School life (Part 3)

EXO the Extraordinary family

The twelve of them might not be related by blood, thus having quite a diversity regarding their traits. Yet, they shared one similarity; stubborn.

Except, Suho had an aversion to the meaning of the word. He considered it too negative, too unconstructive and believed a negative thought would definitely harm the definition of his self. Hence, he liked to suppose himself as persistent, determined and devoted instead of stubborn; in pursuing his academic life, in protecting his family, in his goal when he had one.

Someone pinched his back. Suho didn’t need to turn to know it was Lay.

Again, Suho was devoted. Now, he was in his class. The teacher was in the middle of explaining about some chemical formula which he found interesting and, first and foremost, purposeful for his academic life; thus being a devoted he was, ignoring his brother was a given.

Lay, however, also was a strong-minded little tick. He pinched him harder.

Suho flinched from the action, breathe was hitched while he jumped a few inches on his chair. Whilst counting to three in his head, Suho sneaked a piercing look to his brother, “what is it?!” he said, tone was raw with venom, before whipping his head to the board again, trying not to make his action too noticeable to the lanky teacher in front of the class.

There was no movement behind him for a moment before he could feel something pointy nudging on the tip of his right ear.

If only they weren’t in class, he would have yelled about how Lay could have nudged him with other thing instead of compasses and also WHY EAR OF ALL PARTS?

Lay offered a recklessly-half-torn paper to him and Suho snatched it hurriedly just to make sure Lay would stop disturbing him immediately before he lost his patience and executed the idea in his head; shower him with Minseok’s sweats. The oldest had a lot, he wouldn’t mind.

The lanky teacher began to write an example problem on the board while Suho took the chance to read Lay’s message. His brother’s handwriting was distinct; square in shape with thin but powerful . Carefully written even though the message he had to deliver should have had made him anxious and affect the way he usually wrote; Luhan said code red.

“Good Lord!” he muttered under his breathe to the paper on his hand. How Lay got the message from Luhan even though he was in class told him that Lay undoubtedly played with his phone in class again. He actually disliked the fact; to him it meant Lay was lacking on the time management and still couldn’t put his priorities right. Unlike Suho, of course, because he decided to shrug off the issue and wrote a reply instead, grumbling.

After making the paper into a ball, he threw it to his back, didn’t even care whether Lay got it or not because any second his attention diverted from the board felt like he betrayed his education and his future.

Lay believed Suho didn’t even look to the paper as he wrote, although he didn’t have any strong evidence for the notion since Suho’s handwriting was still neat as ever; Elaborate!

It was tempting to play with Suho’s patience and an idea to give Suho a vague answer was flashed for a second before he decided to dismiss it since maybe having Suho suddenly screaming in the middle of the class wasn’t that worth it.

A few moments later, Suho’s right hand were palpating on the air as he tried to find Lay’s hand while eyes still focusing on the board before he grabbed the same paper that Lay had offered earlier, quickly. The paper was crumpled really badly now and Suho found himself sprucing the paper neatly involuntarily. What Lay had written put him on edge; Fight, huge don’t you think?

In their family, Suho was belonged to the ones who had patience but this game started to annoy him, because in this kind of urgent situation, he clearly had told Lay to elaborate, and the reply Lay just gave him didn’t elaborate anything but made he wanted to turn around and grab Lay by his collar before throwing him to the Han River. His lips were starting to itch badly from the need to nag his brother around. As if possessed by his irritation, he didn’t care for the teacher for a second, whisking his head around and hissing so low in volume, putting a pressure on every word as he spoke, “I said, elaborate”

A faint grin and a grimace emerged on Lay’s face, scrunching up. Suho already had his eyes on the board again meanwhile Lay busied himself to write, pondering whether he wanted to bet his life and poke a fun of Suho again or not.

He decided not to.

Chanyeol, Kyungsoo,Jongdae and Baekhyun......

“Mr, Zhang...” Someone called his name. Someone who was definitely not a member of his family because his brothers and his parents called him by Lay; his nickname given to him during his childhood.

