
Second Chance is Enough


Days and weeks passed, Sunny and Sungmin became really close. Because of this everyone in the campus know that Sunny is the reason why Sungmin change, and gossips spread that Sungmin likes her.

Sungmin: Henry, can I go to your dorm?

Henry: ani, her mother came.

Sungmin: okay. Did her mother love flowers.

Henry: of course every girls love flowers.

Sungmin: what color?

Henry: why? You’re planning to visit?

Sungmin: ne, I want to tell her that I’m planning to court her daughter.

Henry: great, her favorite color is red,

7:00 at the evening,

Someone knocks at the door, Sunny opened it.

Sunny: Oppa

Sungmin: Annyeong!

Mom: Sunny, who’s that?

Sunny: our classmate mom.

Mom: come in.

Sungmin entered.

Sungmin: Good evening Ma’am

Mom: is he your suitor?

Sunny: Ani, he’s my classmate.

Sunny’s mom and Sungmin sat down. Sunny served some drinks, and sat down with them.

Sunny: so, what brings you here?

Sungmin laid a rose on the table.

Mom: omo! Is this for her?

Sungmin: it’s for you ma’am.

Sunny: you’re courting my mom?

Sungmin: aniyo, Ma’am I came here to have a permission.

Mom: for what?

Sungmin: if I can court Sunny.

Sunny was shocked, speechless.

Sungmin: I hope you and Sunny will agree.

Mom: that’s great, I’ll agree if my daughter like it to. So Sunny, what do you think?

“nervous, nervous, please say yes” Sungmin thought

Sunny: sure, oppa

Sungmins’ face enlightened.

Sungmin: jeongmal? Jeongmal?

Sunny: ne, but you should court my mom too.

Sungmin: ne, I’m starting now.

Mom: even though you’ll not court me, as long as I see that you’re really sincere and you really love her.

Sungmin: yes Ma’am, you can trust on me.

Mom: don’t call me ma’am, call me auntie.

Sungmin: ne, auntie.

Mom: have dinner with us. Don’t refuse. Then tell us about yourself.

Sungmin: it’s my pleasure.

Sungmin joined their dinner.

Sunny: where’s your mom?

Sungmin: at New York.

Mom: does she know about this?

Sungmin: no, but my father did

Mom: it’s ok that you’ll skip dinner at your home?

Sungmin: ne, he knew that I’m here and he’s not at the dorm,

Mom: this is the only day that you can accept visitors.

Sunny: we’re like prison in here.

Mom: that’s true.

Sungmin meet Henry on his way home.

Henry: Min, what happen?

Sungmin: I got the permission.

Henry: of her mom?

Sungmin: both of them

Henry: you’re lucky. Congratulations.





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Lover_2ST #1
Nice story and a amazing twist in the end ! The ending was cute and kinda funny ( for me) continue the good work :) ;)
Lover_2ST #2
I finish reading in 1 day !!! So happy ~
it's only cute..<br />
the plot is confusing sometimes, but as long it's about my SUNSUN and have a happy ending, gwenchana~
just found this story from your link in other FF and I like it..<br />
since I'm in my holiday now and I don't have anything to do, I'll finish this story tonight I think :p
Lover_2ST #5
Hihi it's me again , never on9 in here last few weeks so did not neo tat u have new fix going on :) still supporting uuuuuuu , only u~
AinaZoey #6
I really love you fanfic, it's amazing! xD yay *applause to you* :)
@sicalove93 :: actually, I'm ending it..kekeke
sicalove93 #8
oh. u updated alr.<br />
sicalove93 #9
update soon :D<br />
Hey! Thank you for commenting my fanfic :) I really appreciate it. I'm trying to read this ff. Thank you btw. Haven't found any new SunSun ff T~T