
EXO the Extraordinary family

Jongdae stirred on his bed. He glanced on an alarm clock sitting on his bed side table to find the long thinner hand only moved a line from the last time he had saw it.

“Boredom is a sin….. Boredom is a sin…” He chanted to himself, hoping each of the words he said would be absorbed down to his every cell of blood. The irony was, if he was in school, he surely would be sleeping by now, yet suddenly today, lying on his bed, he found himself wide awake.

And it was barely day one of the suspension. Jongdae didn’t like to think about how he should spend another 2 days.

Suho had taken a good measure to make sure they would find the suspension as punishment, not as days off instead. He had confiscated all of their laptops, their Xbox, their PlayStation, and even took their smart phones and gave them 2G phones with a judgment they’d be needed to be called after all to make sure no more problems would arise. God knew where he hid all of those electronic devices. They were left with a telly in their living room only with somehow limited channels to choose ranging no more than from news to home shopping channels because Suho had done God knew what.

Jongdae had considered on practicing his power to kill times but a crumble of him was sure Suho would know, by hook or by crook. That older brother of his had a weird knack for parking his nose really well. And when he found out…. Jongdae didn’t even want to imagine about what he (and perhaps Luhan hyung, too) would do.

He stirred again. Before rising and jumping to his feet, decided to…. Nah, Jongdae didn’t even have any decision on what to do yet. He just figured that staying in his room any longer would certainly drive him nuts, soon.

“I’m hearing things” Chanyeol said to him just when Jongdae popped out his head from the door frame to the hall, startling Jongdae. It seemed like the boy was about to enter Jongdae’s room. “I was about to take a few snacks from the fridge and I swear I heard Suho yelled. I am silly, am I not?” He said, putting an unnecessary pressure to the word a few, shuddered a little on the last sentence. “This boredom ate my mind”

“wow” Jongdae muttered in a mock-fascination. “Do you need a standing ovation or what?” He said sarcastically and Chanyeol only grimaced at him. “I’m going outside”

“Ten thousand won says Suho shall know and a hundred thousand won says he’ll bury you for that and sit on your grave to make sure you shall never come out”

“Ten thousand won says you figure what to do then and a hundred thousand won says if you can’t, I’d prefer you to shut up”

“Touché!” Chanyeol acknowledged and right then Baekhyun opened his door. “Ah! Come here, brother dear, and join this fun brainstorming!” He stretched his hands open, a universal sign of welcome. Chanyeol was definitely an epitome of happy go lucky and Jongdae had to give him a credit for it as even when a boredom bit every nerve of his, his smile didn’t leave his face, sparks of laughter filled his eyes and gestures were still exaggerated as usual.

“I’m bored” Baekhyun announced. “So bored that I actually tried to read a book I felt like an Anorak and Suho hyung’s soul camping inside me” he added, pointing his finger to his chest, dragging himself sluggishly to approach them.

Chanyeol nodded understandingly. “I had been singing for around two hours with my guitar all by myself and found it amusing at first but try singing for two hours nonstop you shall feel like your voice actually coming from your guitar” He said sincerely. “It’s ace what your brain can do to you, isn’t it?” He mused.

“It’s dog’s bollocks to know that you have one.”Jongdae retorted and Chanyeol only grinned cheekily on the remark. “What time do we need to pick the Primary-schoolers?” He questioned, referring to Sehun, Tao and Kai. Suho had given them the duty and promised them to flood their rooms if they’d be foolish enough to neglect it, declaring that he didn’t have neither accidentally nor forget on his vocabulary, wouldn’t even take “there was a battle between Thor versus Hulk in our home” as a reason, so they’d better not come up with those ideas. And he meant every word.

Chanyeol beamed and Jongdae had lost interest on figuring the cause. “Twelve. Exactly an hour half from now! Tick tock!” He replied.

“Splendid!” Jongdae grunted. “Idea, everyone! Idea! Before we’re all going to be dead of boredom.”

“You know what? I was actually really wondering back then in the room whether someone can actually bored to death. Is that really possible?”

