The Evil Boss and The Decision

My Complicated Life

Hi, my name is Mei Isabelle Lee, and I believe I'm bad luck to myself and everyone around me. Come and read for yourself. Oh, I have one twisted life by the way!


Mei clicked on her tumblr blog titled, 'My Everday Life', this one she wrote in everyday, talking about what she did that day, like an online diary if you like.


 I dreamt of it again... I don't understand why I've been dreaming of the same thing everynight... *sigh* All I ever see in that dream is bright light, then red...? Well... Anyways, it's time for work again -.- Really don't want to see Kellie's face today but have no choice. I'll just put in my earphones and listen to Super Junior again to block out her shouting-


Mei dressed in the usual dark skinny jeans, white blouse, and white flats. She then went back to her laptop and ended her tumblr post.


  -hehe... Super Junior always manages to put a smile on my face and help me get through my day. I have to go now. Post again later ^^~


Mei opened her front door, stopped, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then when she stepped outside, she upturned her sad face into a brilliant glowing smile. It was hard lying to people, acting like she was happy but it had been ages so she was used to it now. They never seemed to notice anyway...


  "MEI! Take Table 3's order!"Kellie screamed.


  Mei frowned at the sound of her boss's voice. How she detested that woman. Her boss, Kellie, hated her so much that she never hired anyone else to work at the cafe, and made Mei do ALL the work.


  "On it..."Mei said.


  When she got up to the table, she faked a smile and asked for their orders.


  "MEI! Take that lady's order!"Kellie shouted.


  "but I'm making Table 3's order"Mei said.


  "Are you answering back to me?!"she glared walking towards Mei.


  That was it! Mei was sick of being pushed around by this woman! She wasn't fully thinking though, she didn't know what she was doing.


  "YOU KNOW WHAT!?"Mei screamed,"I am sick and tired of your voice, your face, everything about you! I quit! I'm done here!"


  Mei took off her apron and threw it at Kellie. Grabbing her bag and coat, she walked out of the cafe not really knowing where she was going. She finally sat down in a park. She took out her phone and went back to her tumblr.


  I've decided now... I'm going back to Korea...


  A/N: Really sorry if the start is crap but I promise the next will be good. This one chap is set in England with Mei right? Well the next will be half way round the world with the Amazing Super Junior! XD

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
I think I'm starting to understand the story but I'll just keep it to myself. I might e wrong or right. Hahaha!! <br />
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I really effin wish I was her!! Hahaha.
is Sungmin and Mei borther and sister???<br />
still confused... hahahaha... but still i love ur story =)
baby_yanyan #4
hehe.. Thank you guys!:3 @iHanchul @Majo401 read, and try piecing things together!^^~ It's quite easy to understand after a while!:3 @SujuIrish thanks!:3 I LOVE Sungmin too! XD (but I love Fishy more^^~)<br />
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This is Awesome! I Love Sungmin!!! <3<br />
Oh Yeah and good job, Please keep writing ^^
*confused* how they met?? siwon and mei??<br />
update soon =)