Meeting Super Junior

My Complicated Life


 "Honestly, I don't understand Siwon, why does he want to share a room with me suddenly?"Yesung frowned as he threw Siwon's pillows on his bed.

 "It's Siwon"Donghae said simply, placing Siwon's books on Yesung's desk.

 "who's going to use the other room?"Sungmin shouted from the lounge, where the rest of Super Junior sat.

 "I want the room!"Kyuhyun shouted,"I'm tired of seeing pink everything!"

 Laughter could be heard from the other members in the Lounge.

 "just admit that you like pink"Sungmin said grinning.

 "Love it? Why would I want to moce out if I loved it?"Kyuhyun asked.


 ::::no one's POV::::

 Siwon and Mei entered the apartment. Siwon had an arm wrapped around Mei shoulder, while he pulled her suitcase with his other hand.They went through the door laughing. Everyone in the apartment grew quiet at the sight in front of them. Siwon had brought home a girl?

 Then the two quietened and looked at everyone in front of them. Mei's eyes widened and her jaws dropped a little, her heart skipped a beat. She was after all seeing THE members of Super Junior right in front of her. Some sat on the sofas (Kangin. Shindong, Ryeowook and Kibum), but everyone else were sitting on the floor around the room.

 Sungmin immediately knew who she was. He looked at Siwon and Siwon smiled and nodded. The other guys were still in shock.

 "Yah~ Choi Siwon, why did you suddenly decide you want to stay with me?!"Yesung shouted coming out from his room followed by Donghae and Eunhyuk.

 He immediately shut up when he saw Siwon's arm wrapped around a girl's shoulder.

 Mei forgot she was in an apartment with Super Junior and turned to Siwon.

 "oppa, I knew I should have stayed with umma and appa,"she said,"now see, you've barged in on Yesung-sshi privacy!"

 "He doesn't mind,"Siwon smiled and looked at Yesung,"do you?"


 ::::Sungmin's POV::::

 She's changed a lot. I can still recognise her though. She's beautiful... I sighed and looked down.

 Tears started prickling my eyes... Why? Is this guilt? Or happiness that I'm seeing her again?

 I held in the tears. It wasn't the time for crying. I looked up smiling at them both.

 "No-no, I don't mind,"Yesung stuttered.

 "Siwon,"Teukie hyung said.

 "yeah hyung?"Siwon answered.

 "an explaination would be good right now,"he said.

 "oh yeah! Everyone this is my Dongsaeng, Mei Isabelle,"Siwon introduced.

 I sighed... That should be me, introducing her to my members...

 "BWOH?!!"Donghae suddenly shouted.

 Everyone, including me, turned to him questioningly. What's up with him?

 "The writer Mei Isabelle?"Donghae asked.

 Oh yeahh~ Ofcourse they'd be surprised, we all read her story a couple of weeks ago, but Donghae got attached to her stories and blogs the most.

 "Neh~ the writer Mei Isabelle,"Siwon grinned.

 "What? I don't understand..."Mei said.

 "Donghae found one of your stories online a couple of weeks ago and he loved them! We all did,"I said smiling.

 She looked at me and blushed.

 "oh.. You found my stories huh?"she asked Donghae.

 "Neh~ They're really good,"he beamed.

 "he reads them everyday!"Eunhyuk said.

 "Not just me,"Donghae said playing cool,"Most of the members do as well"

 "Mei-sshi, I really like your blog"Teukie hyung said.

 "eh?! oh~ kamsahmnida,"she bowed towards hyung blushing again.

 "Mei's staying here for a while, I hope none of you have a problem with that?"Siwon said.

 We all shook our heads. I'll be able to get closer to her right? I hope so... She needs to remember...


 what's up with Sungmin? Any guesses?

1)Why does he feel guilty?

2)What does Mei need to remember?

   I don't really know whether I'm doing a good job with this story :S Guys, please comment and subscribe!^^~~ Me no Likee silent readers! >_<

Lots of LOVE ,,,


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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
I think I'm starting to understand the story but I'll just keep it to myself. I might e wrong or right. Hahaha!! <br />
<br />
I really effin wish I was her!! Hahaha.
is Sungmin and Mei borther and sister???<br />
still confused... hahahaha... but still i love ur story =)
baby_yanyan #4
hehe.. Thank you guys!:3 @iHanchul @Majo401 read, and try piecing things together!^^~ It's quite easy to understand after a while!:3 @SujuIrish thanks!:3 I LOVE Sungmin too! XD (but I love Fishy more^^~)<br />
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This is Awesome! I Love Sungmin!!! <3<br />
Oh Yeah and good job, Please keep writing ^^
*confused* how they met?? siwon and mei??<br />
update soon =)