“That’s smashing since I actually did wonder the same. Slap me your five!” Baekhyun raised his hand in the air.

“Right?” Chanyeol gave him his five. His eyes now glittered with apparent excitement. “I mean does boredom actually can produce some sort of hormones―”

“Play basket on the yard?” Jongdae suggested, discounted the pointless discussion which suddenly took place. He figured he should be the one to, since it wasn’t him, they surely would be talking nonsense and end up with having a discussion about Homo Florensis in a little while. It had to be Jongdae since he bore the responsible of being the sanest one of the three.

“We’re all bad on it, have you forgotten?”” Chanyeol said, easily distracted.

“Swimming?” He proposed once more.

“Phoenix is a fire creature and with water is no friend, mate. Not in a good term today.”

“Then WHAT?” Jongdae yelled in frustration.

“Oh come on Power Generator, think!”

“I have given my ideas, with blooming s! You do the think, Round Lighting Bulb!”

“Your ideas are duff, Percy Jackson, son of Zeus!”


“Well well, futile creatures” Chanyeol interjected, a grin was plastered on his face, waving his hands in an almighty. “Let’s talk about this reasonably. I mean, where’s Kyungsoo for example?” He said in glee.

Baekhyun shrugged his shoulder, “Sorry I forgot to hold on to his legs this morning so don’t know where he is now” He answered.

Chanyeol’s eyes went rounder as Bakhyun spoke. “See? We can start with that!” He clapped his hands. “Kyungsooo yaaaaah…..! Kyungsoooooo….” He shouted, mischief was raw in his eyes, intonation sounded annoying somehow.

Jongdae heaved a drained sigh. “If by that, you actually meant bugging Kyungsoo off,” he paused, shaking his head. “Chanyeol… you could have done better...”

“Good boy Candy, good boy!” Kyungsoo cooed, scratching the back of Candy’s ears. “Go fetch!” He exclaimed, throwing the disc to the other end of the yard. Candy woofed once before sprinted giddily to fetch it and Kyungsoo’s stomach was splintered with ecstasy just by looking at the sight, a smile formed on his face. Candy rarely moved around because the pet was fairly lazy carrying his extremely large body and in some way he loved to play with the three youngest and Kyungsoo sometimes.

It was barely any minute past when Candy backed again with the disc between his gritted teeth. The giant dog put it near Kyungsoo’s feet and offered his head as if asking for another scratch or pet and Kyungsoo obeyed him almost immediately, brushing his long fur with his fingers lovingly and before he knew it, Candy already his face in affection. Kyungsoo giggled euphorically since in some way, it felt nice―

“Kyungsoo yaaaaah.....”

Of course someone had to come and broke the atmosphere.

Kyungsoo groaned. He wanted to be alone and his three older brothers were few people he didn’t like to mingle with if they were bored, knowing fully how good they were to turn themselves in for trouble. The question of why couldn’t everyone leave him be roaring on his head as he waved his hands in the air in an upside down U, shaping and shifting the particle below his feet, barely focusing on his core because right now what he was doing already felt like breathing to him. The ground near the veranda rumbled lowly in volume before a three metres high wall made from mud and dirt burst out, stood magnificently, dark and sturdy. It was blocking the access from the home to the yard from top to bottom, and Kyungsoo, satisfied enough with his work, turned around on his heels leisurely, throwing the disc once more, “Candy fetch!”

“Kyungsooo y―…” Kyungsoo could outline how Chanyeol’s mouth went agape now looking at his man-made barrier, on the other side. “Baekhyun! Jongdae! Veranda!” He shouted a moment later.

Kyungsoo also could outline how there would be few crumples on Baekhyun’s brows before his mouth went opened and how Jongdae’s eyes grew wider as shock filled him and afterward the both of them would be in a fit of laughter. He could even describe their laughs; Jongdae’s laughter always sounded like someone was choking him and Baekhyun’s was always hysterical while Chanyeol’s would be booming and the three sounds together could be heard from the yard where Kyungsoo stood, paying no care to his brothers, waiting expectantly with joy as Candy once more ran off to him.

