The usual Day

EXO the Extraordinary family


"KIDS CAN HEAR YOU FROM HERE MIND YOUR LANGUAGE PLEASE LUHAN!" Suho screamed from the first floor, trying to cover all ears belonged to Tao and Kai with his hands. The kids he referred to sat all prepared with their foods on the table in front of them.

"I SAID FIVE MINUTES!" Baek replied almost at the same time as Suho, not losing in volume.

Luhan put his pillows on the head of his bed "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE BECAUSE OF YOU!" silence was all Luhan got. "NONE OF US GONNA DRIVE YOU TO SCHOOL!" he used his second method, threat, while Baekhyun moved his pillow to cover his head and blocking Luhan's voice from entering his ears on the other room. He'd like to drift to sleep again. "I'M GONNA TELEKINESIS YOU TO BATHROOM!"


"LANGUAGE!!" Suho boomed again.

"HOW DARE...." furious, Luhan stomped to Baek's room beside his.

"I'M ALL AWAKE OKAY!!" Angry Luhan was the last thing on his list to have in this morning thus he sprinted his way to the bathroom before Luhan could reach him.


"LANGUAGE!!" for the third time this morning, again Suho, who now stood near the sink, barked to his behind where Kris just got down from the second floor carrying Sehun in his hug.

"....luffy up..." Kris swallowed his voice, putting Sehun beside Kai. Tao giggled, amused.

"Father should have built this house in the woods where we got no neighbors" Kyungsoo mumbled to himself. "I'm ashamed you know" He stared at his cereals as if hoping them to be alive and comforted him. 

"CHANYEOL WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THOSE FAKE BUGS AND LIZARDS? WHY DID YOU PUT THEM IN YOUR BAG?" Now Minseok's voice was heard, made Kyungsoo banged his head slowly to the table while Lay sighed and massaged his temple.

"....It's for... the art class... decoration... "His voice jumbled on the air while his brain geared itself trying to find a logical explanation. Chanyeol figured that it was hard to do when you had Minseok in front of you, trying to burn you with his eyes, folding his arms with his head tilted. "....I'll leave them here then" Chanyeol looked at his rubber bugs longingly then placed them on his desk.


"Oh my God you're such a boring creature of course no one wants to befriend you or date you!" Annoyed, Jongdae threw his fake snakes to the floor, obeying Minseok's order. "It's the fun of going to school you know....well nah you don't know because you're not fun at all! You se.." 

"You want me to freeze you?" Suddenly Chanyeol and Jongdae felt so cold, as cold as Minseok's voice. Their older brother had his own way to make them afraid of him "Go grab your breakfast now!" Both of them flinched for a moment before dashing themselves to the dine room where they found their siblings sitting circling the round table with their own breakfast in front of them made by Lay and Suho today.

Kris welcomed them with a glare while Lay rose from his chair and helped Suho grabbed their plates full of strawberry pancake for each along with a glass of chocolate milk for Chanyeol and Vanilla milk for Jongdae. Kris didn't like how Suho and Lay still babied them when they were already 14 years old and clearly could grab their own plates but he figured maybe they needed someone soft to them sometimes because Kris, Luhan and Minseok already hard enough on them. Kris was aware of the fact but still couldn't help himself. Jongdae, Baekhyun and Chanyeol behaved like a troop of wild baby baboons while the three oldest of the siblings were only 18 and never learnt about how to raise a baby. He once tried to read a parenting book but every theory couldn't be applied to them. The reason must be because they weren't human but baboons, a theory that Kris was very assured of.

"You know our parents didn't like us to use our powers that much so stop threatening each...." 

"Yeah alright..." everyone but Lay cut Suho's words in a plain intonation. Too used to this kind of situation. 

"I'm being serious" Suho pouted, stabbing his innocent sandwich. The fact that their brother was pissed was understood by everyone but they were just too tired to comfort him. The fights they had this morning already took so much energy from them and now they found it hard to swallow Suho's usual (he liked to call it) advice (while to his brothers it was obviously a nag) in the morning.

