Strike One

EXO the Extraordinary family

“All of you, come!” Minseok called just when he barged into house, a few minutes after Luhan. He tilted his head, signalling his brothers who were sitting on a sofa huddled together to follow him to his room.

The way he nonchalantly walked to the stairs and talked to them were blossoming a hope in Jongdae’s heart that perhaps Minseok wasn’t very angry. Perhaps he would shrug it off.

But they forgot that their living room was attached to the dining room, where Luhan watched them interestedly behind a cartoon of orange juice, had been gulping it down greedily in his attempt to fight back the scorching weather outside.

He quirked his eyebrows, “Why?” He asked from where he stood, in front of a refrigerator. Luhan missed how his brothers stiffly paused on their tracks at his enquiry, finally aware of his presence. In the midst of this, Jongdae was relieved somehow because Luhan’s lack of knowledge turned his hope that was Minseok would fulfil his request and not telling anyone about the foolish fight, into reality; Minseok did comply. “Where are your brothers?” He added soon after, looking up from the orange juice cartoon that he had been studying, reading the label and trying to discover the ingredients in fascination over finding how effective it was to cool him.

None of them bothered to answer the first question, praying Luhan would be more curious to the second one and someone needed to coerce him that way. So, Baekhyun with his idea to shoo Luhan from the house temporarily as they were going to talk with Minseok, replying, speaking extraordinarily fast, “They are on the back garden with Candy. Sehun is looking for―Ouch!” He yelped in pain, shooting Jongdae who had nudged him a dagger look.

The space between Luhan’s eyebrows was folded in confusion. “Are you all right?”

“Eh? Oh!? Ah! Yes. I’m fine” somehow Jongdae discerned a faint sarcasm on Baekhyun’s tone.

Luhan still looking at them suspiciously despite the statement. But he was not as observant compared to Minseok to begin with, hence he didn’t catch how Kyungsoo blankly stare at him without blinking, the way Minseok started to sip his own saliva soundlessly and the way Chanyeol grinned in pain like someone was pulling the corner of his lips. He shook off his doubt just as fast as it surge in him previous to fishing his mobile phone from his uniform trouser pocket casually, the growling sound of his stomach needed to be silenced.

“Sehun shall definitely blabber about what happened to him, wally! We ought to keep him away from Sehun!” Jongdae muttered lowly in volume once he was assured that Luhan wasn’t paying any attention.

Sehun? Minseok wondered.

“Why are you all just standing there? Have you already eaten, haven’t you?” Luhan questioned, few seconds and that doubtful expression appeared on his face another time had Minseok’s thought went away, and shifted his attention to him, ragged his head so hard.

“Ah! Luhan do me a favour please? Hsss… Check on our café, may you? They just texted me there’s a hss… financial problem!” Minseok wished with all his heart that he was sounded convincing enough.

Luhan’s eyes popped out. “What? Goodness Minseok why are you only telling me now!? Let’s go together!” He said, hurriedly throwing the carton into a closest dustbin, it bounced on the edge once afore victoriously went in.

“No no! You go first. I hss… need to hss…” Minseok swore he could hear his brain animatedly gearing itself, “…go to the bathroom. Yeah! Ugh hss…” It geared its machine again. “My stomach aches awfully” He announced, clenching his tummy.

Jongdae and Baekhyun shot him a half-judging-half-disappointed-stare promptly which replied with a What!?-look by Minseok that was thrown between the acting in pain he performed ridiculously.

Minseok was a bad liar. Yet, how could he be that bad? Luhan hyung must be bloody dim―

“Are you all right?” He said, intonation was full of concern.

The effort Baekhyun put for not rolling his eyes in disbelief should call for a celebration, celebrated in 7 days and 7 nights.

“Yes, yes, I shall be there in no time. You should dash yourself.” Albeit Luhan motionlessly planted on his place, was torn between being a worry wart and being a problem solver, Minseok quickly added, “Chop chop!”

His childlike face was drawn with conviction as he snatched his car key on the gateleg table. Clicking his tongue, he made sure to turn around before he reached the broken-white door close to the kitchen which connected to garage, “Take care of your hyung.”