“Our brother is so lovely! Look at him all grown up!” Jongdae sneered, amazed.

“So apparently you are not that stiff huh?”

Chanyeol still chuckled a little as he said, “This happening will be something to talk about by angels when they linger around the water cooler and coffee machine on their kitchen, gossiping!”

They all laughed again. Lame joke never got to Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun, recovered faster than others, shouted few moments later, “The one who takes it down with the best time record win!”

It successfully perked Kyungsoo’s attention and he observed the wall as they began to abuse his creation.

With a mischievous smirk hanging on his face, Baekhyun drew a circle on the air, delicately moving his long fingers. A light was produced from his palm while he pointing it to the soil-wall. It was red, and Jongdae figured soon enough that Baekhyun was using a laser light to cut the soil. He must have had practiced his power more frequent than Jongdae thought he did.

Chanyeol and Jongdae didn’t even get enough time to react when a messy circle was shaped, big enough for a grown up to fit in, with Baekhyun looking so pleased and excited. The first one to snap from their general daze was Chanyeol who sprinted to the wall and kicked the circle.

“YAAAAAH!” Baekhyun yelped as he realized Chanyeol took advantage of what he had done to win the childish competition, whilst Chanyeol gave a more brute force to kick the circle to form a hole, giggling like a maniac all the while.

On the other side of the wall, Kyungsoo grumbled, “Go away…” He didn’t like to serve their game and his good judgement actually already figured he was asking for a trouble when he simply flicked his wrist, but again, he just wanted to be alone. The cracks were gone in no time and Baekhyun’s effort vanished like it was never there. Baekhyun gasped aloud, aghast and dismayed.

Jongdae, behaving like a nice audience, watched how Baekhyun’s eyes squinting and his lips pursed, felt as though competitiveness had fired him up. A childish game had turned into a battle of power in a blink of an eye. He swung his hand more, movements now were quite belligerently. “Is that all you have, little brother?”

The wall began to have a few unorganized lines; from an X shape, zigzag, a curve. And like two person in a dialogue, Kyungsoo replied right after, plastering the cracks Baekhyun had made, irking Baekhyun even more.

“Of course not” Kyungsoo said.

“Amazing then….” And Baekhyun drew a middle finger on the wall with his light, throwing unnecessary provocation. Jongdae imagined how Kyungsoo would bulge his eyes out at the drawing on the other side. It must have had angered him because few seconds after, a fist, made from soil, emerged from the wall, ing through the air and stopped only a mere one cm in front of Baekyhyun’s nose. Baekhyun puffed and huffed and slashed his right hand in the air, cutting Kyungsoo’s creation.

It was amusing and entertaining at first, but when Baekhyun started to pant and grunt, suddenly it turned into a horrifying scene to see. “Oh stop it you two!” Jongdae said aloud, couldn’t take it anymore but Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were so delve in the mood, deliberately ignoring him. “Kyungsoo take this pile of mud and dirt down!” Jongdae ordered. “And you, Baek, stop it already! You exhaust yourself!”

While their hands were busy flicking and swinging about, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun answered in unison “No fear!”

“I’ll strike you both with thunder until you both vom and dive into it, cut it down! NOW!”

“I can win this” Chanyeol interrupted, grinning so widely that Jongdae wanted to wipe it away.

He also wanted to pull all his hair, if only it could also pull the pounding that started to dreary his head. “Blimey!” He rumbled. “Are you seriously still thinking about a way to win this? For Luhan’s armpit hair, it’s just a childish game you Muppets!”

But nobody paid a heed, not even Chanyeol; the curve on his mouth grew wider, from one cheek to another, two crescent moons of his eyes were formed. There was something on his air that gave a tell-tale; he was going to be in for a thing Jongdae didn’t want to sign up for.

Then, a Phoenix shrieked.

“YOU SCROUNDEL!” Jongdae screeched, unconsciously electricity was dancing in the air above his right palm, menacingly. Sure he loved to have some fun and playing around sometimes, causing trouble in the mean time, but he knew when to stop and quick to figure if things went off the track dangerously. Their home could be in fire and they could be homeless and they should have had stop when he had told them to. “HAVE HER OFF SHE GOES!”