His Adam’s apple bobbed down plainly as he gulped his own saliva when he felt a shadow wrapped him. Looking up, he found the lanky teacher scrutinized him under his square glasses and suddenly he felt so small.

“Do you mind sharing your love letters to others in the class?” He said, snatching the paper from Lay’s grip. Lay watched the paper slipped out of his fingers forlornly, unconsciously reaching for it though he only grazing on air pathetically.

The lanky teacher scanned the paper by a few second, before obscuring Lay’s face and Suho’s briefly. “I’m sorry but I think I have made myself clear, haven’t I? Please, the stage is yours” He motioned his hand in the air to the front.

For a second thought, Suho didn’t want to throw Lay to the Han River. Amazon River with Piranhas and crocodiles on it suddenly sounded much better.


“Hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung……..”

Perhaps, if Kris kept his quiet long enough, his three brothers might vaporised into dust or other tiny particles, bringing their insanity with them, then he could live happily ever after with only his dragon.

“......hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung......”

Perhaps. Since nothing was wrong with keeping your hope high.


“....hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung.....”

Kai bit him, close to his most important part.

Perhaps, it was too much to ask. Perhaps he should have had just considered praying for a rope to fall from the sky so he could hang himself.

“Ugh okay what is it?” he said, his earphone, his very own personal shield, after flinching on his seat from Kai’s action. He thought giving his three youngest their meals would quiet them, maybe he was wrong. He barely had his own minutes trying to fall asleep, barely had caught his breathe and rested his tired-body-induced-by-stress on the comfy couch. Though he didn’t like to admit it, the consultation session was still nudging on the back of his head. Completed with his brothers’ issue, suddenly a nap was so tempting.

If someone would like to describe Kris, there were only three words needed; awkward, easy and juvenile. He was easy to deal with; just don’t disturb him when he was asleep and feed him at times. Other than that, he was fine and laid back and you could have him around for a nice company. He might had came out as mature sometimes but he was essentially a child at heart; played like a pupil with his brothers, whined like a spoilt brat sometimes when he found himself around people he was comfortable enough but he was the kind of guy who would do what he whined anyways. His puberty was spent on basketball court until he felt his muscles were numb every day and his interest on tattoos which he thought could speak his mind aloud; a type which didn’t worry his parents too much after had having Minseok who practically only lived in his room and spoke barely about twice a day meanwhile Luhan was angry at even a fallen leaves.

He got his answer from the three of them all together at once, presenting him a discordant choir. “I’m hungry but I don’t feel like chewing. Do you think if I fast forward our time a bit, I’ll be full and the meals shall disappear?”

“Where’s Luhan hyung? Why are we here?”

“LOOOOKK!” Sehun yelped, showing off his accomplishment which was putting the chopsticks inside his nostrils. He raised his hands up in the air, fingers were half-folded in a pretend claws “I am Walrus!”

Chanyeol and his weird behaviour must have had played a big part for Sehun’s antic. He knew it wasn’t genetic to be bizarre, but he had a theory that Chanyoel’s maniac psyche could be transmitted if one’s immune wasn’t that strong. He remembered seeing Suho dragging the three of them to watch National Geographic about Antarctica last night. To widen their knowledge, Suho had argued. Surely what was shown on last night show was an explanation about Sehun’s obsession for today. Although the sight was entertaining, a responsible side of his who also got reminded about the horridness of Suho’s naggings on the topic of hygiene, had him reached out trying to pull out the chopstick when Sehun ducked his hands and hopped off the couch, leaving his untouched meals. “NO HUMAN! You can’t stop me! I am Walrus! Fear me!”

Sometimes Kris wished he had Luhan’s power so he didn’t need to move around when he had to grab something. For example: Sehun.

