Blissful Morning

Fated To Love You
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The sun shined in through your curtains.

You opened your eyes.

You wondered what had happened last night. You looked down at your waist to see a muscular but gentle arm around it. You turned your head and saw Jaejoong peacefully asleep. You remembered the bittersweet reunion.

Finally, you had learned to forgive him.

His bang had fallen over his eyes. You reached out and gently it away. Suddenly, Jaejoong grabbed your hand. You froze *He’s awake?*

Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes. His perfect lips curled into a soft, sweet smile that made butterflies in your stomach. “I never thought I would wake up with you by my side again.” He whispered.

*Neither did I.* You thought.

Jaejoong leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. You felt good shivers go down your spine.

He kissed your nose.

You felt a sense of thrill to where he would kiss you next.

As soon as Jaejoong’s lips touched yours, the door burst open, “Mommy!”

You and Jaejoong looked to the door.

“Eh?” Youngjae tilted his head

. You gasped and quickly shot up in bed, “Youngjae!”

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22 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 62: awww finally
TVXQ4everJJ #2
I will re-read this story, I read it long ago, but I lost my account
Chapter 90: 😍
Chapter 90: Wonderful
Chapter 10: Lovely
Chapter 90: Sooooo sweeeeeet

I was craving for a good Jaejoong fic and I found it!
YunaJi #7
Chapter 90: i love this sooo much omfg
ReinaPark #8
Chapter 90: Wow... amazing
Love this so much
crazyexobtsfan #9
Chapter 90: Woa finished already... am glad i get 2 read zis fanfic i enjoyed it a lot... and by z way authornim u must luv baby boys mmm cause u make z 2 kids boys...we expect a lot from u
Chapter 90: I'm so glad I had time to read this a second time. This story was amazingly fluffy, just like I remembered ^^