Four heads were nodded reassuringly, even though it wasn’t reassure Luhan who had learnt to never trust the three baboons’ promise if it was regarding keeping the peace.

“If you are not coming in an hour, I shall be back to check on you” He said for his final statement then he jogged to the door and jerked it open forcefully, slammed it behind his back.

The indistinct melodious hum of Luhan’s car engine filled in briefly before stillness wrapped the room and distantly they could hear the three youngest screaming in amusement at the back garden, confirming that they were in ecstasy. As if in cue, Minseok’s livid expression emerged for a second time, stonier, icier.

Kyungsoo brushed back his black hair gawkily whilst shuffling his legs subtly for the umpteenth times since Minseok had come in, visibly restless. The whole thing grew stagnant as Minseok bored each of his brothers’ foreheads, testing whether he actually could make a hole with his glare. Eventually, Jongdae got antsy, rubbing his hands to soothe his anxiety, mouth twitching in the need to protest and clarify how innocent he was in the Phoenix and Soil wall situation. At least he was indeed in that incident.

After observing his brothers, Baekhyun grunted, sat himself sluggishly and carelessly on the sofa. Minseok’s eyes almost jumped out from the sockets. He didn’t even get sufficient amount of time to recover from his dumbfound, when Baekhyun sighed resignedly, “Oh c’mon! At least we can sit and talk! That was the purpose of this sofa in this world! Are you really suggesting us to stand whereas you yell like―”

“Sit” Minseok cut curtly.

Baekhyun folded his hands in front of his chest, crossed his legs in arrogance meanwhile three of his brothers marched in a line to the sofa, like a herded cows. Minseok was immobile, in his last crumble of pride.

Inspired by what Baekhyun had done, Jongdae found his courage ultimately, the minute he plopped his back on the sofa. “I don’t deserve this, I..I wasn’t involved at all in their rubbishy fight ever! I tried to stop them! They were the ones who―”

“What happened?”

Sulked, condemned for being cut, Jongdae loured yet Kyungsoo evaded Minseok’s gaze, fully aware that nevertheless he was the one who initiated the childish power fight.

“Do I have to repeat my question?”

The atmosphere was excessively frosty and Chanyeol felt very suffocating, heat pouring in rapidly from his spine to every cell of his body, trying to maintain his temperature, fist clenched hardly that his knuckles turn paler in his effort to control the warmth.

Jongdae couldn’t help himself.

“Oh these bunch of nutters got bored so they intended to pick fun on Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo reckoned ‘why don’t I build a barricade because I have a bloody earth power?’ on the back garden and Baekhyun drew a messy circle with his flashlight hands on it since paper is so out of date also Chanyeol acted like a Lord Ozai to destroy it, called his silly bird!”

“Hey!” Chanyeol objected.

Jongdae paid no heed, “They correspondingly went deaf at some point, didn’t hear me yelling them to blooming stop! Few minutes and the police officers came and interrogated us about what happened but they…” Jongdae always jabbered and rambled nonstop when he was edgy, barely paused to take a breath, but he finally got to the part where he didn’t want to admit it, volume was low as he said meekly, “…succeeded to convince them all right that we were blameless and it was a false report.”

The moment Jongdae finished his story, Minseok was already baffled, didn’t know where to start. He knocked on his heels in the end, trying to control the rage that steaming inside whilst thinking the most suitable punishment for them.

“I believe I have the biggest part on persuading them so!” Chanyeol spoke up, he raised one of his hands up timidly and eyes sparkled with delight, begging for an acknowledgement and compliment.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

From time to time Kyungsoo wondered why his brothers were as dim-witted, heaving long and deep sigh, “I’m sorry” He said, genuineness was put across. “I should have not build that soil wall, except I felt so upset since they kept bugging on me as I just wanted to be al―”

“Not an excellent excuse, Soo” Minseok replied, the coldness in his tone was beginning to fade, partially because witnessing the vulnerable side of the youngest between the four.

“Yes yes, I know” He conceded, shutting his eyes closed, drawing a few lines on his temples from the action. “I apologize”

“What for?” Suho queried inquisitively, Lay trailed after him and appeared lethargic as usual, closing the granite door behind him. His lips were pursed, a sign that he was thinking so hard and curious about what was happening.