Everyone's in this house first advice ever was replayed in Kris' memory. Still vivid. "Please use your power wisely" His foster Mother said, while nursing his cut he just got from his first time flying experience. That day, he learnt the shocking fact of his power.

Clear, black, and soothing, Kris liked to describe his foster mother's eyes using those words. While his, dark brown and menacing; that was how little Luhan described them. They were filled with beads of waters trying to roll out of his eyes at that time. He was afraid to realize he was different and his foster mother knew it.

"You're not different. You're special. You and your brothers." She put her silk-like hand to Kris' puffy cheek.Her smile that time lingered forever in his head, refused to be forgotten.

Everyone had their own power in this not-blood-related family, after that day Kris learnt about that fact. They didn't know how could they have one but they were grateful over the fact how at least they were together and had someone to share about their uniqueness. Thanking their foster parents, who brought them to this house when they were young and introduced them to each other, was the only thing they could do. 

After finishing his cereals, Kyungsoo rose from his seat and went to the sink. They still had quite amount of time so Suho didn't need to use his water control power today to wash the dishes and saved time. This morning Kyungsoo had his turn to wash the dishes while the others helped. How Kyungsoo was much more mature and well-behaved than Jongdae, Baek and Chanyeol or the so called beagle line, even though he was a year younger, was the 8th wonder of the world no one knew the answer. Though Kris had his own concern for Kyungsoo; how he was so closed and hard to open after their foster parents gone two months ago. Lay and Suho had their own concern for Kyungsoo and had their own theory either, that Kyungsoo practiced dark magic and someday would sacrificed his siblings (most likely the beagle line) to the dark side in exchange of their foster parents. Kyungsoo's preference for black clothes was their only evidence so far.

Sehun tugged Kris's shirt who sat beside him. "Finish!" Sehun grinned, flashing his primary teeth which weren't complete. Two of his canines were detached last week. The five years old puffed his cheek then let the air out repeatedly while Kris put off his baby bibs. Sehun was surely big enough for still wearing one but "precaution!", that was what Suho said. Their older brothers always made sure Kai and Sehun put their bibs on before allowing them to have their breakfast. Suho detested the idea of having to change Kai's clothes again before going to his school when Kris or Suho spent almost half an hour to put clean clothes on him every morning. Kai hated to put one. Sehun, as the youngest, had to put his bibs on too because Kai did. Because Kai was older by a year and really minded to be treated like a baby when Sehun didn't. 

Luhan then grabbed Kai while Minseok grabbed Tao and Kris grabbed Sehun then brought them to the bathroom to wash their faces which smeared with strawberry sauce, brushed their teeth and let them pee or did their own businesses. The three oldest were in charge of the three youngest while 6 middle brothers of them took care of the dine room and dishes every morning. When Kris, Luhan and Minseok finished their jobs, they made their ways to their carport. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were already in Kris' car while Jongdae and Lay in Minseok's and Suho and Baekhyun on Luhan's. The three oldest already had their own driving license and cars given to them by their foster parents when they turned 18 and used them quite wisely by taking their brothers to school every morning. It was an unspeakable informal rule in the family to put each member of beagle line and (if possible) three of the youngest on three different cars, not caring about who takes who. One was enough to drive the driver crazy they didn't need three of them altogether in a car to cause a possible car crash.

Kris buckled Sehun on his baby seat then drove his Hummer after Minseok's mini cooper and Luhan's Rolls-Royce. The twelve of them went to the same school area actually but couldn't possibly drive together because there were 12 of them, too many to be carried by usual car. Suho and Lay actually really against this, global warming they said. But to drive only three cars forever as long there were 12 of them in a house was the only least go green act they could offer. Luhan, Minseok and Kris were quite different and always had different after school activities while in charge of at least 3 of their siblings each. They figured it would be hard to drive only a car to do that.

"Got your lunchbox?" Kris was squatting, trying to be on the same level as Sehun's eyes. They were in front of Sehun's class after Chanyeol and Kyungsoo ran off to theirs while bickering about who's stronger between Power Rangers and Ultraman.

"Uh uh" Sehun hummed.

"Remember go to Kai and then to my canteen alright Sehunnie?" Nod was the only answer Kris got.

