
Second Chance is Enough


HaeRa: so, I heard that Sunny will be one of those pathetic school helpers.

Kyuhyun: shut up HaeRa!

HaeRa: and why should I? From the very start, I already knew that my Sungmin is not serious to her.

Sunny passes their room. HaeRa intentionally pushed the vase out of the table.


HaeRa: Hey! Arasshi! Can you clean this for us? Gomawo


Sunny had no choice, but to enter the room she considered as hell.


Tiffany: Sunny, Don’t!


Sunny bend her knees to pick up the vase’s broken pieces when HaeRa pushed her.

HaeRa: opps! Sorry


It made Sunny cry quietly, her palm was now bleeding no one can help her because Donghae didn’t let Tiffany to help.

Donghae: Sungmin can help her.

Henry was not around to help. Sungmin stood up give HaeRa a glare and help Sunny.

Sunny: I don’t need your help; just continue what you’re doing.

Sungmin: just let me help you this time.

Sunny: I can do this by myself.


But instead of listening, he pull his handkerchief out of his pocket and hold her wrist, Sunny take away her hands but Sungmin was holding her tightly. Sungmin tied the handkerchief to Sunny’s bleeding palm, and then he finished picking up the broken pieces.


Sungmin: Sunny, I’m really sorry.

Sunny: I’ll just wash your handkerchief or buy a new one for you.

Sungmin: Sunny.

Sunny stand up, get the container that contains the pieces of vase and got out of the room.

Sungmin with the others followed Sunny. They reach the cafeteria where almost all the students hang out.


Sungmin: Sunny!

Sunny: wae!

Sungmin: I said I’m sorry

And now, they’re the center of attention

Sunny: what’s the use of your sorry?

Sungmin: I know I hurt you that are the reason why I’m apologizing.

Sunny: you know that I can’t accept that

Sungmin: I will not stop until you won’t accept my apology.

Sunny: I don’t care.

Kyuhyun: you should go to the clinic, to clean up your wound, I know it hurts

Sunny: yes, it hurt, but I’m used to it, you guys thought me how to be numb. This wound is nothing compared to the pain Sungmin gave to me.

Sungmin kneel in front of Sunny.

Sungmin: Mianhae, jeongmal mianhae.

Sunny: what happen to you? The king kneeling in front of his servant?

Sungmin’s reminded what Sunny told him, that he will cry in front of her. Sungmin stood up. Stare at Sunny.

Sungmin: what can I do for you to forgive me?

Sunny: all you need to do is to stay away from me, forget me and leave.

Sungmin (tears flowing): can you give me a second chance?

Sunny: no,

Sunny left the cafeteria. All of the students were shock. The cafeteria scene became a sensation and last for weeks. No one can believe that Sungmin cried just because of a girl.

Yoona: Henry, where did Sunny stay?

Hangeng: at the storage room at the roof top

Yuri: seriously?

Henry: ne, she’s leaving there.

Eunhyuk: how can a human live up there?

Henry: it’s better to live up there than in streets.

Sungmin: I don’t see her around this day, where is she?

Henry: she’s sick.

Tiffany: can we visit.

Henry: don’t, she don’t want visitor, especially Sungmin.


At the roof top…

Donghae: Sunny-sshi

Sunny: why are you here?

Donghae: finally I found you

Sunny: how do you know that I’m here?

Donghae: I heard Henry talking about where you live so I find it.

Sunny: ok, now you can leave.

Donghae: I just want to give this.

Sunny: what was that?

Donghae: foods.

Sunny: thanks but no thanks.

Donghae: please accept it, I owe you very much.

Sunny: for what?

Donghae: Tiffany didn’t break up with me.

Sunny: that’s nothing.

Donghae: accept it,

Sunny: if I will accept this, you’ll leave?

Donghae: yes.

Sunny: okay, I’ll accept it. Thank you

Donghae: welcome, bye!



Henry: I have to go.

Eunhyuk: wae? It’s too early

Henry: I’ll bring Sunny to the hospital.

Donghae: don’t worry about her. I gave her medicines a while ago.

Tiffany: you talk to her?

Donghae: I heard you talking about Sunny’s place so I go to her and give her some foods.

Henry: I can’t believe she accepted it.

Donghae: she only accepted it when I told her that I’ll leave if she accepts it.

Tiffany: you don’t even ask me if I would like to go too.

Donghae: mianhae. Where’s Sungmin

Hangeng: he went to see Sunny.

