The Private Blog and The Dream

My Complicated Life

 I can't believe this... Yesterday I was dreaming about meeting Super Junior and now it turns out that Choi Siwon is my oppa, from when I stayed with him and his family years ago when I was here in Korea. I don't even know how to describe how I felt when Siwon oppa showed himself properly to me. I was shocked, that's for sure, I mean, who wouldn't be?! It was a big shock but I think I've almost got over it; I see him more as the oppa from when we were young now, rather than the famous Choi Siwon of Super Junior...


 The thing is, he's dragged me along to live with him in his apartment... WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF SUPER JUNIOR!!! He stays with Yesung, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae! Honestly I think I might die... of happiness... either that or I've been hunted down and murdered by ELFs. It's too hard to believe this is happening... Is it possible to dream about something this good? Aigoo... I don't think I'll get used to this soon.


 They're exactly how I though they would be. Sweet, kind and caring... *sigh* Honestly, it's so hard to believe this is reality. You have no idea how much I have sighed and pinched myself in the past hours. Siwon oppa has already warned the other guys, I quote "Hurt my dongsaeng in anyway shape or form and I will hurt you. Right now I don't care if some of you are older than me, my Mei comes first". Aishh~ That guy can be so embarassing at times. But yes, it was very sweet of him to say those things.^^~


 We all talked for a while... They asked a lot of questions about me, I actually lost count. They were surprised I had mixed blood, ofcourse they would be XD They were fascinated by the fact I could speak 3 different languages fluently,(English, French and Korean^^) It's not that amazing, is it? I mean come on, Alexander from U-KISS can speak 7 languages! Seven freaking languages!!XDThey asked what it was like living in England, where I stayed and went to school, my friends and non-existent family... Donghae-sshi was so enthusiastic, he asked me about a million questions; he was sooo CUTE!^^~


 Sungmin-sshi was like Donghae, asking a million questions. He's so sweet and I know now why they call him the 'Aegyo King', he's the cutest  person I have ever met in my entire life! There's something about Sungmin-sshi that's so familiar... I don't know what it is... He's just so familiar, I really don't know how to put it... Maybe I knew him in my past life HAHAHAHA!!XD ^^~


 Well, I have to go for now. I'm quite sleepy, so I think I'll hit the hay. Let's see if I am dreaming (I hope I'm not!XD) I'll update tomorrow! Nighty night, sweet world!^^~



 "No, Mei~ Mei please wake up. Wake up Mei... You have to wake up,"a young boy sobbed.


 His father stood behind him, with his hands on his sons shoulder. Tears built up in his eyes as he looked down at her and his sobbing son.


 "If only I wasn't so mean to you... Mei if you wake up I'll be the best brother you'll ever have; so please Mei, wake up!"the young boy sobbed harder.


 "We can't do anything now,"his father said,"We have to let her go..."


 "Appa, we can't leave her... She's my sister, I need to protect her!"


 Another young boy stood in the doorway looking at the other boy pleading his father to let him stay. When finally they were leaving, the other boy turned to the other.


 With tears falling down his rosy cheeks, he said to the other, "Please Siwon, promise me you'll protect her."


 "I promise..."the other young boy started tearing up.










 I woke up up panting, I sat up quickly causing my eyes sight to blur and my head to go dizzy. Beads of sweat had started forming on my forehead, the bed covers were tangled all around my body. I took a deep breath and flung my legs over the side of the bed. There it is again, the same dream. Bright light, and something that was red. But this time there were more voices.


  A young boy, begging me to wake up, and someone, an older woman shouting, telling me to duck down... And a little girls voice? She was screaming for her mother... But... The mother was calling out my name? I don't understand... The only mother I know is Mrs. Choi, and that woman most certainly did not sound like her...


 Suddenly the door burst open and Siwon oppa, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Yesung and Kyuhyun came into the room looking around, probably looking for an intruder. Siwon and Sungmin oppa's quickly rushed to my side while the others checked the window and the rest of the apartment. When they found no one then came back into my room.


 "Mei. Are you alright?"Siwon oppa asked.


 "Ofcourse I am... What are you guys doing?"I asked.


 "You were screaming,"Yesung-sshi said.


 "I was?"I asked surprised.


 "yeah. You were screaming 'Mom, mommy' and then you went quiet,"Eunhyuk-sshi said.


 "Eh?! Mom?"I said.


 There it was again... Why would I be screaming mom...? I sighed...


 "I don't even have a mother, from what I know anyway,"I said,"The only mother I have is Siwon oppa's mother."


 I noticed Sungmin-sshi scrunch up his eyebrows and look down. Then he sighed... Odd... He must be feeling tired...


 "mianhe, for waking you all up... You should get back to bed,"I said.


 "No, it's alright... We have an early meeting today at SM anyways,"Siwon oppa said.


 "You're all going?"I asked.


 "nehh~ Mianhe 'saeng. You'll have to stay here for today,"Siwon apologised.


 "Oh, it's alright oppa. I need to unpack my things anyway"I smiled.


 I told them all to get ready and while they did, I prepared breakfast for them all. They came out of their rooms with their noses in the air, walking towards the kitchen where I stood. This caused me to burst out laughing. Awhh~ they were just too cute!XD


 Later on, I was left alone. It was too quiet for my liking, so I put in my Super Junior CD and blasted their music in the apartment. It was like that for the rest of the day. I cleaned the house, making sure I stayed out of the boys' rooms (although I was very curious XD ). Then I unpacked all my things and put them in the correct areas in my new bedroom.


 I sat down in the living area with my laptop out in front of me.



 You guys should start getting ideas about the Sungmin thing! XD

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 Love you all!! XD<3

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
I think I'm starting to understand the story but I'll just keep it to myself. I might e wrong or right. Hahaha!! <br />
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I really effin wish I was her!! Hahaha.
is Sungmin and Mei borther and sister???<br />
still confused... hahahaha... but still i love ur story =)
baby_yanyan #4
hehe.. Thank you guys!:3 @iHanchul @Majo401 read, and try piecing things together!^^~ It's quite easy to understand after a while!:3 @SujuIrish thanks!:3 I LOVE Sungmin too! XD (but I love Fishy more^^~)<br />
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This is Awesome! I Love Sungmin!!! <3<br />
Oh Yeah and good job, Please keep writing ^^
*confused* how they met?? siwon and mei??<br />
update soon =)