"and don't use your wind power" ruffling Sehun's hair Kris then kissed Sehun's crown, stood tall towering his little brother again. Sehun rolled his eyes as the answer. "You guys always said that in the morning, I understand Kris" Sehun grumbled. "Now go, you'll get late"

Kris smiled apologetically and his heels after seeing Sehun wagging to his class. He sprinted his way to his, three buildings away from Sehun's. Realizing how far the distance was, he managed not to touch the ground few times to make it faster while wishing nobody noticed how he could possibly did that when he met Luhan and Minseok halfway. They glared at him. "Don't fly you dragon" Luhan hissed.

"You want to go to coffee shop Kai?" Kris glanced at Kai through the rear mirror. Their foster parents left them with a coffee shop before they were gone. They inherited their 12 adoptive children with quite equal properties for each included their house, a huge and famous coffee shop,cars and estate and others properties they didn't know that could only be inherited to them when they reach 21. Truthfully, for now, none of them really cared about the properties. They figured that as long as they could live the lifestyle when their parents where still around, they had already enough. So some of their properties were still left in the hand of their legal.

"Yeah!" Kai buzzed. "Who's there?"

"I don't know. Some of them must have been home by now. Maybe your Minseok hyung, Jongdae hyung, Chanyeol Hyung...and nggghh Kyungsoo hyung?" using his fingers to count, Kris tried to guess. The 6 middle brothers had their own schedule to help Minseok, the operational manager, ran the coffee shop. He figured today was their schedule to help Minseok taking care of the coffee shop. 

He didn't know much about the coffee shop actually. When they had found that they were inherited the coffee shop by their parents and the three oldest had to take care of it, Minseok who was always loved coffee was immediately pointed as the operational director while Luhan who had an interest in business and planned to take it as his major in college in charge of the finance.

"What about you? What do you want?" Minseok eyed him, already predicted Kris' answer.

"Can I just be the tasting and eating manager?" his brothers were all snickering and giggling, not knowing how serious he was actually when he said it.

"You want me to hang you, huh?" Being glared by Luhan, Kris grinned sheepishly. "We need money"

"I don't know what can I do with the coffee shop, I have no interest on it" he laid his head on the table. "Can I just let you guys do it while I make money from other things? You know, modeling perhaps?" That was their final call in the end. Since then he had been helping solving their financial problem without having to be a part of what Kris believed as a complicated stuff.

"What about the others?" Tao jumped in their talk, shifted his attention from his camera he dear so much, pulling Kris' attention on him. 

"The others must have gone home Tao. Cooking chicken you guys love so much. Your Luhan hyung just told me." 

"I want Chicken today" Sehun said in glee. 

"Me too! Me too!" His two older brothers said together. "Chicken chicken flying chicken sweet chicken white chicken turned black and tasty. I love chickeeenn!" Now Kris' three youngest brothers sang song together. 

The three of them just had their own extracurricular class and Kris had the joy of having to pick them up. Sehun just had his dance class while Kai had his Ballet class and eight years old Tao had his wushu class. The three of them together weren't as dangerous as the beagle line, Kris thought. In fact they were really cute. 

"Then can we just go home straight without stopping by at the coffee shop first, please? I want to eat chicken as soon as possible." Trying to be as sweet as he could, Tao pleaded to Kris. Now, all three of his youngest brothers were looking at him, with their own puppy eyes.

"Ah sorry I've already promised your Minseok Hyung to help him today, guys" Kris tried his hardest to express his apology through his intonation and his look. He didn't miss the disappointment drawn on his brothers' faces.

His car was filled with silence for a moment. "Then can you just teleport us to the coffee shop and then home, Kai? That would be faster right?" Tao looked to his behind where Kai was seated, beamed, feeling like a genius.

Kai nodded affirmatively. Kris didn't even have a chance to prevent it as he heard a puff and realized it was all black for a blink then they were already in front of Minseok who stood in front of their coffee shop in another blink.

Minseok eyes were widened in horror. Kris felt cold.