Their family café was quite empty as it was already past lunch time. The ones left were a middle-aged man who preferred to stay on the corner and absorbed with his work, a bunch of lads who were staying outside to have some chat also a lone lady who was enjoying a cigarette on a hand. Thus, Sehun got to run about the interior without having to make Kris nervous he would crash some customers’ full dine table. Kris had managed to slip out the school with his car. After the death of his parents, experienced had taught him to always park his car on the primary school building car park instead of his school building’s and prepared a shirt and sweater in it; precautions for a certain circumstance when he had to skip his class. By changing his shirt, he could waltz out the gate, acting like a nice uncle who had to pick his troubled nephews because their parents were busy or acting like a new teacher who had to bring the troubled pupils home or other scenarios, which mostly involving troubled children, Kris had created before his sleep. It was an easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy game since the dim guard was new with around a month on his pocket. Heaven favoured him.

“Why are we here, I said!” Kai yanked the hem of his shirt with annoyance drawn clear on his air.

“Should I just try?” Tao followed suit, tugging the end of his right shirt sleeve.

“Barista-nim! I AM WALRUUUSSSS!” Sehun screamed, walking to the bar by stomping his feet along the way in his attempt to appear scary, raising his claws in the air. He made a variety of whistling and grunting sounds, which to Kris, a little like Chewbacca.

“Walrus don’t talk like human, all right? Don’t you even remember what we watched last night a bit? It’s basic!” spat Tao, appeared annoyed because Sehun had clearly grabbed most of the attention given by his audience in the room.

Sehun paused his movements momentarily and put his claws down, swayed by Tao’s opinion. He gander to Tao, appeared to be drawn on his thought. When his hands were up again, a resolution was outlined on his face, “ ’am Waaalwwuuuzz!”

Actually, amidst all of this, Kris was pretty fascinated that the chopsticks weren’t fall out already.

From his peripheral vision, Kris found that Kai, who always got irascible after waking up from sleep, gave a tell-tale he was about to explode and currently trying to find a nice spot on Kris’ body to kick hence Kris snapped for a second from his amazement, “Luhan hyung has to meet your Hyungs’ principal so I’ve got to take his spot for now. You were asleep like a hibernating bear when we brought you here. All right, little brother?”

“Not all right, I am starving”

If Kris was a Manga character, he was convinced that the artist would have had certainly drawn a bulb in his bubble when he felt something clicked in his head. He answered, trying to sound casual, “Well, I think Tao wouldn’t mind to have you as his guest because apparently our time master here is not in the mood to chew.”

“Don’t you even dare to move!” Tao screeched, feeling betrayed that Kris had suggested such evil and immoral idea. He made a barrier to secure his food with his hands, glaring to Kai and Kris subsequently. One cannot mess with Tao’s meals.

“Oh!” Kris exclaimed in a mock-surprise. “I thought you are too lazy to chew”

Tao stuffed a big spoon of mashed potato to his mouth. “I am not!”

A grin was curved in Kris’ lips faintly, hidden fully with his effort. He swore he could hear the sound of his imaginary self patting his shoulder to express a satisfaction over his intelligence.

“Hyung, I said I’m STARVING!”

Kris sighed, had to admit his lost from his brothers since at the end, though he had pulled so many tricks to stay in his comfy couch because he was simply lazy, he still had to budge. “All right all right! Come here and let’s see what we can get at the kitchen.” He complied. While making sure Tao was still occupied in his meals, he raised from his seat, looking like a sore thumb, standing all lofty in the empty café.

Travelling swiftly with his long strides, Kai waddled behind him, trying his best to keep up the pace with his short steps, he led Kai upfront intentionally. Good thing that his stomach was full, so he was pretty much on a fine state. Possibly that was why an idea popped up on his head. By the time Kai caught up with him, Kris had his very own chopsticks inside his nostrils. His idea.

An innocent beam was shone from his face. “I AM WALRUUUSSS!” He howled.

Sehun giggled in a fit of excitement, inciting a small twirl of pleasure down Kris’ stomach. Childish game was one of his favourite, making him feel young. “Fear me small Walrus because I am bigger than you! I can eat you. Run while you can!”

“AAAAAAAAA!!!” Sehun screamed, high-pitched, dashing to the nearest table and hid under it whilst laughing all along.


