Coming across AFF&Tumblr; and The Writer

My Complicated Life


Day off with Super Junior^^ Heechul tweeted.


  The 13 boys had all crammed themselves into one of their apartments. Some sat on the sofa watching TV while talking, reading while talking, playing while talking, wrestling each other while talking (don't ask me how XD ), and surfing the internet while talking; this was what they did every time they all had day offs.


  "Kyu~ pass the remote,"Shindong called.


  Kyuhyun didn't respond as he was busy staring at his laptop screen, playing starcraft; they should know by now not to disturb Kyuhyun while playing.


  "Cho Kyuhyun!"Kangin said loudly, causing Kyu to look away from the screen.


The maknae grimaced at his hyung but then asked what he wanted. He threw over the remote and continued playing. Behind Kyuhyun sat Heechul and Hankyung, one on the computer and the other on a laptop. Guess what they were doing? Tweeting each other -.- They smiled and laughed happily when they saw their fans spazzing over their twitter conversation.


  "ahh~ I just love making fans go crazy"Heechul grinned while Hankyung laughed at him.


  In the middle of the room were Sungmin and Eunhyuk wrestling each other while Yesung screamed for them to stop incase they landed or stepped on his precious turtle which he was playing with on the floor. On the other side of the room were the rest of the members, either reading, talking or surfing the net. Hmm... Let's zoom in on Donghae who's surfing the net.


  On the top read 'Asian Fanfics'. He was randomly looking for Kpop stories when this site popped up. He was enjoying what he read so far. Most of the stories were in English but some in other languages, example Korean. There was one particular story that he really loved. It was written in both english and Korean.


  'Since there's so mistake in the writing, then this person should be Korean right?' Donghae thought.


  The story was about a girl, who dreamed about becoming an idol, but didn't know how since she lived on the otherside of the world where there were no auditions. Mentioned in the story were all 13 members of Super Junior. This writer talked about how inspiring they were, in DETAIL, what they went through to become the stars they were today. (It was a oneshot btw XD ).


  "have any of you heard of fanfics?"Donghae asked s.


  "I have, it's when fans write about stories they've made up of their idols!"Eunhyuk shouted from where he was wrestling with Sungmin.


  "ooh~ that sounds interesting"Leeteuk said.


  "it is,"Donghae beamed,"read this one. The writer shows a lot of emotion, and explains everything really well"


  He passed the laptop to his leader and Leeteuk began reading. It took him around 10 minutes to finish but at the end he was smiling. It was a sad story but the way the writer talked about his group made him really proud.


  "somehow I feel as if the writer is writing about herself,"Leeteuk said.


  "I thought that too hyung,"Donghae said.


  "what's the name of the site you're on?"Kyuhyun and Heechul asked.


  "Asian Fanfics"Donghae replied.


  Everyone had been listening in on their conversation and were curious about what this person, this writer had written about them. Donghae and Leeteuk laughed as all the other members, started typing down on their laptop, pulling out their Iphone's and standing up to get their laptops from their rooms, to search the story.


  Shindong, Kangin, Ryeowook and Kibum had looked away from the TV, Sungmin and Eunhyuk had forgotten that they were in a wrestling match, Yesung had left his turtle to play with itself and Siwon had put down his book and replaced it with his Iphone.


  While the others read, Donghae and Leeteuk were really curious about the writer and decided to search her. They clicked on her username. They scrolled down to the bottom to her 'About Me'. They learned that this girl was actually 20 years old, named Mei Isabelle, lived in England and half Korean.


  "what's tumblr?"Leeteuk asked pointing at the two links- tumblr and twitter.


  Donghae shrugged and copied the link and searched it. It took them to a blog named 'Spread your Wings and Fly'. Donghae scrolled down and was met with posts about Kpop, it surprised him though that most of the posts were about their group, Super Junior... She was popular on this tumblr (whatever it was), she had many followers asking her questions. One thing they were sure of... This girl, who's name was Mei Isabelle, was hurting, and unhappy,.. It showed through her story and her blogs. Donghae scrolled down a little more. One single line caught his eye, Leeteuk had noticed it too. They glanced at each other and turned back to the screen...


  Super Junior: My Inspirtation, My Strength, My Life.



  A/N: Is it boring? :( please tell me if it is, I don't want to bored you guys D: Tell me so I can make adjustments. And sorry, my paragraphs are messed up because I'm on my mobile! XD Love you guys!<3

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
I think I'm starting to understand the story but I'll just keep it to myself. I might e wrong or right. Hahaha!! <br />
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I really effin wish I was her!! Hahaha.
is Sungmin and Mei borther and sister???<br />
still confused... hahahaha... but still i love ur story =)
baby_yanyan #4
hehe.. Thank you guys!:3 @iHanchul @Majo401 read, and try piecing things together!^^~ It's quite easy to understand after a while!:3 @SujuIrish thanks!:3 I LOVE Sungmin too! XD (but I love Fishy more^^~)<br />
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This is Awesome! I Love Sungmin!!! <3<br />
Oh Yeah and good job, Please keep writing ^^
*confused* how they met?? siwon and mei??<br />
update soon =)