he said. What kind of question was that? "What are you doing here?" I asked him while looking to my side. I hope they didn't hear us..

"I already answered that.. I wanted to see you" he said with a light smile. I blinked a couple of times and looked down. This is weird.. I looked up at him and he gazed down to my nightdress and then up at me startling me a little. "Naeun-ah.. are you not cold?" He asked me making my heart race all of a sudden. Wasting no time, I quickly walked in with my face feeling flushed.. How embarrassing!

I put my thick cardigan on and walked out the balcony. "Jongin, you shouldn't be here" I said and he stepped closer towards me. "Naeun-ah.. I couldn't wait. I needed to talk to you badly. I regret what I said. I regret everything.." "No Jongin please don't.." But before I could continue I felt his thumb on the side of my face.

"W-what's with the mark..?" He mumbled and my eyes widened. I stepped back a little while taking in his frowned eyebrows and shocked eyes. "Naeun-ah.." He mumbled as I saw his expression turn frightened yet with a hint of worry in his eyes. But the sound of my mother calling me interrupted us.

"Naeun-ah" my mother called and knocked on the door. I knew I had to hide him right then. "Stay here!" I whispered and shut the door slightly with the curtains. I went to my bathroom and flushed the toilet to make it believable and came out. The door opened revealing my mother with a cup of hot chocolate. "Eomma what is it?" I asked and she guided me to sit on the bed. "How do you feel? Is it still hurting?" My mother asked. I looked slightly to the side knowing Jongin was right outside.. I was starting to panic because of what might happen.

"Ah yeah I'm fine now" I replied. "Are you sure? the mark on your cheek is quite visible-" "yes omma I'm alright. Um, are you not going to bed?" I quickly asked. This isn't good. Jongin will hear everything. "Please omma don't say anything" I desperately prayed. "I will be. I figured you were still awake so I came to get you something warm to drink. Ah and make sure to cover your mark with a little makeup before you head to your class okay?" She told me. "ah.. Yes" I replied and noticed how normal and loving she was being with me. It had only been a few hours since the incident but yet she was able to talk to me with such care. After all, she did study psychology back in her days.. I think that's where she partly gets that from.

"And Naeun-ah.. Please listen to what I told you before. If it happens again I want you to stay out of it" she said and my heart started beating faster. Please eomma stop talking.. "Don't go against him.. You know it makes him angrier. Your step-fath-" "Eomma can we not talk about this right now" I interrupted with an uneasy smile letting her know I was a little tired. My mother forcefully put a light smile on her face from hearing me. "Okay Naeun-ah.." She said and took a strand of hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek. "Drink it while it's hot and go to sleep straightaway okay? It's been a stressful day so please listen to my words" she sighed and kissed my forehead gently.

Eomma.. Why did she have to say that.. I gazed to the small table beside my bed where she had put the tray of hot chocolate and my medicine. She shut the door behind her and I slowly stood up with my eyes closing in nervousness. "Please tell me he didn't hear" I thought to myself as I turned towards the window and  slowly slid it fully open. I gazed to the side seeing Jongin stood there against the balcony.

Surprisingly he was wearing his earphones. I walked out and looked at him making him gaze up at me and let go of his posture. He took off his earphones. "J-Jongin.. Can we meet another ti-" I said but was quickly interrupted by him, "Is she gone? Naeun-ah.." He asked with a worried expression surprising me by his behaviour. Does that mean.. I deeply prayed for it to be true. "Yeah.. She's gone" I replied. He sighed in relief and glanced inside then back at me. "Is this your room?" He asked and tried getting access to see more clearly. I quickly shoved in front of him deliberately as there were things I didn't want him to see. "Yes, um.." I muttered knowing there was nothing I could come up with to say. But thank goodness.. He didn't hear it. My heart felt a sense of relief.

"You should invite me home some time. It would be nice meeting your parents properly" Jongin said after gazing back at my direction to which I just nodded lightly. No way was I ever going to do that.

A slight breeze took over the moment. Although it was cold, somehow it still felt refreshing. I think my blushed face and the cool breeze made me warm at the same time. I took a strand of hair behind my ear and gazed at him. He did the same but I could see a hint of exhaustion in his eyes almost as if he had something on his mind.

"You're coming tomorrow right?" He asked me while playing with his hair. "Ah yes I will be" I told him. "What time do you have class?" He added. "Oh? Um, at 11:00 am" I answered and waited for him to respond. "Alright then!" He said and stretched his arms hinting at how tired he was right now. Why wouldn't he be, it's almost 2:00 am. “Are your parents not worried about you being out this late?” I asked him being curious myself. He chuckled at my question. “I snuck out the window..Shh” he whispered covering his lips with his finger, causing my lips to curl into a thin smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow then Naeun-ah" he suddenly said and turned to climb down but stopped. "Naeun-ah.." He called and I stepped near. "Be careful okay. I'll see you tomorrow" he said with a light smile and started climbing down. I nodded lightly and gazed at him leaving the gate. “Be careful”.. His words kept repeating in my head. He turned around and waved before taking a few steps back and then headed off. I waved back and somehow felt a little better. I'll see him tomorrow so maybe, maybe I can explain everything to him. Maybe we are still on good terms. My smile was still plastered on my face and that is where I realised, I only felt like this when I was with him..


Finally! I apologise again for the late update.

I’m so sorry if its short and boring.

This Chapter was suposed to be longer but since I havn't updated, i figured I'd give you half of it first while I continue to work on the next bit.

I'm happy you're loving this story! Thank you for reading ^^

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Chapter 12: Love it update soon
Fatinna #2
Chapter 12: The story is fantastically sorrowful but i love it so much :D
I am curious to what the ending will be. I hope sth unimaginably bad (being jail or even dead.tehee) happen to the step father for beating Naeun and her mom.

Hoping for the latest update. Fight to the ing authornim~
Chapter 12: Jongin so sweet and hope Naeun would share her secret to Jongin.... Thank you for updating, will happily wait for the next chapter^^
koala_panda #4
Chapter 12: Ahh..Thanks God naeun is not .. I am so scared.. Thank you for update can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 11: Please update soon Author-nim... I re-read this fanfic again and again so PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
wungcee #6
Damn I read up till chapter 9 in one sitting. I am totally loving this story. Glad to hear you're going to continue it. I don't care how long it takes, just don't give up on this story please. I've got to know the ending xP please don't hurt naeun too much :(
koala_panda #7
Are u not going to continue the story?
got7apink #8
Chapter 10: updateplsssssss
LurongForever #9
Chapter 10: OMG AUTHOR NIM WHY CLIFFHANGER???? T^T author nim update soon pls...
Chapter 10: Update please. I hope jongin coincidentally walks to her house and heard the noise