“Good! Shall you please help me catch the little Walrus and eat him together, then?” Kris replied while scooping Kai and sat him on his shoulders. He outstretched Kai’s hands up, “We are big Walruusss!” he said and Kai rewarded him with a maniac chuckle. “Where’s the little walrus? He seems weak since he didn’t eat yet. What about we fill our energy in the kitchen so we can easily catch the weak walrus?” He continued aloud, while darting to the kitchen.

“FILL OUR ENERGY!” Kai repeated him, glowing with enthusiasm.

Past a soft dull bang produced by the door which swung closed by Kris, Sehun peeked from under the table, observing his surrounding. Kris sneaked a frequent glance on him from the open kitchen while pretending to be busy choosing the menu with Kai, trying so hard not to make it obvious that he was watching every Sehun’s move, even when Sehun gazed around tentatively with his tiny slanted eyes, squatting under the table, before sprinting to Tao and struggled to hop up the couch. Once he settled and got his chopsticks out, Sehun dug in his plates, devouring his meals hurriedly.

Oh how easy it is to manipulate you sometimes! Kris thought to him self, smirking. He lingered around in the kitchen to steal some more times for Sehun to eat more, asking for a milk and snack to the cook.

“I HAVE MY ENERGY FULFILLED!” Sehun announced aloud when he spotted Kai and Kris emerged from the kitchen door. He had put on the chopsticks again, hitting his chest with his fist to signify how strong he was, standing on the couch.

Right then, the overhead bell above the west door was tinkling noisily, grabbing their attentions all at once. Luhan was the one who had opened the door harshly, stood by the door as he held it to make his brothers-Minseok, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Kyungsoo-came in, glaring all the while.

Sehun beamed with the appearance of the other audiences. He nimbly hopped off the couch once more, running to Luhan. “Look look look hyung! I’m a walrus!” He showed off to his older brother who then spared his piercing glare to Kris. Fully aware of what Luhan’s state was and what he could do on that kind of state, Kris strode speedily to them, only to be a few steps late and watching sympathetically as Luhan held Sehun firmly on his hands.

“It’s dirty!” said Luhan sternly, pulling out the chopstick out of Sehun’s nostril.

“LET GO OF MY FANG!” Sehun howled whilst squirming in his useless effort to free himself from Luhan who easily already got one of the chopsticks out. He clearly didn’t expect that reaction from Luhan since beside Kris, Luhan usually was the one who was easy to play along in a childish game, too. “MY FAAAAANGGGSS!” Sehun squaked when all the chopsticks were out from his nostrils, looking beyond outraged.

Luhan outstretched his hands to Kris, with writhing Sehun whom he held by under his armpits.

“Oh, splendid! Now I’ve got to be the one who hush him!” Kris complained. “You know what I’ve been through to cheer him and got him eat?!” He said, grabbing Sehun who was by now wailing.

“Come to me if it was as dreadful as what I had been through in this past hour having a meeting in that principal room!”

Kris groaned, annoyed. However, again, he was in a fine condition and being the sane one, he backed off ultimately, avoiding the fight which most likely would happen if he had pushed Luhan any further. He walked off to sit beside Kai, who was consuming his meals ravenously, rocking Sehun slightly while patting his back gently to calm him. “It’s okay Sehun, we’ll play Walrus again at home.”

Curiosity bit every cell of Kris, as he remembered no one had told him about what happened to the four of them yet. He was about to investigate Minseok but the boy was swiftly heading to the Café ’s host instead, asking him what had happened in the café while he was in school. Minseok always figured that staying angry won’t solve anything anyway so better spent his energy on other things.

He then shifted his attention to Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Jongdae and Baekhyun who had took their own position beside Tao, looking at them in query subsequently, persuaded them to explain him what happened without even telling them, too. His younger brothers though, avoided his gaze, making Kris sighed in defeat, focusing himself on calming Sehun.

“All right, at least someone told me where Lay and Suho are” grumbled Kris.

