
EXO the Extraordinary family

Every day, when the bell finally tolled three times, Tao would always be all ready; the last books he used on the last lesson were thrown to his rucksack in a slapdash fashion, pencils into his bag pocket, while the other stationary had been placed neatly to his pencil case few minutes earlier. Then he would bid good bye to his friends and a thank you to his teacher before running from his class to Sehun’s which located one building away to west on the ground level, whereas his on the first floor. He moved nimbly for a pupil in his eight and fast with his long legs. Along the hall which was crowded by children, he would shout an excuse and apology, asking them to move away from his path which usually obeyed by everyone.

Sehun then would be waiting in front of his class, sometimes alone, squatting in front of a colony of ants whilst observing them intensely or gazing to a small garden on the building’s east if there was a kaleidoscope of butterflies. Other times, a young and beautiful teacher would be his company and once he wasn’t alone, he sat on a bench in front of the class under the rainbow and flower graffiti with streams of water dripping down his plum cheeks, red and swollen eyes.

Most of the times, when Tao finally reached him, Sehun would beam with the brightest beam he could offer, showing his two growing canines. Other times, he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffled while trying to tone down his hiccups, even though at the end he still would be burst into tears when Tao patted his head and asked him about his day.

Meanwhile, Tao would sneak a quick glimpse to his digital watch, confirming his record before he would be asking for Kai who usually would pop right after, a bit late because he was more often than not teleported after had been waiting for his building to be a bit deserted, when he had convinced himself that nobody was around. Racing to Sehun’s class; it was a game they usually played. When Tao was the winner, he would be grinning all day yet sulked and snapped at everyone when he was lost. So did Kai.

Today, Sehun was sitting on his heels in front of a fat orange cat when Tao reached him. 30:25 seconds. Tao smiled in satisfaction as Kai popped on the bench, warily scanning around to make sure nobody had watched him teleported. Sehun grinned when Tao came up to him to scratch the back of the cat’s ears, informing Sehun about his presence. He lightly the cat’s head as his farewell gesture before he stood and swivelled around to take Tao’s hand which already had offered to him, hanging in the air.

“What happened today?” Tao questioned, just like he did any other days, as he interlocking his fingers with Sehun’s after patting Sehun’s crown. Hand by hand, they walked to the school gate; a bit different from usual because today, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Kyungsoo were the ones who had the duty to pick them up. Kai, with his lips pouted and his puffy cheeks, trailed behind them lethargically. It was obvious that the result of the race still affected him.

“I know a new song today!” Sehun looked up to meet Tao’s eyes. His older brother was a head taller than him. “We sing Hickory, dickory, dock!” He said, eyes vibrant with delight.

“AH!” Tao exclaimed, an imaginary bulb went off above his head. “The mouse ran up the clock…” He sang the nursery rhyme, swinging Sehun’s hand following the melody; up and down.

“….The clock struck one …” Sehun joined the chorus.

“….The mouse ran down” Kai followed, the result of the race was quickly forgotten.

Tao furrowed his brows, tapping his chin with his finger, a dubious expression drawn on his feature. “I’m pretty sure it goes down the mouse ran

“No. Teacher said it’s and down he ran” Sehun argued, trying to sound the most convincing a 5 years old could get.

“It’s the mouse ran down!” Kai fussed, lips pursed.

“I’m sure it’s down the mouse ran. I can’t be wrong.”

“My teacher said so. She can’t be wrong!”

“Mum taught me so and Mum never wrong!”

Sehun whisked off Tao’s hand and began to tramp his feet in aggravation as he walked while still keeping the debate going. He huffed before putting a pressure to every word as he said, “AND. DOWN. HE. RAN!”

Tao rolled his eyes.

“No Sehun! I’m right!” Kai insisted, opened his mouth wide and stick out his tongue.

One of other things Sehun had discovered by the time he reached 5 was when you were just a pupil the only way to get people to listen to you is throwing a tantrum. Hence, “AND DOWN HE RAN! DOWN HE RAN! DOWN HE RAN!” Sehun screeched obstinately, flailing his hands around, shaking his head.

“You’re wrong! Stupid!”

Tao gasped aloud while Sehun stunned temporarily, letting the word sunk in, before pools of water were started to be b in the corner of Sehun’s eyes. “You said bad word!” Tao shrieked, looking beyond scandalized, hiding his agape behind his palms. “Suho hyung said you should wash your mouth with soap if you said bad word! Go wash your mouth!”