"I've told you not to use your power carelessly...." Suho trembled in anger, his face and ears were red. "What if the others saw what happened.... Oh my God of course there were some people who saw it! A car just disappeared! IN A HIGHWAY! If nobody saw it there somebody must have saw it on the parking lot! Of course it is! Of course someone might have seen it!" Kris' eyes had to move left and right following Suho in front of him who was walking and talking hysterically without even pouring his anger to a specific person.

Kris sat on a couch with Kai blubbered in his right and wailing Tao in his left and sobbing Sehun on his lap, all hugged by his broad body. It was their second round of sitting in front of their brothers receiving their rage and scolding. The first one was happened in their coffee shop, in Minseok's room. There, he thought his three youngest brothers already emptied their eye bags. Although their brothers tried to be as soft as possible to their youngest brothers, they knew that they were wrong and felt terribly guilty about that.

"What if it goes viral and we are known and government will come to us and fetch us and study us....." Suho said in a low volume, panicked by his thought. Suho was surely smart and blessed with a good brain along with an exceptional imagination.

"Enough already they know they are wrong and feel sorry about that. C'mon" Kris spoke, really had enough, hugging the three of them closer. He was sure that his little brothers were all tired and sleepy from all the crying and really needed to be tucked in bed right now. Kris was included.

"OH! OH! THEY!" Luhan barked. "You have one job Kris! One job! Take care of them! And you failed! In fact, it's not they, it's we! Sehun is less guilty than you!"

Kai, Sehun and Tao cried louder, surprised by Luhan's loud voice. But nobody tried to stop Luhan, too afraid even to try. 

Kris unleashed his last method; shot a pleading look to Lay. The latter huffed, before grabbing Luhan's wrist with his right hand and Suho's wrist with his left hand. 

"I know what you're doing Lay... " Lay was cooling their temperatures down, releasing more neurotransmitters in their bodies, and slowing their heartbeats and Suho could feel it. Lay had a healing power the only power that wasn't destructive in Kris' opinion, useful for healing them when they were sick, and anger was included. But Suho knew Kris was right, they had enough already for the day, thus he let Lay did his job. So did Luhan.

"Chicken" Kris mouthed to Kyungsoo, pleading for another help. The younger nodded while shooting a pitiful look to him before leaving the room with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. When they were back, they had a plate full of fried chicken in their own hands. "Guys, who wants to eat chichken?" Chanyeol cooed, waving a plate on his hand in front of Tao. 

Their faces brightened in instance. "CHICKEN!" All three of them flee from his hug. Kris put his legs up and laid his back, he just wanted to sleep right there on this couch, right then, had enough of his usual day. 

So... here's the first chapter! *puffed my cheek*

I really like that scene when Kris hugged all of his three youngest brothers. What is your favourite scene? (in Dora the explorer's way)

Anw I hope you enjoyed it. *bow*

Ps: OMG I just realized I've posted this story before finishing it! Sorry for you who read it when I was still writing it guys!

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: Baekhyun jjang
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha maknaes and kris
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Such a cute kid the youngsters are
Em1412 #4
Chapter 10: Yikes!! What's going to happen next?!
LuHanM #5
Miss thissss and miss youuuu!
Updateeee please. I love this ♡
wienna #6
Hi,authornim! You're Indonesian right? I'm Indonesian too,by the way. I really like your story and I think your English is good. I even re-read it.
When are you going to update the story?
Please update soon
orange_milkshake #7
Chapter 10: oh my gosh, like seriously? ministry of magic? like in harry potter? wow. gotta read the next chapter! can't wait for it, fighting author-nim!
Rukia_Uchiha #8
Chapter 10: OMFG..............!!?!!!?!!
DUDE REALLY!?!?!??!!
Wow.........ministry of magic sound so cool.........
Chapter 10: Lol. Minister of magic? XD
LuHanM #10
Chapter 10: It was a ball of emotions ! and KrisHan part was so touché.
and what the hell?
Ministry of Magic ? Don't tell me that Sehun is going to receive a letter from Hogwarts !
Anyway it is really good as always. I am curious to read the next as soon as possible. Congrats for getting a new laptop ! which means more updates for us :)
Thank you.