Settling the Conflicts

A Sacrifice Made...

~ 2003 19 May~
/\/Arron's school/\/

*Arron knock on the counselor door*

I got a note you want to see me.

Yes, I do want to see you.

Is this good news or bad news?

It is both. Which one do you want first?

Bad one first.

I am sorry, but I couldn't..

OMG, why, could you please try harder, I don't want them to break apart. Fours years is not too long, but I bet it will feel so long for them.

You didn't even let me finish my sentence.

*Arron said sadly *

Oh, ok, please continue.

I am sorry but I couldn't get a condo nearby the school for...

Oh, yeah. Thanks. Wait, does this mean, Angela got in?

Haha, of course it does, Mr. Yan.

Thanks you Mrs. Chang, Thanks you. May I be excused? I want to tell Cal and Angela about the good news.

Yes, you may go.

*Arron skipped to the field to find Angela *

Arron's thought: Where is she? She is usually here. Ugh, I guess I will tell her after school and what a good thing, I don't have to repeat it two times.
~20 May 2009~
/\/At a cafe/\/

||Calvin & Angela||

Hi guys.

Why did you call us out for? I still have some work to do?

I have good news for you guys

||Calvin & Angela||
What news?

I went to our counselor a few days ago. I went to him with your problem.

We have a problem.

*Angela was getting emotional. *

Thanks Yalun.

Angii, why are you tearing up? He didn't say anything and you are already saying thanks?

Because I know what he is going to say. I had told him our problem the other day.

I still don't know what is our problem.

I will let Angela tell you about it, and you guys can celebrate just the two of you, I am leaving now, congratz.

||Calvin & Angela||
24 May 2009 {6:00PM}

Hebe, are you dress to go out? I am going to go get you.

Get me? Where are you?

I am driving to your house.

Why are you coming?

I said I was going to come remember. We need to solve your problem.

Ok, see you.


*There was a car honking outside, so Hebe ran to the door just to see Jerry in the doorway *

Hello, my lovely, Bebe.

Come in.

It is okay, just come on.

/\/ In the car/\/

So where are we going?

Let's talk at the park


/\/ At the park/\/

So how have you been Xibi?

I am good, how about you?

I have been having a headache, thinking about your problem.

So what have you got?

I am going to stay st your house tonight. I asked aunty already, so you don't' have to worry and I will be going to see Yalun tomorrow and tell him everything.

Ge, please don't. I don't want him to stop from following his dream because of me. Please. I beg you.

Mei, I don't want you to suffer. And your baby, it won't have a father. How do you think it will feel?

I-I-I I am willing to sacrifice myself for Yalun.

And Hebe, how about aunty, people are going to talk about her. People are still closed minded now.

Ge, what do i do? I just know that I am willing to sacrifice my happiness for him.

I far do you think your act of sacrifice will go?

I don't know, I just know, I only care about his happiness. Please, help me ge. Please!

Xibi, calm down. I will think of something.

Ge, can we go now. I am tired.

Okay, let's go, I'll think of a solution tonight.
/\/Guest room/\/ {2:00AM}

Jerry's thought: What can Bebe do if she doesn't want to hurt him? UGH, why does ah Be have to be this selfless. She should be more selfish.

*Jerry looked around the room and somehow his gaze landed on a picture of rings and he hastily ran to Hebe's room. *

/\/Hebe's room/\/



ah Be wake up.


*Jerry finally got the hint that his voice won't work so he started to poke Hebe.*



stop poking me, who ever you are.

Xibi wake up, I have an idea


Yeah, it is me, so wake up, come on.


I came up with an idea

what idea? It is in the middle of the night, tell me in the morning

The solution to help you and your boyfriend

*As soon as Hebe heard boyfriend, she sat up straight as fast as possible *

So what is the idea? Talk, NOW!

I am leaving, you said to tell you in the morning.

No, you can tell me now.

I will just tell you in the morning, just go back to sleep.

Ge, no don't go, tell me now.

You silly goose.

Come on, tell me.

Ah Be, will you marry me?

It is three in the morning and marriage proposals isn't something you can play with.

I know that.

Then why are you asking me to marry you? I know you love me, but it isn't the same kind of love you get marry for. The kind of love we share is the love where we like to tease each other.

Xibi, I know what kind of love I have for you.

You love me? You can's possibly love me, I have a boyfriend. And you even know I am carrying a baby that belongs to him, too. How can you be so cold hearted?

How am I cold hearted?

Ge, you are asking me to marry you, when you know that my heart already belong to Yalun.

Oh my GOSH

*Jerry banged his head on the bedpost *

Are you okay? You want some medicine? First, you came to me at three in the morning and ask me to marry you then start banging your head? There is something wrong with your brain

Xibi, I love you, and always will.

I do too, but only as a brother-sister relationship.

Me too.

Then why did you ask me to marry you for?

You marrying me is my plan.

OHHHHHHH. You are so smart!!! Wait, what does marrying you have to do with anything?

*Jerry started banging his head again *

Ge, shhhh, don't wake mommy and Genie up.

If you marry me, then you will have someone to help take care of your baby. And also no one will criticize your mom.

Then how about Arron?

If you want Arron to further his study, you have to hurt him.

Do I have to?

Yes, if you want Arron to go to study out of the country.

Aren't there any other way?

No, that is the only thing I can come up with, if you want another one, just come up with it on your own.

Ok, I will marry you.

Okay, then I will talk to aunty in the morning. Also, before he leaves, either you must avoid him or you must put on a show for him. But remember the show will definitely really hurt him.

I really don't want to hurt him, so let's just avoid him.

So you are coming to Taipei with me? And remember, avoiding him means not to pick up his phone or call him ok?

That would make it be easier to avoid him so I guess I am going to Taipei with you, but how about my mom? What if she won't let me? Yes, I make sure not to pick up his phone.

You aren't going to pick up his phone calls, but will you call him?

I thought I was going to get away with it, ok, I won't pick up his calls or call him back.

okay, make sure you remember that. I will talk to your mom concerning you going to Taipei tomorro. Okay, sleep.

okay, good night.


sweet dreams

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
i keeent huhuhu
LoveYou12345678 #4
hdflsgflisagdilwbckl i cried huhu
You_ #5
I read this in one go! ^^ I liked it! Good job!
Puppy_1073 #7
Yep, thanks. Yeah, i had posted the story in another site. so how do you get rid of the html?
new user?? welcome, welcome. did you pasted your story directly from another site? cos that's probably why you have some html codes.