Kai’s voice was cracking with a pang of guilt but his pride had him retorted to justify what he had said, replying, “Stupid is not a bad word! Luhan hyung said it once!”

“I’m not thupid!” the youngest screamed, he wanted to be tough just like how Luhan hyung had always taught him to; boys don’t cry. Except he couldn’t deny that he felt so upset because it was Kai, his brother, who had said it to him and his lisp betrayed him whilst beads of tears started to drop down his slanted eyes which swiftly wiped away by Sehun with the back of his hand. The last crumble of his pride didn’t allow him to show his tears.

“But, Mum said it is the mouse ran down! And you don’t understand!” Kai himself had gone to the edge of crying out of frustration.

How fast things had progressed got Tao confused as he was in his bewilderment for a mere moment, rendered speechless.

Driven only by his instinct to defence himself, Sehun charged forward, acting aggressive and pushed Kai’s shoulder. He meant to push him lightly but anger had consumed him and his trembling body didn’t have enough control over the action, had Kai tumbling backward. “But I’m not thupid!” A whiz of air stormed around him.

“Sehun!” Tao squeaked in a bolt of blue, dashing to pull Kai up, who still sat on the dirt with his eyes bulged out, astounded. He checked on him whilst dusting his trousers and spruced him up. When he was assured that Kai had no scratches, “No!” he said to Sehun, glaring. Tao was a baby boy when there were his hyungs around yet when it was only the three of them, he was the leader of the gang and as a leader, he considered himself to have a say regarding setting everything on its place.

“He thaid I’m thupid!” Sehun yelled, now didn’t even bother to wipe his tears that racing down his cheeks. The tip of his ears went a few shades of red while wind was roaring; strong enough to make branches of trees planted on their school front garden slapping each other and leaves began to be fallen.

Their quarrel had gathered little attention from pupils who by now stood circling them, watching with keen, being enthusiastic spectators.

“You are!” Kai bit brusquely, about to lashed out and wrestled Sehun if only Tao didn’t set him in his place, gripping his shoulder firmly.

There was something about Kai that gave a tell-tale he was going to teleport, something regarding his wobbly stance and how Tao almost lost his grasp, and Tao sensed it right then, “Don’t pop! Suho hyung will be angry!” he warned.

Kai sulked. The oldest of the three gulped down nervously when he gander to the bystanders which somehow had started to swarm. Onlookers were never good when you were different from others and he had learnt it well through his 8 years span of life, after questioning how could he be different and why he was different. Sehun was still crying, wailing piercingly, furiously rubbing his eyes, and Kai wasn’t helping calming his panic as he still squirming in struggle to free himself from Tao, whining.

Few minutes would not exhaust him nor harm anyone. Good thing he had a time-control power.

Tao ran agilely, hopping from one stair to another. “Excuse me. I’m sorry. Pardon. Move away, please, thank you. Excuse me” He repeated as he slipped from one small space of a faction of pupils to another space on the teeming hall.

It took him barely few seconds before he found an outline of Sehun squatting, patting and scratching a fat orange cat. Tao stopped right when he was about to step on the hall, controlling his speed gradually to avoid the squeaking noise which would be caused by his trainers to the floor, didn’t spare a glance to his digital watch instead counted to three, expecting Kai who he knew would pop on a bench close to Sehun. He stalled his time, tip toed ever so carefully to make his existence unknown and Kai appeared just when he finished counting, had Tao smirked, a pleased smirk, before he walked in a half-jump-half-walk fashion to Sehun.

“Sehun!” Tao called whilst Kai grinning in contentment as he believed he was the one who claimed a victory. At least he could convince Kai about it and at least Kai would be in his cheerful state, thus Tao would dare to hope for fewer problems to arise. “Let’s go!” He said, offering his hand and cocking his head to motion Sehun to get up.

This time, he wouldn't question their days.

“Don’t tell Suho and Luhan hyung….” Jongdae whimpered. “Your knobhead brothers had done some foolish wrist-flicking, silly hand-waving and claptrap power-fight.”

“Be more specific!” Minseok ordered, tone was stumpy.

“Phoenix, soil walls and laser light” He answered, glaring all the while to his brothers in an attempt to convey a message; it’s all your faults you Nutter!

“Have I not made myself clear when I said this morning that I expect you all shall think over about your thoughtless act and not do it again?!”