However, the Phoenix by now dove down lightly through a small gap between the dirt wall and the awning of the veranda and in a split second after, hovered lowly in front of them before perching elegantly on Chanyeol’s left forearm. She tilted her head in arrogance and the owner grinned a stupid grin swollen with pride, running his gigantic palm along her crown.

“Chanyeol―NO!” Jongdae screamed but it was swallowed in his throat with a big lump from the surprise as he watched Chanyeol swat his hand to the wall, before ing his left forearm forward in the air; the Phoenix took off.

She friskily flew, spreading her wings dauntingly, blazing inferno consumed her, fire growing bigger as she got herself nearer to the wall before she went through it. Temporarily, there was only flame that filled Jongdae’s eyes. And when it finally disappeared, Kyungsoo’s irritated face was shown through the hole.

The Phoenix screeched once more and afterward she went to one end of the wall to another, burning it with her body, demolishing it. What were left now were only some parts of the fences in fire and Chanyeol snapped his fingers casually to make the fire gone soon after whilst running quite agilely for someone so tall and gangly for his age, to crash Kyungsoo with his body and wrestled him, took him down at once.

“I win!” He exclaimed, raising both of his fists up, sat on Kyungsoo who coughed loudly, wheezing for some air and Baekhyun stomped his feet in annoyance, defeated. The latter one wiped the beads of perspiration that had formed on his forehead, breathing heavily.

Jongdae wanted to wail and cry and rolling around on the dirt, knowing Suho would definitely know and threw his wrath on them. How could he was the only one who think straight like a normal person?

He stood there momentarily, looking at his brothers in disbelief. He was lost in time, didn’t know for how long he had stood, only once he heard the door bell ringing that he snapped back. Whoever pressed the bell must be impatient and hasty because it rang many times in a quarter of a minute, short period for every ring.

“Yes yes coming!” Jongdae screamed, irritated. The only thought he had was to stop the ringing which started to threaten his reasoning as he jogged across the veranda, kitchen then living room. Snatching the knob, he pulled the granite door wide open in one quick motion, didn’t even bother to look from the hole or the window to inform him first about who his guests were.

Two well-built men in their suits stared back at him.

“Yes….” Somehow, he lost his voice, only to find himself squeaked in a high-pitch. Something about their statures and their air pulled some bravery from him, and he vaguely dragged the door closed, hid half of his body behind it.

“Good morning” the shorter one of the two greeted first with his gruff voice. “Is everything alright inside?”

“Nggg….” He gander to his veranda; maybe a phoenix, a laser light, a wall made from soil and an almost burnt home still could be classified as… “Fine, everything is fine” He decided. They were not ordinary to begin with anyway. “Pardon me, who are you?” He questioned before he could stop himself.

“Do we have a visitor coming?” Chanyeol said piercingly from the kitchen.

“Yes!” Jongdae answered speedily, in a good measure just in case Chanyeol would be dim enough to come in front with his Phoenix. “Visitor with s I may say”

“Oh!” He said when he finally reached the living room, looking at the front door in surprise, nodding his head to the two men in acknowledgement.

“We are police.” The taller one answered Jongdae ultimately. “A special force” He added. In unison, both of them briefly showed them their badges.

“Your neighbour called us” The shorter one followed. “He reported that he heard booming noises and saw something in fire flying around your house also so many lights.” He wore sunglasses nevertheless without even looking, Jongdae could sense how he looked at him judgingly. “Are you both not going to school?”

Jongdae blushed, a faint peach began to spread on his cheeks, and he fidgeted.

“Suspension, sir!” Chanyeol answered nonchalantly as if informing them about weather. “It’s four of us actually. Two of my brothers are on the back garden.” He sounded cheery by some means. “He and I were playing a game just now, a war game upstairs. That explains the booming noises, doesn’t it? We love to play it at full volume because it sounds more realistic that way.” If one paid a closer observation, he actually shifting his weight from one leg to another frequently, touching his nape and waving his hands; gestures he had picked as a body language that notified others he was lying. “The light, I suppose was from the disc my brother and my pet dog played. It’s indeed blinking annoyingly. Well about the fire, I shall tell you sir, I cannot explain that.” He gave a sheepish smile. “I mean, it’s not possible, ist it? Perhaps, it’s just a false report. We didn’t see anything at all”

The more Chanyeol told his story, the more Jongdae hoped Luhan would come and hang him upside down all day long on the willow tree planted on the back garden.