For a minute, everyone in the room was frozen from the shock, did not move even a millimetre.

“I smell something” Suho said once the muteness prolonged, the wrinkles on his forehead were growing evident. “What are you hiding? Are you in for another delinquency?” He egged on, trudging closer as he pronounced his words with distrust, squinting.

Lay heaved a sigh, tired of all suspicion which was rich in the atmosphere and a bickering that seemingly would come any moment. He exited the scene, walking to the refrigerator to grab a carton of milk, opted to be a spectator instead.

“Ice cream…” Looking at Suho awakened the Ice cream van accident in his memory and Jongdae blurted the first thing that crossed his mind, quickly slapping his mouth with his palm, regretting it.

Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun whipped their heads in unison, feeling betrayed whilst Jongdae faintly shook his head, conveying a request for forgiveness with his eyes.

“We want ice cream” Kyungsoo followed, still staring at Jongdae, brushing back his hair, he figured he needed to improvise as a damage control.

“Yeah, the primary schoolers and we wanted some ice creams even we haven’t have our lunch but Minseok hyung found out so we’re sorry” Baekhyun managed to explain in one breath, he imagined slapping himself on his head for how stupid he was sounded.

Minseok furrowed his brows, marvelled and concerned about how fluent they lied. He just didn’t know that most of it actually the truth meanwhile Chanyeol mumbling a praying behind his innocent smile, wishing Suho would buy it.

Baekhyun was sure that nobody would sign up for his―

“Oh” Suho exclaimed, cocking his head to left, proving Baekhyun to be wrong for the second time and believing that his family needed a collective IQ test. “They are telling the truth, aren’t they?” He confirmed, looking at Minseok in query.

Only Minseok never answered him, “Hyung!” Kai stepped in the room, beaming at the appearance of Suho, running to crush him with a hug. “Hyung hyung hyung!” He buzzed in his high pitch as if Christmas came early and bouncing on the balls of his feet as he was spreading his hands up and wide.

The fatigue which had been detectable on Suho’s face was wiped away instead he smiled in glee, bent down and hauled Kai to his embrace and at the same time Tao walked in, clasping Sehun’s hand whilst the youngest waddled to the room. As soon as Kai was on his hip, Suho pinched his nose slightly in an affectionate manner, “Having fun, love?”

Jongdae could feel a calming sensation rushing into him, assured now that he was out of the needle.

Tao huffed, a closer observation informed Lay that he in point of fact was frowning. “You supposed to find us, Kai. We are playing hide and seek, we hide while you seek!” He said and Sehun nodded his head frivolously to show his support.

“How exciting!” Suho commented. In which case his brothers weren’t causing any troubles, Suho was a loving boy. Except Kai was unfazed, shrugging his shoulder, he retorted, “No fun. I want ice cream.”

Two pair of eyes went flickering with apparent joyfulness meanwhile four pair of eyes got rounder comically at Kai’s testimonial. Baekhyun was the first one to jump from his seat and practically dart to snatch Kai from Suho. “Ah! Let’s go buy ice cream come with me, Kai! C’mon lovely little village!”

Flabbergasted, Suho watched as his fingers grazed the air, Kai was not on his hold anymore.

“Brother dear come with me!” Chanyeol picked up Tao hastily, almost sprinting to Baekhyun as he held Tao closely.

That left Kyungsoo who grabbed Sehun groggily and Jongdae who once more yammered to relax his nerve, pedalling backward as he spoke, “All right hyung that’s the end of our discussion I think. We already have our lunch thus Ice cream is allowed, isn’t it? So we’re dashing out right now to buy our adorable little brothers some ice cream wow aren’t we nice… Ouch!”

Jongdae yelped, spun on his heels to find Kris after him, looming over him in lofty, looking at him questioningly. His hyung’s arrival popped an idea to Jongdae’s head as he took Kris’ wrist, “And of course we shall be going with Kris hyung to take care of us! Isn’t it reassuring? Cheers, then!” He added, dragging stunned Kris to the door and swung it closed, leaving Suho who finally woken up from his bewilderment, shouting, “You’re not supposed to go outside! You’re in suspension! Come back here!”