“Say it to the other three not me, all right? I already have told them to stop but those dickheads feigned ignorance―”

“Use a proper language!” Minseok snatched and he heard Jongdae gurgled on the other line, clearly felt ill-treated. He sighed in resignation, saying curtly “We’ll talk later.”

“Please don’t tell Luhan and Suho hyung. Please” Jongdae replied in a jiffy, begging profusely.

“We’ll talk later, I said.” It sounded like a promise that his hyung was willing to comply and he was satisfied enough with the answer. “Don’t forget to pick up your brothers” and Minseok ended their call.

“What did he say?” Baekhyun pried soon after Jongdae putting off his mobile phone from his ear. Three pairs of eyes were shooting an expecting look to him. Sometimes Jongdae wanted to electrocute them all, fry them.

“What time is it?” He opted to question instead in his desperate effort to stop himself to squeeze them, stealing a glance to a Comtoise clock on the room. “We ought to fetch the primary schoolers”

“He shan’t tell Luhan and Suho hyung, shall he?” Chanyeol persistently asked.

Jongdae scrunched up his nose in pain, there was a throbbing ache on his left head threatening his wits. “Next time, try to think about it before you summon that airborne fire creature and act like a bloody Lord Ozai!” He spat before he jerked open the door, barged through it.

Chanyeol was idle for a moment, eyes darted around and looked like they were about to pop out, before he scampered, trying to catch Jongdae who walked with his longs strides. “Sorry” Chanyeol said when he was confident that he was in Jongdae’s earshot, doing his best to keep up with Jongdae’s pace. Yet Jongdae kept on walking, was unperturbed since Chanyeol certainly would be fine and the issue would be forgiven and forgotten in a three short seconds. Knowing it was a fight he wouldn’t win, Chanyeol stopped, decided to give Jongdae his time, he glowered.

Baekhyun changed a knowing look to Kyungsoo and without a word both of them marched behind the other two, grabbing the key halfway through the door. Suho had commanded them all to pick them up, for the reason that he didn’t trust even one of them to be able to carry the duty without letting their brothers kidnapped on the way or demolishing the house if there were ones left.

Their journey to school was spent with Jongdae seeming morose and sullen, as if he would create a thunderstorm any second, had Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol evaded a chance to sit beside him on the bus, elbowing each other. Ultimately, Jongdae sat by himself, deep in his thoughts, watching the trees running trying to catch one another on the window. Kyungsoo had a slight initiative to approach him, he was the one who had begun the trouble nevertheless and he couldn’t deny the pang of conscience that started to devour his nerve. Except, the air around Jongdae made him diminished the idea as quickly as it crossed through his mind and in the end, let him entertain himself.

As Jongdae had predicted, Chanyeol promptly turned to his bright and breezy self when he stepped off the bus, ran along the uphill with Baekhyun who merrily joined him whilst Jongdae followed them in his snail speed. Kyungsoo was torn between detested the idea of having himself closer to Jongdae for now and racing with his two brothers who always seemed to have an extra sugar intake; he eventually jogged his way, purposely lacking behind his two brothers, to give Jongdae some space in a way that didn’t fatigue him.

By the time Kyungsoo arrived on the school gate, Chanyeol already had poked Sehun countless times just to annoy the youngest, chuckling like a teenage girl, before finally Sehun was erupted in a fit of laughter as Chanyeol picked him by his armpits and threw him in the air. In the meantime Tao was involved in a small argument with Baekhyun, something about Tao’s shirt or Tao’s hair. Kai sprinted to Kyungsoo before he halted his steps halfway, noticed how livid Jongdae’s expression was. After a few seconds of contemplating, he changed his course, instead approaching Jongdae cautiously as if he was afraid that every step would shatter Jongdae to pieces.

“Are you all right?” He said, clutching a fist of Jongdae’s short, observing his face attentively.

When Kai was in his best mood, Jongdae couldn’t help but to admit that he was indeed adorable and lovely. Perhaps it was his eyes, or maybe his full lips or his sweet voice. His brother looked concerned, enough to melt some fury burning inside him.

Jongdae gently grabbed Kai’s hand which was so petite compared to his, presenting him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” He said, cupping his brother’s left chubby cheek.

Kai beamed in relieve as Jongdae offered to bring his bag for him which allowed by Kai in a beat. Brooding wasn’t solved anything, Jongdae finally figured.

“Ice Cream Van!” Tao suddenly exclaimed.