One of them was scanning Chanyeol, from the top of his head to his pinkie toe while the other stared at Jongdae behind his sunglasses whilst both of them replying the look innocently; Chanyeol with his childlike smile and Jongdae was trying hard not to blink too many to make himself convincing.

The taller one, then stretched his neck, trying to sneak a look inside of the house and Jongdae opened the door once more, in his effort to persuade them to think that they had nothing to hide.

“Do you want to come in, sir? Have some tea?” Chanyeol offered, making Jongdae whipped his head swiftly to him, shooting an are-you-out-of-your-trolley?-look. Yet, Chanyeol was unfazed, still showing off his big pearl teeth.

“Is there someone at the door, Chanyeol?” Baekhyun sauntered to him, gulping a bottle of coke he held in one hand in a cavalier fashion. “Oh! Where’s your hospitality, brother dear? Have them come in! Would you like some scones, sir?” he said, trying to sound how goodie-two-shoes he was, how happy they were as a family.

Kyungsoo trailed behind him. “Good morning, sir” He greeted, flashing a beam which so foreign to Jongdae. “May I help you, sir? Do my brothers trouble you, don’t they?”

“Well, of course not!” Chanyeol replied, embracing Kyungsoo in a hug that looked more like a headlock. "Please do come in, sir! We insist!” He continued, swatting his right hand in the air, a reception gesticulation.

Both of them changed a look before at the end smiling at them, “It’s all right. Thank you for the offer. Please be careful, boys.” The shorter one said, turning around on his heels.

“Excuse us”

Jongdae didn’t know how long he had held his breathe and finally sighed in relieve when he saw both of them walked into their car. Right then, he felt himself buzzing, someone rang him. Jongdae fished his phone from his trouser pocket, watching as Minseok’s number was shown in the black and white ugly pixels on the screen. He pressed the answer button, positioning his phone on his ear, massaging the bridge of his nose.

“Yes, hyung...”

“Don’t yes me. Our neighbour just rang me.” He said, icy whilst his brothers came up to him, stood in a line and waving their hands to the car which its engine only began to start.

“Have a nice day, sir!” Chanyeol shouted.

“What on earth just happened there?!”

thank you for your kind comment and subscribe I love you all you're so kind :)).

and I'm sorry that I only updated now since I had my birthday last week and fell sick and my laptop is....dead :(

and sorry for the lame joke, and omg do you got their nicknames and the references? lame right?! lol
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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: Baekhyun jjang
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha maknaes and kris
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Such a cute kid the youngsters are
Em1412 #4
Chapter 10: Yikes!! What's going to happen next?!
LuHanM #5
Miss thissss and miss youuuu!
Updateeee please. I love this ♡
wienna #6
Hi,authornim! You're Indonesian right? I'm Indonesian too,by the way. I really like your story and I think your English is good. I even re-read it.
When are you going to update the story?
Please update soon
orange_milkshake #7
Chapter 10: oh my gosh, like seriously? ministry of magic? like in harry potter? wow. gotta read the next chapter! can't wait for it, fighting author-nim!
Rukia_Uchiha #8
Chapter 10: OMFG..............!!?!!!?!!
DUDE REALLY!?!?!??!!
Wow.........ministry of magic sound so cool.........
Chapter 10: Lol. Minister of magic? XD
LuHanM #10
Chapter 10: It was a ball of emotions ! and KrisHan part was so touché.
and what the hell?
Ministry of Magic ? Don't tell me that Sehun is going to receive a letter from Hogwarts !
Anyway it is really good as always. I am curious to read the next as soon as possible. Congrats for getting a new laptop ! which means more updates for us :)
Thank you.