Jongdae felt a titbit pang of guilty feeling and sorry to Kris. He obviously had skipped classes and took care of the three youngest all by himself because of the four of them yet didn’t even get to know why. His voice was muddled when he answered, “They took the bus, on their way here”

By then, Luhan had approached them, gulping down vigorously a glass of icy water he just got from the bar. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before putting down the glass on the table robustly, producing a loud thump. “Let’s make it clear. This will be the last of me seeing you in that room, the last of you all to beat someone” he threatened, voice trembled in a raw fury. “Try doing that again and we’ll see where it can get you, not somewhere fun of course, I promise you that” He continued when he got no answers, intently studying their faces. “Answer me! Am I understood?”

The four of them didn’t even get to open their mouth as the overhead bell tinkling once more. Suho burst out from the door with a face looked like he was just got sunburn, red all over. Lay trailed behind him, seeming sullen. Dashing from the door, stomping his feet, Suho was shivering from the anger. He didn’t even bother to get himself nearer as he stammered across the room, “OH GOD... OH... WH-WHAT..WHAT?! WH-WHY?!”

As if in cue, the four of them looked down, suddenly found the floor very fascinating.

“ANSWER ME!” Suho barked, surprising both Tao and Kai in the process.

Truthfully, a part of Minseok had been paying attention. It was not like he could help it since his brothers actually made quite a scene, could be heard even from where he stood, on the kitchen with his host. Before it could get any more chaotic, Minseok came by and dragged Suho by his hand. “All of you, take this to my office!”

Everyone obeyed Minseok’s command at once, sluggishly marching to his office. Minseok slammed the door closed when all of them finally had entered. The small room was jam-packed and Kris had to sit Kai and Sehun on his lap to make rooms for others. Tao pondered on where to sit momentarily because apart from Kris, everyone seemed to be upset about something. He finally decided to approach Lay, who appeared to have the least desire to eat someone. The older one conformed, embraced Tao, rested his chin on the younger’s crown.

After making sure everyone had settled, Minseok began to explain on what had happened. He heard Suho shrill shrieked when he finally came to bullying part and saw Kris’ face turned darker by second. Luhan distracted him so many times by simply drumming his fingers to the table impatiently, knocking his heels, hissing and puffing. When he finally got to finish his story, Lay had already rubbed Kyungsoo’s back three times, hugged him twice and held the younger’s hand so many times in his personal attempt to show his sympathy.

The sense of anger and desperation was awfully raw in the air as silence enveloped the room.

Kai and Sehun perhaps were way too young to even understand on what was happening. Kai was the first one to crack the stillness, “Why did you fight hyung? Dad said fighting is not good.” He spoke up, while looking attentively at Chanyeol who sat beside him. Meanwhile, Sehun tugged Kris’ shirt, whispered to Kris when the older one moved his face down, “Is bully a bad thing?”

The room was too quiet and Tao could make out clearly what Sehun had said. “My teacher had told me about bully in class. It was bad thing.” Tao answered instead. He indeed knew it was a bad thing, but just couldn’t understand how bad, and what was bullying and what not.

Kris didn't realize how much anger had consumed him, and finally found out when he opened his mouth, listening to his own voice which was so low and poisonous, "Kyungsoo, who is this guy? Where does he live?" he said.

A sigh was the only respond Kyungsoo could offer, which he hoped was enough to tell Kris that he was thankful for his attention and care but he would be really appreciate it if Kris stayed away and minded his own business.

Lay finally recovered from the shock. “Why didn’t you tell us?” He questioned, visibly wounded that Kyungsoo had decided to bear his problem by his own when he had 11 brothers to share.

“Before that, actually what happened after you all did the...the power thing?” Suho asked hesitantly. He knew it wasn’t the right time but one trouble was enough for now to mess with his sanity, he just wanted to make sure none was following.