It was successfully seized Sehun and Kai’s attention as they both snapped their heads at once to Tao. They were in bliss; “Do you have money, Chanyeol hyung? Can you buy us some?” Sehun pleaded charmingly whilst Kai already had dragged Jongdae by his hand, yelling ice cream all along.

The ice cream van began to play its chimes.

“May I have a strawberry flavour, please?” Tao asked in his sweetest tone of voice. Baekhyun was tagging along, “One Vanilla, please!” He said.

Jongdae’s face went darker again, a few wrinkles on his forehead, lips drawn very thin. “How much dosh you got on you?” He enquired to Chanyeol who already stood in a line, Sehun on his hips.

“I’ve got none” He replied, that jolly intonation still lingering. “I even had to ask Kyungsoo to buy for my bus fare.” Baekhyun added.

“Got no quid at all, do you?” Kyungsoo answered with question instead.

“Only enough to pay for our bus fare”

Kyungsoo sighed at the respond. “Baekhyun, Chanyeol, get back here at once” Sternly Kyungsoo instructed. “I’m sorry Tao but you can’t. I think it’s best for you to have your lunch first, no snack before lunch.” He said soothingly yet grasping Tao’s hand a bit forcefully than he intended to and dragged him away, as the younger one was caught in his puzzlement.

“Could you please give me a blueberry flavour?” Kai requested, appeared drown in his own world and didn’t even bat an eyelash at a scene made by his brothers.

Sehun’s lips were thinly pressed for a few ticks, looking at every picture on the menu before he finally bounced on Chanyeol’s hips and clapped his hands twice, shouting, “Chanyeol hyung, Chocolate hyung! Chocolate!”

“I’m sorry, sir. Please kindly do not serve my brothers.” Jongdae threw the man an apologetic look as he picked up Kai then embraced him on his chest, Kai’s legs were dangling awkwardly since it was hard for Jongdae to cradle the big boy. “We can have ice cream later, after your lunch, all right?”

“But Ice cream!” Tao screeched, finally found his voice. “Ice cream!” He said it once more to stress his point.

“Yes, ice cream!” Baekhyun showed his support, both of his fists clenched while he yelled passionately, eyes were about to burst out.

“Ice cream!” Chanyeol also yelped.

Kyungsoo hissed. “Act your age, please! We don’t have any quid!”

Baekhyun wrinkled his nose in displeasure before he pouted his lips and mutely copied Kyungsoo’s way of speaking distinctively in a scornful and contemptuous manner, mocking him. Chanyeol giggled except Kyungsoo shot him a dirty look, threatening to bury him to Earth’s core making Baekhyun stopped himself eventually.

Finally grasping the situation, Kai began to buzz and whine, hitting Jongdae’s chest with his tiny fists making Jongdae would like to take his previous statement; Kai was not a lovely little village, he was a little devil wrapped in an angel shape.

“Why? I can’t get ice cream?” Sehun asked. When Chanyeol sighed and walked away from the van, his eyes glossed, understanding the unspoken message. “But I want ice cream!” He pointed, as if the fact alone should have had gifted him a right to be given one.

“You are so mean!” Tao shrieked, to say that he was looking very furious was an understatement. “Awfully mean!”

Kai kicked his feet angrily.

“I can’t cradle him, give me Sehun” Kyungsoo said and Chanyeol obediently transfered Sehun to Kyungsoo, and hoisted Tao up. Sehun nestled his chin on Kyungsoo’s shoulder, moping, and once again, a whiz of air stormed around them.

“But Tao, we don’t have any money. We want to give you one, but I’m sorry we can’t. I promise you we can buy ice cream after lunch. All right?” Jongdae tried to console him but Tao buried his face deeper to Chanyeol’s chest.

The whooshing roars of wind were getting to be more menacing. “Blimey! How to stop him?” Kyungsoo yelled. His palms that once ran tenderly along Sehun’s spine were now begun to rub a bit vigorously as panic kicking in.

The Ice cream van chimed another time.

Scowling and sulking, Baekhyun led them all, strolling to the closest bus shelter, paid no consideration to his surroundings. The moment he spun on his heels to confirm that his brothers were indeed trailing behind him, he watched flabbergasted a view that was laid upon his vicinity; Sehun was howling and bawling, whilst a spiraling funnel-shaped wind current started to swirl and twirl ominously in close proximity to the ice cream van. He realized it then; the peril was real.

Jongdae approached Kyungsoo and patted Sehun’s back in a sympathetic gesture. “Sehun, please stop crying” there was a hint of anxiety in his pitch he tried to hide.