Chanyeol elbowed Baekhyun over again, precisely at his rib making Baekhyun swiftly glared intensely at him. He hissed lowly, “You do it then!”

“But you lost!”

“Then shut up!”

Baekhyun’s snarky remark had Chanyeol scowled deeply. He kept his silence nevertheless.

Suho had texted Kris, wondering where he was and Kris had comforted his brother, updating him that he was sitting in a picnic bench under a willow tree on a park closest to their home. His four brothers were suddenly standing in a line in front of him looking the most anxious as Kris ever remembered the moment Sehun, Tao and Kai had run off thrillingly to the sandpit after consuming their ice cream ravenously, giggling and twittering in enthusiasm over the fact they were allowed to play in the dirt, something that was classified as illegal if Suho was the one who watched them.

There was a funny feeling inciting on Kris’ stomach; It must be very bad news. Bad.

Baekhyun kneaded on the hem of his black oversized shirt, he twisted his lips, finally picked up his bravery, “Ugh… we need your help” he said with a slight stutter.

Kris groaned, marginally considering smashing his head to the wooden table. If talkative Baekhyun was stammering, he knew awfully well where things were going from here, hence he simply asked to prohibit them beating around the bush, “How bad?”

“Uhm… I-promise-you-we-shall-clean-your-room-everyday-for-the-rest-of-your-life-bad.” Baekhyun answered tentatively.

There were disaster labels plastered on their foreheads which grew visible to Kris’ vision at Baekhun’s sentence, “All right then, I don’t want to hear it! Don’t involve me in your baboon business!” Kris decided, he plugged in his two forefingers to his earholes securely, looking similar to an innocent giant baby Kyungsoo had seen in a storybook he read with Jongdae together during their childhood. “Waaa waaa waaa woo wooo na na naaaaa how how chow chow!”

Kyungsoo shot his older brother a disbelief look. He sighed and rumbled once, pinching his hyung’s left arm afterwards, hard and sore, and Kris let out a girly shriek, flinching on his seat.

“Sehun caused a tornado in front of the school gate!” Baekhyun speedily told him as Kris was and rubbing the red skin, grinning triumphantly at his accomplishment; to be able to tell Kris about the accident, and at that instant willy or nilly Kris was tangled in the mess.

Kris was thunderstruck for a split nanosecond before it hit him, “AAAAAHHH!” He screamed for being deceived, pulling his hair strongly meanwhile Chanyeol and Baekhyun were changing a five in glory, “Brilliant!” Chanyeol complimented his brother.

“So…” Jongdae started cautiously, quite alarmed as he observed Kris’ expression that gave the impression he could cry and bawl in any moment. He opted to sit beside his big brother ultimately, patting his back in a caring gesture to somewhat calm him, “It’s all right, hyung. There there” He cooed as if he wasn’t belonged to the source of his hyung’s breakdown.

Giving up, Kris laid his head on the table and wrapped it with his hands, his back folded funny and uncomfortably since the height of it was much lower compared to his stature.

Chanyeol took it as a cue for them to went on, “We solely want to notify you since perhaps… ugh there’s a titbit, only titbit probability that uhm… it goes viral, to make you prepared and not surprise you very much if you ever find out later from… public?.. yup.” He said, popping the p in the end.

“It was a pure accident and wasn’t intended” Kyunsoo followed. “Sehun purely lost his control merely―”

“Merely?” Kris squeaked, still lying lifelessly on the table.

Kyungsoo gurgled, bothered for being corrected, yet he suppressed his displeasure, pitied his hyung a little. “Merely over an ice cream. You should have listened first, hyung” He put a whole lot of determination not to snort.

Kris whimpered.

“Yeah then he caused a tornado, a quite big one I suppose since I recall myself struggling to stand on my feet.” Baekhyun added, tapping his finger slowly on his chin as he twisted his lips. “But no need to worry since Jongdae and I were smart enough to produce a lightning and thunder to make it believable.” A cheery intonation was echoing from him.

“In the end, I ordered Tao to stop Sehun and everyone’s time but us―”

“No no, Jongdae. That was my idea. You don’t have to take credit over my heroic action when you at least the one who suggested us to use time!” Chanyeol claimed.