Henry: mwo?!

Hangeng: he promised that Sunny will not know that he’s there.

Sooyoung: so he became Sunny’s stalker huh?

Yuri: he really likes Sunny.

Kyuhyun: ne, he likes her so badly.

Sungmin: Annyeong!!

Henry: what happen?

Sungmin: I talk to her.

Sooyoung: what did she say?

Sungmin: I had my second chance, and then we are free to visit her, any time.

Tiffany (jumping in joy): jeongmal? Jeongmal?

Sooyoung: we owe you Sungmin. Thank you!

Henry: hey Tiff, do you know where the nearest pet store is?

Tiffany: ne, wae?

Henry: I’ll buy Sunny a dog.

Sungmin: I had an idea; we can give her room a complete renovation

Sooyoung: how?

Sungmin: tomorrow, she’ll be not around from 6am-5pm.

Eunhyuk: I’m on it. Just tell me what I can do to help.

Kyuhyun: let’s contribute some money. I can be your auditor, treasurer.

Henry: Yuri can be the interior designer. She loves designing.

Taeyeon: you really know Yuri huh?

Henry: of course

Yuri: okay, I’ll be the designer. But Sooyoung and Tiffany will help me.

Yoona: Taeyeon and I will do the exterior designing, Sunny love flowers.

Sungmin: okay, the boys will just help me do the rest.

Henry: just inform me of your final decision, I’ll just find her a pet.

They plan the whole night, and then the next day came.

Henry: hey guys, I had bad and good news. What do you want to know first?

Sungmin: the good one.

Henry: the good news is the suspects in killing Sunny’s parents where now in jail. The bad news is, Sunny will just stay at the rooftop because she’s not feeling well.

Kyuhyun: okay, what should we do now?

Yuri: we’ll continue our plan, but with her permission.

Eunhyuk: sounds good.

They all went up with the materials needed for the renovation.

Sunny: oh, what are you doing?

Tiffany, Sooyoung, Yoona, Taeyeon and Yuri run to her and hug her.

Sunny: wait guys I can’t breathe

Yoona: oh, sorry, we just miss you

Sungmin place his hand at Sunny’s forehead.

Tiffany: Aigoo,, I’m jealous

Donghae get close to Tiffany and hug her from her back

Sooyoung: hey guys are we working here?

Taeyeon: but how can you work if Hangeng holds your hand?

Sooyoung: we can work later.

Henry: we’re here!

Another couple came. Henry and Yuri came with Henry’s hand on Yuri’s waist.

Yoona: hey, Taeyeon, Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk, I think we’re not belong here

Sunny: I miss you all!!

Sungmin: especially me?

Sunny: of course.

Sunny hugged Sungmin that made Sungmin blush.

Taeyeon: can we all start working?

Sunny: what are you planning to do?

Yuri: we’ll renovate your room?

Sunny: who plan this?

Tiffany: actually it’s Sungmin.

Sungmin: we should start it. Can we?

Sunny: I’ll help

Sungmin: ani, just sit there and relax.

Sunny: okay,

Sungmin: wait,

Sungmin get his handphone.

Sungmin: can I take a picture?

Sunny nod, Sungmin handed his phone to Henry and let him take a picture of Sunny and Sungmin.

Sungmin: can you hold this for me?

Sunny: okay.

Sungmin gave his handphone to Sunny. Sunny open the phone and saw her picture with Sungmin as his wallpaper.


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Lover_2ST #1
Nice story and a amazing twist in the end ! The ending was cute and kinda funny ( for me) continue the good work :) ;)
Lover_2ST #2
I finish reading in 1 day !!! So happy ~
it's only cute..<br />
the plot is confusing sometimes, but as long it's about my SUNSUN and have a happy ending, gwenchana~
just found this story from your link in other FF and I like it..<br />
since I'm in my holiday now and I don't have anything to do, I'll finish this story tonight I think :p
Lover_2ST #5
Hihi it's me again , never on9 in here last few weeks so did not neo tat u have new fix going on :) still supporting uuuuuuu , only u~
AinaZoey #6
I really love you fanfic, it's amazing! xD yay *applause to you* :)
@sicalove93 :: actually, I'm ending it..kekeke
sicalove93 #8
oh. u updated alr.<br />
sicalove93 #9
update soon :D<br />
Hey! Thank you for commenting my fanfic :) I really appreciate it. I'm trying to read this ff. Thank you btw. Haven't found any new SunSun ff T~T