However, Sehun’s whines went even more deafening; the louder he yowled, the larger the twister got and the length increased more. The little debris and dust encircled the column, dancing around, making the funnel’s colour which once clear grew brilliant white. It was inaudible at first, before the funnel was sounded like a whistling, humming, buzzing of innumerable bees. When Baekhyun got nearer, it was like listening to a continuous and deep of rumbling. The radius of wind widen by a nanosecond as Baekhyun himself struggled to maintain his standpoint, his knees were shaking terribly.

An inharmonious choir of screams filled in the lane as bystanders scurried to find a nearby shelter. Kyungsoo’s eyes got rounder and rounder as he hugged Sehun tighter and tighter. “Sehun, please” He whispered, pleading.

Stupefied, Chanyeol was planted on his place momentarily before he darted to Sehun and Kyungsoo and did what he knew would calm the youngest; tickled him. To his surprise, the twister went chubbier and grew more intimidating whilst Sehun squirmed in Kyungsoo’s embrace and whipped Chanyeol’s hand.

Kyungsoo’s eyes went impossibly rounder.

“Time, time!” Jongdae said like his tail was on fire, putting an effort to keep his stance. “Light!” He added and he slashed his hand absently; initiating an ear-splitting thunder. “Light Oy!”

What are you bloody implying about? Was running on his head for a tick before Baekhyun understood what Jongdae actually meant. He flicked his wrist; slashes of lightning flashed on the sky. This way, the scene could convince everyone that the tornado was definitely an authentic tornado.

“Time!” Jongdae squeaked once more. “Tao, please stop time” He said, begging to his little brother.

Promptly, Chanyeol yanked Tao’s shirt and positioned the back of his head on his palm in a way that he could stare to his black beads, still on his hug. “Oy, oy, Tao… look at me!” He said, cupping his face. “Please stop others’ times and Sehun’s but us, could you?”

Tao sobbed and sniffed whilst Chanyeol wiped the tears that ran along his cheek using his thumb gingerly. Without answering, Tao clicked his fingers once.

And everything was stilled, even a bead of water on Sehun’s plum cheek.

Jongdae panted, whizzing for air. He knew he was going to be in a big trouble yet the matter in hand had to be handled first. “Kai pop us!” He commanded; teleported and simply disappeared from everyone’s eye was the only damage control he could think of right now.

“No, it’s better to walk.” Kyungsoo argued.

“Tao can’t hold that long” Jongdae retorted.

“But Suho―”

“Are you really going to bloody debate right here right now!?” Baekhyun interrupted, clicking his tongue, had Kyungsoo cowered reluctantly.

“Too many people shall exhaust him.” Jongdae stated matter-of-factly. “Pop, Sehun, Kyungsoo and I, Kai! Rest of us shall walk. Tao resume the time once we are gone” Jongdae decided. When Tao nodded his head, he stared at Kai’s eyes, persuaded him to teleport them.

“Give me your dosh for bus!” Chanyeol said and Kyungsoo as well as Jongdae rummaged through their trouser pocket to fish their money and throw it to Baekhyun.

“Cheers then”

And they disappeared in a pop.

We're finally going somewhere!!

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: Baekhyun jjang
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha maknaes and kris
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Such a cute kid the youngsters are
Em1412 #4
Chapter 10: Yikes!! What's going to happen next?!
LuHanM #5
Miss thissss and miss youuuu!
Updateeee please. I love this ♡
wienna #6
Hi,authornim! You're Indonesian right? I'm Indonesian too,by the way. I really like your story and I think your English is good. I even re-read it.
When are you going to update the story?
Please update soon
orange_milkshake #7
Chapter 10: oh my gosh, like seriously? ministry of magic? like in harry potter? wow. gotta read the next chapter! can't wait for it, fighting author-nim!
Rukia_Uchiha #8
Chapter 10: OMFG..............!!?!!!?!!
DUDE REALLY!?!?!??!!
Wow.........ministry of magic sound so cool.........
Chapter 10: Lol. Minister of magic? XD
LuHanM #10
Chapter 10: It was a ball of emotions ! and KrisHan part was so touché.
and what the hell?
Ministry of Magic ? Don't tell me that Sehun is going to receive a letter from Hogwarts !
Anyway it is really good as always. I am curious to read the next as soon as possible. Congrats for getting a new laptop ! which means more updates for us :)
Thank you.