Jongdae pouted. “Yes yes. So short story, time stopped and we popped! But hang on, what was happened after we gone?”

“Of course some bystanders were puzzled since the tornado suddenly ended, miracle they said. But yeah I dare to think not many people noticed that half of us were disappeared” Baekhyun told his account. At some point, Kris felt the conversation had changed its agenda from telling him about the story to having a discussion among the baboons club.

“So, the point is,” Kyungsoo tried to keep their focus intact. “We don’t know what might happened, therefore in which case it got worsened, could you back up us….?” And for a good measure, he added, “…hyung”

Kris let out a long and tuneless whine, hitting the table with his punch lightly in desperation, and kicking the dirt under the table with his gigantic feet. He snivelled once, growling once, trying to respond but finding the only respond he could offer was a grunt at the end. There was a dull ache on his temple and he was certain that his head was threatening to explode, like a bomb had planted in it.

“Ugh, speak coherently, shall you?” Kyungsoo scolded fastidiously.

, Kris retorted, “Why me….?”

“EH?” Baekhyun exclaimed in incredulity, as if Kris himself should have had known the answer to his question. “Isn’t it obvious? You are easier to deal―OUCH!”

Kyungsoo smacked his head powerfully with his hand, mumbling something along the line of gormless and prat.

Kris whimpered.

“There is a monster under my bed” Sehun peeked his head, stood warily on the doorframe, a blue bunny blanket on his hand that he gripped firmly, so firm as if his life was depended on it. “I want to sleep with you” He stated, voice was raw with dread.

The twigs and branches of the willow tree outside his window were slapping the glasses, it was a rainstorm, and Kris was only able to figure it when he put off his headphone at Sehun’s appearance. The little boy didn’t wait for any answer as he toddled and tottered with his tiny feet then climbed onto Kris’ single mattress in difficulty. Once he was settled and nuzzled on Kris’ ribs, breathing to it, Kris noticed how Sehun trembled, inviting Kris’ protective instinct as he wrapped Sehun into a hug and patted him slowly. Sehun fisted a paw of Kris’ tee fabric using his right hand as a reply although in the end he decided to hug his brother back with his left arm trying to circle Kris’ waist to calm him moreover.


“Does the storm bother you?” Kris questioned since as long as he remembered, Sehun wasn’t afraid of the sound of wind was roaring, he enjoyed it. The Sehun he knew would drag a chair to his window and kneeled on top of it as he watched the view outside, admiring at how beautiful the way the twister pranced until he forgot that the night was went on and one of his brothers found him still on the chair in a foetus position the next morning, sleeping soundly.

Sehun shook his head twice. “Monster under my bed” He said docilely, snivelling.

Kris would like to debate that there was no such thing called monster, but that would be the tough and manly Luhan’s way of calming Sehun and he concluded perhaps Sehun didn’t come to Luhan because he didn’t want to hear it. He sighed. “Did you see it? How does it look?” Kris probed, trying to steal a glance on Sehun’s face but the boy had it buried totally to Kris’ ribs.

“Big and black and it has red eyes. It also has thorns. Ugly.” Sehun mumbled. He continued seconds after timidly as he snuggled his face even deeper to Kris, “It ate Mummy and Daddy when they wanted to shoo it for me”

Oh. Kris thought, grasping the situation. Nightmare.

And perhaps that was also the cause of the storm.

Sehun raised his head, his eyes glazed, in the verge of a teary breakdown. “Mummy and Daddy shall be back, shan’t they? Mister Monster shall bring them back, am I right?”

There was an enormous and heavy lump on Kris’ throat, Kris lost his voice. He could feel a hollow growing in his stomach and incalculable maggots creeping inside to fill it, sleeking with its slimy body, making him abruptly feeling nauseous as the colour on his face died out. He was drunk in his grief, drowning helplessly. The whole thing was in pause in a way his eyes was soullessly looking at the Kobe Bryant’s poster patched on his cupboard and the only thing he could listen was a gloomy buzzing reverberating on his ears.

