Can't think of a title xD

My Complicated Life

 A/N: okay, okay. You guys can murder me for not updating in so long. To be honest it was partly because I couldn't find the time to do it because of preparations for exams and partly because I've been feeling so lazy :/ But I'll honestly try to update more... Can't promise anything though :P But thanks for being so patient!<3 Love you guys!


 "Mei Isabelle!"Siwon called as soon as he entered the apartment.


 "Oppa, no need to shout,"Mei answered from where she sat on the sofa.


 Sungmin was sat beside her while Donghae and Eunhyuk were sat on the floor. All heads turned to Siwon.


 "Mei, are you okay? You're not hurt?"Siwon asked walking towards her.


 Mei stood up sighed and then laughed at her oppa.


 "we've already been over this on the phone,"she said,"I was in a park, sat down. What could have possibly hurt me there?"


 "I'm sorry, I just panicked when they called and said you were gone. Just promise me next time text me or the other guys when you leave the apartment,"Siwon said.


 "I am old enough to make my own decisions but you've got my word,"Mei sighed,"the thing is, I only have your number."


 Siwon made her exchange numbers with Eunhyuk, Donghae and Sungmin. Siwon still had schedule so after having lunch with them, he left again once more to finish up his schedule.


 "Let's watch a scary film!"Eunhyuk suggested after the programme they were watching ended.


 "Yeah,"agreed Sungmin and Donghae.


 They all turned towards Mei. She smiled and nodded.


 "It's been a while since I watched a scary film, so why not?"she said.


 Infact, Mei Isabelle had never watched scary films. She knew that most of them were about ghosts or zombie's or stuff like that but she never expected the film to be extremely scary. Hanving the guys with her made her feel a little better.


 Throughout the whole film she had a cushion clutched to her chest and her hands covering her eyes only looking through her fingers when she thought the scary spirits from the past had gone off the screen. Eunhyuk who was just as scared as her, was sitting next to her with another cushion covering his face.


 To make them feel better Donghae, who was sat on the floor, (Eunhyuk had abandoned him as he thought he was too close to the spirits on the screen) and Sungmin, sitting on Mei's other side laughed whenever the spirits came on the screen. Sungmin and Donghae assured Mei that they were just computerised and that the walking clowns were just people with bad makeup. On the other hand, they just continued to tease Eunhyuk telling him that the clowns were going to go after him in the night and that the spirits.


 "don't be mean to Eunhyuk oppa,"Mei said.


 "listen to Mei!"Eunhyuk pouted.


 "But it's fun,"Sungmin said laughing.


 "fine, it'll be your fault if he has nightmares tonight,"Mei said.


 "I always have nightmares,"Eunhyuk said,"because Sungmin hyung is always in my dreams."


 They all laughed apart from Sungmin who gave Eunhyuk a playful glare.


 "Sungmin oppa's face is a little scary,"Mei said leaning back on Eunhyuk to look at Sungmin's face.


 "Yah!"Sungmin pouted.


 "I'm joking oppa,"Mei laughed patting Sungmin's shoulder."You're very handsome"


 Sungmin laughed,"Thanks little sis-"


 Sungmin realised what he was saying and stopped himself before he finished the sentence.


 "Little sister?"Mei asked,"I guess I am a little sister to you all"she laughed.


 Sungmin sighed in relief and looked away. It looked like she didn't suspect anything. But he didn't notice that Donghae and Eunhyuk were looking at him with raised eyebrows. They glanced at each other realising something and then looked back towards Mei who was back to hiding behind her hands while looking away from the screen.



  DUN-DUN-DAH! Now you all know why Sungmin's been acting the way he has.... I bet you all knew that waaaay before this chapter anyways xD

Sorry if it's such a short chapter... but atleast I updated :P

and guys, what do you think of this pic... I found it and I was like OMG, AWHHHH~~ CUTEST PIC EVER!^^~


Love LOve LOVe LOVE!!!<3

Till next time you guys!^^ <3


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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
I think I'm starting to understand the story but I'll just keep it to myself. I might e wrong or right. Hahaha!! <br />
<br />
I really effin wish I was her!! Hahaha.
is Sungmin and Mei borther and sister???<br />
still confused... hahahaha... but still i love ur story =)
baby_yanyan #4
hehe.. Thank you guys!:3 @iHanchul @Majo401 read, and try piecing things together!^^~ It's quite easy to understand after a while!:3 @SujuIrish thanks!:3 I LOVE Sungmin too! XD (but I love Fishy more^^~)<br />
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This is Awesome! I Love Sungmin!!! <3<br />
Oh Yeah and good job, Please keep writing ^^
*confused* how they met?? siwon and mei??<br />
update soon =)