Let's Dream High

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbgjfUVweM4 (The song you gonna dance in)

It was the first time you came in as Park Jaein But not the "masked girl". You were nervous as . You just waved your body left to right.Then suddenly Mint pushed you causing you to be in the centre of attention. There Krystal came up smirking and battled you off by showing you what she got. Then she pointed at you. Then It was your turn to show what you got. Honestly,you knew every type of dance genres. Your moves was flawless making everyone on the dance floor's jaws drop. There was Taemin looking at you for the whole time. Kai was there as well along with EXO and they looked quite shocked. Then the music changed. Now it was time to do a duet battle. You were nervous cuz no one was by your side when you suddenly felt a pair of hands grabbng you onto your waists. you turned to look who it was,it was Taemin."Just do what we did in the dance practice rom. It shall be a piece of cake," said Taemin in your ears. The hot breath made you feel butterflies in your tummies go wild. You two started dancing. krystal was staring at you probably imagining murdering you in her mind. But you did not give a damn cause it was a dance battle. It was a firece onw when Kai suddenly came along with Krystal. You were shocked at how Kai and Krystal danced. but you were not a girl who gave up easily and so was Taemin. You guys weredetermined to win. The music was about to end when you tripped over. You had your eyes shut ready to feel your body slam on the hard ground but you felt nothing except a pair of hands holding on your waists. You opened your eyes slowly finding yourself on Taemin's grasp. You had youreyes wide as an owl's. "Uhmm,you can let go now,"you said feeling embarrassed. Taemin lifted you up. You guys won the duet dance battle.


Since that day on,you have been famous at schol,wherever you go,whatever you did,everyone started to admire you for your dance ability. Some guys even started to confess their feelings to you on how they fall in love a first sight seeing you dance like that and some even did ask you to join in the dance crew. You were feeling a bit uneasy cuz you never got this much attention before. I did a huge mistake,you sighed and made your way to the cafeteria. It was lunch time. You just took your food and made your way to the table when someone bashed you hard and made you fall hard on the ground. You looked up o see who it was and it was no other than Krystal. She was fuming in anger. "What the hell is your problem !!" you yelled standing up but she pushed you again making you fall even harder this time making your head bump at the table. "Who the do you think you are to flirt with my boyfriend?" yelled Krystal grabbing your collar. You felt a ward liquid flowing from your forehead down your cheeks. It was blood. Yes,you bumped your head and now it was bleeding. "does it look like I was flirting with him? Because I was not,it's just a ing dance battle. And why are you so sensetive bout this? I thought you guys were over?" you said your eyes barely open. She was about to slap your face when someone held her wrist. Kai. He glared at Kai. "jung SooJung,what the hell has gotten into you?: yelled Kai. "It's her fault,she was flirting with Taemin yesterday!" yelled Krystal pointing at you. You just started to feel dizzy that you passed out on the floor. Mint pushed Krystal away and ran to you yelling your name countless time. Just then you felt someone carrying you. Everyone in the cafeteria started to gasp. You were taken to the nurses room but the nurse said you had to be taken to the hospital.


You opened your eyes to find yourself in an unsual room. Mint came running to you.. "Jae-in-ah !! Are you okay? Do you remember me? Oh my god answer me! tell me you did not lost your memory !! " yelled Mint. "I'm fine stop overreacting girl," you said rolling your eyes. "How did I end up here?" you asked. "Kai brought you here," said Mint. What?Kai? Impossible.. I thought he was a mean bastard. "No way," you said looking at her suspiciously. "Yes way! he piggy backed you all the way here," said Mint. You were shocked and amused.


You bid goodbye to Mint went she got a phone call.You looked at your ward as there was no TV or anything. You then grabbed your phone and started practicing to Boa's only one. The competition was nearing and you had not practiced with Kai for ages. You kept dancing when you felt like someone was watching you . Indeed,it was Kai. "What are you doing here?" you asked him stopping the music. " Are you mad? You're in a hospital and for god's sake you're hurt. Why are you dancing in this condition. Take rest! " said Kai sounding annoyed plus worried. " We haven't practice for ages and the competition is nearing. So I thought maybe I can practice on my own," you said showing your tongue to him. Then to your surprise he had a bag full of foods on his right hand. "Are those for m-me?" you asked pointing to yourself. He just put the food beside your bed and left you there. "Jerk,you could've stayed longer," you said but he heard it. He did wanted to stay with you but his mind was just drifting him away from you. The whole night,Kai kept thinking about you. He was worried. And on the other hand there were you laying on your bed texting with Taemin saying how bored you feel here and thankfully you were getting discharged tomorrow.


End of Chapter 7..

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Ara_Jung #1
Chapter 11: Sooo ? What about Taemin ?? .-.
Ara_Jung #2
Chapter 10: Please update sooooonn !! I'm very curious about it kekeke. Authornim jjang !
Foremost #3
Chapter 9: Waa I like this chapter!!! And im lay bias too he is adorable in the new mv ^^
Foremost #4
Chapter 8: Ahh even if i really like Kai, I want to punch him now!!! Im waiting for the updatess :))
Foremost #5
Chapter 7: Woow i like this chapter so much!!
Foremost #6
Chapter 4: Woww!! Double update, thank you so muchh!!
Foremost #7
Chapter 2: I'm still waiting for the update :((
Ara_Jung #8
Chapter 2: omg. Pls update soon !! I'm looking forward to this story. I'm curious about the masked gurllll :3
Foremost #9
Chapter 1: Im a huge fan of Dream High and i finally found a fanfic about a Dream High incluing Kai "the king of fanfics" and original character. I hope you update soon, i will be waiting :)))