Sehun was acquainted with that look. The look he had discovered and familiarized starting on the day Minseok hugged him in tremor, voice was muffled as he told Sehun that his parents were gone to heaven. He didn’t know what heaven was; a beautiful and wondrous place, Lay hyung had explained, where Mummy and Daddy would be happy. Up until now, it was never made any sense to Sehun. He demanded much more to enlighten him, about; was it so beautiful that his parents didn’t want to come back?; were Mummy and Daddy not happy at home that they chose to move to heaven?; was it his fault that his parents were not happy? He could promise to be good if it was so; couldn’t they bring him with them? However every single time Sehun uttered his ponder, that very look would reappear, and to some extent Sehun was uncomfortable with that look. Was it miserable, that word teacher on one occasion said? Yes, miserable, that was maybe the right definition of that look. So one day and at one point, he just started swallowing his questions, nurturing a hope that maybe he would understand in the future.

“Sorry” Sehun said when Kris kept his mum. He truly didn’t know what that apology was for, but somehow it felt just right to say it.

A dim smile was thriving its way to Kris’ face. “No, little brother, it’s all right.” Kris comforted him, his hug tightened, pressed Sehun’s right face to his torso. “Yes, Mum and Dad shall not comeback. But one day, when our time comes we can meet―” Kris stopped himself when he realized he was about to use a difficult explanation for a barely 5 year old. “eerrr I mean Monster did eat them―”

Sehun screeched in horror.

“No no no!” Kris frantically cried. “I mean, I mean, someday Monster shall also eat us and we can meet our parents in his tummy so― Oh dear” Panic was flooding inside him and he could hear his imaginary self which was much more sophisticated, mature and chic yelling at him; blimey! It was bloody simple, Kris. Simple!

“What happened?” Lay, whose room was next to Kris’, burst out from the door, dashing to Kris’ bed and picked up Sehun, who by now was sobbing his heart out, immediately. He rocked Sehun on his hug, whispering a soothing spell that everything was all right.

“Monster… monster…” Sehun murmured between his weeps and Lay worked his magic, tried to ease him with his healing power.

Kris always found Lay’s power the most miraculous and spellbinding as it was not destructive and at times like this, that opinion always proved to be right when he watched Lay pulled the weight in Sehun’s chest and in no time, Sehun grizzled lowly before lastly hiccups were the only things left from him. Every so often Kris found how jealous he was of it; if he was this awkward and could make his brothers cried a lot, at least he should have had been given a healing power so he could fix it. Yet, he had a flight power, although it was indeed cool. But, still.

Lay observed Kris who sat dejectedly on the mattress, his shoulders were shrunk, sorrow and remorse were terribly defined on his surface. Kris didn’t have to express it with words yet Lay could read him as if his head was transparent. He knew that whatever had happened before he stepped in, had thrown Kris in guilt, got Lay shushed himself and didn’t ask for any further clarification.

“Are you all right, now, baby brother?” Lay lulled few minutes later, pampering him, and as his respond, Sehun nodded once. Lay ran his hand on Sehun’s crown tenderly, “Sleepy, no?”

“Sleepy” Sehun muttered, rubbing his eyes which were loaded with drowsiness, crying had exhausted him.

Kris rigidly offered Sehun’s blanket to Lay who took it with a sheepish smile. He wanted to spend some times to sit and calm Kris but he knew that his gege was the type who appreciated a silent act if he was sullen, preferred to be left alone and composed himself, treated as if he was fine. It had something to do with his pride and his introverted personality, Lay had figured one day. “Sleep with me, dear?” Lay asked to Sehun who nestled his chin on Lay’s shoulder.

Only at that moment Sehun finally turned around to check on Kris’ expression. Again. That look. Sehun loathed it. “May I sleep with Lay hyung?” Sehun tested.

“Ah?” Kris jolted, didn’t aware that Sehun actually talking to him. He forced a sincere and warming smile to emerge on his face, “Yes, of course”

Sehun recognized that look far too well. His brothers might think that he was just a pupil who just knew how to whine but Sehun sensed everything which happened in the house. He knew when something went off, the problem with being a 5 year old was only, he didn’t know how to help the adults to solve it, thus not knowing any better, he brooded to soothe his anxiety in a bunch of events.

“Sleep with Kris hyung” Sehun declared in conclusion, gifted him a quizzical gaze from Kris and an adoring stare from Lay, who fully understood Sehun’s intention.