“About that...” Minseok said, swallowing his voice, suddenly losing his composed self. “... they didn’t see the phoenix and the lightning...” again, he trailed off. “...but ngg hsss...the parents then started to pinpoint how abnormal the four of them are, like hss... how could their children’s shirt got burnt just because Chanyeol pushed them, hss.. how could the bulb blasted out, how Kyungsoo could knock someone off badly with...” He paused, looking at Kyungsoo shortly, “I’m sorry Kyungsoo” he said while waving his hand in the air, “... as I quote, that kind of built

Suho shrieked once more, aghast. “What did you tell them, then?!”

Minseok had this habit of making a sound which was a mixed of hissing and sipping his own saliva when he was nervous and currently he did it a lot. “Uh hsss....that maybe it was thorn instead of burnt...hsss.. and the bulbs were blasted out because of the lightning...hss... and I asked, didn’t you see the lightning?... so yeah”

When Minseok finished his sentence, Kris already had lost count on how much Suho had shrieked for the day. “Oh God! Oh God! Owwwwhhh GOD!” The pale boy was caught up in his frenzy, clenching his chest and Kris immediately covered Sehun’s ears, completely alert on what was about to come. He had spent a fair amount of his day to calm Sehun and he had enough. “BRILLIANT!” He stood up and barked to Minseok, who then buried his head down. That was what Kris had referred as what was about to come. “AND WHAT DID I TELL YOU ALL ABOUT BEING SECRETIVE ON YOUR POWER?! I’ve repeated my self over and over and over again like a broken toy to make sure you understand it and apparently, NOBODY WAS LISTENING!” He screamed, body trembled in vehemence.

Tao jolted from his seat, swivelled around to bury his face on Lay’s chest, surprised. Meanwhile Kai froze and Chanyeol then took him from Kris’ lap, covered his ears for him instead.

“You could have used your power for something useful like ironing or cooking or power up our house so we could save up our monthly electricity expense instead of... what...This!” He said, slashing the air with his hands to the four of them to make out his point.

“Suho sit down, now!” Luhan ordered. “Calm yourself!”

“So am I the only one who panics here? What if people find out? Our parents had made lots of effort to secure us and you’s been only two months for God’s sake! Tell me how I can calm myself!”

“Oh shut up! Stop acting like you’re the victim here!” Kyungsoo spoke up. He had been ticked off ever since this mid day and his manner and common courtesy were left somewhere at school.

Suho’s eyes went rounder, looking like they were about to pop out from his skull, “OWH... Wh.. Wh... ex.. what?!”

“Kyungsoo’s right, we are the ones who are being suspended anyway!” Baekhyun replied and all four of them raised their heads, challenging Suho.

“ORDER!” Luhan blared.

“Hang on... so you’re being suspended?!” Suho said, stood still on his place. When nobody answered, he yelped once more, “WHAT?!”

Hope you like this chapter.

Teehee sorry for leaving you hanging again but thank you so much for your patience, waiting for this story

AND BTW I come back again to update for something, SUPPORT OUR BABY BOYS and give them the win!
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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: Baekhyun jjang
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha maknaes and kris
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Such a cute kid the youngsters are
Em1412 #4
Chapter 10: Yikes!! What's going to happen next?!
LuHanM #5
Miss thissss and miss youuuu!
Updateeee please. I love this ♡
wienna #6
Hi,authornim! You're Indonesian right? I'm Indonesian too,by the way. I really like your story and I think your English is good. I even re-read it.
When are you going to update the story?
Please update soon
orange_milkshake #7
Chapter 10: oh my gosh, like seriously? ministry of magic? like in harry potter? wow. gotta read the next chapter! can't wait for it, fighting author-nim!
Rukia_Uchiha #8
Chapter 10: OMFG..............!!?!!!?!!
DUDE REALLY!?!?!??!!
Wow.........ministry of magic sound so cool.........
Chapter 10: Lol. Minister of magic? XD
LuHanM #10
Chapter 10: It was a ball of emotions ! and KrisHan part was so touché.
and what the hell?
Ministry of Magic ? Don't tell me that Sehun is going to receive a letter from Hogwarts !
Anyway it is really good as always. I am curious to read the next as soon as possible. Congrats for getting a new laptop ! which means more updates for us :)
Thank you.