
Second Chance is Enough


They keep on drinking soju, Sunny keep on reviewing… It’s already 2:oo am, the boys are drunk already except Sungmin.

Henry: Sunny, it’s already 2 o’clock, sleep now!

Sunny: I’ll help you wash dishes.

Henry: ani, sleep now.

Sunny: andwae,

 It’s already 5:oo am, Sunny fell asleep at the couch.

Henry: Sungmin, can you carry Sunny to her bedroom?

Sungmin: why?

Henry: we are all drunk, do you think we can carry her?

Sungmin: ne, ne,

Sungmin carry Sunny towards her room he place her on the bed. Takes off her reading glasses and cover her a blanket. Sungmin roam around her room and saw how simple she really was, not like the other girls that had make-up kit in their room, hundreds of pairs of high heeled shoes, collection of signature bags and accessories made of precious stones. Sunny only had a simple life even though they are rich.

“ I felt sorry for her, she doesn’t do anything to me” Sungmin whisper to himself

The next day, day of the exam…….

Tiffany: Sunny!?!

Sunny: oh,, Tiff...

Tiffany: I heard that Sungmin is at your dorm last night.

Sunny: ne, and I don’t sleep up to 5:oo am because of them.

Tiffany: you don’t have enough sleep, can you take the test?

Sunny: ne, I can do it.

At their room, Taeyeon waited them.

Taeyeon: let’s have a group review.

Sunny: sure.

Taeyeon: biology.

Tiffany: who’s the father of biology.

Sunny: Antoine Lavoisier?

Tiffany: ani, he’s the father of Chemistry not Biology.

Taeyeon: next, what is the capital of Philippines.

Tiffany: Manila.

Sunny: is Sana’a the capital of Lebanon?

Tiffany: ani, it’s Yemen,

Sunny: omo, what’s happening to me,.

Yuri: I think you can’t do the exam.

Sunny: I had no choice.

Eunhyuk: Sunny, Sungmin wants to know if you’re angry at him?

Sunny: Why? Does he care if I’m angry or not, If I’m hurt?

Eunhyuk: Mian

Sunny: sorry Hyuk Jae, I’m not feeling well today.

The bell Rang

Sungmin and Donghae entered the room.

Sungmin’s POV

I told Hyuk Jae to ask Sunny if she’s angry to me. I’m planning to say sorry.

We enter the room and saw Sunny. She stood and walk. Her hands is holding her head, perhaps she’s dizzy. She didn’t have time to rest. I feel sorry for her. I sit to my chair beside her.

Henry:  Sunny, are you ok?

Sunny: I’m a little bit dizzy

Henry: I told you to sleep early

Sunny: ne, I know

The examination starts, I keep on looking at Sunny, she’s not in a good condition. She’s sick.

“why I’m so concern to her” I thought

Sunny: I can’t take it anymore

She whisper it to herself but I hear it.

Sunny: Miss, can I go out?

Ms. Lin nod.

Me: Ms. Lin, can I buy drinks at the canteen?

Ms. Lin nod again

I follow her. She’s really sick, she’s not walking on a straight path. She stop,  then walk again. She stop again, touch her head and fainted, I run to catch her. I touch her head, she’s like a fire ball. I carry her and run to the clinic.

Nurse: what happen.

Me: she fainted.

 I go back to the room.

Hangeng: why are you sweating.

Ms. Lin: why Mr. Lee

Me: Sunny, ( catching my breath)  Sunny fainted.

Ms. Lin: where is she?

Me: at the clinic

Ms. Lin: She’ll be okay, don’t worry, sit down first. Hyorin-Shi, can you get some water for Sungmin?

Hyorin: yes miss.

Donghae: Sungmin-shi, you said you’re going to the canteen. And Sunny is going to the comfort room.

Kyuhyun: that two place are in different directions, how could you see her.

Henry: unless you followed her.

Sungmin: I followed her.

Eunhyuk: first, you tell me to ask her if she’s angry, then now~~~

Donghae: tell the truth Sungmin, do you like her?

Sungmin: me? I~I~I like that girl?

Henry: you said that the girl you want is playful, kind, Sunny had that quality.

Hangeng: you’re just afraid to admit that you’re in love at the girl you hate the most.

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Lover_2ST #1
Nice story and a amazing twist in the end ! The ending was cute and kinda funny ( for me) continue the good work :) ;)
Lover_2ST #2
I finish reading in 1 day !!! So happy ~
it's only cute..<br />
the plot is confusing sometimes, but as long it's about my SUNSUN and have a happy ending, gwenchana~
just found this story from your link in other FF and I like it..<br />
since I'm in my holiday now and I don't have anything to do, I'll finish this story tonight I think :p
Lover_2ST #5
Hihi it's me again , never on9 in here last few weeks so did not neo tat u have new fix going on :) still supporting uuuuuuu , only u~
AinaZoey #6
I really love you fanfic, it's amazing! xD yay *applause to you* :)
@sicalove93 :: actually, I'm ending it..kekeke
sicalove93 #8
oh. u updated alr.<br />
sicalove93 #9
update soon :D<br />
Hey! Thank you for commenting my fanfic :) I really appreciate it. I'm trying to read this ff. Thank you btw. Haven't found any new SunSun ff T~T