Lay transferred Sehun to Kris, nudging him weakly in the process since Kris was too confused to react. He expressed his affection to end his day, kissing Sehun on his chubby cheeks; left, right, on his nose, on his forehead, and the youngest exploded in a fit of laughter, blissed. Kris was speechless all the while.

“Good night, baby brother!” Lay greeted from the door, smile hanging on his face.

“Thank you, Lay hyung. Good night!” Sehun greeted back, hugging Kris’ waist.

There was a warmth tingling feeling that began to spread on Kris’ nervous system.

It felt so sticky. And wet.


Yikes! Was the first thing that came to Kris’ mind as he opened his eyes, to find Candy’s face in approximately few centimetres levitating above his, tongue was stick out. He was about to abruptly sat his back straight when he became conscious enough to identify that there was a sleeping body on his left, peacefully laid there with his chest went up and down steadily; Sehun. Kris was fixed in his half-lying-half-sitting position, Candy him yet again.

Kris growled lowly. “What is it?” He said, as if Candy could reply him with his language and converse to him like a human. The doggy looked fretful, jumping right and left, back and forth, barking his lungs out, before he ran off, out of Kris’ door, leaving Kris jumbled; partly because he was still sleepy, the other part because he tried to comprehend on the scene.

Moments later, Candy backed again with a white envelope gritted between his teeth. He made his way to Kris’ mattress for a second time, ing the envelope to Kris’ face in urgency. Then, he placed it on Kris’ chest and shoved it with his right front foot, woofing.

“All right all right stop it!” Kris roared under his breathe, careful not to awaken Sehun, understanding that Candy essentially wanted him to read whatsoever it was inside the envelope. He studied the envelope, at first was sure that it was only a letter from bank; maybe something regarding what products they were selling currently. But the notion was dismissed right after, when he perceived a National emblem on the front.

Kris ripped the envelope harshly in a hurry, to find a letter in it.

Dear Gentlemen,

For misconducts you have performed in public as listed below:

1. Initiating a storm in front of Seoul Private School Gate

2. Summoning Phoenix and used it for inappropriate purpose

3. Building a visible soil wall

4. Producing a laser light with an entertainment motive

5. Teleported

6. Stopping time

7. Creating a thunder deliberately

We hereby stated that you are receiving a strike one. This status will be in effect for 6 months before it shall be invalid. Please be informed that after three strikes in a period of 6 months, as per our juridical, it is mandatory for the performer to attend the trial hence refraining yourself in the future to avoid any more reprimand would be judicious.


Ministry of Magic

WOW! I'm so glad that I have a new laptop and finally can update in a week!

Thank you all for your kind support for your comment and subscribe. And Like I've said last week, we're finally on to something!

Anw I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. *bow*

Ps: do you think I need a beta reader? Because I'm considering it since I messed up my grammar a lot and found about it later then corrected it...yeah. So you think I need it, no?

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: Baekhyun jjang
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha maknaes and kris
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Such a cute kid the youngsters are
Em1412 #4
Chapter 10: Yikes!! What's going to happen next?!
LuHanM #5
Miss thissss and miss youuuu!
Updateeee please. I love this ♡
wienna #6
Hi,authornim! You're Indonesian right? I'm Indonesian too,by the way. I really like your story and I think your English is good. I even re-read it.
When are you going to update the story?
Please update soon
orange_milkshake #7
Chapter 10: oh my gosh, like seriously? ministry of magic? like in harry potter? wow. gotta read the next chapter! can't wait for it, fighting author-nim!
Rukia_Uchiha #8
Chapter 10: OMFG..............!!?!!!?!!
DUDE REALLY!?!?!??!!
Wow.........ministry of magic sound so cool.........
Chapter 10: Lol. Minister of magic? XD
LuHanM #10
Chapter 10: It was a ball of emotions ! and KrisHan part was so touché.
and what the hell?
Ministry of Magic ? Don't tell me that Sehun is going to receive a letter from Hogwarts !
Anyway it is really good as always. I am curious to read the next as soon as possible. Congrats for getting a new laptop ! which means more updates for us :)
Thank you.