My first Coffee with you.

A Drop of Coffee Cream


"eh?" Donghae exclaimed as he stood up from his seat when it came to him, just right after Eunhyuk smiled, beaming his beautiful gummy smile.
Not long after, not even a minute or so, Eunhyuk's facial expression began to change and sharp eyes were darted to him.
"Where's my espresso,you thief!"
"wa--, it's not what you think!" Donghae screamed, raising both of his hands while shaking his head from left to right.
Eunhyuk, on the other hand, didn't believe the other guy, he got the man in his collar and began to say  something in a deadly manner.
"Just give me the money, give it back and i'll spare your life"
He didn't really think he would do that, not even as much as a small crumb of bread left by a wealthy man after eating his meal.
In other words, Eunhyuk can no longer withdrew from the mess he made and judging the audience's face, it was a problem, a big one actually.
As Eunhyuk scanned the man infront of him, the I.D. in which he previously looked at to know the other's name caught his eyes. and that eventually, is the momrent that Eunhyuk loosened his grip and let the man go.
"You're not from Cheonsa Cafe?" He asked, butterflies filling up his entire belly, something he didn't understand.
"Unless you're blind, I'm from Cho Art Museum, an artist actually"
This made the older flsh red in embarassment, giving a 90 degree bow at once.
"Sorry" Eunhyuk said.
"and I guess, I have to go now" He continued
When Eunhyuk was a bit farther from Donghae, he heard a scream from his back that made him look at the owner of the voice,scared.
"Omma! buy me this toy!"
A sudden shiver ran down to his entire body, but as soon as he found out who it was, he sighed, He's becoming paranoid, he thought.
"Ya, I'm not going to let you run away just like this. You need to treat me coffee at Cheonsa Cafe" A sudden tap found its way on Eunhyuk's left shoulder, revealing a brown curly haired man with bangs long enough to cover his entire forehead and up to his eyebrows.
" that i'm this close, his face ain't that pretty bad at all, I have to say.but tsk, I'm starting to get curious on what's behind that long and fluffy scratch that, anyway bangs."
"What are you waiting for? Christmas? Come on!" Donghae grabbed Eunhyuk by his wrist and dragged him down to the said cafe.
The "coffee" with each other wasn't bad as he expected. They talked about their lives and about how Donghae was obviously not a waiter but an aritst that contributes big time to the known Cho Art Museum just two blocks away and about Eunhyuk's love for Photography.
"I wonder, Why did you not stay in korea and decided to just..well, be here?" Eunhyuk asked as he took a sip from his cup of coffee and added a drop of coffee cream.
Donghae raised a brow and continued to look at the guy infront of him, is he just curious or is he someone sent by his father?
"Do you know that coffee cream is composed of 18% butterfat? It'll make you big. And mind you, no one wants to have a super fat photographer take their pictures" Donghae tried to change the topic as he removed his eyes from Eunhyuk and looked outside the glass, a perfect view of the eiffel tower.
"Who would've thought you were this cocky. I had a teacher in photography once and honestly, she was good, even better than the "me" now. Just because you're from that Cho Art Museum, that doesn't mean you can belittle people,you know"
"I was not belittling anyone. I was just telling you the truth"
"No Donghae,you were and if ever that's the truth, you don't have to rub it in infront of my face"
Eunhyuk stood up and took his coffee, heading out to the door without forgetting to close it with a large amount of strength. Donghae could only sigh, he didn't really mean to put it that way. He wanted to change the topic and not talk about it,just that. Not everything should be told to a person you just met,you know.
"Welcome to Cheonsa Cafe..Thank you and Come Again" Donghae looked at the waitresses as they smiled and greeted people who come and go out of the room.
"maybe I should'nt  have told him the truth and pretended to be a waiter" Donghae sighed again as he followed the guy he was with,outside.
As he continued to look for the guy to apologize, he heard laughters from a man and a girl. Thinking it was Eunhyuk, he looked back and did saw him. He was sitting on a bench beside a young 8 years old girl, swinging her foot back and forth. There was a small flower evident on his hand and as time went by, he suddely placed it on the young girls ear and smiled.
Okay, I broke my promise T.T /cries.. I'm sorry! but my story is that I didn't go to our dance since you know -.- I don't know how to dance and I'll probably be bored as hell when I reach there and up to 12 am or 11:30 pm.
So, I was not able to do the fanfic >.> but I DID do it the next day at school. and guess what? I was so busy that I forgot where I placed the paper with this chapter. [I'm a messy person, geez] Sorry sorry sorry!
Lastly, thank you to new/old subscribers and ofcourse to my daughter Eunii-chan who found this story out of nowhere and subscribed, making lots of ruckus at school :)) I <3 you
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K-pop_lover123 #1
Nice story:)
:))) yay~ Umma you finally updated :)) haha I really did force you to do so.<br />
Anywaysss great Chapter, as always... Sooyoung also fell in love with Eunhyuk!! Kyaa~ :))<br />
Omo.....<br />
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Update MORE !
110 streak #3
Hey thanks for the update! :) Sooyoung is so kind <3 update again!
110 streak #4
This is an interesting update! :) What a small world for Hyuk. Anyways, I've been waiting for this fic to update, thanks for the update! Update again :)
lol after reading this chapter about Hyoyeon, then It made me more positive that the angel is Eunhyuk, because lol, Donghae must have met him but never got the chance to really talk to him!!!XD Oh my oh my, I can't wait for the next update!!!XD Such a cliffhanger!!!XD
Ok so I like read Donghae's three years ago diary chapter a few times to try and figure my clues were, : Perfect Smile , Jaw Line , Complexion, and With someone else..... So I came up with Eunhyuk Because of his gummy smile, he is known for having a perfect jaw line and his beautiful complexion and Sooyoung's chapter said that he was with HyoYeon so .... I dont know if I'm right Unnie!!~~~ ..Hopefully it was Eunhyuk!! >_<
KyuminMania #7
I'm picturing the story in my head.......hehehe
Whoa, that totally confused me but the only angel I can think of is Eunhyuk with his blonde hair because maybe, just maybe he has seen Eunhyuk three years ago and probably the same for Eunhyuk if he came to see Donghae's art!!XD<br />
Well Hopefully you update soon that we can satisfied our confusion!!XD
110 streak #9
Is it Hyukkie he's talking about? :) Well, please update again! Can't wait for the eiffel tower part haha! :)
Eh? I'm a little confused after that last chapter. Is he talking about Eunhyuk, or someone else? I assume it's a diary entry of sorts?<br />
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Well, maybe the next update will clear up what this one was about!<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update!