
Second Chance is Enough


The next day,

Mom: Henry, you’re gonna be late.

Henry: Sunny-ah! Palli!


Sunny’s mother opened the gate for them.


Sungmin: Good morning Auntie.

Mom: Good morning Sungmin, why are you here?

Sungmin: I’m fetching Sunny.

Mom: sure, Sunny! Sungmin’s here.

Sunny: oppa! Wae?

Henry: going to school with us?

Sungmin: ne. Mom: hurry, you’ll be late.

Sunny: ne, Annyeong!

Sungmin: Annyeong auntie.

Mom: Yah! Sungmin-sshi, take care of my Sunny.

Sungmin: ne,


Henry: are you really serious courting my cousin?

Sungmin: how many times do I need to tell you that I’m serious this time? Why do you keep on asking?

Henry: when we’re freshmen, how girlfriends do you have?

Sungmin: seven?

Sunny: did you have serious relationship with them?

Sungmin: ani,

Henry: see! That’s why I don’t trust you.

Sungmin: But, each of that 7 girls, did you saw me formally asking permission to court their daughters?

Henry: ani.

Sungmin: that’s because I’m serious this time do I need to prove that?

Henry: you need to show it.


Sungmin’s POV


How can I show it, they all know that I’m not used to this things. Those questions are really irritating


Donghae: so, I heard that you already ask permission to Sunny’s mom to court her.

Me: How do you know?

Donghae: everyone knows.

Me: how do they know?

Donghae: I don’t know.

End of POV


Yuri: Sunny: we heard that Sungmin ask permission to your mother.

Sunny: who said that?

Yoona: someone post it in the bulletin board.

Sooyoung: so, is that true?

Sunny: Ne, My mom and I agreed, do you think he’s serious?

Tiffany: I don’t know, everyone knows that he’s playboy.

Sungmin: Sunny, did you tell everyone about last night?

Sunny: ani, why would I tell them? They said that somebody port it on the bulletin board. Do you post it?

Sungmin: why should I,

Sunny: this will be a big problem.

Sunny run to the hallway, Sungmin followed her.

“Excuse me” Sunny said as she joins the people in the crowded place. She reaches the front and saw the poster that Yoona was talking about.


“is she Sunny?”, “she’s not even pretty”--- these are the words that she’s hearing, they don’t know that Sungmins’ at the back, listening to them.

HaeRa: yah! Sunny-shi, what did you do to Sungmin?

Sunny: I didn’t do anything

HaeRa: you’re not his type. Did you even consider yourself as a woman? Or do you even….. Seduce him?

Sunny: mworago?

HaeRa: Sungmin is mine, remember that.

Sungmin: HaeRa!

Sunny tear the poster from the bulletin board.

HaeRa: Sungmin,

Sungmin raised his hand trying to slap HaeRa.

Sunny: oppa!

Sunny holds Sungmins’ hand and shook her head. Sungmin put his hands down.

Sungmin: everyone, listen, don’t dare to do this again or else, you’ll see some pearl on your locker.


Sunny: do you know who HaeRa is?

Taeyeon: she’s Sungmins’ ex. And mortal enemy of Tiffany.

Dasom: we don’t mean to listen but, we know everything.

Soyou: HaeRa is the leader of the cheering squad, and also, Queen of the campus.

Sunny: but I thought you’re the queens?

Hyorin: HaeRa is the queen of queens, she’s harsh but in girly way.

Bora: she became Sungmins’ girl for 3 months, those months was considered as the darkest months in our campus, the queen and kings’ joint force. HaeRa love Sungmin but Sungmin played her. They became the rules of this school; we’re living like hell here.

Dasom: their relationship ended after 3 months, news had spread that they broke up but HaeRa doesn’t know it. Sungmin calls the entire student to have an announcement.

Soyou: do you know the veranda in front?

Sunny: ne, it’s always close.

Soyou: it’s because Sungmin had the only key. If they had an announcement they just stand at the veranda, and then speak.

Bora: Sungmin call everyone, even HaeRa, they were standing at the veranda, then Sungmin announced that he’s formally breaking up with HaeRa, HaeRa was shocked, that’s why she became more worse now

Sunny: how do you now all of this.

Bora: because, HaeRa once became our friend, she’s the member of this group, but one day she just left us and tells that we don’t deserve her.



Sungmin: sorry about HaeRa.

Sunny: gwenchana, so, she’s one of your ex huh?

Sungmin: ne,

Sunny: I even hear that you broke up with her in public.

Sungmin: ne, why are you asking such things.

Sunny: I just want to know, Mian.

Eunhyuk: Sungmin: we just want to talk to you, Sunny, we’ll just borrow him.

Sunny: take your time.


Yoona: Sunny, did you know what happen to Yuri and Sooyoung?

Sunny; what?

Tiffany: they auditioned to be the member of the cheering squad, they got rejected.

Sunny: I can’t understand, they are great dancers?!

Yuri: what do you expect HaeRa will do?

Sooyoung: HaeRa was the judge.

Sunny: is this all because of me?

Yuri and Sooyoung nod.

Sunny: I’ll talk to her.

Sooyoung: don’t

Sunny: and what? You’ll gonna stand there and let HaeRa rule?

Taeyeon: we can’t do anything.

Yuri. We’ll just try next year.

Sunny: what about the swayers’ club? I heard that they were looking for students who can manage the club.

Yuri: we’ll try

Sunny: good, the audition will be on Thursday.

Sooyoung: thanks!

Sunny: welcome, I’ll just leave for a moment.

Tiffany: where are you going?

Sunny: at the library.

Taeyeon: why don’t just sit and there and relax, it’s our vacant, you don’t have to study.

Sunny: I need books.

Yoona: goodbye bookworm?!


Sunny’s POV

I can’t believe that HaeRa could do that, that’s why I hate kings and queens.

I met HaeRa on my way to the library. She’s with the other cheer dancers. She stares at me, and then rolled her eyes.

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Lover_2ST #1
Nice story and a amazing twist in the end ! The ending was cute and kinda funny ( for me) continue the good work :) ;)
Lover_2ST #2
I finish reading in 1 day !!! So happy ~
it's only cute..<br />
the plot is confusing sometimes, but as long it's about my SUNSUN and have a happy ending, gwenchana~
just found this story from your link in other FF and I like it..<br />
since I'm in my holiday now and I don't have anything to do, I'll finish this story tonight I think :p
Lover_2ST #5
Hihi it's me again , never on9 in here last few weeks so did not neo tat u have new fix going on :) still supporting uuuuuuu , only u~
AinaZoey #6
I really love you fanfic, it's amazing! xD yay *applause to you* :)
@sicalove93 :: actually, I'm ending it..kekeke
sicalove93 #8
oh. u updated alr.<br />
sicalove93 #9
update soon :D<br />
Hey! Thank you for commenting my fanfic :) I really appreciate it. I'm trying to read this ff. Thank you btw. Haven't found any new SunSun ff T~T