Unsettled Conflicts

A Sacrifice Made...

~2003 May 16~ {5:30AM}

*Hebe calling Jerry *

Hello, ah ge!!!

*Jerry in a sleepy voice *


JERRY ge, wake up, wake up, wake UPPPPPP.

How can yooou be sooo hyper in the morrrrning? What time is it?


HUH?? Bebe, why are you waking me up so early? I still have about two more hours before I wake up.

You are already awake so just get up and talk to me.

Ok, ok, I am awake. So why did you call me for?

Umm, I need your help. I have a very hard decision to make.

Why can't you make your decision at like 9:00AM?

I couldn't sleep because of this so will you just help me or give me some advice?

Okay, just spill it, the faster we get over it, the faster I can go back to sleep.

Well, ummm....

I have no time for ummm...


Oh really? Congratulation. That Yalun is very lucky to have a child with you. And I know that?-.o I was on the phone with you when Da S said you were pregnant.

Well, whatever, you just hit the problem.

I don't see a problem in what I said.

Did I tell you about Arron leaving for further studies in a couple of weeks?

I don't recall so I guess not.

Well, think about it, if he is leaving and I am pregnant...

Oh, that dang coconut head, cooking something and leaving the stove on [A/N: Jerry means Arron is irresponsible, he made Hebe pregnant and he leaves her]. What are you going to do?

I don't know, ge, this is why I am calling you.

Ok, let's think it through. If you was to tell your bf that you are pregnant, would he be willing to stay with you?

Yeah, I am sure he would. Yalun will never let me be a single mom.

Then, problem solved!!! Tell him, so he can stay with you and create a small happy family.

If it was that easy, I wouldn't have called you. Since young Yalun have dreamed of going to study abroad, and I don't want to be the person to stop him.

Ok, I get it. Hebe, I see only two choices. Either you let him go or keep him with you.

It is easier said than done, you know?

Yeah, sorta figure that you would say that back to me. I said I will go visit you in a few days, so how about I go talk to Arron for you when I am there? Ok, then it is settle, I will see you in a whatever many days. Now time for my sleep.

*Even before Hebe got a chance to say anything, Jerry had hung up the phone on her *

Hebe's thought: Oh my, ge is going to tell him, what am I going to do when he does? Ok, let's just wait until then, and in the mean time, I guess I should avoid Yalun. It shouldn't be too hard, we don't even go to the same school. I still have a few more hours before I need to go to school, I guess I just go back to sleep, my baby must be very sleepy. Let's go back to sleep, ok, baby?

/\/ Arron's school during his lunch/\/

*Arron knocks on the counselor door *

Come in

*The counselor said from the other side of the door *

Hi, Mrs. Chang

Hello, Mr. Yan. Congratulation on getting accepted to the school of your choice.

Thank you.

So, what brings you here to my office today? Is there something wrong?

It is not a big issue but I think you will be able to help me.

What is it, dear?

I think it might a little late but..

a little late for what?

College applications.

||Mrs. Chang||
College applications? Why would you be asking about that for? Haven't you been accepted?

Yes, but this is not about me. Do you know Calvin Chen and Angela Zhang?


Well, it involves them, and I really hope you can help me.

I need to know the whole story first, because I am still a little confuse.

Calvin and Angela have been sweethearts for quite a long time now, adults from the outside may say they are just kids, what do you know about love, but from a point of view of someone that is close to them, I can say they are really in love.

Ok, continue.

You might have known that Calvin and Angela have been accepted to schools of their choices too, but the problem is

*Mrs. Chang interrupted Arron *

||Mrs. Chang||
the problem is that one is in Taiwan and one is in Canada?

Wow, you really know your students, you even memorize the schools they are going to.

Ya Lun, I am a counselor, and even before you found out about your acceptance, I knew about it first. So how do you want me to help?

I hope you might know schools for cosmetology in Canada and maybe be able to pull some strings so Angela can go to Canada too? I can guaranteed you, the college will not be disappointed by Angela's abilities.

||Mrs. Chang||
Yes, I am very aware of Ms. Zhang's talent, but You know there are not many college for cosmetology in Canada, right?


Yes, and I think even the few that are in Canada are a little far from Mr. Chen's college.

Being in the same country is better than being on different continents.

Ok, I will see what I can do, but don't get your hope too high in the sky, Mr. Yan, anything can happen.

Like you said Mrs. Chang, anything can happen. Okay, I don't want to interfere with your work any longer. I hope the next time I come into this office, I will be getting good news. Thank you, Mrs. Chang and good luck.

*Arron smiled and gave a thumb up at Mrs. Chang and left* <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
i keeent huhuhu
LoveYou12345678 #4
hdflsgflisagdilwbckl i cried huhu
You_ #5
I read this in one go! ^^ I liked it! Good job!
Puppy_1073 #7
Yep, thanks. Yeah, i had posted the story in another site. so how do you get rid of the html?
new user?? welcome, welcome. did you pasted your story directly from another site? cos that's probably why you have some html codes.